Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 09, September 2022




Hartoyo, Munifa

Communication Studies, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]



Marketing communication is important, in this case paying attention to Customer Relationship Management. The number of companies that are currently competing fiercely has become a trigger for Starbucks Indonesia to maintain the loyalty of existing customers because the competition is quite tight from competitors considering that this company is engaged in the food and beverage sector which means maximum service and quality of products delivered to customers. In this era of pandemic, Starbucks card strategy is very profitable and makes it easier for customers to order drinks or food online. The existence of loyal customers is evidenced by the use of the Starbucks Card, so the purpose of this study is to determine the Customer Relationship Management Strategy in Optimizing the Starbucks Card in the Pandemic Era. This study used a qualitative approach and data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and document studies. For data collection techniques, the authors conduct interviews and view related documents which later the information obtained will be equated with the theory that the author uses in this study, namely Customer Relationship Management Theory and Loyalty Theory.


Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Starbucks Card, customer loyalty



In every company, promotion of its products or services is always carried out with the aim of providing good feedback. For long term relationships with consumers. To realize this dream, the company must create a marketing communication strategy so that its product or service becomes a top brand of mind in the minds of consumers. One of the strategies used is marketing communication.

According to Tjiptono (2010), marketing communication is a marketing activity that seeks to disseminate information, influence/persuade, and increase the target market for the company and its products so that they are willing to accept, buy, and be loyal to the products offered by the company concerned.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system designed by a company to provide special value to its customers so that relationships between companies and customers can be created well in the long term. Customers are the main key to the success of a company. The general target of Customer Relationship Management is not only customer satisfaction but also customer loyalty, customers are not only very satisfied using the goods or services, but also always continue to use the goods or services. Customer relationship management is very effective in building special relationships with customers so that they feel comfortable and have a special bond with the company.

This study will discuss one of the companies that engaged in food and beverage, namely PT. Sari Kopi Indonesia or known as Starbucks. This company uses CRM as a strategy to increase and maintain customer loyalty to this company. One of the CRM programs used by Starbucks in maintaining its loyalty is to use a Member Card. The purpose of the Starbucks Card is to simplify the payment process, pamper customers by getting discounts in the form of coupons and various kinds of rewards that will be obtained when collecting points through purchasing all types of Starbucks products.

Besides being useful for making transactions easier for customers, the Starbucks Card also has a unique design so that it can attract the attention of new users to activate or create a Starbucks Card. Many loyal customers even collect the Starbucks Card in one account. One of the benefits that is highly emphasized is the reward that can be exchanged for any one drink with a grande size or any food.


Research Methods

1.    Types of Research

The type of research used by the author in this research is qualitative writing with descriptive nature, Bogdan and Taylor. This study intends to understand the efforts made by the research subject related to the discussion being studied by the author, as well as how the research subject overcomes all the obstacles faced by means of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific method. This research was conducted at PT. Sari Kopi Indonesia (Starbucks) by collecting data from various sources, namely interviews, observations that have been written in field notes, official documents, and pictures.

The author uses qualitative research in this study because it can easily help researchers to dig deeper information related to a research topic which later the information obtained can be used to answer research objectives.

2.    People Source

People Source are objects of research who have various information related to the things studied by the author. In this study, the sources are: called as object is the Head Office Marketing Communication PT. Sari Kopi Indonesia (Starbucks), Starbucks card membership manager, and Loyal customer are informants of the research conducted. The researcher selected three (3) people sources who were considered relevant to this research.

The following is the profile of the sources in this study:

Name: Yuti Resani

Age: 38 Years

Position: Head of Marketing Communication Division of PT. Indonesian Coffee Juice

Reason for selectingas people source: Because the program to be run must be approved by the Head Office Marketing Communication.


Name: Alexander Wijaya

45 years old

Position: Starbucks Card Membership Manager

Reason for selectingas people source: Because the resource person is the person who makes all decisions and participates in designing all starbucks card programs in all Starbucks outlets.


