Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2022


The Effect Of Compensation, Motivation And Work Ethic On The Performance Of Employees Of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province


Tien Yustini, Luis Marnisah, Yusnila Rochmah

Faculty of Economics, Master of Management Program, Indo Global Mandiri University Palembang, Indonesia

Email : [email protected]



The purpose of this study is specifically to obtain the results of the analysis of the effect of compensation, motivation and work ethic on employee performance, either partially or simultaneously. The research method uses an analytical survey, data collection is done by interview using a questionnaire. This research is associative research, where in this study there are variables that are related and can influence other variables. The samples in this study are the total population, namely all administrative employees of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital with the status of Civil Servants totaling 113 people. Data processing using SPSS. Testing the data using the t-test, shows that the Sig value for each variable is Compensation (X1) = 0.000; Motivation variable (X2) = 0.014; and work ethic variable (X3) = 0.001 smaller than 0.05. The results of this research indicate that compensation, motivation, and work ethic (independent variable) partially affect the employee performance variable (dependent variable). Based on testing the data using the F test, the value of Sig (0.000) <0.05 was obtained. Thus it is concluded that compensation and motivation as well as work ethic have a simultaneous effect on performance. The common thread of research is that compensation and motivation as well as work ethic have a positive and significant effect on the performance of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital employees, either partially or simultaneously. The strategy to improve the performance of the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital employees can be done by first formulating the compensation given to employees by considering the workload, then building work motivation to help each other in completing the work and finally increasing the employee's work ethic by providing adequate facilities in carrying out the work.


Keywords : Compensation, Motivation, Performance, Work ethic



Competition in the increasingly fierce service business world is a challenge for companies to continue to develop and innovate to face competition. Increasingly fierce competition makes companies have to continue to have better performance. To achieve better performance, companies must be able to manage existing resources. Good management of company resources is important to continue to improve. The existence of human resources is an integral part of a company, both large and small companies. The human resources within the company are interrelated with every part of the company and have a very important role in the company's continued existence. Human resources with good and reliable performance can make a company able to compete and maintain its existence in the business world. Developments in the business world will be achieved if supported by qualified Human Resources (HR). Companies with high-quality human resources are able to carry out organizational functions properly so that they are able to achieve goals and increase company success (Ilyas, 2020). To get high-quality resources can be seen and measured through performance. Basically, performance refers to the level of achievement of the tasks that make up an employee's job. Performance is a description of the level of achievement of the implementation of the duties of an organization, in an effort to realize the goals, objectives, mission and vision of the organization. To be able to follow all developments and achieve the goals of a company, employee performance must always be improved (Ilyas, 2020).

Service companies are also inseparable from efforts to always improve employee performance. Continuous improvement of employee performance is also applied to organizations engaged in services such as hospitals. Hospitals are always required to provide optimal service to patients and improve and maintain the performance of their employees so that they are always good. Considering that employee performance does not always increase, there are times when employee performance also decreases. A good hospital always puts the patient's interests first and always tries to provide the best service to patients.

Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province, in the Alang-Alang Lebar Village, Palembang. Based on the results of interviews conducted with the General & HR Section, it is known that the performance of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital employees is still low. This is indicated by the large number of jobs that are not completed on time, the attitude of employees who are not friendly to visitors, and employees who are not fast and proficient in serving visitor requests. Based on interviews conducted with 10 visitors to the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province, it was found that 6 out of 10 visitors interviewed stated that they were dissatisfied with the services of the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province, as evidenced by doctors' hours that were sometimes not on time and lack of service. The emergency that every hospital should be able to handle.

The low performance of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital employees can be caused by several factors. The results of a pre-survey conducted by researchers on 30 employees of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital regarding the factors that support employee performance. Each employee of the 30 respondents chose one of the three answers regarding factors that should receive more attention from Ernaldi Bahar Hospital to support employee performance. From the results of the pre-survey, it can be seen that compensation is the highest factor, namely 50% or as many as 15 respondents. Then followed by a motivational factor of 30% or as many as 9 respondents. Work ethic is the factor with the smallest percentage, namely 20% or as many as 6 respondents. Based on the results of the pre-survey, this research focused on the variables of compensation, motivation and work ethic (Results of the Researcher's pre-survey, 2022).

In addition, several phenomena and problems found at the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital in South Sumatra Province are indicators of low employee performance at the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital in South Sumatra Province, which is suspected as a result of low employee motivation in carrying out their work.

