Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 09, September 2024




Raodatul Jannah1*, Agus Rohmat Hidayat2
1* Student Postgraduate Management of Bunga Bangsa Islamic University, Indonesia
2 UNICIMI Universitas Cendekia Mitra Indonesia, Indonesia

Email: 1*[email protected], 2[email protected]


Environmental justice from the perspective of public participation in the development of natural resources is a national program where the government is starting to switch from fossil energy to green energy, which means that in the future the government will no longer hope for energy such as coal, oil and gas, etc. This is a very strategic step taken by the government. Centralized is the antithesis of the increasing pressure to decentralize regional government, including regarding the management of natural resources (SDA) policies in the mining and oil and gas sectors, To ensure that this program runs well, of course the community is involved in monitoring it. Community participation in sustainable development is indeed weak, including in terms of policy making, even though the laws and regulations also stipulate that the community has rights as explained in the Aarhus Convention, where parties have an obligation to guarantee the right of access to information, community participation in decision making, and access to justice in environmental matters in accordance with the provisions of the convention. Then in Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, it is intended, among other things, 1) to provide information to the government, 2) to increase the public's willingness to accept government decisions. 3) Helps with legal protection. and 4) Democratize decision making. From the above basis, it further strengthens the community so that it can participate actively in the development of natural resources in this country.


Keywords: Energy, perspective justice, environment, society



Indonesia is a country that has wealth abundant nature from various sectors including oil, natural gas, coal, palm oil (Agus, 2020). However in matter this management riches natural the Still deviated various problem specifically in distribution results management and impact for development area producer them (Agus Rohmat Hidayat, Nur Alifah, 2023). Invention oil the first in Indonesia is one drilling oldest in the world or intermittently two mercy year after drilling oil first in this world by him (Mutakin et al., 2020).

Utilization energy renewable wrong access energy in the future come (Eseosa & Ejiroro, 2020). Indonesia is a country that has riches abundant nature even Indonesia can said that the richest country (Hidayat & Alifah, 2022b). However in overcome gap in the middle public still become problematic especially on access energy electricity (Sansaniwal et al., 2017). In matter utilization energy great renewable from source Power natural will answer the gap that occurs if public can participate active dakam development energy renewable (Rahman et al., 2023). Participation thereby need pushed precisely after beyond the New Order era started from desire for answer dissatisfaction to pattern centralized state (state) in government (Fontana & Grugel, 2016). Policy centralized be the antithesis to increasing insistence for do decentralization government area, incl about management source Power nature (SDA) in the field mining and oil and gas (Hidayat & Alifah, 2022a). Initially considered that policy decentralization for answer perceived dissatisfaction can leads to steps separatism (JD Crouch & Garrity, 2014).

Gaps occur due to the determination of about taker diversion authority by the government center on management natural resources and source Power human resources (HR), incl in field Oil and Gas and Mining to remain there is in power of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) (Jaelani et al., 2024). But then, development show exists pull stretch authority area with all reason on the consequences it causes (Hooghe et al., 2016). Provision participation political public to government, incl management in the field of natural resources is important thing in guard climate democracy government in one side in the middle strengthen it return desire for strengthen state politics through reposition center control policy government area on the other side (Blaikie & Muldavin, 2004). Impact from giving authority is role active public No seen in taking policy. Whereas object from justice environment is public (Hidayat & Alifah, 2022c).

In justice environment, participation society is very necessary all policy levels (Rodr�guez & Vargas-Chaves, 2018). This also became base consideration in preparation Analysis Impact District Environment (AMDAL) (Zahroh & Najicha, 2022). Kutai Kartanegara as provider source Power abundant nature However participation the community is very minimal especially involve in preparation EIA That Alone. So environment public is place we for socialize with other people. Because as man we is creature social ones are not can life Alone. And according to one expert He was named "Otto Soemarwoto� inside the environment Language English is the environment. Environment can interpreted as amount from all things and circumstances. Amount the be at something space created place lived by humans. This space can also be done influence life.

Research Method

A.    Research Design:

The research adopts a qualitative research design to explore the perspectives of environmental justice in the context of energy access in Gunung Arba Village, Jango Village, and Central Lombok District.

B.     Participants:

��� The participants in the study include members of the community in Gunung Arba Village, especially those directly affected by energy access issues. The researchers will conduct interviews and gather information from the local residents.

C.    Data Collection:

��� Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including community members, local authorities, and environmental experts, to gather insights into their perspectives on energy access and environmental justice. Document Analysis: Review relevant documents, policies, and regulations related to energy access and environmental management in the Central Lombok District.

