Analisis Pemanfaatan Wakaf Hidroponik sebagai Solusi Pembiayaan Pendidikan di Tapos Depok,

  • Refri Raditya Nugraha Hukum Keluarga Islam, STDI Imam Syafi’i
  • Muhsan Syarafuddin Hukum Keluarga Islam, STDI Imam Syafi’i
Keywords: Hydroponic Endowments, Education Financing, Islamic Boarding Schools, Waqf


This study aims to Analysis of the Utilization of Hydroponic Endowments as a Solution for Education Financing in Tapos Depok. This research using interview methods examines the analysis of hydroponic endowments as a funding source for education in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren). The research aims to explore the benefits and challenges of utilizing hydroponic farming to generate income for educational purposes. Through interviews with key stakeholders, the study reveals the advantages of hydroponic farming, such as efficient and sustainable vegetable production, leading to increased revenue for educational needs. The research also identifies technical and management challenges in hydroponic system operation, as well as marketing and distribution strategies. The findings highlight the educational aspects of hydroponic implementation, providing valuable learning experiences for students in modern agriculture, hydroponic technology, garden management, and entrepreneurial skills. The study underscores the significance of community support and collaboration in expanding market reach and emphasizes the role of Islamic boarding schools as local development agents contributing to economic growth and community welfare. Overall, the research shows that the application of hydroponic endowments as a financing solution has positively impacted the independence, sustainability, and education of Islamic boarding schools.


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