Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849

e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 6, Special Issue No. 1, November 2021





Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



The purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions related to the implementation of FDS (full day school) and Want to know also how to implement FDS in SMA 2 Kolaka. The population of this study were all students of grade 2 and 3, SMA Negeri 2 Kolaka consisting of 100 students. The sample of this study was 100 students, namely grade 2 and 3 students. There are two types of instruments in this study, Questioner and interview. Questioners divided into grade 2 and 3 students in the questionnaire. There are two first parts, positive perception 8 questions, two negative perceptions, 8 questions, so the total is 16 questions, after that the interview is done after all the questionnaires are given. All data obtained in this study were analyzed using the formula, the value for the answer yes is 1, and while the value for no is 0. Yes = 1x100 = 100%, No = 0x100% (no need to be counted), then the data from the results is added Interview. Based on the findings from this study it can be concluded that most students agree with the implementation of FDS in their school. This is supported by the results of the questionnaire (see 4.1) which shows that 62% of the 100 students agreed with the full day of school implementation and 38% disagreed and were also supported by records of interviews with researchers named Andi Nur Fadillah rahma yatte class XII IPA 1, he said to myself I really agree with the implementation of full day school, in my school because in addition to extra extracurricular hours for a full day my character really formed because of extra curricular hours, and I felt my fashion was more orderly and good.


Keywords: EFL classroom management; genetic-based; intelligence machine


Received: 2021-10-20; Accepted: 2021-11-05; Published: 2021-11-20



Constitution of SISDIKNAS No. 20 year 2003, states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potentials himself to have spiritualstrength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills that they needed, society, nation and state (Law No. 20 of 2003: 3).

The success of education lies in the curriculum. The applied curriculum should be relevant to the needs of the students and the demands of parents. In addition to schools, they must advantagesthat can be useful for community, and most importantly the school is able to ensure that the school really has advantages in various ways. To realize that goal, many efforts were made by government agencies and private one of them is by implementing a full day school system to realize that goal.

Full day school is school throughout the day or teaching and learning process that is applied from the morning until late afternoon, starting from 06.45 to 15.30 with the duration of rest every two hours. Thus, schools can arrange lesson schedules freely, and tailored to the weight of the subjects coupled with the deepening of the material. Sulistyaningsih (2008: 59) states that "this full-day school lasted almost a full day, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm".

But the implementation of full day school is still a debate because there are pros and cons. From among the pro said that student activities become more monitored and lead to positive activities. The school became the second home. Some examples of countries that have applied full day school are Finland and some neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. And they are successful, and even Finland is currently listed as a country that has the best education system in the world. And from among the cons they declared to refuse the implementation of full day school. The reason is that adding time intensity, of course, will cause students to exhaustion. So this extra hour is even less effective. In addition, some schools do not have sufficient school facilities and some teachers have no experience on full day school, especially school in village areas. But it is from pros and cons. Then what about the students who become the object of this policy, whether they agree or not about implementation of Full Day School is what the researcher wants to know in this study.

Thus researchers didthe research because it was very interesting to know the perception of student's about the implementation of full-day school, where SMA N 2 Kolaka became the first school that uses the system Full Day School, in Kab. Kolaka, and the researcher wanted to knowthe student's can like the full day school system.Based on the background, the researcher formulated the research question as follows. "How was the student�s perception of the implementation full day school at SMAN 2 KOLAKA?

Based on Sukur Basuki (2007), starting from the needs of a high society emerged a new educational concept called full day school. Full day school comes from the word day school, which means school day. School day is the day on which an institution uses to provide education to children. By adding the term "full" to day school, the education runs a full day from the morning until late afternoon.

So it can be in concluded that the meaning of full day school is school throughout the day or teaching and learning process that is applied from the morning until late afternoon, starting at 06.45-15.30 WIB, with the duration of rest every two hours. Thus, schools can arrange lesson schedules freely, and tailored to the weight of the subjects coupled with the deepening of the material. Sulistyaningsih (2008: 59) states that "this full-day school school lasted almost a full day, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm".

Thus, the full day school system is a well-organized and well-structured component to support the process of human maturity (learners) through longer and longer school teaching and training efforts compared with the schools in general. "The main thing in full day school is setting the subject schedule and deepening chracter" (Bahruddin, 2010: 221).

There were some researchers who have conducted research on the first full day school, They were Ida Nurhayati Setiyorini, Sutarno Joyoatmojo, and Sunardi (2014) in the Journal of Educational and Learning Technology entitled Application of Learning System "Fun & Full Day School" to Improve the religibility of Learners at SDIT Al Islam Kudus said that Full Day. It is a term of a learning process that was carried out on a regular basis full, the activities of children were more done in school than at home. Nevertheless, the longer learning process at school does not only take place in the classroom, because of the initial concept of a full day system school was not adding to teaching materials and hours of study that had been set by the MoNE as it is in the curriculum, but in addition school hours were used for the enrichment of teaching materials delivered with creative learning methods and fun to add insight and deepen science, In other words the basic concept from full day school this is integrated curriculum and integrated activity.

