Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849
e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 5, No. 7, Juli 2020
Nelia Fariani Siregar
Swadaya Gunung Jati (UGJ) Cirebon
Email: [email protected]
actually, is very important to be mastered because it can help us to
communicate with others well. Speaking is used as a communicate tool to express
the idea�s feeling, accept and transfer the information to other people. In
another statement, it is the activity for sharing the information. Speaking
enables students to receive information from people by their conversation.
Based on preliminary research, the researcher found that there are some
problems in speaking at Senior High School. Most of students are still afraid
to speak English in front of the class because students are not confident to
speak using English and they are lack of vocabulary. The students consider that
English is a hard foreign language; they are fear of making mistakes,
especially in Grammar. Thus, to make them have courage in
speaking English, they need bugs motivation from the teacher. There are still
many students asks question or answer teacher�s question by using first
language (mother tongue) than using English. Most of students still feel
anxious, shy and fear. This situation makes students have low achievement in
speaking subject. Based on the brief explanation above, there are some problems
in speaking. However, there is a way to solve the problems; one of way is using
cue card as media in teaching speaking. Cue card is not something now in
English teaching.
Keywords: Cue Card, Speaking; Descriptive Text
actually, is very important to be mastered because it can help us to
communicate with others well. Speaking is used as a communicate tool to express
the idea�s feeling, accept and transfer the information to other people. In
another statement, it is the activity for sharing the information. Speaking
enables students to receive information from people by their conversation.
speaking skill is very important to participate in the wider world of work.
Speaking is an oral production in life (Murni, 2013). According to �(Thornbury, 2012) �Speaking is so
much a part of daily life that we take it for being granted�. When people
speak, they give and share the information. However many people feel so hard to
speak in English, In fact, the students face difficulties in speaking such as
hardly to arrange the sentences, afraid of making mistakes and less of
on preliminary research, the researcher found that there are some problems in
speaking at Senior High School. Most of students are still afraid to speak
English in front of the class because students are not confident to speak using
English and they are lack of vocabulary. The students consider that English is
a hard foreign language, they are fear of making
mistakes, especially in Grammar. Thus, to make them have courage in speaking English,
they need bugs motivation from the teacher. There are still many students asks
question or answer teacher�s question by using first language (mother tongue)
than using English. Most of students still feel anxious, shy and fear. This
situation makes students have low achievement in speaking subject.
learning the activity, speaking has various functions. One of them is
describing object. Descriptive text is one of the test
given to the tenth grade and it is the text than should be mastered by students.
In speaking, descriptive text the students used is to tell the characteristics
of something such as things or places. This text also gives the students to
study how to describe something.
on the brief explanation above, there are some problems in speaking. However,
there is a way to solve the problems; one of way is using cue card as media in
teaching speaking. Cue card is not something now in English teaching
on the brief explanation above, there are some problems in speaking. However,
there is a way to solve the problems; one of way is using cue card as media in
teaching speaking. Cue card is not something now in English teaching. Harmer at
(Ochieng�Ong�ondo & Borg, 2011) states that.
�Cue card is card with words of picture, which are used to encourage the students
to response�.
Journal has a tittle �Improving
Student�s ability to describe in Speaking Competence by Using Note Card, known
as Cue Card�. In this journal tells about, used Note Card or it is known as
the Cue Card as a media in teaching speaking skill. The result from the
research, researcher is able to clarify that the using of note card is able to
improve students� descriptive speaking competence (Ariati, 2016). The different
from this research is the researcher used classroom action research while this
research used quantitative research. The researcher used population of Senior
High School (Brown & Abeywickrama, 2010).
research the writer will take the experimental method. Experimental method consist
two groups there are experimental class and control class. According to (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012), �Experimental
group is the most conclusive of scientific methods�. The writer uses the
quantitative as the approach of the research. (Creswell, 2011) said that,
quantitative research is phenomena collecting the data that collect the data or
analysis the data by using mathematically as a quantification of statistic.
on the statement above, the writer uses the method of experimental research.
