Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
7, No. 12,
December 2022
Magister Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia
[email protected]
Noble character is an important aspect in educating children. Even a
nation's character is also determined by the moral level of the nation. In this
view it is also stated about the formation of character, the formation of this
character can be said as an effort to form character. Without character someone
easily does anything that can hurt or misery other people. Character is the
possession of good things. Parents and educators have a duty to educate
children with character content through the subject matter being taught.
Therefore, character building efforts are very important to manage students'
personalities from negative things. It is hoped that the awakened character
will encourage every human being to do something with his conscience. In
cultural studies, values are the core of every culture. In this context,
especially moral values which are a means of regulating social life, are very
decisive in every culture. Especially in the era of globalization which has
made relations between worlds widely open, the bonds of moral values are
starting to weaken, society is experiencing a multidimensional crisis, and the
crisis that is felt the most severe is a crisis of moral values. Currently,
Indonesia is facing a very complicated problem in the form of symptoms of a
decline in morality in the practices of the nation and state. This situation is
really very ironic when this nation actually has.
Keywords: Educational
Management, Character, Religion.
Noble character is an
important aspect in educating children. Even a nation's character is also determined
by the moral level of the nation. In this view it is also stated about the
formation of character, the formation of this character can be said as an
effort to form character (Rochmawati, 2018).
Without character someone easily does anything that can hurt or misery other
people (Hidayatullah & Rohmadi, 2010).
Character is the possession of good things. Parents and educators have a duty
to educate children with character content through the subject matter being
taught (Lickona, 2022).
Therefore, character
building efforts are very important to manage students' personalities from
negative things. It is hoped that the awakened character will encourage every
human being to do something with his conscience (Khotimah, 2016).
In cultural studies, values are the core of every culture. In this context,
especially moral values which are a means of regulating social life, are very
decisive in every culture (Subianto, 2013).
Especially in the era of globalization which has made relations between worlds
widely open, the bonds of moral values are starting to weaken, society is
experiencing a multidimensional crisis, and the crisis that is felt the most
severe is a crisis of moral values (Zuriah & Yustianti, 2007).
Currently, Indonesia is
facing a very complicated problem in the form of symptoms of a decline in
morality in the practices of the nation and state (Machendrawaty & Safei, 2001).
This situation is truly ironic when this nation actually has various sources of
moral values which at the formal level have been agreed to be the basis of
national and state life (Pasaribu, 2013).
The universal noble values contained in Pancasila, along with the various legal
institutions that were born, turned out to be ineffective in conditioning the
practice of statehood and society in a dignified manner (Idrus, 2009).
Not only that, even this
nation actually claims to be a religious nation. However, the religiosity of
the 'claim' is not able to make its adherents have behavior that reflects the existence
of social piety, namely the occurrence of relationships between humans that are
mutually empowering, mutually beneficial, promoting tolerance, empathy, honesty
and fortifying themselves from actions that are against principles and values
of human life as civilized beings.
Globalization is
currently rolling in all corners of the world, as a fact that cannot be
avoided. There are several steps that can be taken by the Indonesian nation in
dealing with this globalization. First, sending the nation's best cadres to
developed countries to absorb their knowledge and technology and take the
positive aspects, then return home to develop them. Second, promote research
and development (research and development) in all institutions and fields to
produce new findings that are original and spectacular. Third, strengthening
the nation's character, especially young cadres who are only active in school
and college as future leaders and reformers for the nation's future (Ma�mur, 2016).
Given the importance of
character in building strong Human Resources (HR), it is necessary to carry out
character education in a directed and appropriate manner. Therefore, it
requires concern from various parties, both government, community, family and
school. This condition will be built if all parties have a shared awareness in
building character education. Ideally character formation or education is
integrated into all aspects of life, including family and school life.
In this case, the
government is actually concerned with the emergence of policies contained in
the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 65 of 2013 concerning Process Standards for Elementary and
Secondary Education, which emphasizes that in character building in accordance
with the characteristics of attitudes, then one alternative is chosen. is the
process of affection starting from receiving, executing, appreciating, living,
to practicing. All learning activities are oriented towards competency stages
that encourage students to carry out these activities.
Educational institutions,
especially schools are seen as a strategic place to shape character. This is
intended so that students in all their words, attitudes and behavior reflect
good and strong character. Character education requires systematic and gradual
processes or stages, in accordance with the phases of growth and development of
students. Stages of Character Education must start early, both in the family,
school and community environment. School management is one of the effective
media in character education in schools. The management applied in Character
Education must be participatory, democratic, elaborative and exploratory so
that all parties feel significant progress (Tim Pendidikan Karakter Kemendiknas, 2010).
Religious beliefs
function to build children's awareness of the existence of God and his
relationship with the Creator. How can children be grateful for everything that
God created. Ethical education is also important for interacting with the
environment. Teach children how to behave towards parents, teachers and others.
