Hubungan Pemberian Daun Katuk (Sauropus Androgynous) terhadap Proses Kelancaran Asi pada Ibu Postpartum

  • Vindy Lucky Permatasari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
Keywords: Herbs, Katuk Leaves, Breast Milk


This research is a literature review which is a primary data research article about herbs used to facilitate breast milk. The data sources used are in the form of published articles from Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Scopus with the keywords herbal, katuk leaves and breast milk. There were 5 articles that met the inclusion criteria and then data synthesis was carried out. Results: Katuk leaves are known in traditional medicine as a medicine to increase breast milk because the compounds contained in katuk leaf extract have the potential to stimulate the hormones oxytocin and prolactin can stimulate and increase milk production. Conclusion: Katuk leaves can have a positive effect on breast milk production, so a postpartum mother can be advised to consume katuk leaf decoction or katuk leaf extract if she has problems with non-fluent breastfeeding.



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