Name: Ariny Bella Shanty

Age: 35 Years

Position: Starbucks Card Swarovski Holder (Regular Customer)

Reason for selectingas people source: Because this customer is customers who already have a Swarovski Starbucks Card, where this type of Starbucks card is only issued in a number of three pieces throughout Indonesia. This customer got a Starbucks Card when you become a customer with a total spend of three highest in all Starbucks Indonesia outlets in 2019.

3.    Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques are divided into two sources, namely, primary sources and secondary sources. Primary data or often called primary data is a data source that directly provides data to data collectors (Sugiyono, 2016, p.62). Primary data obtained by the author through interviews. In this study, the authors conducted interviews with two (5) main sources and one (1) supporting resource. While secondary data is data obtained from secondary sources that are complementary to primary data. These data can be collected through companies, libraries, even educational institutions. These data are used by researchers in completing the primary data that has been obtained.

4.    Data Analysis Techniques

"Data analysis in qualitative research is carried out before entering the field and while in the field". Activities in data analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification.

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the important things, looking for themes and patterns. Thus, the reduced data will provide a clearer picture and facilitate research to conduct further data collection. Presentation of data can be done in the form of brief descriptions, charts and relationships between categories. According to Miles and Huberman, the most often used to present data in qualitative research is narrative text.

The third step in analyzing Miles and Huberman's qualitative data is drawing conclusions and verification. The initial conclusions put forward are still tentative, strong evidence is found that supports the next stage of data collection.� (Bungin, 2011). Based on the explanation above, it can be stated here that data analysis is the process of searching for and compiling a systematic method obtained from the results of interviews, observations and documentation by organizing data into categories, describing it into units, compiling into patterns, choosing which ones are important and which ones. to be studied, and draw conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and others.

The data analysis process begins by examining all available data from various sources, namely interviews, observations that have been written down in field notes, official documents, pictures. After the data is read, studied and analyzed, then the data is confirmed and adjusted with the written data from the literature study and the data obtained.

To obtain complete and accountable data, the research uses the following: a) Interview: the technique of obtaining data by submitting questions orally to people who are competent with the object of research that is used to support data completion. b) Literature Study: obtain and add supporting data to analyze the problem.

Examination through other sources is the most widely used triangulation technique. Because the researcher uses two data collection techniques, namely observation and comparable interview results, the researcher will also compare what people say about the research situation over time, comparing one person's circumstances and perspectives with the opinions and perspectives of others.

The focus of the research in this study is the Customer Relationship Management strategy at Starbucks in optimizing the Starbucks Card in the Pandemic Era. The research began in January 2021 at Starbucks Kuningan City to interview managers. In February 2021, the author interviewed the manager of Starbucks Kuningan City and several customers until March 2021. In this study, researchers found many limitations, including researchers a little difficult to get detailed information from resource persons, resource persons did not want to be invited to have long discussions and it was difficult to meet informant sources because of the PSBB in Jakarta.


Results and Discussion

After analyzing the interviews with the sources mentioned in Chapter III, the researchers divided the findings into the following points:

A.  CRM Implementation

The implementation of Customer Relationship Management at Starbucks Indonesia has been implemented since the first Starbucks Indonesia was established, as said by Yuti Resani as Head of Marketing Communications Division.

�Customer Relationship Management has been implemented at Starbucks Indonesia for more than 14 years or since the first Starbucks was introduced in Indonesia, namely in 2002 and will continue to be implemented in the future.

Customer relationship management needs to be implemented because the current system can improve the company's business performance by increasing customer satisfaction and in turn growing consumer loyalty to the company. (Buttle, 2011: 48).

The importance of Customer Relationship Management in maintaining customer loyalty is very important and the keyword of Customer Relationship Management itself is to build long-term relationships to maintain and increase customer loyalty.

This is supported by a statement from Ms. Y.Resani, Personal communication, March 10, 2021 which said that:

�Starbucks is a company engaged in goods and services, which are more specific in Food and Beverage. In the world of Food and Beverage, we grow because of our customers. We exist because of the customer. Customer needs that need to be met is what makes us exist. Therefore, meeting customer needs and making them satisfied with the goods we provide is the main goal of Starbucks. At this time, many competitors are present. This way, customers can freely choose what brand to choose to meet their needs. Basically, the customer will choose based on the quality of the goods provided, the price offered and the service provided. Basically, Starbucks grows with customers. Starbucks main goal is not just company profit but customer satisfaction they get when it comes to Starbucks. With the trust that customers give to Starbucks, currently Starbucks already has 259 stores spread across Indonesia and will open about 20 stores that have been planned,"

������ According to Turban in James G. Barnes' book entitled "Secrets of Customer Relationship Management" (2010: 148), customer relationship management is a service approach to consumers that focuses on building long-term and sustainable customer relationships that can provide added value for customers and companies. .