D.    Sampling:

Utilize purposive sampling to select participants based on their relevance to the research questions and their direct involvement in or impact from energy access in the area.

E.     Data Analysis:

Thematic Analysis: Employ thematic analysis to identify and analyze recurring themes and patterns within the collected qualitative data. Content Analysis: Analyze documents and policies to extract key information related to environmental justice and energy access.

F.     Ethical Considerations:

Obtain informed consent from all participants involved in interviews or any form of data collection. Ensure confidentiality and anonymity of participants by using pseudonyms or codes in reporting.

G.    Research Limitations:

Recognize potential limitations such as the scope of the study being confined to Gunung Arba Village, which may not be fully representative of broader perspectives.

H.    Contribution to Existing Knowledge:

The research aims to contribute to the existing knowledge on environmental justice by providing insights into the community's perspectives on energy access in the specified area.

I.       Timeline:

Develop a timeline outlining key milestones and deadlines for each phase of the research, including data collection, analysis, and reporting.

J.      Dissemination of Findings:

Share the research findings through academic publications, conferences, and community engagement to ensure the results reach relevant stakeholders and contribute to the discourse on environmental justice and energy access in the region.

This comprehensive research methodology aims to gather valuable insights into the intersection of energy access and environmental justice in Gunung Arba Village, Jango Village, and Central Lombok District.


Results and Discussion

Various polemics occurred in society prove that public No Again become subject from permits and trends become object in exploitation source Power nature. In Gunung Hamlet Arba Village jango sub district janapria especially in central Lombok this is what it is rich area source Power nature and energy nearby coast beach especially oil earth and natural gas around beaches (oil and gas) as well coal so that economy in the village This Still dominated by sector mining and quarrying reach more from 80%. Sector agriculture and forestry only give contribution around 15%, meanwhile the rest donated from sector trade and lodging local, that is not enough more than 5%, industry processing around 20%, buildings 75%, finance 17% and sectors other about 10%, With the area of Kutai central and extensive Lombok districts waters around 4,097 km� which is divided in 20 sub- districts and 237 villages / sub-districts with amount resident reached 834,485 people.

From the area of Central Lombok Regency, Kutai is close to Kuta beach supported with source Power abundant nature naturally become something obligation government For overcome inequality that occurs in Kutai Kartanegara specifically access energy in rural areas. This matter necessary because there is current village This Still experience gap social consequences No exists access energy provided by operating companies in his territory. This matter can We look at the Village Jango Where village This located in the center Kuta Mandalika sea is surrounded by activity company operating oil and gas there However level his welfare Still Far from the word worthy one indicators that become consideration to welfare public there that is access energy electricity only can felt public only 13 hours to start from 18.00 to 06.00 am from here can We conclude that energy become factor important in fulfil need public there especially society there the majority is fisherman. Utilization energy in the sector oil and gas as an important instrument in fulfil need base public become matter important carried out in the Village Jango specifically in area Sub district Janapria in Central Lombok Regency.

Although energy alone it's not need basic, but energy is supporter main for achieved needs base. Without energy, needs the hard achieved? Example simply put can see from role energy for fulfil need food public. Although availability material food can sufficient, without finish problem energy public still will experience phenomenon lack food. This matter caused Because For Can finish problem food No only material raw necessary food that must be available, however access to service possible energy material food the processed and/ or cooked, also a must available. Likewise with clean water. Energy services in form electricity allows clean water pumped from water sources and distribution to its users.

�How Access Energy in the Village jango Sub district Janapria Central Lombok Regency by simple energy defined as something capable make an object do a business (Pratama, 2021). According to Dictionary Big Indonesian (KBBI) energy is ability for do work (eg for energy electricity and mechanics); power (strength) that can be used for do various activity (Indonesian Dictionary, 2013). According to Law no. 30/2007 concerning Energy, Article (1) Energy defined as ability For do work that can be done form heat, light, mechanics, chemistry, and electromagnetics (Article 1 Law No. 20, 2007).

Indonesia has potency energy clean and highly renewable. Especially in villages Jango This Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Resources Mineral Power, Indonesia has potency source Power energy extraordinary renewable normal big. Potency source Power This energy renewable this can utilized for create access clean and equitable energy. With see potency energy renewable spread across Indonesia, provision energy domestically, especially in areas that have not yet own access to energy Can fulfilled with potentials local; with thereby answer challenge geographic frequently hinder fulfillment and provision access energy in Indonesia.

