Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Motivasi Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Perawat di RS Awal Bros Bekasi

  • Winardi Fadilah Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Job Satisfaction, Nurse Performance, Organizational Commitment, Work Motivation


Hospital optimization requires employees who have job motivation and good job satisfaction in order to realize the performance of good employees. Decreased nurse performance can be caused by various aspects, researchers try to review in terms of job satisfaction, work motivation and organizational commitment. This study is a cross sectional study, using multiple linear regression test with 95% confidence degree. The results showed that job satisfaction, work motivation and organizational commitment had an effect on partial performance 2,457 (p = 0,015), 4,100 (0,00), 4,552 (0,00). While simultaneously has a value of F of 48.606 (0.00). The conclusion of this research is there is influence between job satisfaction, work motivation, and organizational commitment to nurse performance.




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