This is supported by a statement from Mr. Indra, Personal Communication, March 14, 2021 which states that:

"Starbucks' long-term focus is on increasing customer satisfaction and enthusiasm and making a positive contribution to the community and the environment."

�Starbucks creates a supportive environment and treats one another with respect, setting high standards for excellence in purchasing, serving and serving food or beverages in order to enhance customer convenience. That's how Starbucks focuses on sustainable customer relationships.�

�Rewards program for loyal customers who are actively spending 100 stars for 1 reward. The reward referred to here can be exchanged for 1 Grande (medium) size food or drink. That way, customers will be more interested in buying using a Starbucks Card in order to collect points or stars and for companies to increase loyal customers (adding Avarages Daily Transactions)�.

According to Butlle in his book "Customer relationship management concepts and technologies" (2011: 48), customer relationship management is a core strategy in business that integrates internal processes and functions with all external networks to create and deliver value for target customers globally. profitable.

This is supported by a question from Mr. Indra, Personal Communication, March 16, 2021 which states that:

"We always provide on going Starbucks Reward promos to our loyal customers. For example, every Wednesday we have a double star for loyal customers.�

Indra also added that:

"We can only provide data on a percentage basis. For the Jakarta area, about 20% of payments use a starbucks card.�

"Those who carry out CRM activities are CRM specialists who coordinate with the IT team."

Based on the opinion of Oetomo (2012: 220) in Widianto, et al (2012: 28), customer relationship management strategy is a strategy to make consumers as friends. According to Temporal and Trot in Widhianto, et al (2012: 28), there are three main rules of stages that must be remembered to build and introduce customer relationship management programs, namely:

Set clear goals.

Must have clear goals for customer relationship management programs, financial and otherwise, but especially Financial. Make sure everyone understands what is being accomplished and introduces it before it starts. Therefore, the first marketing is to colleagues.

This is supported by a statement from Ms. Y.resani, Personal Communication, March 17, 2021 who said that:

"Obviously it aims to be a medium between our company and customers that is useful for increasing customer satisfaction so that customers become more loyal to our company and as a means of communication in the form of marketing which ultimately adds to the Daily Transaction."

Also added from the statement of Mr. D.Faisal, Personal Communication, March 19, 2021 who said that:

"For externals, we always inform customers via Instagram (Starbucks Indonesia) and broadcast through the Official Line to always join Starbucks Rewards with existing benefits, and a form of socialization for internals is that we have an IMAP platform to inform all forms of promos and rewards to be informed to the public. customers through partners (Starbucks baristas).�

In providing services, of course, an outlet to run Customer Relationship Management requires competent and consistent human resources or people in carrying out or implementing Customer Relationship Management, of course all elements of the company must support and participate in running it. Starbucks is also aware that the participation and support of all elements or all divisions of the company in carrying out Customer Relationship Management is very important for the smooth running of this strategy, as said by Sdra. D. Faisal, Personal Communication, 20 March 2021, namely:

�All elements and people in the company play an important role in carrying out the company's CRM strategy or can be called the spearhead of the company. The first is the marketing communication section because they are the ones who make the strategy for the CRM concept that will be used in the company. In making the CRM strategy they must coordinate with each element or all divisions of the company. The second is the partners or baristas who are in every outlet, they are the output in carrying out the CRM strategy, they are the real implementation in carrying out the CRM strategy because they are always dealing directly with customers, the baristas who are usually called Partners who practice CRM strategy and understand the situation in the field whether the CRM strategy is successful, effective or not, they are the ones who make customers get the "Starbucks Experience" when they come to Starbucks".

- Make things easy for customers.