Central Lombok Regency is one of them area producer oil and gas in Indonesia, and fishermen are also eyes his search on the coast beach there is history says that well oil The largest is found in the sub-district Janapria Central Lombok Regency This West Nusa Tenggara Province. Wells and sea water jets so Lots on the coast beach this especially on Kuta Mandalika beach which is located in Central Lombok district on permission public local moment that's what Pata manages leading Atasan from the people of Kuta. Wells this and the beaches in Central Lombok district later managed by BPM for 40 years next. BPM, or Batavia Petroleum Maatschappij suck oil on the earth Sanga- sanga from 1905 to moment This, This proposed by the originators or grandma ancestors is around Kuta Mandalika (Parrish, 2019).

In the middle many reserve oil and natural gas on the coast beaches and coal there is gap social happening among communities in the producing area of Central Lombok resource nature. This matter be one problematic that should be can handled through several programs in contact direct with public. Especially in the Province Central Lombok Regency Still there is isolated area or not yet flowed electricity. From several problem the influenced by several factor among them No exists capacity adequate energy as well as management energy renewable, though Central Lombok Regency is area producer resource natural biggest start from oil and gas, coal, and the results of fishermen in the area beach mandalika specifically is in Central Lombok Regency This as well as source Power natural other However behind contained wealth inside it Still Not yet fulfil access energy so that resulting in inequality social occurs in Central Lombok Regency, especially in villages jango Central Lombok district West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Sub district Janapria Central Lombok Regency is one of the areas that exist reserve oil in the village jango Central Lombok district. Invention well oil moment This controlled by entrepreneurs coal around Lombok middle In 2018 level realization production oil reached 30,000 BPOD or 109% above the company target of 25,649 BPOD. For realization Gas production reaches 50 MMSCFD (Million Standard cubic feet per day or million cubic feet of gas per day) or equivalent with 120% above the RKAP target of 588 MMSCFD (Diansyah et al., 2019). Based on this data prove that source Power nature in the field oil and natural gas is very large. If source Power Mini nature is utilized for overcome gap social in the Village jango so need base can overcome esp. access energy. One of access energy which can utilized in the Village jango that is utilization power waves, waves always sea flowing caused by the wind blowing above Sea. Wave sea at Kuta Mandalika beach this own potency become source great energy and very expansive If Can utilized with Correct. There are some method for utilize energy wave. Wave Sea Can captured and raised to chamber and air issued forced from room them. Moving air move turbine (eg turbine wind) that drives the generator for produce electricity. System energy wave side dishes in Kuta Mandalika this is another one is utilize up and down movement wave for moving the piston can drives the generator. No easy for produce electricity from wave in amount big. Moreover move energy them to beach especially at the beach horse mandalika is difficulty separately. This is it why system power wave so far This Not yet too common.

�Principle role as well as the people of Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province have arranged in a way International through Reference Aarhus Convention (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters). Convention this aim for give contribution in protection right everyone, fine generation present and future for life in adequate environment, health and welfare. So that stipulated conditions in convention this, got it become the �foundation " at once become reference main for government or company in frame implementation role as well as public in management environment life the people of Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province (Commission, 2001).

In the Aarhus convention has set a number right community, Central Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara Province is good individual nor group in matter This related with right on environment life healthy one. Where are the parties in convention This have obligation For ensure rights access information, participation public public Central Lombok Regency, Nusa Tenggara Province taking decisions, and access to justice in problems environment in accordance with provisions in reference convention them. In The Aarhus Convention stipulates a number of provision among others:

Right everyone for accept information environment held by authority public (access to information environment). This can covers information about circumstances environment, but also about policy or action taken, or about circumstances health and safety man where p this can influenced by circumstances environment.

Right For participate in taking decision environment. Arrangement must made by authority public For possible non- governmental organizations affected public impact and environment For commenting on, for example, proposals for influencing projects environment, or related plans and programs with environment, suggestions and input provided must considered in taking decisions, and information that will give about decision end and reasons (participation public in taking decision environment) ;

Right For review return procedure for sue decision the public has made without honor second right mentioned above or law environment in general (access to justice). Although the Aarhus convention is just that for public local However in a way political has strengthen confession on the substance, namely form principles that have been set road conventions, for example Indonesia, though No ratify convention that, however has adopt substance or principles Aarhus Convention in Article 65 and Article 68 of Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management Environment Life (UUPPLH).

Principle participation society, society Central Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara Province is important thing in development and management environment life Because public community, Central Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara Province is the most vulnerable party to the impact caused by the damage environment so that for public draft involvement public is form of the development and management process environment life That Alone as well as effort increase quality policy government related environment (Safrina, 2015).

