Evaluasi Proses Penyimpanan dan Pengendalian Obat-Obatan di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit DKT Bandar Lampung

  • Ari Irawan Romulya Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia
  • Anhari Achadi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Farmasi, RS. DKT Lampung, penyimpanan obat, pengendalian obat


Hospital Pharmacy Installation (IFRS) is a unit of a hospital with pharmacist leadership and pharmacist assistance who is responsible for the entire pharmacy service and complete coverage of what is planned, procured, storing supplies and pharmacy availability. The Pharmacy Installation of the DKT Bandar Lampung hospital carries out drug storage and drug control. several problems occur in the pharmacy installation of this hospital, namely from the storage and drug control factors, namely the position of placing the drugs is not well organized, supervision of expired drug stocks that have not been carried out properly, while in drug control there are still many drugs that do not exist with the purchase of drugs. outside. In this study, researchers identify and understand the problem of drug logistics management, namely storing and controlling drugs from the Pharmacy Installation of the DKT Hospital in Bandar Lampung.  The technique in this research uses semi-structured interviews, participatory observation, and literature study. The Pharmacy Installation of the DKT Bandar Lampung Hospital with the determination and control of drugs in line with the provisions of the ministry's regulations Number 58 of (2014), the Pharmacy Installation is required to carry out regular checks and supervision because there are some drugs that are still not neatly prepared in the preparation of drugs, not yet completed with there is a window. Drug control is still in a safe stage, namely relying on a buffer stock technique so that it has stock for the next month, but this hospital pharmacy installation has a weakness, namely that there are many drugs with a willingness for their patients, they have to be purchased from outside the hospital.


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