Character Education Through The Development of Spiritual Intelligence at SMA Plus YPHB

  • Mastur Thoyib Kesi Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf, Indonesia
Keywords: Character education, the development of spiritual intelligence, SMA Plus YPHB


Until now, education in schools is still more focused on efforts to develop students' intellectual intelligence, while efforts to develop other intelligences such as spiritual intelligence are still not given enough attention or have not been implemented seriously. Even though the development of spiritual intelligence is very closely related to student character education efforts. As a result, the output of character education is not as expected and has an impact on the decline of the nation's morale. On that basis, this study aims to determine the implementation of character education through the development of spiritual intelligence at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City. This study uses a qualitative approach with analytic descriptive method. Data collection through interview techniques, observation, and documentation studies, involving data sources, namely; principals, vice principals, teachers and students at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor, and triangulation was used to test the validity of the data. The results of the study show that the implementation of character education at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City, has a unique model, including establishing a full day school policy, an Active, Creative, Effective and Fun based learning approach, the Quantum Teaching method, and establishing a distinctive curriculum policy based on values -religious values, especially Islam.


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