�Syntax Literate : Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
p�ISSN: 2541-0849
��e-ISSN : 2548-1398
6, Special Issue No. 2, Desember 2021
Maria Beatrix Rahinart
Politeknik eLBajo Commodus,
Labuan Bajo, East Nusa
Tenggara Province, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
The aims of this study are:
(1) to identify types of code switching and code mixing in the novel Prisoner
of Your Heart by Irin Sintriana,
(2) to identify� causal
factors of code switching and code mixing in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart,
and (3) to illustrate how sociolinguistic concepts apply to the analysis of
literature based on the dramaturgical analysis. The research design of this
study is descriptive qualitative method. The data are obtained by four
techniques of data collections. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded
that there are three types of code switching and code mixing in the novel
Prisoner of Your Heart. Those are: (1) inter-sentential switching, (2)
intra-sentential mixing, and (3) intra-lexical code mixing. The causal factors
of code switching and code mixing in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart are
talking about particular topic, to soften or strengthen request or command, and
expressing group identity. From the types and causal factors above, the writer
makes the correlation of sociolinguistics and literature analysis that
literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of social
effect. It means that both of literature and sociolinguistics influence each
Keywords: code switching, code mixing, dramaturgical
2021-10-20; Accepted: 2021-11-05; Published: 2021-11-20
Language and society have a
close relationship. In our life, language plays an important role. Without a
language, people can not communicate with each other. Language is the most
effective means of communication belonging to people and people use it in favor
of fulfilling their basic needs. It is used by human beings to express their
ideas, feelings, opinions, thoughts, and also to cooperate with each
other.� Thus, the primary function of
language is to give factual information and to transfer essential command.
Language as a means of communication also functions as a cement to unify
families, a group of society, and even a nation as a whole. It is one of the
most powerful emblems of social behavior. In the normal transfer of information
through language, we use language to send vital social messages about who we
are, where we come from, and who we associate with. Besides that, language can
refer to the past, present, future, and showing something that does not exist
here and there or in another place.
According to Gleason (1961:2),
language is made up two kinds of materials, namely expression and content.
There are two languages in terms of its form. First is oral language and the
second is written language. A written language is the representation of a
writing system. In written language, there are a lot of applications of written
language, such as newspapers, books, magazines, letters, and novels. One of the
applications analyzed by the writer is the use of language especially code
switching and code mixing in the novel.
Novel is a kind of long
written story (Oxford Learner�s Pocket Dictionary, 2008:298). It is a kind of
fiction which includes imaginative works and factual accounts. It is a popular
literature that contains various stories about teenager�s living.� It also has several language characteristics
that distinguish it from the other literatures. One of those special
characteristics is the use of foreign language term especially English
language. In this research, the writer discusses one of the novels entitled
Prisoner of Your Heart by Irin Sintriana, a novelist from Indonesia. This novel
is a kind of romance fiction. In their daily situation, the characters in the
novel make conversations with others by using different languages and dialect,
i.e. Indonesian, English and Jakarta dialect. Sometimes they switch or mix
their language in one utterance to make the listeners or readers understand the
statement. That kind of switching and mixing phenomenon in the novel get the
writer�s attention. Related to the illustration above, we can see that there is
a relationship between language and society especially between sociology and
literature in terms of the analysis of code switching and code mixing in the
novel Prisoner of Your Heart. The writer is also interested in understanding
why the characters in this novel switch and mix their language when they are in
an interaction with each other. Based on the phenomena, the writer conducts a
study entitled �The Use of Code Switching, Code Mixing, and Dramaturgical
Analysis in a Literary Work�.
