Partisipasi Politik Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Hongkong pada Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Indonesia Tahun 2019

  • Muhammad Santosa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
Keywords: Indonesian Migrant Workers, Hongkong, Political Participation, Election of Indonesian President and Vice President


The flow of overseas migration that has occurred in Indonesia has existed for a long time, since the Dutch colonial era. After Indonesia's independence, the same thing still happened, but the destination country was different. During the New Order era, Malaysia and the Middle East became favorite destination countries for Indonesian migrant workers. Currently the destination country for Indonesian migrant workers is East Asia, namely Hong Kong, where Hong Kong is far more advanced than Indonesia. 2019 is a political year for Indonesia, the Indonesian people choose a candidate for President and candidate for Vice President for the next five years. The political atmosphere in Indonesia is also felt by Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong. Even though the distance between Indonesia and Hong Kong is quite far, the political processes that go through are not much different. In Hong Kong, polling stations were also set up in strategic places to make it easy for Indonesian migrant workers to exercise their political rights. The political participation of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong in 2019 has increased compared to 2014. Even though, when viewed from the voters list, it is still very small. The increase in political participation is also in line with research in the field. Of the 100 respondents studied, there were 82 respondents exercising their right to vote. In the future, if overseas election committees are more massive and use various methods for outreach, it is possible that the political participation of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong will increase.



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