�� The second, was conducted Marfiah Astuti (2013). She reported her study in Journal of Policy and Development Education entitled Implementation of Fullday School Program as a Business Encouraging Social Development of Kindergarten Students of Al-Ya'lu City. She found that a full-day school was established to address the various problems that exist in society about the education system. Parents want their children to get the best education in terms of academic and non academic and provide protection for their children. In detail the full day school was established due to the demands: First, the lack of time parents at home due to high work demands. Parents want to provide security for their child when their child comes home from school. Another case if parents are less attention to the problem of children, then what happens is the child will look for negative activity without control even could be a child will be trapped in a bad social environment. Secondly, the need for supervision to all the needs and safety of children, especially for children at an early age as long as the parents work. Third, the need for formalization of additional hours religious because of the lack of time parents at home then automatic supervision against it is also minimal. Fourth, the necessity improving the quality of education as a solution to various problems of the nation currently.

In general, some of the researcher had been described above could be deduced that, there were equation of things,that was Implementation of full day school in education programs, as a step toward children to avoid the negative things.


Metode Penelitian

Considering the characteristic of this research, the researcher applied a qualitative design because the primary purpose of the research was to identify students� perception on the implementation of full day school. Nunan (1992) stated that qualitative research stresses a phenomenological model in which reality was rooted in the perceptions of the subjects. It usually took place in naturally occurring situations, as contrasted which exhibit control and manipulation of behaviors and settings. This requires an identification of participants, a procedure and methods of data collection.

�� Considering the characteristic of this research, the researcher applied a qualitative design because the primary purpose of the research was to identify students� perception on the implementation of full day school. Nunan (1992) stated that qualitative research stresses a phenomenological model in which reality was rooted in the perceptions of the subjects. It usually took place in naturally occurring situations, as contrasted which exhibit control and manipulation of behaviors and settings. This requires an identification of participants, a procedure and methods of data collection.

Instrument was a tool used to collected data or information which was useful to answer research problems and instruments as a tool at the time of research, The instruments used in this study were:

The questionnaire consists of questions, related to the implementation of Full Day School, and for answers they live to determine which they choose. Question was divided into two groups based on perception type.


Hasil dan Pembahasan

This research was conducted to find out students' perceptions of the implementation of Full Day School in SMA Negeri 2 Kolaka. To get the results of this study, the researcher took an analysis of the data collected during the study. the results of this study, can be seen in the analysis table of the questionnaire below:


Table 1

The Aspects from The Full day school is an effective

way of shaping the character ofthe learner




Do you agree implementation a full day schoolin your school? (Apahkah anda setuju dilaksanakanya system full day school disekolah anda?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 62% students agree with implementation a full day school and 38% disagree. It means that implementation a full day school could be said the students of SMA Negeri 2 Kolaka can accepted this system. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student, the student said that.

�I agree because I can spend more time at school with my friends� (kalau saya setuju karena saya bisa menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di sekolah bersama teman teman saya).




Yes %

No %

Is the full day school implementation system fun? (Apahkah system pelaksanaan full day school menyenangkan?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 68% students agree that implementation a full day school was fun and 32% disagree. It means that implementation a full day school could be said the students of SMA Negeri 2 Kolaka can accepted this system. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student, the student said that.

�My feeling, I can accept the full day school system well because all this time I have been doing full day school for a yearFull Day School well, without complaining� (perasaan saya, saya bisa menerima sistem full day school dengan baik karena selama ini saya sudah satu tahun menjalankan full day school dan saya bisa melewati full day school dengan baik, tanpa ada mengeluh).





Is the implementation of full day school effective? (Apahkah pelaksanaan full day school sudah efektif?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 51% students agree with implementation a full day school and 49% disagree. It means that implementation a full day school could be said the students of SMA Negeri 2 Kolaka only a part of those who accept this system. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student The student said that.

I think it's effective, because the benefits for me are also good, so I can be more disciplined and respectful of time to. (menurut saya sudah efektif, karena manfaatnya untuk saya juga bagus, supayasaya bisa semakin disiplin dan menghargai waktu juga.)





Is your time limited by the full day school?

(Apahkah waktu anda dibatasi dengan adanya full day school?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 57% students agree with implementation a full day school and 43% disagree. It means that implementation a full day school could be said the students of SMA Negeri 2 Kolaka only a part of those who accept this system. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�I really really don't like it, because the lesson is so long sometimes it takes up to 2 hours, sometimes we are sleepy especially if the teacher was teaching boring, bee-headed headaches� (kalau saya sangat sangat tidak suka karena pelajaranya itu lama sekali kadang sampai 2 jam lebih, kadang anak anak itu mengantuk apalagi kalau gurunya yang mengajar membosankan, bee, pusing kepala).