In designing a customer relationship management program, do not make a design without thinking about its usefulness in practice. This program must be understandable by the customer and explain what the customer will get from this program.

This is supported by a statement from Sdra.D.Ghozaly, Personal Communication, March 22, 2021 which says that:

�Starbucks Rewards Loyal Customers. For a year, we provide free upsize for all drinks for existing Starbucks card users and new users in 2020 and 2021, valid until tomorrow June 2021"

- Be realistic.

The customer relationship management program needs to be realistic, the customer relationship management program is a strategic step that will make a significant contribution to the company in the long term.

This is supported by a statement from Sdra.D.Ghoxaly, Personal communication, March 20, 2021 which says that:

"Offering promos every day for Starbucks card users, existing or new members. The barista always informs the promos that are available every day for customers who use the Starbucks Card. Don't forget to also inform the benefits that will be obtained when customers use the Starbucks Card."

Based on the opinion of Oetomo (2010: 220) to build an effective customer relationship management strategy, there are three important steps that must be taken, namely:

1.      Identify the characteristics of each customer.

2.      Create a model of the value of each customer segment.

3.      Creating a proactive strategy and implementation plan or business method, which can answer customer needs, starting with the most potential customer segments.

This is supported by the statement of Mr. D.Ghoxaly, Personal Communication, 20 March 2021 which states that:

�We have TARGETED OFFERS FOR SELECTED MEMBERS, for example: Engagement � ​​Spend IDR 70k. Get reward of �20k off for all items, Engagement � ​​Spend IDR 100k get a reward of �20k off for all items, Engagement � ​​Get 30% off Beverage Reward, Engagement � ​​Segment 1,4,7 Spend to certain milestone, get Rewards , Engagement � ​​Segment 2,5.8 Spend to certain milestones, get rewarded.� This strategy is designed to attract the attention of customers. Targeted Offers for selected members are Starbucks card users. This is done to increase the use of starbucks cards�

B.  Implementation of Starbukcs Card

In carrying out the Customer Relationship Management strategy, Starbucks Indonesia relies heavily on the Starbucks Card in perfecting the existing Customer Relationship Management strategy. Starbucks Card was inaugurated on July 17, 2012. Basically Starbucks Card is a member card that is used by customers to make transactions at every Starbucks store in Indonesia.

In the application of Customer Relationship Management, according to Luke (2010:6), including:

1. Get customers

2. Knowing the customer

3. Retain profitable customers

4. Develop profitable customers

5. Turn unprofitable customers into profitable ones

According to a statement from Ms. Y.Resani, Personal Communication, 21 March 2021 which states that:

"Starbucks Indonesia card is a membership card issued by Starbucks Indonesia to make it easier for customers to make transactions at Starbucks and has many benefits for cardholders. The target of holding a Starbucks card is to increase and maintain customer loyalty, basically we want to identify the loyalty of existing customers and how much customer loyalty there is and how big their level of loyalty is and besides that the target is of course to attract customers who can become loyal to Starbucks or increase customer loyalty.�

As Yuni said, the Starbucks Card aims to maintain the loyalty of existing customers and to attract the attention of new customers to become loyal customers.

"With customers having a Starbucks Card, of course, customers are bound to top up so they use it to make transactions. Starbucks card holders will also get benefits that customers who don't have a Starbucks card will not get, and now Starbucks Card users have greatly increased.�

Starbucks Card has a very important role in carrying out the CRM strategy in maintaining customer loyalty because the Starbucks Card is a technology and a technology is an important aspect in implementing CRM. The main idea of ​​CRM is to help companies use technology, business processes and human resources to gain knowledge about the behavior and values ​​of these customers.

This is supported by a statement from Mr. D.Faisal, Personal Communication, 20 March 2021 which states that:

�Technology is very important for smooth Customer Relationship management due to the current era of globalization which emphasizes technology. In addition, the member card is one of the characteristics of customer loyalty, because with them becoming a membership in an organization or brand, they already believe in a brand. Of course, with a member card they will interact on an ongoing basis or make purchases on an ongoing basis. As I explained earlier, there are actually several Customer Relationship Management strategies that we have been doing for a long time and actually with the Starbucks card this is one of the Customer Relationship strategies. Management (addition and complement in making it easier for Starbucks Indonesia to identify existing customer loyalty.

