Analisis Yuridis tentang Hukum Adat Toraja

  • Martin Rich Arianto Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tarumanegara
Keywords: Law, Customs, Toraja Land


Legal Implications for Pangngiuran Institutions According to Toraja Customary Law. This study aims to identify and analyze the implementation of pangngiuran according to Toraja customary law and to find out the consequences for heirs in accepting or rejecting pangngiuran institutions in the Toraja customary inheritance law system. This study uses the Historical approach and Pluralism. The results of this study indicate that the existence of the implementation of pangngiuran in Tongkonan development is still running every time the construction is carried out, and the consequences for heirs when refusing the implementation of pangngiuran in Tongkonan development are rice fields that become part and a sign that they are members of the Tongkonan will be in the area. pull back for the heirs to be shared and to be lulled.


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