Does the full day school implementation system change your character ? (Apahkah system pelaksanaan full day school mengubah karakter anda sedidkit demi sedikit?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 75% students agree with implementation a full day school and25% disagree. this means that with the implementation of full day the character of students in the school changes little by little This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�for me I really agree with the implementation of full day school at my school because besides the extra extracurricular hours was longthe full day I was really formed and I felt my fashion was getting more disciplined and distracted and I felt good inmanaging time� (bagi saya sendiri saya sangat setuju dengan adanya pelaksanaan full day school, ee disekolah saya karena selain jam ekstrakulikulernyalebih lama pada saat pelaksanaan full day karakter saya betul betul terbentuk karena jam ekstra kulikulernya lama dan saya merasa fashion saya semakin disiplin dan tergalih dan saya merasa menjadi pandai mengatur waktu.)





At the time of Full Day School implementation, extracurricular activities are fun?

(Pada Saat Penerapan Full Day School, yaitu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler apakah menyenangkan)






The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 76% students agree with implementation a full day school and 24% disagree, This means that extracurricular activities are favored by High School 2 students in Kolaka This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�for me I really agree with the implementation of full day school at my school because besides the extra extracurricular hours was longthe full day I was really formed and I felt my fashion was getting more disciplined and distracted and I felt good inmanaging time� (bagi saya sendiri saya sangat setuju dengan adanya pelaksanaan full day school, ee disekolah saya karena selain jam ekstrakulikulernyalebih lama pada saat pelaksanaan full day karakter saya betul betul terbentuk karena jam ekstra kulikulernya lama dan saya merasa fashion saya semakin disiplin dan tergalih dan saya merasa menjadi pandai mengatur waktu.)





Through extracurricular activities, are your talents getting honed?

(Melalui kegiatan ekstrakulikulerapahkah bakat kalian semakin terasah ?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 64% students agree with implementation a full day school and36% disagree. This means that through extracurricular activities, their talents can gradually be honed. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�for me I really agree with the implementation of full day school at my school because besides the extra extracurricular hours was longthe full day I was really formed and I felt my fashion was getting more disciplined and distracted and I felt good inmanaging time� (bagi saya sendiri saya sangat setuju dengan adanya pelaksanaan full day school, ee disekolah saya karena selain jam ekstrakulikulernyalebih lama pada saat pelaksanaan full day karakter saya betul betul terbentuk karena jam ekstra kulikulernya lama dan saya merasa fashion saya semakin disiplin dan tergalih dan saya merasa menjadi pandai mengatur waktu.) The Aspects from The The day of become more.





Do you agree with the full day school, which is a holiday on Saturdays and Sundays?

(Apahkah anda setuju dengan pelaksanaan full day school, yang ternyata liburnya pada hari sabtu dan minggu?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 72% students agree with implementation a full day school and28% disagree. This means that High School 2 Kolaka students receive full day school and receive school holidays on Saturdays and Sundays. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�for me personally I prefer 5 school days, because when 5 days of school students do more activities in school doing positive God willing activities, because they are more controlled by teachers and friends� (bagi say pribadi saya lebih memilih 5 hari sekolah karena pada saat 5 hari sekolahsiswa lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan di sekolah melakukan kegiatan kegiataninsya allah positif, karena lebih terkontrol oleh guru dan teman teman.)

The Aspects from The Ability of a Child's brain to accept a lesson has a certain limit.




at the time of implementation full day school, do you sometimes feel bored?

(pada saat pelaksanaan full day scholl, apahkah anda kadang merasa jenuh?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 69% students agree with implementation a full day school and31% disagree. this means that sometimes students feel bored at the time Full Day School This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

I really do not like it because the lesson is for a long time sometimes up to 2 hours, we are sleepy especially if the teacher was teaching boring, beeeee, headache. (kalau saya sangat sangat tidak suka karena pelajaranya itu lama sekali kadang sampai 2 jam lebih, kadang anak anak itu mengantuk apalagi kalau gurunya yang mengajar membosankan, bee, pusing kepala.





at the time during full day school, have you ever been sleepy?

(pada saat pelaksanaan full day school apahkah anda pernah mengantuk?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 87% students agree with implementation a full day school and13% disagree, this means that during the Full Day School, students sometimes get sleepy and they sometimes fall asleep, can be seen from the results of the questionnaire, which reached 87%.





During the full day school, can you remember all the material from the beginning to the end?

