Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 12, Desember 2022




Ibrahim, Rahmawati Umar, Rusdiah Hasanuddin, Tamsil Pattalolo, Haeruddin

YPUP College of Economics Makassar, Indonesia Polytechnic of Indonesian Institute of Education and Professional Development Makassar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the work environment on the performance of Human Resources Skills and Training Institutes in Pinrang District, identify and analyze information technology on the performance of LKP human resources in Pinrang District, identify and analyze the effect of the work environment and information technology simultaneously on HR performance in Penang Regency. This research is a quantitative descriptive using a sampling technique with the Slovin method. Primary data from the results of the questionnaire as many as 48 samples were received and processed using SPSS 24 statistical tools using multiple linear regression methods. The research results obtained are the work environment has a positive but not significant effect on the performance of LKP Human Resources in Pinrang Regency, information technology has a positive and significant effect on HR performance in Pinrang Regency, the work environment and information technology simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the performance of LPK HR in Penang Regency.


Keywords: Work Environment, Information Technology, Human Resource Performance.



Human resources in an agency have a very important role compared to other resources, because humans are the driving factor of all organizational or institutional activities that must be able to pay more attention to performance (Yusuf & Al Arif, 2015). The role of leaders is very large in improving HR performance, in order to be able to work in accordance with the programs that have been set by the agency. The success of an organization or institution depends on good and bad performance (Hasibuan, 2018). To be able to see the achievement of good performance, it can be seen from the performance of human resources owned by each organization or institution. Good performance from human resources has a direct impact on progress or the decline of an organization or institution (Anwar, 2021). Every organization has goals that have been set, so that in achieving organizational goals must be supported by supporting factors, among others; capital, equipment, natural resources and human resources. The most important factor in this achievement is the human resource factor, because human resources (HR) play an important role in driving the running of an organization or institution.

Organizations definitely want the presence of high productivity from their employees, because with high performance, organizational goals will be easier to achieve. The management of the organization always expects a state in which HR has a high performance. Dessler (2010:329) cited in (Daryanti et al., 2013). mentioned that there are six indicators of performance, namely: quality of work, productivity, knowledge of work, reliability, availability and freedom. The development of information and communication technology has now accelerated, information technology is a set of tools that help you work with information and carry out tasks related to information processing, while communication technology is a set of tools or devices that combine social aspects that allow each individual to be able to obtain, transmit, and exchange information with other individuals. An indispensable device in improving HR performance is information technology which is one of the types of technology in the form of technical equipment and serves to process and convey information.

Information technology includes a set of equipment that serves as a tool for processing data or information, an auxiliary tool, a manipulation tool, and an information management tool. (Sutopo, 2012) Information technology in this era of globalization is experiencing very rapid development, it is characterized by increasingly sophisticated technological equipment and a wider range. With the advancement of information technology, the activities carried out by humans can be completed more effectively and efficiently and get maximum results. In principle, the application of information technology in a company or organization is adjusted to the needs of the organization, not necessarily necessarily using the latest technology as long as the organization's needs for existing information technology have been met, but if needed the organization or the needs must run and apply the latest information technology. This needs to be considered because the application of information technology, is useful for lowering operational costs and helping organizations or institutions become competitive in competition with other institutions. In a business environment, information technology is needed to help operational activities and accelerate performance and provide maximum results for the organization. Information technology applied in an institution can also be used for business management analysis activities, decision making, and other needs that can be met appropriately.

Basically, human resources from an organization have a desire to be able to work with a conducive work environment atmosphere to feel comfortable, so as to be able to create good and optimal work results. The work environment in an organization is one of the important things to pay attention to. Although the work environment does not carry out work processes in an organization, the work environment has a direct influence on the human resources who carry out these work tasks. A work environment that concentrates on human resources, can improve performance.on the contrary, an inadequate work environment will be able to reduce performance. The work environment refers to things that surround and surround the work of employees in an organization. The work environment is not only limited to the physical form in which we work. The work environment can be influenced by other factors such as facilities and infrastructure provided by agencies, colleagues, level of competition, leadership, communication, so that the work environment is support will keep employees afloat and can reduce work stress on employees, so that it can affect employee performance in the organization.