Principle Community Participation in taking decision environment divided into 3 pillars, namely (Holder & Lee, 2007):

Openness information environment (Access to Environmental Information).

Without exists openness information environment, participation public No There is it means. Due with exists openness information can announce something taking more decisions rational and informed as well as grow transparency.

Participation community (Access to Public Participation)

Participation public become important in taking decision environment because public can help identify impact the environment will be happen from something decision environment.

Access to justice (Access to Justice)

Access to justice can overcome potency solution dispute or solution dispute other connection with decision environment because with exists public can give perspective separately Good from the victim or sufferer loss real or organization environment related loss consequence pollution and/ or damage on something decision environment.

Openness information and roles as well as public is principles that have been internalized in a way firm in substance Constitution Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management Environment Life (PPLH Law) (Hario Danang & Ega Ramadayanti, 2021). Principle role as well as public This in a way firm stated in Article 65 paragraph (2) of the PPLH Law states that � Everyone has the right get education environment live, access information, access participation, and access justice in fulfil right on environment good and healthy life �. Between Other provisions are also contained in Article 65 paragraph (4) of the PPLH Law that everyone has the right For role in protection and management environment life in accordance with regulation legislation (Ibrahim, 2017).

For realize justice environment so government center until government area can open room public participation as form openness information to management environment. As in Article 70 Paragraph (1) Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management Environment Live, have confirms that public own equal and broadest rights and opportunities for role active in protection and management environment life. The goal for:

Increase concern in protection and management environment life;

Increase independence, empowerment community, and partnerships;

Grow and develop ability and pioneering public;

Growing develop responsive immediately public For do supervision social; And

Development and maintain culture and wisdom local in frame preservation function environment life.

Dimensions EIA

AMDAL Is study about impact important a business and/ or Activities planned in the environment life is necessary for the retrieval process decision about Business organizer and/ or Activity. Plan Management Environment Next life called RKL is effort handling impact to environment the life that arises consequence from plan business and/ or activity. Plan Monitoring Environment Next life abbreviated as RPL is effort monitoring component environment affected life impact consequence from plan business and/ or activity.

EIA Alone is an important instrument in ensure protection and management environment life walk in accordance with applicable provision. Uses of AMDAL general is (Teniwut, 2022):

Give information in a way clear about something plan business, following impacts the environment will be it causes. Accommodate aspirations, knowledge and opinions resident ESP in problem environment when will it was founded something plan project or business. Accommodate information useful locale for initiator and society in anticipate impact and manage environment.

Analysis about Impact Environment (AMDAL) has role important in realize management good environment. This matter seen in task main based on Regulation Government Republic of Indonesia No.22 of 2021 concerning Maintenance protection and Management Environment Life in chapter 1 reads Analysis about Impact Environment (AMDAL) is sort changes brought about by activities development offered to become part from cycle nature. One controlled experiment can done for compare change in quality parameters environment. One system prepared as controller, function this can charged to area protect. Whereas system natural other namely in the region Budi Power taking place activity development. Assessment Analysis About Impact Fragmented environmental impact assessment (AMDAL). Or ignore one component certain can cause disturbed stability other components.

And As for According Ninik Suparni state that AMDAL is intended for development, improvement development identified with AMDAL. AMDAL is one of them tool development sustainable as means taking decisions at the level project. AMDAL should be one of the motors of development, however of course if you take a wrong step, the AMDAL process can happen so burden.
What is the significance environment for public?

Can be concluded that the environment for humans is a very important element in their lives, because the environment is not only a place for humans to do activities, but also plays a role in supporting various human activities.



The research on energy access in Gunung Arba Village, Jango Village, Central Lombok District, underscores the significance of environmental justice in shaping policies and perspectives related to sustainable energy. Findings reveal that the transition from fossil fuels to green energy is a strategic move by the government, necessitating active community participation for its success. Despite existing legal frameworks emphasizing public involvement, community engagement in sustainable development remains weak. Addressing the gap in energy access requires not only a transition to renewable sources but also a robust participatory approach. Recommendations include enhancing public awareness on the environmental implications of energy choices, building policies that foster community participation, and ensuring the decentralization of decision-making processes. The study contributes valuable insights into the broader discourse on environmental justice and sustainable energy practices, advocating for inclusive policies that prioritize both ecological well-being and community empowerment.
































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Copyright holder:

Raodatul Jannah, Agus Rohmat Hidayat (2024)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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