Potret Eksistensi Manusia Kerdil (Dwarfisme) di Desa Palak Siring dari Perspektif Interpersonal Communication

  • Arif Hidayat Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Keywords: Existence, Dwarfisme, Interpersonal Communication


Dwarfism is an individual who has a biological growth disorder, and often gets stigma and discrimination that has affect his self-confidence. However, there are dwarfs who are able to overcome these obstacles and to build their own existence in society. This study aims to determine the process of building self-existence in the perspective of interpersonal communication, as well as to understand the factors causing the existence of little persons in Palak Siring Village. This is a qualitative research using a. case study approach. The participants of this study were six little persons in Palak Siring Village who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview technique based on a guide validated by two experts of subject matter. The results obtained from this study reveal genetic factors inherited from the mother (gene X) as the cause of dwarfism. The existence of little persons in Palak Siring Village is manifested in the form of contributions as village leaders, being able to access higher education, and actively building a presence on social media. The existence is obtained through the process of meeting the needs that are examined from the perspective of interpersonal communication. In conclusion, dwarfism is a physical disability that is genetic in nature, so it tends to persist throughout life. Building existence in the midst of negative stigma is carried out by fulfillling every need in the hierarchy of human needs through building effective communication.


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