The work environment is one of the most important factors in efforts to improve performance so that employee job satisfaction is created. The working environment or working conditions themselves are the conditions in which the employee works. So it is natural that the management of the organization prepares the right working conditions of personnel so that the organization's human resources can work properly. Sedarmayanti (2006) in (Yusnaini, 2019) such as facilities in the office, office work support equipment, temperature, air circulation, cleanliness, lighting, noise and others, while the non-physical work environment is all circumstances that occur related to work relationships, both relationships with superiors and relationships with fellow colleagues, or relationships with subordinates. A non-physical work environment is a state of the employee's workplace environment in the form of a harmonious work atmosphere where there is a relationship or communication between the boss (horizontal relationship). With a harmonious work atmosphere and communication, employees will feel at home at work so that the work done can be carried out properly, efficiently and effectively.

A successful organization is one that has a clear, measurable and actualizable vision and mission in organizational performance. In an organization that is formed, of course, it has set certain goals that are directions for the leadership and all employees in an agency. This is because the organization is a forum to achieve certain goals, whether or not the success of the organization's goals is influenced by human resource factors.

Human resources have a very important role in various sectors, because human resources are a key factor to drive other resources in companies or governments. So important is the role of human resources, it results in an organization having to allocate a large amount of funds for the improvement of these human resources. The success of an organization in achieving its goals also depends on the human resource factor, where an intraction and coordination is needed designed to connect its tasks, both individually and in groups in order to achieve organizational goals.

Human resources are a key factor for improving the organization. To realize the desired goal, one of the ways that must be taken is to improve the performance of human resources. The importance of the role of human resources for each organization is expected to improve the performance of employees who have reliable skills or skills in handling every job. According to Mathis and Jackson (2006: 378) in (Juniari et al., 2015) there are generally several elements of employee performance, including: quantity of results, quality of results, timeliness of results, attendance, ability to cooperate. The Course and Training Institute (LPK) is a privately owned business institution that provides course and training services to the community. As a service provider institution, the quality of service is very important to pay attention to in order to provide satisfaction to customers. Various things that are phenomena related to human resouce and operational management at LPK concerns information technology and the work environment.

Related to the importance of HR performance issues, this needs to be improved at LPK in Pinrang Regency in supporting its operational activities, one of the efforts that needs to be made to prepare information technology devices as one of the factors that affect HR performance. Work facilities are part of the work environment that strongly supports the activities or process of completing the work of employees in an organization. Work facilities are a form of organizational support for employees in order to support performance in meeting the needs of their employees, so as to improve HR performance. The existence of work facilities provided is a tool or facility and infrastructure to help employees to make it easier to complete their work and employees will work even better. The condition caused problems in achieving performance at the Pinrang Regency Course and Training Institute (LKP). The achievement of performance that is not optimal is that human resources have not mastered the use of information technology, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, and other matters concerning the attention of the owner (leader) to subordinates, especially regarding adequate rewards or income,

The importance of the work environment and information technology in improving HR performance at Course and Training Institutions (LPK) is an interesting thing and is the subject of research with the title "The Influence of the Work Environment and Information Technology on HR Performance at the Pinrang Regency Course and Training Institute (LKP). The study aims ; to find out and analyze the influence of the work environment on HR performance at the Pinrang Regency Course and Training Institute (LKP), know and analyze the influence of information technology on the HR performance of the Pinrang Regency Course and Training Institute (LKP), To find out and analyze the influence of the work environment and information technology together on HR performance at the Course and Training Institute (LKP) Pinrang Regency.


Research Methods

The research design used in this study is a quantitative research method. Quantitative research is a type of research that basically uses a deductive-inductive approach. This approach departs from a theoretical framework, ideas from experts, and researchers' understanding based on their experience, then developed into problems and solutions that are proposed to obtain justification (verification) or assessment in the form of empherical support in the field.