The method in this research
selected by considering its appropriateness with the research problems. In this
case, the object determinates the method, not in the other hand. This research
method is arranged based on the problem analyzed and the main purpose of the
research. In this part, the writer discusses a research design, research
object, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. A method is
very important in every scientific research as approach to find out the answers
for the questions which asked in the beginning of the scientific research.� A method is a foundation of a scientific
research besides theories that are used. It can guides the researchers in
conducting their research in order to gather the data, interpret, and analyze
the result of the research. The research design of this study is descriptive
qualitative method since it provides a systematic, factual, and accurate
description of a situation of area. The object of the research is a novel
entitled Prisoner of Your Heart by Irin Sintriana. In order to collect the data
to be analyzed, the writer uses these following steps: 1) choosing the novel;
2) reading and observing the conversations in the novel; 3) taking notes on the
statements or utterances that spoken by all of the characters in the novel
Prisoner of Your Heart; and 4) arranging information for the analysis.
The collected data are
analyzed qualitatively. After getting the information, the data are analyzed to
find out the types and causal factors of code switching and code mixing in the
novel. After gaining and collecting the data, the writer takes the next step
that is analyzing the data through several stages: 1) rechecking the related
data; 2) reading and understanding the whole novel; 3) choosing the statements
or utterances which have the characteristics of code switching and code mixing;
4) classifying the data based on the types and the causal factors of the use of
code switching and code mixing; 5) describing the types and the reasons of code
switching and mixing sample that are found in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart;
and 6) analyzing the relevance of sociolinguistic concept in literature in the
novel Prisoner of Your Heart based on the dramaturgical analysis. Finally,
based on the data analysis techniques above, the writer describes the
conclusion of her research problems.
Research Finding and Discussion
From the data analysis, the writer finds that there are three major types of code switching and code mixing in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart by Irin Sintriana. In types of code switching, there is one major type. It is inter-sentential switching. While in the types of code mixing, there are two major types. Those are intra-sentential mixing and intra-lexical mixing.
1. Types of Code Switching
In this type of code switching, the writer finds that there is one major type of code switching. It is inter-sentential switching.
1) Inter-sentential Switching
Inter-sentential switching occurs outside the sentence or the clause level (between clause or
sentence boundary), where each clause or sentence is in one language or other.
It is sometimes called extra-sentential switching. From the data analysis, the writer finds that there are two
changes in this type of code switching. They can be seen in the following data:
a) T1������� : �Ya,
Ma. Jangan khawatir. I love you.�
(Hal. 32)
����������� �[�Yes, Mom. Do not worry. I love you.�] (Page
b) T2������� : �That�s not funny, Elaine sayang.� (Hal.
����������� �
[�That�s not funny, baby.�] (Page 102)
The sentences I love you in T1 and that�s not funny in T2 are the kind of code changes used by the character in the story especially in his statement or sentence. The character switches the codes outside the sentence or the clause level. In T1, the character switches the code from the native language (Indonesia) into the target language (English). In this case, the native language sentence is embedded in the target language matrix. While in T2, the character switches the code from the target language (English) into the native language (Indonesia). In this case, the target language� sentence is embedded in the native language matrix.
2. Types of Code Mixing
In this type of code mixing, the writer finds that there are two major types of code switching. They are intra-sentential mixing and intra-lexical code mixing.
1) Intra-sentential Mixing
Intra-sentential mixing occurs within a phrase, a clause or a
sentence boundary. From the data
analysis, the writer finds that there are forty nine
(49) changes found in this type of code mixing which the target language
(English) words are embedded in a native language (Indonesian) matrix. They can
be seen in the following data:
T1������� :
�Aku nggak butuh babysitter. Aku udah dewasa, tahu!� jawab � ����������� Elaine setengah
jengkel. (Hal. 17)
����������� �[I do not need a babysitter. I am an
adult, you know!� Elaine said with half annoyed.] (Page 17)
T2������� :
�Apakah shopping center yang kamu maksudkan masih jauh?� tanya � Elaine.
(Hal. 28)
�[Is the shopping center still far away? Elaine asked.] (Page. 28)
The word babysitter in T1 and the phrase shopping center in T2 are the form of code mixing. In this case, the bilingual speaker seems to apply the word or phrase from foreign language (pieces of one language smaller than clause), while the other language (code) functions as the basic language. There is no topic change in the sentence.