The purpose is to investigate the result of uses cue card in teaching speaking.
to (Fraenkel et al., 2012), research design
is the arrangement of condition to collecting and analysis of data in doing
that purpose to investigate the effect of a method. This research uses
quantitative research. The writer takes quasi experimental design using. The
research which uses two groups; experimental group and control group. The first
group to experimental group which uses cue card and second group is the control
group that without cue cards (Titin, 2020). To support the expiation below. In the design that is
formulated by (Fraenkel et al., 2012), pasien dengan Uji
korelasi spearman�s rho (Corellation Spearman�s rho test).
sebaiknya antibiotika dievaluasi agar pengobatan lebih optimal (Pamela, 2011).
Result And Discussion
aim of this research is to find out whether the use cue card is effective or
not to the students speaking of descriptive text. Cue cards are cards with
words and pictures on them, which is used to encourage the students to respond
in pair or group work. The researcher introduce cue
card to the students. The researcher shows the cue card in front of the class
and than the researcher explained how to speak descriptive using it. After all
students knew that they had to do, the researcher asked come forword in pairs
two to take on cue card. Cue card was not difficult to be used in teaching
speaking descriptive text of people. This media active the students to explore
their ideas in describing people in teaching speaking.
Based on the researcher experience in
teaching speaking descriptive text using cue card.
The writer found that taccount was higher than ttable
3,260 taccount and 2,002 ttable it could be concluded
that the use cue card is effective for the students speaking of descriptive can be proved by the data of pre-test and post-test. Whereas,
the data of post-test was higher than pre-test. Because in using this
media did not really have many problem. The researcher
only had to pay extra attention to the students who were shy and reluctant to
speak up in describing people (Masitoh & Suprijadi, 2015).
the students� responses, the researcher used questionnaire to collected the data. There were ten questions in the form that
the students had to answer in the questionnaire. The students� responses
through questionnaire showed that the students also feel helped to speak up in
English in front of the class after using cue card and feel more interest in
teaching speaking after using cue card. They supported the use of cue card in
teaching speaking descriptive text. The media helped the students to speak up
in English and more active in speaking class. Cue card helped the students to
explore their ideas in describing people. The students agreed that by using cue
card and feel happy to learn English speaking. Therefore, cue card was
successfully applied in teaching speaking descriptive text at tenth grade.
on the research finding and the data analyzed, the writer could take conclusion
that use of cue card in teaching speaking descriptive text was effective
because cue card make students feel easy to make descriptive text in teaching
speaking descriptive text and the students feel confident to speak up in the
class. And for the students� responses after all the procedure were conducted
the writer finds that almost students have positive responses towards teaching
speaking descriptive text using cue card at senior high school.
this section, the writer described the conclusion that has got from the problem
of research in the chapter 1. The research it self was done at the tenth grade
students of SMAN 1 Beber. Based on the aim of research questions which is to
find out the using cue card is effective in teaching speaking descriptive text.
The result of the research shows that students who were taught by using cue
card was very effective. The writer has explained
before that if taccount is higher than ttable, so the
hyphotesis (Ha) is accepted. But if taccount is lower than ttable,
so the hyphotesis (Ha) is rejected. In this research, taccount
result from both result of pre-test and post-test in experimental class and control
class is higher than ttable. The result in chapter 4 the writer
found that ttable shows the result of 0,975 with d� 58, so the value
ttable is 2,002 and the result of taccount 3,260. So, the
use of cue card in teaching speaking is effective, because the result of taccount
is higher than ttable ... the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
The writer concluded that the�� using of
the card in teaching speaking had benefits and its effective in teaching�� process. From the result of questionnaire
the writer find our learning process using cue card. From the data of
questionnaire, we may conclude that ��the
students liked learn speaking using cue card, students chose yes of each
statement. This descriptive text using cue card is effective and response of cue
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