This research uses quantitative research, which is a method used to answer research problems related to data in the form of numbers and statistical programs. To be able to describe well the approaches and types of research, population and samples, research instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis in a proposal and / or research report, a good understanding of each of these concepts is needed (Wahidmurni, 2017). The data from the field in the form of work environment scores, information technology on HR performance in the form of quantitative figures. The type of research used is survey research. The survey method is used to obtain data from certain natural (not artificial) places, but researchers carry out treatment in data collection, for example by circulating questionnaires, tests, structured interviews and so on (Sugiyono, 2018).

This type of research, gives a clear boundary about data, because the influence in question is a force that exists or arises from something (people, things) that contributes to shaping a person's disposition, belief, or actions (Sukmadinata, 2018). This type of survey research was chosen because it was adjusted to the purpose of this study, namely to determine the influence of variables of the Work Environment and information technology on the human resources performance of the Pinrang Regency Course and Skills Institute (LKP).

The research location was carried out at the Course and Training Institute (LKP) in Pinrang Regency. The planning time of this study was carried out for two months, starting from August to September 2022. According to (Margono, 2007), Population is the entire data that concerns us in a scope and time that we determine. Based on the theory about the population and linked to the research site, the population is 40 LPK with a total of 48 qualified human resources (employees). The total population is 48 people, because the number is below 100, the sampling technique using the saturated sample method or the sample is the entire population of 48 people.

Data is a unit of information recorded media that can be distinguished from other data, can be analyzed and is relevant to a particular program. Data collection is a systematic and standard procedure for obtaining the necessary data. To collect research data, the authors used questionnaire methods.


Results and Discussion

A.    Respondent Characteristics Test

1.     Characteristic of Respondents By Gender

Based on the results of the SPSS test, the characteristics of respondents according to sex with a total of N were 48 and processed and the results were all valid. To see the number of respondents as many as 48 with a breakdown of respondents by gender can be seen in the following table:






Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents By Gender





Valid Percent



















Source: Output SPSS:2022


From the table above, it can be explained that the number of respondents was 48 people with 22 men or 45.8% and women 26 or 54.2%. Of all respondents based on gender characteristics, the most dominant was women with the number of respondents filling out the questionnaire as many as 26 or 54.2%.

2.     Characteristics of Respondents By Age

Based on the results of the SPSS test, the characteristics of respondents according to sex with a total of N were 48 and processed and the results were all valid. To see the number of respondents as many as 48 with a breakdown of respondents by age can be seen in the following table:


Table 2. Characteristics of respondents by age




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


> 51 tahun





21-30 tahun





31-40 tahun





41-50 tahun











From the table above, it can be explained that the number of respondents was 48 people with an age range of > 51 years as many as 9 or 18.8%, 21-30 years as many as 14 or 29.2%, 31-40 years 10 years or 20.8%, 41-50 years as many as 15 or 31.3%.. Based on these results, the most dominant age of respondents was 41-50 years old with a percentage of 31.3%.

3.     Characteristics of Respondents According to Final Education

Based on the results of the SPSS test, the characteristics of respondents according to final education with a total of N were 48 and processed and the results were all valid. To see the number of respondents as many as 48 with a breakdown of respondents by gender can be seen in the following table:




Table 3. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Final Education




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent
































Sumber: Output SPSS, 2022

�������� From the table above, it can be explained that the number of respondents was 48 people with the type of education of respondents, namely D1-D3 as many as 3 people or 6.3%, D4-S1 as many as 27 people or 56.4%, S2 as many as 8 people or 16.7% and S3 as many as 1 person or 2.1% and SMA and equivalent as many as 9 people or 18%. Of the types of education, the respondents who were the most dominant in filling out the questionnaire were D4 / S1 level education with a contribution of 56.4%.