The statement that the buyer is king is true, but the company cannot provide the same benefits to all customers, because in reality not all customers provide maximum profit to the company. For example like this, I often go to Starbucks but what indicates that I often go to Starbucks? I often go to Starbucks and am satisfied with the service. But what made me say that and what do I have? That's from the customer's perspective.

In starbucks perspective, of course, for example like this, what signifies the success of the company's CRM strategy? Do customers feel the connection between Starbucks and customers? How can you call it a loyal customer? Is it true that he is a loyal customer? What benefits should be provided to loyal customers? Therefore, with the Starbucks card all these questions are answered. For example, a customer can show that he is a loyal customer and show his Starbucks card and he can even collect a limited edition. In addition, Starbucks Indonesia can see how many percent of loyal customers come to Starbucks every day and most importantly to see that the CRM strategy that ads has an effect on customer loyalty."

According to (Lukas 2011:10) the benefits of implementing Customer Relationship Management can be concluded that it can encourage customer loyalty. Customer Relationship Management applications allow companies to utilize information from all points of contact with customers, either via the web, call centers, or through marketing staff and programs as well as field services. The consistency and accessibility of this information allows for better sales and service with various important information about that customer.

With self-service capabilities in sales and customer service there are costs that can be reduced, for example by utilizing web technology. The �Customer Relation Management application also allows sales or services at a lower cost in a specific and focused marketing program scheme. And directed to the right customer and at the right time.

All these benefits are only obtained by customers who use the Starbucks Card, but Alex said that there are still many main benefits or core benefits that Alex mentioned above. Other benefits include buy 1 get 1 drink at certain times, discounts on merchandise purchases, sweepstakes to get gadgets, free drinks for a month, to travel abroad, and many other benefits.

According to Kartika (2011: 62), the goals and areas of customer relationship management are:

a. Assisting companies in improving the better services that can be provided to customers.

b. Knowing the needs of consumers in the future.

c. Get new customers.

d. Knowing the improvements needed by the company in order to satisfy customers.

e. Able to analyze customer behavior.

Reducing costs incurred in order to get new customers because with customer relationship management the company can hold old customers to remain loyal to the company.

In implementing CRM, Starbucks itself has its own strategy to improve better service for customers, and can satisfy customers. The implementation of this strategy is carried out by partners (Barista) who are in the store, because this strategy is made to deal directly with customers.

Alex continued to make a statement regarding the explanation above, the strategy I mean is:

1. Smile and make eye contact

Here partners must smile and make eye contact so that customers feel valued.

2. Offer a friendly and genuine greeting

Here partners must greet warmly when customers enter the store area, such as �welcome�, �good morning/evening. A good response will create a good response and appear good connections to customers.

3. Learn customers name and orders

In order to ask the customer's name in each customer's drink order, it is intended that customer orders are not confused and the most important thing is to memorize customer names and memorize customer orders, then customers will feel that they are very important to the company, and of course will build customer loyalty.

4. Say thank you

Saying thank you is the most important part because customers have trusted Starbucks to meet their needs, as previously discussed this company exists because of customers and how important it is to appreciate customers who have come by saying thank you.

5. Make every moment right

This point is most important because it is the finishing part of the success of this strategy. From the customer arriving until he receives a drink and leaves Starbucks, he must feel satisfied, get a Starbucks experience, make every moment feel right for the customers who come. "22

�To get new customers, Starbucks Card provides promos for new member cards. After registering get bonus stars and reward coffee Rp.1,-�. continued alex.

And to find out consumer needs or suggestions or whatever, Starbucks does a system, namely customer voice. Which is explained to Mr. Alex :

�The customer voice is basically a questionnaire that can be struck by the customer. The exit of the customer voice in the customer's strike is a random system or no one knows how many transactions this customer voice came out of. Customers or baristas do not know because this system is random or random.

Each Starbucks store will issue a customer voice differently on the transaction on which transaction, for example in store A the customer voice will come out on the 100th transaction, in store B it will come out on the 50th transaction. In addition, the assessment is the same when shop A's customer gets a customer voice, then when he fills in the value he gets only for store A, as well as when store B issues a customer voice and is filled in by the customer, the assessment will only be for store B. Therefore, not all customers can get it or can be considered as customers. lucky ones who can get it.

