Proses Pembuatan Body Pesawat Cesna-172 Dengan Material Komposit

  • Nanda Dwi Aditya Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia
  • Sunaryo Sunaryo Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia
  • Legisnal Hakim Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia
Keywords: composite materials, characteristics composits, cessna aircraft body-172


Composite is a combination of two or more materials that have different phases into a new material and has better properties than both. Composite is an alternative material to replace metal, this is due to the properties of fiber composites which are strong and have a lighter weight than metal (Fahmi, 2011). Composite characteristics are strongly influenced by their constituents, their distribution, and their interactions. More specifically, it is also influenced by the geometry of the reinforcement, where the geometry is the shape, size and size distribution. All of these things were then developed to increase its mechanical characteristics such as strength, rigidity, toughness, performance against heat and others (Sirait, 2010).The manufacture of the Cesna-172 aircraft body uses composite materials with fiber glass. Thus, in each process of making the cesna-172 aircraft body, there are several stages for the manufacture of the aircraft body.


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Mahmud Ari Susanto. (2019.) material “komposit”, Untuk material pesawat terbang, umumnya dipergunakan Aluminium sebagai matriks dan Carbon sebagai serat (fiber), dan penggabungan/paduan kedua material tersebut akan didapat material yang keras (kaku), tahan suhu tinggi sekaligus ringan dan lentur.
Sirait, (2010) Karakteristik komposit Semua hal ini kemudian dikembangkan untuk menaikkan karakteristik mekaniknya seperti kekuatan,kekauan,ketangguhan, peforma terhadap panas dan lainnya
Fahmi, (2011) Pengertian Komposit Komposit merupakan perpaduan dari dua material atau lebih yang memiliki fasa yang berbeda menjadi suatu material yang baru dan memiliki properties lebih baik dari keduanya.