4.     Characteristics of Respondents According to Service Period

Based on the results of the SPSS test, the characteristics of respondents according to service life with a total of N were 48 and processed and the results were all valid. To see the number of respondents as many as 48 with a breakdown of respondents by gender can be seen in the following table:


Table 4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Service Life




Valid Percent

Cum. Percent


< 2 tahun





10-15 tahun





16-20 tahun





2-5 tahun





6-10 tahun










Source: Output SPSS: 2022


Based on the table above, it shows that based on the working age of respondents, it can be described that the working age of < 2 years is 4 or 8.3%, 10-16 years is 12 or 25%, 16-20 years is 16 or 33.3%, 2-5 years is 11 people or 22.9%, 6-10 years old is 5 or 10.4%. The dominating working age is the working age of 16-20 years of respondents or as many as 16 or 33.3%.

B.    Test Research Data Instruments


1.   Validity Test


Table 5. Work Environment Variable Validity Test (X1)



Syarat P=0,05





Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)

Source : Data Primer diolah: 2022


Based on the validity test results that can be seen in the table above, it provides information that all items are declared valid because the results of Pearson Correlation obtained a Sig. value of 000 < from 0.05 and with this result it means that the data from the instrument is valid (correct) and has qualified to be used as data to be processed in multiple linear regression.

Furthermore, it tested the information technology independent variable (X2) with a total of 6 items entered in the testing process. Based on the Person Correlation table obtained providing qualified information for all instruments of the research item as can be seen in the following table:


Table 6. Work Environment Variable Validity Test (X1)



Terms P=0,05





Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)

Source: Data Primer diolah:2022


The table above provides information that from all items of the question instrument for information technology (X2) obtained the value of Sig. each Sig. 0.000 < 0.05 and since all items meet these requirements, the information technology instrument is declared valid.


Table 7. Summary of HR Performance Variable Validity Test Results (Y)








Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)




Valid (Sig.000<0,05)

Source: Output SPSS: 2022


From the table above, it can be concluded that the HR performance variables of all instruments processed in SPSS are declared all valid because the value of Sig. obtained is less than 0.05. From the validity test results for the work environment variables (X1), information technology variables (X2) and HR Performance (Y) all instruments from the research variables are declared valid and it can be concluded that all instrument items from all research variables are correct (valid).

2.     Reliability Test

From the case processing summary, with the number of N as many as 48 or 100% all cases are declared all valid as much as N=48 and there is no excluded cases data. For all data obtained jointly by all items obtained cronbach alpha of 0.944 N of item 24. The alpha cronbach alpha number can be seen in the table of all item reliability statistics as follows:


Table 8. All Items Variable Reliability Test

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items



Source: Output SPSS: 2022


The table above proves that statistical reliability is all reliable.

C.    Hypothesis Test

1.     Partial Test of Research Variables

As explained in the previous that in order to find out whether the proposed hypothesis is accepted or rejected, it is necessary to carry out hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing with partial using t (partial) test. The t-test is a statistical test method that compares the average of two samples to test the correctness or not of a hypothesis (assumption pursuance) in a population. To calculate partial influence (t-test) with a 95% confidence level or a 5% error rate (0.05) using the Coefficient table the results of SPSS processing as shown in the following table.


Tabel 9. Coeficient (Uji t)

Source : Output SPSS; 2022


In the coefficient table above, it can be seen in the Unstandardized Coefficients column in column B obtained values (Constant) with a value of 0.842 and Std.Error 0.477, work environment with a value of B = 0.114 and Std.Error 0.149, information technology with a value of B = 0.691 and Std, Error 0.135.