Based on the existing phenomena, the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "The Influence of Compensation, Motivation and Work Ethics on Employee Performance at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province".


Research methods

The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. The research method used in this study is an analytic method with a primary data analysis approach. Utilizing the primary data in question is by using an appropriate statistical test technique to obtain the desired data from the respondents directly to then be processed systematically and objectively.

Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono (2012), the population is the entire research subject. The population of this study were all administrative employees of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital with the status of Civil Servants totaling 113 people. The sample in this study was the total population, namely all administrative employees of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital with the status of Civil Servants totaling 113 people.

Method of collecting data

The types of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained directly from respondents regarding compensation, motivation, and work ethic as well as employee performance, while secondary data was obtained from Profiles and Reports of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital.

Data analysis

To determine the effect of compensation, motivation and work ethic on employee performance, parametric statistical data analysis techniques are used. The analysis in this study uses parametric statistics using multiple linear regression models. All data analysis calculations will be assisted by using statistical software, namely SPSS for Windows version 16.


Research Results and Discussion

Research result

1. Distribution of Respondents Based on Characteristics

����������� The characteristics of the respondents in this study include age, gender, years of service and education. The distribution can be seen in the following tables.

2. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on Age

����������� The ages of the respondents in this study were categorized into: 20 � 30; > 30 � 40; > 40 years. According to the research results, the frequency distribution shows that there are more respondents aged > 30-40, namely 51 people (45.1%) out of 113 respondents.

3. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Gender

����������� The gender of the respondents in this study was categorized into: Male and Female. The results showed that most of the respondents were female, namely 73 people (64.6%) from 113 respondents.

4. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on Working Period

����������� Respondents' tenure in this study was categorized into 1 � 5; > 5 � 10 ; and > 10. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there were 54 respondents (47.8%) of the 113 respondents had worked for > 5-10 years.

5. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on Education

����������� Based on the results of the study, it was found that most of the respondents had undergraduate degrees, namely 70 people (61.9%) from 113 respondents.

Classical Assumption Testing Results

1) Normality Test

����������� Data Normality Test is a test to measure whether the data has a normal distribution. The normality test in this study used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test because the research data was more than 50, with a significance level of 0.05. The basis for decision making is as follows:

The data is normally distributed, if the sig value ≥ 0.05

Data is not normally distributed, if the sig value < 0.05

����������� Based on the research results it is known that the value of Sig (0.714) > 0.05; it is concluded that the data of this research variable is normally distributed.

2) Multicollinearity Test

����������� The classical multicollinearity assumption test was carried out to find out whether there is a relationship/correlation between the independent variables. A good regression model should have no correlation between the independent variables. Whether or not multicollinearity exists can be seen from the tolerance and VIF (Varian Inflation Factor) with the following conditions:

If the Tolerance value is > 0.1 and VIF < 10, it means that there is no multicollinearity in the regression model.

If the Tolerance value ≤ 0.1 and VIF ≥ 10, it means that there is multicollinearity in the regression model.

����������� As for the results of the Data Multicollinearity Test in this study, it is known that the Tolerance value in the Compensation variable (X1) and the Motivation variable (X2) and the Work Ethics variable (X3) is greater than 0.1. In addition, the VIF value on the Compensation variable (X1) and the Motivation variable (X2) and the Work Ethic variable (X3) are smaller than 10. Thus it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity.

3) Heteroscedasticity Test

����������� The heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is an inequality of variance from the residuals of one observation to another. A good regression model should not have heteroscedasticity. The basis for decision making, namely:

Heteroscedasticity does not occur, if there is no clear pattern and the points spread above and below the number 0 on the Y axis

Heteroscedasticity occurs, if there is a certain pattern such as dots that form a regular pattern (if wavy it widens then narrows).

����������� The results of the Heteroscedasticity Test in this study showed that there was no clear pattern and the points spread above and below the number 0 (zero) on the Y axis, it is considered that there is no heteroscedasticity so it can be concluded that the regression model meets the assumption of normality and there is no heteroscedasticity.

Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R Square)

����������� The coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) basically measures how far the model's ability to explain the variation of the dependent variable. The value of the coefficient of determination is between zero and one. The small Adjusted R Square value means that the ability of the independent variables to explain the variation in the variables is very limited. A value that is close to one means that the independent variables provide almost all the information needed to predict the variation of the dependent variable (Ghozali, 2011).

