Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia – ISSN : 2541-0849 e-ISSN : 2548-1398
Vol. 3, No 4 April 2018
Universitas Swadaya Sunan Gunung Jati Email: [email protected]
The purpose of this research were: 1) to encourage students confidently express their ideas in writing process.2) to measure students’ improvement especially in writing skill. Descriptive qualitative method was implemented in this research since writing is considered as the most difficult skill among four language skill ( listening, speaking, reading, writing) so it will take longer time to be analyzed. The method of the research used by giving samples in random for 30 students out of 120 students of Faculty of Economics in University of Unswagati Cirebon. The data collected by distributing expository writing exercise and analyzing the result.
Kata Kunci : students’ writing skill, expository structured text/paragrapgh
The product of learning a language is to be able to listen, to speak, to read, and to write. Those four languge skills are to convey messages in communicating. Listening and reading are receptive skill. Meanwhile speaking and writing are productive skill. It is widely well-known that receptive is considered easier than productive because in receptive skill we only need to concentrate to accept any information conveyed. In contrast, in productive skill, we need to encode message we have to others and to make them understand it. In order to get our message comprehended by others we need to have good writing skill because it is essential for effective communication. The more students practice writing, the better writing skill they will have.
According to writer experience in teaching writing, most students say the are afraid of making mistakes in grammatical rules, limited or lack of vocabulary, a lot of ideas in their mind but it is hard to put them in written as well as stuck in developing ideas in writing. Starting from that point of view, writer is interested to solve students problem by finding out ways to help them get rid of those writing difficulties.
As we have known, the are four types of paragraph in writing: descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive.
Among those four paragraph in writing, writer is interested to take expository paragrapgh writing due to her curiosity in challenging her students to be more creative and critical in writing process especially for students in university.
In conducting the research, the researcher wanted to describe a long process of students increasing writing skill which leading to a detail understanding of students comprehension and needs to improve their writing skill. Therefore, the researcher decided to use qualitative method as it defined by Creswell (1994) as:
This research was conducted in Unswagati ( Gunung Djati University ), the developed university in Cirebon focused on students’ comprehension skill in English Economics terms that is found in their Subject of Economics ( Accountancy and Management ).
The population of this research was Economics Students at Unswagati. The sample of the research was 30 students. The research was conducted from November 2017 to February 2018.
The research data was taken from students exercise using expository structured text/paragraph that has been prepared for this research. The researcher prepared some examples take from internet and asked students to internalize ideas in the text. Next, the reasercher asked students to complete blank graphic organizer based on each expository text structures based on what they have read from the examples. The next step was students were asked to improve their ideas into paragraph on each expected expository text structures with the help of graphic organizer they have worked on.
Referring to five expository text structures, the writer implemented those five as instruments in conducting the research. This five kind of text structures were given to her students as writing exercises in class. Here are the results:
Description text structure
Note:A descriptive expository example taken from informational-descriptive-map-to-paragraph
Students answers:
Result I | Result II |
From the researcher observation in the class, around 70% of the students have result as it is shown in students writing result I, and the rest around 30% students still need some improvement as it is shown in students writing result II . And when they comes in the writing process, they do not have any difficulties in developing their ideas. The researcher expected final result is accomplished since more than half of the students get ideas as the researcher expected.
Note: A sequence/chronological expository example taken from
Sequence / Chronological
Note: A sequence/chronological expository example taken from MOwWrM5jNaKK6t5gD&q=chronological+order+expository+writing+examp le&oq=chronological+order+expository+writing+example&gs_l=psyb.3...39 0.6515.0.7211. ab..4.0.0....0.9uTm-LdNF_I#imgrc=RZTY4ORLQdE57M:
Students answers:
Result I | Result II |
Felt in the bathtub
Spilled orange juice
Messed up the French braid
Dropped her books
Father’s car hit a truck
Broke her arm
Got up
Spent hours
Didn’t look
Result I | Result II |
7. Cried |
From the researcher observation in the class, around 65% of the students have result as it is shown in students writing result I, and the rest around 35% students still need some improvement as it is shown in students writing result II. And when they comes in the writing process, they do not have any difficulties in developing their ideas. The researcher expected final result is accomplished since more than half of the students get ideas as the researcher expected.
Note:A comparison/contrast expository example taken from
Students answer:
Result I | ||
Modern olympics | Ancient olympics | Modern olympics Ancient olympics |
Swimming races Cheating is a disgrace | Chariot races No female contestant Many cheating | Swimming Chariot Cheating Cheating nationalism |
From the researcher observation in the class, around 75% of the students have result as it is shown in students writing result I, and the rest around 25% students still
need some improvement as it is shown in students writing result II. And when they comes in the writing process, they do not have any difficulties in developing their ideas. The researcher expected final result is accomplished since more than half of the students get ideas as the researcher expected.
Cause and effect
Note: A cause and effect expository example taken from rganization/cause-and-effect/
Students answer:
Result I | Result II | ||
Gum makes class dirty Gum makes people angry | Students mustn’t eat chewing gum in the class | Class dirty People don’t like gum on the chairs and desks | Don’t eat chewing gum in the class |
From the researcher observation in the class, around 90% of the students have result as it is shown in students writing result I, and the rest around 10% students still need some improvement as it is shown in students writing result II. And when they comes in the writing process, they do not have any difficulties in developing their ideas. The researcher expected final result is accomplished since almost the whole students in the class get ideas as the researcher expected.
Problem and solution
Note: A problem and solution expository example taken from order-expository-essay
For this type of expository paragrapgh/text, the researcher distributed a graphic organizer as shown above to the class and give them a central problem that is familiar with them; FLOOD and let students to work on the topic within certain limit of time. Here are the result:
Result I Result II
From the researcher observation in the class, around 95% of the students have result as it is shown in students writing result I, and the rest around 5% students still need some improvement as it is shown in students writing result II. And when they comes in the writing process, they do not have any difficulties in developing their ideas. The researcher expected final result is accomplished since almost the whole students in the class get ideas as the researcher expected,
The researcher concluded that by giving students graph organizer, students can brainstorm ideas to help them in the writing process as it is explained in the result and discussion section. The researcher could feel students’ independent way of thinking by looking at graph organizer they have made. Hopefully, the researcher can broaden others mind to conduct more research more on writing.
Cresswell, J.W. 1994. Research Design Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Sage Publications. London.
Fisher, D., & Frey, N. 2008. Better Learning for Structured Teachers: A Framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Meyer, B. J. F. 1985. Prose Analysis: Purposes, procedures, and problems. In B. K Britton & J. B. Black (Eds). Understanding expository text: A theoretical and practical handbook for analyzing explanatory text (pp. 11-64). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Tompkins, G. E. 1998. Language Art: Content and teaching strategies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. descriptive-map-to-paragraphs rM5jNa- BKK6t5gD&q=chronological+order+expository+writing+example&oq=chro nological+order+expository+writing+example&gs_l=psy- ab.3...3950.6515.0.7211. ab..4.0.0....0.9uTm-LdNF_I#imgrc=RZTY4ORLQdE57M: and-effect/ expository-essay