The inculcation of these
Islamic values must still be adjusted to the level of child development. Therefore,
parents must have sufficient knowledge to educate and guide their children. But
most parents are too busy with their own activities and affairs, so attention
to children is decreasing. To overcome this, educational institutions such as
schools have an important role in helping parents who are busy with their work
and do not have time to teach children about existing values, especially
religious values or religious values.
In the context of the
school curriculum, religious character education will deliver students with
their potential to become a generation of rabbani who are qur'ani, have faith
and piety, have noble character, are orderly and disciplined in accordance with
existing regulations (Edison, 2020).
Polite towards teachers and parents, honest, diligent in learning, respecting
others and caring for the environment (Rakhmawati, 2015).
With the potential of the students they have, students can think critically,
creatively, innovatively, confidently, independently, develop a sense of
national unity and integrity, respect and be proud of the nation's culture and
participate in preserving the nation's own cultural works (Harun & Sudaryanti, 2020).
This is used as a basis for realizing the vision of national development,
namely realizing a society with noble character, morality, ethics, culture and
civility based on the philosophy of Pancasila (Wahyudi, 2016).
Departing from the
reality above, it is interesting to examine the implementation of religious
character education at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Sab'ul Hayat which is
located in Jango Village, Janapria District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa
Tenggara Province. This Madrasah is very thick with a religious atmosphere, in
fact it can be seen from the daily life of some students (called santri because
this school is based on a pesantren whose lesson content consists of many
Islamic boarding schools, such as nahwu, sharaf, morals lil banin and so on)
who are experiencing significant developments in carrying out various
activities. worship. The students become accustomed to reciting and also
memorizing the Qur'an every day, listening to religious messages as a form of
guidance from the teacher and head of the madrasa, carrying out the obligatory
prayers and even offering sunnah prayers without having to be ordered and told
This Madrasah has a
Fullday School curriculum, with the aim of instilling the main values, namely
the value of religious character, besides that it also has a superior program
of tahfizh Al-Qur'an, so that students have the value of the Qur'anic religious
character. The teachers or educators at these madrasas not only teach religion
as a science but are accompanied by practical guidance from what students have
learned. This process is deliberately escorted with management that is quite
effective starting from the movements, the attitude of the child in receiving
lessons, which is then carried out by an evaluation involving the homeroom
teacher and the student division as well as the guidance and counseling
teacher. This madrasah has a graduation standard, namely that children are
expected to be able to properly practice religion in accordance with the vision
and mission of the school and have memorized at least 5 Juz.
The madrasa monitors all
the activities of the students from the time they wake up to the school
location and return to their homes with a book of mutaba'ah practice yaumiyyah.
With the mutaba'ah amal yaumiyyah book, it is hoped that students can organize
any activities that must be carried out both at school and at home, starting
from reciting the Koran, reading ma'tsurat, obligatory congregational prayers,
qiyamullail, shaum sunnah Monday Thursday , memorization of the Qur'an,
riyadhah, helping parents, all can be recorded through the mutaba'ah yaumiyyah
book. In addition, the madrasa also provides mutaba'ah tahsin and tahfizh
Al-Qur'an books to monitor the memorization and recitation achievements of each
student as well as the improvement of their recitations.
Based on some of the
descriptions that have been explained above, the researcher wishes to examine
further about how the values of religious character education are implemented
in Madrasas which involve all elements of the school.
In this section, the
researcher conveys the differences and similarities in the field of study
studied between the researcher and previous researchers. This needs to be
conveyed by researchers to avoid repeating studies of the same things. Thus it
will be known what distinguishes the research that will be carried out with
previous research. The following is an explanation of these studies:
Sita Acetylena, conducted
research that focused on the implementation of character education policies
with the results of the study that the implementation of character education
policies at Taman Siswa Turen Elementary School went well even though there
were several obstacles. Barriers include the lack of professionalism and
"between" spirit of teachers, the negative impact of globalization on
students and the lack of role of parents and society in the implementation of
character education policies. And to overcome these obstacles, a strategy was
implemented that 1) increased the professionalism and spirit of
"between" teachers, 2) applied the character education method by
"know, ngarsa, nglakoni", 3) strengthen the role of parents and
society by increasing the role of the school committee.
Rezki Nurma in his
research explained the principal's strategy in building a culture of discipline
by holding meetings once a month, posters about discipline, cult activities in
the morning, moral development, extracurriculars, rules of conduct that apply
to all school members, morning apple activities and a culture of smiles, greet,
salim, polite, polite. The principal plays an active role in every decision
making by involving not only the teacher, but also the parents of the students
because the habituation of discipline must also be supported by the parents.
