Management of Religious Character Education at MTS Sabul Hayat Jango, Central Lombok

  • Raodatul Jannah Universitas Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
Keywords: Educational Management, Character, Religion


Noble character is an important aspect in educating children. Even a nation's character is also determined by the moral level of the nation. In this view it is also stated about the formation of character, the formation of this character can be said as an effort to form character. Without character someone easily does anything that can hurt or misery other people. Character is the possession of good things. Parents and educators have a duty to educate children with character content through the subject matter being taught. Therefore, character building efforts are very important to manage students' personalities from negative things. It is hoped that the awakened character will encourage every human being to do something with his conscience. In cultural studies, values are the core of every culture. In this context, especially moral values which are a means of regulating social life, are very decisive in every culture. Especially in the era of globalization which has made relations between worlds widely open, the bonds of moral values are starting to weaken, society is experiencing a multidimensional crisis, and the crisis that is felt the most severe is a crisis of moral values. Currently, Indonesia is facing a very complicated problem in the form of symptoms of a decline in morality in the practices of the nation and state. This situation is really very ironic when this nation actually has.


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