Based on the numbers in column B, then a multiple linear regression equation can be created as follows:


In the t and Sig columns, numbers are obtained, namely Work environment with a value of t = 0.764 and a value of Sig. 0.449 and Information Technology with a value of t = 5,103 and Sig. 000. Based on these figures, partial hypothesis testing can be seen in the following table:


Table 10. Hypothesis Testing Results 1 and 2








Influential work environment

(+)and insignificant to performance human resource. (Sig.0,449>0,05)




Influential information technology

(+)and significant to performance human resource ( Sig.0,000<0,01)

Source: Primary data processed: 2022


In the table above, it can be explained that the independent variable of the work environment (X1) its effect on the dependent variable of HR performance is positive (+) and insignificant. This condition can be interpreted to mean that changes in the increase or decrease of work environment variables will not have an impact on changes in the increase or decrease in HR performance. Furthermore, the independent variable of communication technology (X2) its effect on the dependent variable of HR performance is positive (+) and significant. These results can be interpreted to mean that if the independent variable of the work environment (X2) increases, it will have an effect or impact on changing the increase in the dependent variable of HR performance (Y).

2.     Test F (Simultaneous)

Table 11. Test Hypothesis F with ANOVA

Source : Output SPSS: 2022


Based on the ANOVA table above, a decision can be obtained that the hypothesis is accepted. This can be seen in the calculated F value of 35,583 and the Sig.count of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that this multiple regression model is feasible to use, and independent variables covering the work environment and information technology have a simultaneous effect on the dependent variables of HR performance. Furthermore, the influence on the two variables can be seen in the coefficient of determination (KD).

3.     Coefficient of Determination Test (KD)


Table 12. Model Summary for Coefficient of Determination

Source : Output SPSS: 2022


Based on the SPSS "Model Summary" output table above, it is known that the value of the coefficient of determination or R Square is 0.763. The Square R value of 0.842 is derived from the squaring of the value of the correlation coefficient or "R", which is 0.783 X 0.783 = 0.613. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.613 or equal to 63.3%. This figure means that the work environment variable (X1) and the information technology variable (X2) simultaneously (together) affect the HR performance variable (Y) by 63.3%, while the rest (100%-63.3%=23.7%) are influenced by other variables outside this regression equation or variables that have not been studied.

Based on the results of the hypothesis test on testing the partial influence of the work environment variable (X1) on the HR performance variable (Y) the results were obtained that the work environment had a positive and insignificant effect on HR performance. This can mean that changes in the increase or decrease in work environment variables do not have a noticeable impact on the increase or decrease in HR performance variables. It gives the statement that hypothesis (H1) is rejected and accepts Ho's hypothesis. The work environment is very important for HR because it concerns the availability of work equipment and possible workplaces, relationships with peers and others related to the working atmosphere at LKP. However, it affects HR performance but in relation to HR performance it does not have a real or significant impact.

In achieving the success of a business institution, there are many factors that must be considered. One of the things that is key is the performance of HR . Human resources are always required to work productively to achieve company or institutional goals. It is very rare for an institution to exploit HR performance so that it does not pay attention to what HR needs, so that HR performance decreases. Please note, that HR is one of the valuable assets of the institution that needs to be considered. One thing is certain, an institution wants HR performance to always be optimal. Several factors affect employee performance; sarpras workplace, work environment, job jobdesk, responsibilities, company vision and mission, organizational culture, communication systems, leadership performance, skill upgrades, bonuses and incentives. According to (Sedarmayanti, 2001) factors that affect performance include; 1) attitude and mentality (work motivation, work discipline and work ethics. 2) education, 3) skills, 4) leadership management, 5) income level, 6) salary and health, 7) social security, 8) work climate, 9) facilities and infrastructure.


Based on the opinions above, the work environment has no real effect if only the work environment variable is partial to HR performance, because it turns out that in the opinion of the theory many factors affect HR performance. In this study, it is very clear that the work environment has no real effect on HR performance, this result is supported by the results of previous research, by (Hartono & Maria Elizabeth Giovanni, 2021) Analysis of the influence of factors utilizing information technology, work environment, and organizational culture on auditors' performance during the covid-19 pandemic with partial testing results obtained that the work environment does not have a significant effect on auditors during the covid pandemic 19. Other supporting research results are (Sinaga et al., 2020); (Ariansyah, 2019). The two researchers also obtained the same result, namely that the work environment did not have a significant effect on employee performance. Effect of Information Technology Variables (X2) on Human Resources Performance (Y) LKP. Pinrang County.

Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, the information technology variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on the performance of HR (Y) LKP. Pinrang County. Results processed below the degree of error of 0.05 with a degree of confidence of 0.95 or 95% obtained the result of the value of Sig. 0.000 < 0.01. These results indicate that even if the margin of error installed is the lowest 0.01 or 1% with a 99% confidence level, information technology has a significant influence on HR performance. This means that if the improvement of information technology in LKP in Pinrang Regency occurs, it will have an impact on changing the performance of LKP human resources. Pinrang County. These results are supported by several previous researchers, such as Hartono, Maria Elizabeth Giovanni (2021), Eduard Ricardo Hasudungan Sinaga, Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Zulkifli. (2020), Riki Ariansyah and Muliza (2019). The three researchers obtained the same research results, namely information technology has a positive and significant effect on the performance of HR (employees). (Wilseliner, 2013) in (Hadia, 2021), Information technology has a role in the activities of an organization or company, the development of computer-based information technology can make it easier for every organization to access information anywhere and make it easier to carry out activities that occur in the organization, especially those that aim to produce products and services that are very competitive in order to create strong competitiveness.

Based on the results of testing the influence of work environment variables (X1) and information technology (X2) on LKP HR Performance. Pinrang Regency obtained research results with a positive and significant influence as evidenced by the value of Sig.0.00 < from 0.05. This can be given the meaning that if these two variables are combined into one and simultaneously it still has a very significant impact on HR performance.

This can be proven by looking at the number of contributions to the influence of work environment variables (X1) and information technology (X2) with a total score obtained of 63.3% while the remaining 26.7% is another factor that affects HR performance. Other factors referred to that have an impact on HR performance include factors that affect performance, including; 1) attitude and mentality (work motivation, work discipline and work ethics. 2) education, 3) skills, 4) leadership management, 5) income level, 6) salary and health, 7) social security, 8) work climate, 9) facilities and infrastructure (Sedarmayanti, 2011).

Some of the research results that support this research are the results of the research of Hartono, Maria Elizabeth Giovanni (2021), Eduard Ricardo Hasudungan Sinaga, Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Zulkifli. (2020), Riki Ariansyah and Muliza (2019). These three researchers discussed the same variables as the results of the study, stating that simultaneously the variables of work environment (X1) and Information Technology (X2) have a simultaneous effect on HR performance, which means that the two variables if increased simultaneously will provide a real contribution or impact on improving human resources



Based on the results and discussion of the research results, it can be concluded that: The work environment (X1) has a positive and insignificant effect on the performance of LKP human resources. Pinrang Regency, Information Technology (X2) has a positive and significant effect on the performance of LKP human resources. Pinrang Regency and Work Environment (X1) and Information Technology (X2) have a joint (simultaneous) effect on LKP's HR performance. Pinrang County.

Based on the conclusions above, the suggestions that can be recommended in this study to LKP Managers in Pinrang Regency are (1) The work environment is a place where human resources work to achieve the vision and mission of the organization or institution. Therefore, it is partially said that the work environment has a positive effect on performance even though the results are not significant, but improvements must still be carried out so that there is a conducive atmosphere in carrying out work activities in HR, (2) Two important things that are recommendations in this study, considering the strong influence factor of the role of the work environment and information technology that has a major impact on improving human resources must always be considered and improved, so that the working atmosphere and the achievement of the targets of each HR can be met. A conducive, safe atmosphere and good team coordination without any tendency, as well as the use of information technology, especially computer facilities that can access business opportunities or other programs, must continue to be increased in capacity, especially updating equipment and upgrading LKP HR skills. (3) For subsequent researchers, they can examine this research more deeply by adding several factors that support the role of creating human resource performance and more complex analytical tools so that the research results are more perfect and can show the important things of each of the most influential indicators of each research variable




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Copyright holder:

Ibrahim, Rahmawati Umar, Rusdiah Hasanuddin, Tamsil Pattalolo, Haeruddin (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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