(Pada saat pelaksanaan full day school, apakah anda dapat mengingat semua materi dari awal mulai sampai akhir?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 31% students agree with implementation a full day school and69% disagree, this means that only a few students remember the material, it can be seen from the presentation that only reached 31%, This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�The morning is easier than noon, because the morning the brain is still fresh while the afternoon is getting sleepy� (kalau pagi lebih mudah daripada siang, karena pagi otak masih fresh sedangkan siang sudah mulai mengantuk.)

Table The Aspects from The Some School Facilities and Infrastructure Have Not Been Adequate.





At the time implementation of full day school, whether facilities usually used?

(Pada saat pelaksanaan full day school, sarana dan prasarana biasa digunakan?)





The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 81% students agree with implementation a full day school and19% disagree, this means that the facilities and infrastructure often used can be seen from the results of the questionnaire which reached 81%.




Do you feel burdened if there are school assignments on the implementation of Full Day School?

(Apakah Anda merasa terbebani jika ada tugas sekolah pada penerapan Full Day School ?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 68% students agree with implementation a full day school and 32% disagree, this means that, at the time of full day school, sometimes the teacher gives school assignments, and students feel burdened, can be seen from the results of the questionnaire which is 68%, This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

there are teacher giving assignments, but the rules cannot be given assignments, so we just do it� (ia ada guru memberikan tugas, tapi aturanya itu tidak boleh di beri tugas jadi, kami laksanakan saja).





With the full day school, is the teacher always present at the time of implementation?

(Dengan adanya full day school Apahkah pada saat pelaksanaan tersebut guru selalu hadir?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 55% students agree with implementation a full day school and45% disagree, this means that sometimes the teacher was present in the teaching process, it can be seen from the results of the questionnaire, which is 55%.





With full day school, do you feel burdened?

(Dengan adanya full day school anda merasa terbebani?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 38% students agree with implementation a full day school and62% disagree, this means high school students N 2 Kolaka, not burdened with the implementation of full day school This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student.

�at first I was still burdened with full day school, maybe because of my obligation as a child at home to help my parents, but sudenly I felt helped me, because besides helping me become more disciplined, to know how to manage time and not delay working and I appreciate time� (pada awalnya saya masih terbebani dengan adanya full day school munkin karena kewajiban saya sebagai anak di rumah membantu orang tua saya tapi semakin kesini justru saya merasa terbantu karena ee- selain membantu saya menjadi lebih disiplin lebih tau bagaimana cara mengatur waktu dan tidak menunda nunda pekerjaan dan saya lebih menghargai waktu).





With the full day school, is your social interaction time with friends outside of school diminishing?

(Dengan adanya full day school, apahkahwaktu interaksi sosial anda dengan teman di luar sekolah semakinberkurang ?)




The results of the questionnaire, showed that from 100 students there were 47% students agree with implementation a full day school and53% disagree, it means that, some students feel that with the implementation of full day school sometimes their time was not limited, it can be seen from the results of the questionnaire that is 47%.

Then, based on the data analysis From aspectThe Full day school is an effective way of shaping the character ofthe learner can be said to change the character of High School 2 students Kolaka, because this is proven by the results of questionnaires that reached 60% and some even reached 76%, as said by(Baharuddin, 2010: 221). "The main thing in full day school is setting theschedule and deepening character".

The results of interview with students she said that, �for myself I really agree with the implementation of full day school, at my school because besides the extra extracurricular hours during the full day I was really formed and I felt my fashion was getting more disciplined and distracted and I felt good at managing time�.

From analis Aspects from the day of become more can be said students like that, because they have more time for their family and friends, From the results of the questionnaire showed 72% and the results of interviews with students, he said that �for me personally I prefer 5 school days, because when 5 days of school students do more activities in school doing positive God willing activities, because they are more controlled by teachers and friends�.

From The Aspects, The Some School Facilities and Infrastructure Have Not Been Adequate SMA N 2 Kolaka already has several facilities which commonly used by students, this was evidenced by the results of the questionnaire given that is 81%, before the implementation of full day school Sma N 2 Kolaka already has facilities at the school.

This means that students' perceptions of full day school implementation differ, because there were those who accept the implementation and do not receive it. After retrieving data from the results of the questionnaire related to the implementation of the full school, qualitative analysis was supported by the results of interviews of several students who were respondents of this study.



Based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that most of the students agree with the implementation of full day school in their school. This thing was support by result of questionnaire that showed that from 100 students there were 62% students agreed with implementation a full day school and 38% disagreed and also supported by the results of students interviews that strongly agree with the implementation of full day school.

In analysis of negative perception, majority of students felt that not burdened and still had time to interaction with their friend outside of school with the implementation of full day school. This was supported by the result of interview with one of the student tat full day school helped students to be more disciplined. It means that the students accepted the implementation of full day school in their school.




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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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