Because at the end the customer will get a random code and can exchange the receipt for a free drink. The mechanism of this strategy is when a customer makes a transaction and gets a customer invoice, the customer is required to enter the website to fill out a number of questions that have been provided on the web, the questions include the quality of food and beverages, service at starbucks and everything related to product service. At the end of each month Starbucks will collect the results of the assessment from each store and will be made an average of how satisfied customers are with Starbucks services and products.

"Or it could be through a website where customers can submit complaints or satisfaction, namely [email protected] "

The success of the CRM strategy at Starbucks in building and maintaining customer loyalty is evidenced by one of the Starbucks card users, namely Ms. A. Bela, Personal Communication, March 25, 2021 which states that:

"Far from before there was a Starbucks card, I've been loyal to Starbucks, because the service is the most different and really pays attention to customer needs. Their goal is customer satisfaction and will create customer loyalty and the most important thing I don't get from anywhere else is starbucks makes an emotional connection to the customer. That's why there are so many loyal Starbucks customers, including me. For example, every day what I feel is when I come to Starbucks for sure the baristas always greet me warmly, then they always do a very good eye contact with me and other customers and because I always come to Starbucks they also memorize names and orders I. So when I came they immediately made it according to my wishes. I don't know what strategy they are doing but for me they (Starbucks) have succeeded in creating customer loyalty and good relationships for their customers."

C.  Loyalty Customers

According to Griffin (in Widjaja, 2010, p. 59), customer loyalty is an attitude or non-random buying behavior to make continuous buying decisions for the products or services of a selected company.

In relation here, according to the quote above regarding being insensitive to changes in the situation that cause customer shifts, Dhani Ghoxali stated that there is none at this time. Loyal customers must use a Starbucks card because of the many benefits that can be obtained when customers use a Starbucks card, especially during this pandemic era which is even more profitable for Starbucks card users. The author tries to examine some of the customers who use a starbucks card that affects the level of loyal customers.

Ariny explained that:

�I like coffee and Starbucks coffee is the best compared to other coffee shops. Besides that, I'm very busy, so the need for coffee is very high, plus Strabucks coffee is really suitable for me. So because I like to go to strabucks so i just made a starbucks card. I used a starbucks card to show that I am really addicted to starbucks besides that it makes it easier when placing orders online during this pandemic era, where you don't have to bother about ordering and adding points to the starbucks card"

Discussion of Research Results

In this section, the author explains that there is a late equivalence between the theories and concepts used in this study with the results of research that has been carried out regarding "Customer Relationship Management Strategies in Starbucks Card Optimization in The Pandemic Era".

The author tries to analyze the similarity of theory, theory of Customer Relationship Management, then theory of customer loyalty. The author starts from several CRM theories according to James G. Barnes in a book entitled Secrets of Customer Relationship Management (2010) cited by Turban saying that CRM is an approach to customer service that focuses on building long-term and sustainable customer relationships, which can provide added value for customers and companies.

The essence of the theory is how the company can focus on customer relationships for the long term, Starbucks has done well in this regard, the company has made a strategy and has implemented other things:

1. Customer service commitment and Exactations

2. Our barista promise

3. The starbucks experience

4. Customer voices'

5. Starbucks Card

The strategy that has been implemented is aimed at fostering good communication with customers. With the creation of good relationships and communication with customers, the company will know what customers want and expect from the company, after fulfilling what customers want and customer needs, customer loyalty will be created.

The general target of Starbucks Customer Relationship Management is not customer satisfaction but more customer loyalty. Customers are not only very satisfied with using a product or service, but will always continue to use it. Satisfied customers are not necessarily loyal customers, but loyal customers are certainly satisfied. Customer satisfaction may be obtained from the quality of products purchased by customers such as the quality of coffee and food at Starbucks, while fostering customer loyalty is more than good product quality but rather the relationship that the company makes to customers, therefore Starbucks runs the Customer Relationship Management strategies that the author has written. previously explained.