2) Intra-lexical Code Mixing
Intra-lexical code mixing occurs within a word boundary. The code changes can� happen in a word or phrase with adding an affix (prefix and suffix) in the native language. From the data analysis, the writer finds that there are seven (7) changes choose in this type of code mixing which the target language (English) words are embedded in a native language (Indonesian) matrix. They can be seen in the following data:
T1��� :
�Aku tahu kamu sudah dewasa, dan aku juga
bukan seorang ������ babysitter. Aku hanya
bertugas untuk mengenalkan kota Sydney � padamu,
menemanimu supaya kamu nggak kesepian kemana mana, dan menjadi temanmu. Simple-kan?� kata Fabian. (Hal. 17)
[I know you are an adult, and I am not a babysitter either. I only introduce the city of Sydney to you, accompanying you so that you are not lonely anywhere, and being your friend. Is it simple, right? " Fabian said.] (Page 17)
T2��� :
�Udah beres. Ini swipe card-mu.
Kamu bisa memakainya untuk membuka pintu
utama apartemen� ujar Fabian seraya ������� menyodorkan
swipe card serta kunci apartemen Elaine. (Hal. 22)
[�Everything is ok. This is your swipe card. You can use it to open the main door of the apartment� Fabian said as he handed the swipe card and apartment�s key to Elaine.] (Page 22)
The word simple-kan in T1 and the phrase swipe card-mu in T2 are the combination of two different languages. In T1, suffix -kan in the word simple-kan means right. In T2, suffix -mu in the phrase swipe card- mu means yours.
3. Causal Factors of Code
Switching and Code Mixing
��������� There are three (3) causal factors of code switching and code mixing in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart by Irin Sintriana. Those are:
1) Talking about particular topic
In everyday interaction and communication, people usually choose different codes for different situation. They may choose a particular code or variety because it makes them easier to discuss a particular topic, regardless of where they are speaking. When people are talking about work or school at home, for instance, they may use a language that is related to those fields rather than the language used in daily language communication at home. People prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in another. Sometimes, a character feels free and more comfortable to express his feelings in a language that is not his everyday language. In the novel Prisoner of Your Heart, there are parts of the story which tell about topic. The characters always make an interaction based on the topic and situation. It can be seen in the following data:
��F1 ������ : �Naskah ini
masih berupa gimmick. Naskah utuh
akan saya ��� bagikan kepada kalian
setelah menyelesaikan casting hari
ini. Saya akan �mengedarkannya ���������� pada kalian sebentar �������� lagi, dan
�saya akan memberikan waktu untuk kalian membacanya. Setelah itu, mari kita coba memainkannya,� jelas
Fabian. (Hal. 75)
["This script is still a gimmick. I will share the full script to you after finishing casting today. I will pass it on to you in a moment, and I will give you time to read it. After that, let us try to play it �Fabian ������ explained.] (Page 75)
��F2������� : �Perlu saya
tekankan, naskah ini adalah jenis naskah untuk pertunjukan mime. Tidak akan ada banyak dialogue, tetapi saya lebih mengharapkan ekspresi kalian yang
berbicara. Pantomime dan mime
sangat dibutuhkan disini, sebab untuk naskah, nantinya akan ditampilkan dalam
bentuk aside. Yang kalian perlukan
adalah bermain dengan ekspresi dan gerakan tubuh,� jelas Fabian. (Hal. 79)
[I need to emphasize, this script is kind of script for mime
or performance. There will not be much dialogue,
but I would rather expect your expressions to do the talking. Pantomime
and mime are needed here, because for the script, they will be displayed
in aside form. All you need is to play with expressions and body
movements, "Fabian �� explained.] (Page
Both of two data above are the form of particular topic spoken by Fabian as the main character. In the story of this novel, the words gimmick, casting, mime, dialogue, pantomime, and aside (as shown in the examples above), timbre, follow spot, vocal point, floodlight, and front of house (that the writer found in the rest of Fabian�s utterances) are terms which are used by Fabian in his theater class. The character uses this terms to make his students easier in understanding the topic especially when he teaches them theatrical. This thing shows that every topic of discussion in human interaction must be well-suited with the situation and condition.