Research conducted by
Yunita Noor Azizah focused on planning, implementing and evaluating character
education in religious culture at SMP Negeri 10 and SMP IT Cordova Samarinda.
Iman Nurman Ramadhaniawan
stated that in the implementation of character education in schools, the school
curriculum is the main key because it can integrate the basic character of the
school into the character education process. In addition, exemplary integrated
as a whole in school, classroom and home activities is also an important factor
in the successful implementation of character education in schools.
Makhsusoh Turrif'ah
stated that efforts to internalize religious character for students through the
student management system at MTs NU Pakis and MTs Al Hidayah Wajak are through
four processes namely planning which is carried out by providing theoretical
knowledge, implementation through ubudiyah and extracurricular activities,
habituation through the formation of a culture religious activities, as well as
ongoing supervision in the form of providing monitoring cards for ubudiyah and
extracurricular activities as well as through tawasukh (reminding each other)
with community examples and assessments.
Saiful Ngufron Efendi
states that management functions in character education are planning,
organizing, implementing, and controlling or evaluating. Furthermore, do not
forget the four strategies, namely exemplary, habituation, instilling
discipline and creating a conducive atmosphere.
The approach used in this
study is a qualitative approach because this research aims to obtain
information about character education management at Sab'ul Hayat Jango Central
Lombok which includes planning, implementation and evaluation at MTs Sab'ul
Hayat Jango Central Lombok. This is in accordance with the purpose of
qualitative research, namely to obtain knowledge that can be used in describing
a symptom or phenomenon that occurs in the field.
The data in the study
were obtained from subjects called data sources. The data in this study are
information, actions, activities that can be used as a study related to the
focus of research on the implementation of character education in Sab'ul Hayat
Jango, Central Lombok.
In qualitative research,
a lot of data collection uses interview techniques, so the data source is
called an informant. Informants are people who provide information related to
the focus of research.
Results and Discussion
The research data collected were then analyzed using
a qualitative data analysis technique using the flow model developed by Milles
and Huberman which consists of three stages as follows:
A. Data
reduction is a series of processes that include selecting or selecting and
simplifying all data obtained from the initial data collection to the
preparation of a research report. Data simplification can be done by making a
summary and developing a coding system to make it easier to reduce data
relating to character education management at MTs Sab'ul Hayat Jango Central
data, both from observations or interview results, data summaries or other data
results are reduced to suit the objectives and research questions so as to
obtain clear information as a basis for making conclusions.
B. Data
presentation of the data in this study aims to find the meaning of data related
to character education management at MTs Sab'ul Hayat Jango Central Lombok
which has been processed and then arranged systematically so that it is easy to
C. Withdrawal
and submission of conclusions
and submitting conclusions is the activity of giving conclusions on the data
obtained, namely data on character education management applied at MTs Sab'ul
Hayat Jango Central Lombok and the extent to which this process has
implications for student character.
In this study, checking the validity of the data
used two of the four criteria mentioned by Moleong:
A. Trust
is used to prove the compatibility between the results of observations and the
reality in the field. To obtain reliable data, the researcher uses a
triangulation technique, namely a data validity checking technique that
utilizes something other than the data as a checking instrument and as a
comparison against the data. One type of triangulation that can be used is
triangulation with sources, which means comparing and checking back information
obtained through different times and tools.
this study, the data to be compared were written data in the form of documents
related to character education management with data from interviews with school
principals, deputy principals, teachers and employees.
B. Dependability
dependability criterion is the criterion used to assess the quality of research
techniques in terms of the process for overcoming errors starting from research
planning, data collection, interpretation of findings and reporting of research
results. That way the research data can be maintained (dependable) and
accounted for scientifically, so that the research techniques used by
researchers are consulted with the supervising lecturer as the auditor.
Based on the discussion,
it can be concluded that the management of religious character education at MTS
Sabul Hayat Jango, Central Lombok is carried out effectively and efficiently.
The school has a clear vision, mission, and goals that are oriented towards the
development of religious character education for the students. The school also
has a well-structured and comprehensive curriculum that integrates both
religious and academic subjects.
In addition, the school
has competent and dedicated teachers who are committed to implementing the
religious character education program. They use various teaching methods and
approaches that are appropriate for the students' learning styles, and they
also provide guidance and counseling to help students develop their religious
The school also has a
supportive learning environment that facilitates the implementation of
religious character education. The school management provides adequate
facilities, resources, and programs that promote religious values and practices
among the students.
Overall, the management
of religious character education at MTS Sabul Hayat Jango, Central Lombok is
exemplary and serves as a model for other schools to follow. The school's
commitment to developing students' religious characters is reflected in the
high moral standards and ethical values of its graduates, who are not only
academically successful but also socially responsible citizens.
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Copyright holder: Raodatul Jannah (2022) |
First publication right: Syntax Literate: Jurnal
Ilmiah Indonesia |
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