� Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
p�ISSN: 2541-0849
� e-ISSN: 2548-1398
� Vol. 5, No.
7, Juli 2020
Marginingsih and Syaifudin
Science Faculty-Duta Bangsa University Surakarta and Hospitality Study Program-Indonusa
Surakarta Polytecnic.�
[email protected], [email protected]
The purpose of this study is to conduct case study on the factors
affecting TOEIC pre-test grades of the students of Informatics Engineering in
Duta Bangsa University in the academic year of 2019/2020. The respondents are
10 students. The data were obtained by interviewing, questionnaire and
collecting the documents from the students TOEIC grades. The data were in the
forms of interview transcripts and documents. Then grounded theory was used to
analyse the data. The result showed that in terms of internal factors, all of
the students have interest in English because they like watching Film from
YouTube or cinema with or without subtitle so they motivate to learn English.
While from the external factors in terms of family
background, six students come from educated family. They encourage their
children in learning process. While, four students have
parents who works as entrepreneur. They learn English by themselves not
because their parents ask them to do. Two students said they won English
competition at school. One student said the school really improve his English
lesson. Three students have their own community at school. They can sometimes
share, chat and talk in English.� While
the rest of students did not mention explicitly if school give impact on their
Keywords: Internal factors; external factors; improve
way to know the English skills of the student is to provide them with an
English skill test. The test scores show the level of students� English skills.
Using that result will make it easier for the teacher to set up the goals and class
start of the lesson. Testing English for International Communication is one of
the English proficiency tests frequently used by college students.
(Test of English for International Communication) becomes a standard for
measuring English proficiency in the working industry. At present, TOEIC has
been used in 14,000+ companies, government institutions and English learning
programs in more than 160 countries. Every year more than 7 million people take
the test. (International Test Canter, 2020). That
means this skill test is indispensable for students and anyone who wants to get
a job in the international workplace or industry. By taking TOEIC, students
will have a wider opportunity to work or continue their study overseas.
Factors affecting on learning achievement
consisting internal or external factors. Sitorus (2016) concluded that there are
positive and significant influences between internal and external factors on
learning achievement in introducing the economy and business of class XI
students of Private Vocational School P.Siantar in the academic year 2015/2016.
Internal factors consist of
interest, motivation and emotional quotient (EQ) that comes from within student
in improving learning achievement. According to (Slameto, 2013), interest
is a feeling of preference and a sense of interest to do something voluntarily.
A student's interest will be influential great for the learning process, if the
student's interest in a subject is high, enthusiasm and attention to
participate in learning in the classroom will also be high. Moreover, (Liu et al., 2016) define interest is a kind of emotion arousal status, and it is a
tendency that the people know things or love some activities. If a person
focuses on a thing for a long time under a certain orientation, it means that
this person becomes interested in such thing. Interest can be a motivation to
guide student act to the direction. Hilgard (Katili, 2013) said interest is� tendency
to pay attention, enjoy some activities or contents. Interest is also� a powerful motivational process that
energizes learning and guides academic and career trajectories (Renninger & Hidi, 2015). In general, interest is approached predominantly from
individualist cognitive perspectives.
motivation means a complex statement in an organism that directs behavior
towards a goal (Purwanto, 2017). While
Desy et.all (2015) in the study showed that the students with high
achievement (67.90%) have more motivation than the students with low
achievement (64.96%).
to (Risfayanti, Sofian, & Husin,
2015) in the research shows that the dominant external factors are
teacher factor and classroom interaction factor. While (Slameto, 2013) external
factors include the way parents educate, relationships between family members,
the atmosphere of the house, teaching methods, teacher relations with students,
student relations with students, the state of the building, friends hanging out
and school time. Learning resources are one of the external factors that affect
student learning achievement.
the experts' statements above, it can be concluded that external factors are
factors that can affect learning outcomes from outside students, including:
family environment, school environment, community environment, social and
non-social environment, facilities and infrastructure, as well as teachers and
teaching methods.
engineering students were obliged to take the TOEIC test held by college in the
first semester. The result indicates varying levels of English language skills
from low to middle and top scores. The top scores were unpredictable which the
scores were more than expected. Never did the teacher think the students score
would be that great. The teacher needs to consider how students work.
authors are interested in investigating the factors in this research, including
internal and external factors of the students who were given top scores in the
test. Students who got top scores are chosen because they can be adopted to
support students in the middle and low score by knowing the factors behind
their performance in taking TOEIC exam. This research becomes significant since
the teacher has to improve the English proficiency of all students and the
outcome of this research will enable the teacher to teach and inspire the
students to get a better score.
research study is a qualitative research in the form of a case study. �According to (Stephani, 2015), case study is in-depth studies of a phenomenon, like a person,
group, or situation. �It is about
studying the phenomenon in detail, analysing cases and presentation about interpretations.