The strategy given in optimizing the Starbucks Card is through several advantages that are obtained by customers who use the Starbucks card.

1.    Rewards Program

Every purchase, customers can enjoy rewards obtained by collecting stars from each transaction. One reward is obtained from one hundred stars, while customers will get the stars through their transactions which are calculated from the nominal amount of payment. One star is worth Rp. 5000 and applies multiples. For example, a customer who buys a cup of coffee for Rp. 50,000 means that the customer gets 10 stars. One reward can be exchanged for any food or grande-sized drink.

2.    Birthday Treats

Every customer who registers their data on a Starbucks card will always get a Birthday treats coupon on their birthday which can be exchanged for any cake.

3.    Cupon Pandemic

Customers who have just registered their card in the pandemic era will automatically get a one rupiah coupon that can be exchanged for any tall size drink and will automatically get ten stars. Starbucks card users in the pandemic era will also get a double star coupon every week which is carried out on different days. This pandemic is given specifically to Starbucks card users who have just registered their cards in the pandemic era.

4.    Free Upsize

Especially for Starbucks Card users who have just registered, they will always get a free upsize coupon every Wednesday forever. Why did Starbucks choose Wednesday for this coupon, because according to the data that Starbucks has, the level of use of the Starbucks card is quite low.

Description: BANGKOK, THAILAND - JULY 15, 2015: The Starbucks Autumn Fall Leaf Shape Key  Ring Gift Card. Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 51413089.
Description: Starbucks card 2020 China Summer Fruit forest Gift Card Pin Intact | eBay |  Forest gift, Starbucks card, Summer fruit

Starbucks also attracts customers� attention by always providing unique designs for each season. Starbucks has 4 seasons, namely summer, autumn, spring and holiday. Here's an example of a Starbucks card from the 4 seasons:


Starbucks also uses social media to promote and inform customers about upcoming promotions. The social media used by Starbucks is Line through the official line Starbucks Indonesia and Instagram, namely Starbucks Indonesia.

Line : StarbucksIndonesia

Description: Logo LINE Format PNG -

Line is used to notify various promos that will take place every day to loyal Starbucks Indonesia customers. In terms of demographics, Starbucks Official Indonesia Line users are used by women with a percentage reaching 55%. Meanwhile, in terms of age, Starbucks Official Line users are dominated by people aged 18-22 years (41%), followed by people aged 23-32 years (21%). This is very helpful for Starbucks because the average Starbucks card user is in that circle. In addition, Starbucks also conducts promotions through Instagram. From Instagram : StarbucksIndonesia

Description: Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated






The pictures above are some examples of promotions to attract Starbucks card users and customers who don't have a Starbucks card. Instagram is very important in increasing awareness of Starbucks itself because it is considered the most effective social media in doing promotions. Starbucks uses Instagram to notify customers and potential customers about upcoming promotions such as new drinks, merchandise and the latest edition of the Starbucks card. Starbucks also informs customers about upcoming or ongoing campaigns such as the #PINKVOICE campaign created to help breast cancer sufferers. The following is the transaction data for Starbucks Card users after the CRM strategy in optimizing Starbucks Card in the pandemic era from February to April 2021:


Tabel 1

Data February-April 2021

Starbucks Outlet

Starbucks Card Transaction Total Input

Percentage of Total Transaction

Number of Starbucks card users

Starbucks Kuningan City




Cyber Tower 2




Starbucks GBK






Based on the research objectives and the analysis in the previous chapters that have been carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Starbucks has successfully implemented a Customer Relationship Management strategy to maintain customer loyalty which can be seen from the increase in the use of Starbucks Cards at Kuningan City outlets which increased by 1.5%, Starbucks Cyber ​​Tower 2%, Starbucks GBK 5%. This proves that the CRM strategy is successful in optimizing the Starbucks card in the pandemic era in maintaining customer loyalty. (2) Starbucks CRM strategy, succeeded in attracting the attention of Starbucks card users in the pandemic era because of the rewards, coupons and several other offers offered through social media such as Line and Instagram. In addition, Starbucks also attracts the attention of customers with its Starbucks card design which is always updated according to the upcoming or ongoing season.






















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