To soften
or strengthen request or command
Interjection is
one of factors which are found in the story. It is used by the character to
convey strong emotion or to gain attention of people around him. It can be seen
in the following data:
��� ������� �F1: �4 bentaknya tanpa sadar. (Hal. 105)
[�Elaine, stop talking, please!� he snapped unconsciously.] (Page 105)
����������� The interjection which is found in the word �please!� symbolizes strong emotion of the character. This word indicates the strong emotion of the character who does not like the situation or condition around him.
group identity
Expressing group identity is a causal factor of code switching and code mixing in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart by Irin sintriana. This thing caused by the communication style. In this novel, the young characters live in the modern community, they sometimes switch and mix their language (English, Indonesian, and local language) in their everyday communication and interaction.
Dramaturgical analysis is a theory that used by the writer in analyzing the correlation between sociolinguistics and the analysis of literature in the novel Prisoner of Your Heart. Dramuturgical analysis argues that the presentation of oneself through role is a way of engaging with society. In this analysis, there are some important elements that become the focus to be analyzed. Those elements cover main character, back-up character, front stage, and back stage. Main character is one of the important elements in the novel. Without this element, the story can not be conducted well. The second is back-up characters. It is the cast in theatrical presentation. It supports the main characters. The last is about front stage and back stage. Front stages are defined in dramaturgical analysis as the place where the characters as an actor play his part.
Dramaturgical analysis is also influnced by particular state of reality and society. It covers time, place, setting, class, and ethnic group. Implicitly, dramaturgical analysis relates to the intrinsic elements of the story. In her analysis, the writer sees that every single characters, topics, and roles are also influenced by time, place, situation, gender, and class.
In conducting the content of the story in literary work
especially Indonesian novel, the characters make code switching and code mixing
because of some reasons such as talking about particular topic, to soften or
strengthen request or command, and to express group identity during the
interaction process among them. There are three types of code switching and
code mixing in the novel. Those are: a) inter-sentential switching which the
target language is embedded in the native language; b) intra-sentential mixing
which the target language is embedded in the native language; c) intra-lexical
mixing which the target language is embedded in the native language. The intra-
sentential mixing in which the target language is embedded in native language
is dominant in use.
The relationship between sociolinguistics and literature
analysis are: a) In the dramaturgical analysis of this novel, there are three
language choices based on its connection of interaction among characters in the
novel Prisoner of Your Heart.� Those are
privacy, social, and public. It means that beside the analysis of literature of
the story in this novel (main characters, back-up characters, front stage, and
backstage), interaction among characters in this novel become the important
thing. For example, privacy, social, and public communication are the analysis
refer to the way information, ideas, and messages are shared between two or
more characters as the part of their social interaction, b) Characters, topics,
roles, front stage, and backstage in the novel influenced by the particular
state of reality and society (time and place), c) Literature is not only the
effect of social causes but also the cause of social effect. It means that both
of literature and sociolinguistics influence each other. A novelist in his
novel has specific reasons why he writes a story. The first reason is she
thinks that the story written by her is only her fantasy about someone or
something. Second, the story written is the representation of the fact or
reality in factual life. The reasons above show that every literary works
especially novel is the representation of novelist�s imagination (fantasy or
facts) about someone, or something thought. A code can be said as a language.
The code is a form of the language variation that is used by a society to
communicate with other people.The
use of code switching and code mixing can be valuable strategy for learning
foreign language.
In this novel, there is a correlation between sociolinguitics and literature analysis. The correlation
can be seen from particular state of reality and society (time, place, gender,
class, and ethnic group) with the intrinsic elements of the whole story in the
novel. Every single topic discussion of the character in the novel adapted with
the time, place, condition, and situation of the story.
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Copyright holder: Maria Beatrix Rahinart Wellalangi (2021) |
First publication right: Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah
Indonesia |
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