It can provide a deeper understanding of a complex topic or assist a person in
gaining experience about a certain historical. The phenomenon means the
achievement of pre-test TOEIC grade which is over 500 from first semester
students Informatics Engineering of Duta Bangsa University of 2019/2020
academic year. Second, conducting this study enables the researcher to get the
detail information about the internal and external factors that affect
students� grade. This study was conducted in Informatics Engineering Study
Program of Computer Science Faculty of Duta Bangsa University Jl. Bhayangkara
No. 55 Surakarta. The respondents of this study were 10 college students of the
first semester. The respondents were chosen based on the purpose of this study.
This involves identifying and selecting individuals or groups of individuals
that are especially knowledgeable about or experienced with a phenomenon of
interest (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011).
this study, the data were collected in the form of qualitative data. It means
that the data are the description of the reality the factors affecting
students� grade. In gaining the data, the writer used interview, questionnaire
and document. Stake (2010: 95) argues that interview enables the researcher to
obtain the unique information from many people and to find out things. In this
research, the writer conducted interviews to know how the students� responses,
internal factors such as interest and motivation and external factor such as
family, school environment and society (Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle,
2010).� The writer interviewed
the students when they were in break between classes and via online during COVID19
pandemic.� Meanwhile, the documents are
written information which is in the form of important materials which support
the data collected from the interview and students� TOEIC grades.� This study is aimed to extend from the ideas
of the research questions to the production of the report on results in the
form of description and explanation of the social phenomenon investigated; it
focuses on the use of grounded theory in analysing the data
as in line with (Charmaz, 2014) that grounded theory is
focused on inductive strategies for data analysis. It starts with abstract
concepts and to explain and understand data. The journey of theory development
in grounded theory approach starts and ends with the data.
Finding and Discussion
A. Research Finding
factor and external factor
deals with the students� interest, motivation, family environment, school
environment and society in learning English. Here are the
result of interview from students. The complete description from PRS�s
explanation can be seen below.
father graduated from Gajah Mada University majoring Farming. Then he worked in
UK for two years. When I was kid, my father played Beatles and Oasis song so I
listened to that song often. When I was at the third grade of elementary
school, I watched Harry Potter film with subtitle at the cinema. I also watched
Harry Potter series 1 to 7 at home in DVD player. I took English course when I
was at the fifth and sixth grade. When I was at junior high school, I won
spelling bee competition as runner up. Then when I was at senior high school, I
have friends who have the same hobby. We like watching video game series
�Assassin Creed�. One game needs 10-20 hours to finish. I watch it at the
weekends. When I and my friends met at school, we talked about the game� (Essays, 2018).
following is CJW�s explanation:
grandmother was from Philippines. My mother studied in elementary school in
Australia. I am interested in learning English because when I was a kid, my
mother�s friend from Australia came to my house. She spoke English with my mother
and my grandmother. Since that time, I want to be like her who can speak
English. The first sentence I asked to my mother�s friend is: Do you like
tea?� When I was in elementary school, I
watched Harry Potter Series 1 � 7 a lot. I repeated the pronunciation from the
scene of the film because I like British English. I think British English is
cool but my grandmother often corrected my pronunciation. When I was in junior
high school, I kept practicing my English with my classmates (4 people). Then,
when I was in senior high school, I often spoke English with only one of my friends
because the school environment gave negative judgment for someone who speaks
English. They said �sok gaya�. However, I had church community who had the same
hobby. We chatted in English and when we met in church, we spoke bilingual
language. I also like watching thriller and detective movies from
The detail
responses from NIA are as follows:
�Well, I
have uncle. One graduated from English Department of Sebelas Maret University
and the other graduated from English Department of Muhammadiyah University
Surakarta. I learned English with my uncles before I entered school. When I was
in elementary, I didn�t really learn English because I played with my friends a
lot. However, when I was in junior high, I learned English by myself. I like
superhero film, skypy and cowboy. I watched those films with subtitle from
You-tube. I repeated the pronunciation. If I found the difficult word, I
translated it. I could watch 2 or 3 film /day. When I was in senior high, I
watched comedy film and mime with caption in it. I am also gamers. I have many
friends from abroad such USA, Africa, and Israel. I often chat in English with
them. I study English for fun not because of my parents to do so.
responses are as follows:
My mother
is an official government in IAIN Surakarta as administrator. My father is also
an official government. I like studying English since I was 7 Years old. I usually
ask the meaning of a words toward my father when I play video games. So my
father influences me most in learning English. I joined English Club when I was
Junior High school.� When I was at Senior
High School, we have to choose one from 5 choices of school organization. I
like watching film with subtitle, because if the subtitle is in indonesia I can learn a new word, and if the subtitle is in English,
I can more understand about the pronunciation of a word I like World war 2 film
and action that has a lot of movement.� I
like playing online games. To improve my English, I watch YouTube and spell a word.
