Kepastian Hukum terhadap Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-Hatian Perbankan (Prudential Banking Principle) dalam Operasional Perbankan

  • Erdiana Erdiana Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Iblam
Keywords: Prudent Principle, Principles in Banking Law


Banking is an institution that has a major role in the development of a country. This role is manifested in the function of the bank as a financial intermediary institution, namely collecting funds from the public in the form of deposits and distributing them to the public in the form of credit or other forms in order to improve the people's standard of living. One of the principles or principles in banking law is the precautionary / prudential principle which emphasizes that banks in carrying out business activities both in collecting, especially in channeling funds to the public must be very careful. In the application of the precautionary/ prudential principle, it is intended that banks are always in a healthy condition to run their business properly and comply with the provisions and legal norms that apply in the banking world. This study uses a normative juridical approach, which is a study that emphasizes the legal norms contained in legislation and court decisions, but besides that it also tries to examine the legal rules that apply in society and it is hoped that the interests of humans / society will be protected.





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