Analisa Kelayakan Finansial Proyek Automated People Mover System Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta

  • Arif Irawan universitas mercu buana
Keywords: Automated People Mover System, Net Present Value, Internal Return Rate, Benefit Cost Ratio, Pay Back Period, Return On Investment


The growth in the number of passengers continues to increase every year, so increasing capacity is a challenge for airport operators, including by increasing the number of sub-terminals, namely: terminal 1, terminal 2 and terminal 3. being a passenger is a new problem that must be solved because the lockdown creates the potential for traffic jams and causes passengers to be late. To overcome these problems, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport has made modifications to carry out infrastructure development that can provide an integrated, dedicated transportation service system so that priority passenger mobility can be served properly. The operation of flying boats is a service system supporting intermodal and inter-sub-terminal connectivity, the cost of organizing flying boats requires quite large costs, namely investment costs and operational costs. / Passenger Service Fee (PSC), since the corona virus disease (covid 19) pandemic, this income has been decreasing. The research aims to financial analysis of the Automated People Mover System Project and perform calculations such as the Internal Return Rate, Net Present Value, Return On Investment, and Pay Back Period. The research results are declared not feasible because they are not providing benefit.


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