However, I never won any English competition.
responses are as follows:
My mother
is a housewife and my father is an entrepreneur. I like English since junior
high school. I like games in English so I have to learn English to understand
the story line. My parents do not ask me to study English. The one who
influences me most to study English is PewDiePie. He's a YouTuber and he's from
Sweden. I took English course during junior high school. I practiced speaking
English more when I was in Senior High school because there is a story telling
competition. I joined Junior of Red Cross organization because during the
ceremony I can choose a shady place, maintain my own health and help others. To
improve my English, I watch film in you tube or cinema with subtitle because
there are times when the pronunciation is not clear so I read it in subtitles.
If there are words that i don't understand, i just search it on Google
translate. The film that I like most is marvel, for example the avenger. I like
playing online games. I have never won any English competition because I am lack
confidence and nervous when I speak English
MVW� s
responses are as follows:
My mother
is staff in law department Slamet Riyadi University. My father is technician. I
like studying since Elementary school because I like playing games much and
most of the games are in English. My parents are not asked me to learn English.
However, my sister influences in learning English because she joined English
course. So, I was going to compare our knowledge in English. I never take
English course because I think studied at school already waste a lot of my fun
time. I like watching film from you-tube or cinema. Sometimes I used English
Indonesian subtitle but more often used English subtitle so I can learn English
too. I like movies a lot because of the storyline. To improve my English, I
often practice in real life, watch more film or play game. I never participate
in any English competition.
The detail
responses from VLP are as follows:
My father
is priest and my mother is a teacher. My mother teaches in Salam Kudus
Kindergarten. Before my mother teaches, she learns and practices dancing and
singing from USA and English� video. I often imitate my mother doing that.
Since that time, I like English by accident. When I was at junior high school,
I watched film with subtitle from TV and laptop. I like watching horror film.
Every time there is new film, I and my friends watch it. We usually promise to
meet in any place. I like �Hanger Game series� too. However, I never took
English course.
responses from YH are as follows:
�My parents
are merchants. They do not teach me English. I learn English from school and
Film with subtitle. I studied elementary school in Pangudi luhur. The English
teacher teaches using interesting media so I began to like English. Then I
continued Junior High School in Bintang Laut. In this school, there is strict
regulation in studying English. The students must speak English on Friday and
Saturday with all the teachers. The English teacher also uses media which is
make students eager to learn. One of them is watching �Sherlock Holmes�. The teacher play the film and then students are asked to answer
the questions. There is always I remember that if the students make even one
letter miss in writing, they must rewrite it 100 times. When I was in SMA 3
Surakarta, I have my own community who share and talk everything in English. I
also join OSIS as administrator. I designed and arranged website. There is also
Drama at school as one of the requirements for graduation. One team consist of
5 members and has to make their own story. To improve my English, I watch Film
with subtitle from gadget. I learn how to pronounce the word and the meaning.
Now I make anime and promote in on website.�
I have clients from USA. If they are interested in my work, they contact
me for confirmation. I never take English course�.
responses from DTC are as follows:
My mother
is housewife. My father works in a car paint shop at home I like studying
English since a long time ago.� Actually,
my parents do not ask me to study English. Game and Movie influence me in
studying English because I have to understand what is meant in the game or
movie. I never took English course. When I was at school.
I did not have community to practice speaking English. I just joined school
organization related to hobby. I like watching film in you tube or cinema with
subtitle, because sometime the sound is unclear. I like action, Sci-fi (little
bit). The film is about hacking and gaming, sometime romance. I like playing
online games. To improve your English, I Play video game, watch movie, listen
to music. I never won any English�� competition
responses from HWNS are as follows:
My mother
is midwifery. My father is a nurse in a hospital. I don�t really like English
lessons.� My parents especially my mother ask me to study English. I was inspired by movies and
games in learning English. I have once taken an English course in high school.
