Pengalaman Komunikasi Animator AINAKI Sumatera Barat dalam Berkarir di Industri Animasi

  • Irhamillah Idham Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Andalas
  • Ernita Arif Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Andalas
  • Afrizal Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Andalas
Keywords: Communication, Animator, Phenomenology, Motive, Creative, Ainaki


The production of animation is an important part of the economy in Indonesia. To support this, in 2017 AINAKI West Sumatra was formed as a liaison among the people in animation industry, which aims to improve the quality of the animation industry. Improving human resources (HR) is one of AINAKI's focuses. Therefore one of the programs implemented is to provide training facilities for prospective animators. However, of the many graduates from this training, the owners of the animation industry are still overwhelmed in finding qualified animators. Many animators cannot last a long career in the industry and choose another profession. This is what makes researchers feel interested in exploring the experiences and motives of the animators.

The method used in this study is qualitative, while the approach is phenomenology. The results of the study show that not all of the animators have an artist's background. Knowledge about animation and creative skills is obtained through experience socializing with the environment such as the community, school teachers, campuses, internships, the internet, and also self-taught learning. Several subject decisions for a career in the animation industry are due to the high interest in animation, and animation is a unique discipline, as well as bright job prospects. The communication experience during a career is divided into 3, communication between employees, communication between employees and leaders, and communication between employees and clients. The motives for an animator's career include being in a well-known studio, finding passion, job prospects, growth mindset, wanting to produce their own animated works. The motives for career turnover in the animation industry include work-life balance, Animation is more complicated, personal characters easily get bored, communication in the work environment, incompetent leaders, and interest in moving to a different field. The meaning of being an animator includes, that animator is a profession that promotes creativity, a place to learn new skills, contributes to child-friendly shows, broad and promising career opportunities, and potential business fields.




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