Syntax Literate : Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia — ISSN : 2541-0849
e-ISSN : 2548-1398
Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018
Puji Astuti Ibrahim dan Muhamad Ghofar Adjie Saputra
Akademi Minyak dan Gas Balongan (AKAMIGAS) Balongan, Indramayu
Email: [email protected] dan [email protected]
All of The Company use the tube to move liquid from one place to another place.
There are many problems that occur on the tube, one of them is the corrosion.
Corrosion is a material damage especially the metal contacts in general as a result
of the reaction with the environment. The purpose of this analysis is to observe and
understand what types of corrosion and analyze the rate of corrosion on the tube.
The type of water that passed on the tube is water service, type of the type of
corrosion located on the tube is errosion corrosion, stress corosion cracking, dew
point corrosion. From the analysis results using test methods reduced weight with
media coupon taken during the period of the observations show that the rate of
corrosion on a range of pH 6,51 until 6,88 is 16,64807 µm.years
Key Word: Type Of Corrosion, Corrosion and Corrosion Rate, Tube.
There are a lot of problems on the tube one of them is the corrosion and corrosion
is material damage especially the metal contacts in general as a result of the reaction with
the environment. The surroundings, while meaning reserved for corrosion on ferrous metal
(iron). The results from the process of damage in the form of products corrosion for
example various oxide metal, damage the metal surface morphologically, inherit
mechanical properties, changes the nature of chemicals. There are several types of corrosion
that occurs on the tube so that the author is interested to take the theme of corrosion which
occurs on the tube. In addition corrosion also compulsory courses in take so that this theme
is the means to correlate follow the theory that in learn with circumstances return in field.
Puji Astuti Ibrahim dan Muhamad Ghofar Adjie Saputra
Methodology Research
The preparation of the
appliance and the
Considering the media
data that
The coupons plugged into
trasar during 18 days
The coupon was taken
from trasar Media
The coupons plugged in
an oven with the
temperature 100oC
Repeated as
much as 3x
Cooled or silenced
Record the
Weighed coupon media
Finished rapihkan the
appliance and the
Results and Discussion
1. Observation Result
Based on the results of these observations there are several types of corrosion on
the tube that is in the Water Treatment Plant (WTP), the following types of and
pictures from corrosion are successfully examine:
Figure 1. Example corrosion Galvanik
Syntax Literate, Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018
The Analysis Of Rate Corrosion On The Tube Unit Water Treatment Plant
Figure 2. Example Corrosion Erosion
Figure 3. example corrosion Stress Corrosion Cracking
After observing and see the existence of corrosion on the tube in the area
of Water treatment plant in completed the analysis of corrosion rate. Corrosion rate
analysis using test methods reduced weight with media coupon. observation of
corrosion rate in complete on July 23 2017 until 9 August 2017 ( 18 days)
2. Types of corrosion
The type of corrosion found on the unit Water treatment plant is
a. Corrosion Erosion
Because the flow of fluid in the tube and create a severe blows on the tube that
cause corrosion occurs.
b. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
Syntax Literate, Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018
Puji Astuti Ibrahim dan Muhamad Ghofar Adjie Saputra
SCC occurred due to 2 factors namely the first material the material easily
corrosion, into two environment that is located on the edge of the sea caused a
electrolyte solution.
c. Corrosion Dew Point
Corrosion occurs because of the moisture that caused the dew point and because
the location is located on the beach cause pertikel salt water or sea water that
there is clearly an to the factory area which can strengthen the erosion occurs.
d. Galvanik Corrosion
The type of corrosion that occurs between the two metal contacts with potential value
different when two metal fruit unite in a non-corrosive electrolytes. seen from the
chains of volta, more anodik a metal and corrosion that occurs will the faster.
Figure 4. Coupon before the corrosion
Figure 5. Coupon after the corrosion
3. Analysis of corrotion rate using test methods reduced weight
Test results are reduced the weight of the brass shows that the rate of
corrosion using water service on a range of pH from 23 July 2017 until 9 August
2017 is 6,51 until 6,88. Before performing the analysis of the author prepare 1 the
fruit of the sample (coupon) to measure the rate of corrosion that is on the tube, after
that sample in consideration to know the mass of the samples and sample in the
enter into the flasher for 18 days, after that sample in the lift and in an oven with the
temperature 100oC in doing as much as 3 times after that sample in consideration to
know the weight after the Corotion. Based on the direct observation that seen the
Syntax Literate, Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018
The Analysis Of Rate Corrosion On The Tube Unit Water Treatment Plant
difference in mass of the copper metal before and after experiencing corrosion. So
also the difference in metal. In this difference can be set as the process of corrosion
in the metal. While the measurement result of corrosion using weight weight from
before and after the corrosion and then the weight measurement data in convert the
units of the rate of corrosion namely µm. using
calculation as follows
Known :
PH Service Water
: 6,51 until 6,88
The metal type mass Cu
: 8,96grams.
On the metal Cu
:10,6709 g - 10,6539 g = 0,017g
Long corrotion
:18 days or (
) = 0,049315 years
The dimensions of the coupons Cu : 7.5 cm x 1.3 cm x 0.2 cm:
Corrosion rate (CR) in µm.
The calculation of :
Wide blankets coupon:
L = 2 ( P x L ) + 2 ( P x T ) + 2 ( L x T )
= 2 ( 7.5 cm x 1.3 cm ) + 2 ( 7.5 cm x 0.2 cm ) + 2 ( 1.3 cm x 0.2 cm )
= 19.5
+ 3+ 0.52
= 23,02
The volume of the lost coupons :
= 0.00189
The thickness of the coupons who lost
= 0,0000821 cm
Corrosion rate (CR) in µm. is
CR =
= (0,000345 x 104 µm) / (0,049315 years)
= 16,64807 µm.
Syntax Literate, Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018
Puji Astuti Ibrahim dan Muhamad Ghofar Adjie Saputra
Based on the results of the calculation of the above that the corrosion rate in the range
of PH 6,51 until 6,88 is 16,64807 µm.. The following is a picture coupon after a
corrosion :
The type of water that are passed on the tube is water service. - Type the type of corrosion
found on the tube :
a. Errosion Corrosioion
b. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
c. Dew Point Corrosion
d. Corrosion Galvanik
The results of the rate of corrosion in complete on July 23 2017 until 9 August 2017 using
coupon method is 16,64807 µm.
Syntax Literate, Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018
The Analysis Of Rate Corrosion On The Tube Unit Water Treatment Plant
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Syntax Literate, Vol. 3, No. 5 Mei 2018