I did not join any organization since at school because I just want to enjoy my
time at home. I like to use subtitles when I watch movies so the story is
easier to understand. I don�t have a favourite movie. I like playing online
game. To improve my English, I watch a lot of movies and play a lot of games. I�ve
never won any English competition, because I have never entered an English
The students TOEIC Pre-test Grade
Table 1
The results of student�s TOEIC pre-test
No. |
Name |
Listening |
Reading |
score |
1 |
495 |
405 |
900 |
2 |
485 |
400 |
885 |
3 |
490 |
365 |
855 |
4 |
420 |
405 |
825 |
5 |
450 |
310 |
760 |
6 |
360 |
330 |
690 |
7 |
YH |
385 |
280 |
665 |
8 |
MA |
390 |
255 |
645 |
9 |
360 |
250 |
610 |
10 |
345 |
265 |
610 |
B. Discussion
1. Internal factor
result of the data analysis from the interview transcript and the document show
that the all respondents have both factors; internal and external. Their TOEIC
achievements were influenced by both factors until they make good scores in
this English proficiency test. What makes different is sometimes they have
different kind of factors included in both internal and external. Internal
factors of learning achievement include interest, motivation, confidence,
self-esteem, and attitude. All the respondents have an interest toward English
so they are motivated in learning and practicing English. Menurut (Satria & Zahraa, 2018) conducts research The Factors
Affecting TOEIC Passing Grades in TOEIC Intensive Course for Third Year
Students. The result showed that internal factor had an effect on student's
learning achievement. Then ��(Wibowo, 2018) concluded in the
research there is �any correlations students�
motivation �toward their English achievement.
Motivation has significant correlation toward their English achievement. Moreover, academic achievement and motivation have correlation
significantly (Sikhwari, 2014).
1 did not clearly explain that he likes English but from the explanation that
he was motivated to watch English movie, joined a competition showed that he is
interested in English. The student 2 said �I like British English. I think
British English is cool� while student 3 explained that he started learning
English before school and learn by him-self when he was at junior high school.
Student 4, 5, 6 and 9 showed their interest by telling that they had started
loving English from certain times in the past. Student 4 started loving English
since seven years old, student 5 started loving since in the junior high school,
student 6 started loving English since elementary school and student 9
mentioned that he like English since a long time ago. Student 7 did not explain
when he started liking English but he told that he like English. Student 8
showed his interest through some activities like practicing English, making
English anime, etc. it is a bit different from student 10 that clearly informed
�I don�t really like English lesson.�
My parent especially my mother asks me to study English�. From this
statement showed that he has a small interest toward English. Even though it is
not big interest but still he has an interest toward English.
External factor
The result from interview
and questionnaire showed that external factors that influence learning
achievement such as family background, teachers and how to teach them, tools used
in teaching and learning, teacher relations with students, student relations
with students. It is in line with (Oladebinu Tokunbo Olufemi, 2018) in the study concludes that parental background, school factors, and
teachers� factors have serious influence on students� academic performance. From the family background, the parents or
family of�� 6 students graduated from
university and work in office. While the parents of 3 students work as
entrepreneur.� One student has family who
comes from abroad so he often speaks English at home.
In terms of school
environment, student 1 said that he ever won English competition and has his
own community who has the same hobby and sometimes talked about it in English.
Students 2 said that school environment did not really support him in speaking
English especially. However, he has friends from church community who often
chat and speak English. Students 3, 4. 5,6,7, 9 and 10
did not clearly stated the school environment gave impact but to improve their
English they watch film a lot, play games and imitate the pronunciation and learn
the new vocabulary. Students 8 said that the school environment give impact to
improve his English. The teacher uses interesting media and
give strict rules for the students in learning English. �He also said that he has community at school that
he can share and talk in English.
research showed that some factors influenced students TOIEC achievement can be classified into two namely internal and
external. The internal factors included interest and motivation. All of the
students have interest in English because they like watching Film from You Tube
or cinema with or without subtitle so they motivate to learn English. They
learn by imitating their pronunciation and finding the difficult word on google
external factor included family background, school environment. From the family
background, six students come from educated family. They encourage their
children in learning process. They facilitate and arise confortable atmosphere
at home. Four students have parents who works as
entrepreneur. The parents did not really force them to learn English. They
learn by themselves.
environment also give impact the student achievement. Two students said they
won English competition at school. One student said the school really improve
his English lesson. Three students has their own
community at school. They can sometimes share, chat and talk in English. �While the rest of students did not mention if
school give impact on their English. Meanwhile one student said he has his own
community outside school that he can practice his English.
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