Affective Commitment Sebagai Faktor Moderasi Pengaruh Workplace Incivility Dan Burnout Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Ocb) Pada Perawat Fresh Graduate Di Rs X Jakarta

  • Metaudina Chandra Pratiwi Program Studi Magister Administrasi Rumah Sakit Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta
Keywords: -, Affective Commitment, Burnout, Workplace Incivility


This research aims to investigate the role of affective commitment as a moderating factor in the influence of burnout and workplace incivility on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among fresh graduate nurses at Hospital X in Jakarta. This quantitative study involved the participation of 87 nurses from Hospital X who met the inclusion criteria and completed a questionnaire through Google Form. The data obtained were analyzed using PLS SEM software, resulting in several significant conclusions. Firstly, incivility from superiors does not affect burnout, while incivility from doctors also has no influence on burnout. However, incivility from fellow nurses positively affects the level of burnout. Furthermore, affective commitment plays a crucial role in connecting burnout with OCB, with a negative direction of the relationship. The higher the level of affective commitment, the weaker the relationship between burnout and OCB. This research model can explain approximately 59.8% of the variability in the influence of incivility from various sources on OCB with a moderate level of prediction. Additionally, the variables of burnout and affective commitment can explain about 61.1% of the variability in OCB, also with a moderate level of prediction. These results indicate that this model has a moderate ability to predict the accuracy of the relationships under study.


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