����������� As for the results of the analysis of the coefficient of determination in this study that the value of the Correlation Coefficient (R) = 0.917 and the Adjusted R Square value is 0.837. Thus it is known that KD = 83.7%; meaning that Employee Performance can be explained (influenced) by the variables of Compensation and Motivation and Work Ethics of 83.7%, while the remaining 16.3% is explained (influenced) by other variables not examined.

Analysis and Discussion

1. Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance

The results of the analysis of the effect of compensation on employee performance using the t test in this study obtained a Sig value of 0.00. Thus it is concluded that compensation has a partial effect on employee performance.

According to Mangkunegara (2021), compensation is an award in the form of money given by the leadership of the organization to employees so that they work with high enthusiasm and achievement in achieving organizational goals or in other words, work compensation is the provision of money outside of salary. given by the leadership of the organization as recognition of work performance and contribution of employees to the organization. The general purpose of providing compensation is to attract, retain and motivate employees. Thus it can be concluded that compensation is remuneration from the organization to its employees for the employee's contribution to the hospital.

The results of this study are in line with the results of Rukiah's research 2016 (Rukiah, 2016), her journal entitled "The Effect of Work Ethics and Providing Compensation on the Performance of Lecturers and Employees in the Padangsidimpuan IAIN Environment". The results of the analysis using the t-test show that there is an effect of compensation on performance partially obtained by t count 4.455 > t table 1.691, meaning that compensation has a significant effect on lecturer performance.

Based on the results of this study, the researchers assume that there is an effect of compensation on employee performance because as far as the organization is concerned, employee compensation programs are designed for three things, namely to attract capable employees in the organization, to motivate them to achieve superior performance, and to creating a long service life.

Compensation can motivate employees to achieve superior performance. By providing compensation, a formal bond of cooperation is established between the employer and the employee. Employees must carry out their duties properly, while employers/employers are required to pay compensation. With a good compensation program, the influence of labor unions can be avoided and employees will concentrate on their work. Superior achievement can be interpreted as an increase in employee performance. So, it can be concluded that compensation can lead to increased employee performance.

2. The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

The results of the analysis of the effect of motivation on employee performance using the t test in this study obtained a Sig value of 0.014. Thus it is concluded that motivation has a partial effect on employee performance. According to some experts, motivation is the willingness to make high-level efforts to achieve organizational goals conditioned by the ability of these efforts to satisfy the needs of a number of individuals. Motivation is a psychological factor that indicates an individual's interest in work, a sense of satisfaction and responsibility for an activity or work. Motivation is something that causes, distributes and supports human behavior so that they want to work hard and enthusiastically to achieve optimal results. Motivation is something that makes us act or behave in certain ways. McGregor distinguishes between types X and types Y. People of type X are lazy people, who have to be forced to work, and who don't want to be burdened with responsibilities. On the other hand, people of type Y are people who like to work and are happy to be responsible. People of type Y are people who have a Proactive work motivation, while people of type ْX are people who have a Reactive work motivation (Munandar, 2021).

Based on the results of this study, the researchers assume that there is an influence of motivation on employee performance because an employee will have more motivation to work or motivation with an award.

An employee wants to get an award that directly motivates them to work. A comfortable work environment will provide a motivational boost to work. A good work environment can support the implementation of work so that they have enthusiasm for work and improve employee performance.

Motivation is an activity that causes, distributes, and maintains human behavior. This motivation is an important subject for managers because according to the definition of managers must be with and through other people. Work motivation is the provision of the driving force that creates a person's work motivation so that they want to cooperate, work effectively and integrate with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction. Motive is a movement that encourages needs within employees that need to be fulfilled so that employees can adapt to their environment, while motivation is a condition that drives employees to be able to achieve the goals of their motives. Indicators of motivation include hard work, future orientation, high level of aspirations, task/goal orientation, the effort to progress, persistence, co-workers selected by experts, and utilization of time. One way to measure employee motivation is to use the expectancy theory. Expectancy theory suggests that it is useful to measure the attitudes of individuals.

The results of this study are in line with the results of Budianto's research 2017 (Budianto, 2017) entitled "The Influence of Work Ethics, Work Motivation and Financial Compensation on Employee Performance". The results of his research concluded that motivation influences employee performance.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that motivation indicators are encouragement and strength in an employee to carry out certain goals. Basically, motivation can spur employees to work hard so they can achieve their goals. Work motivation is a manifestation of high work morale, some even identify it freely, high work morale is enthusiasm and work motivation. In general, there is a tendency for a high productivity relationship with high morale and motivation. Conditions of poor morale and motivation to work resulted in a decrease in overall work productivity.

This decrease in productivity affects the profits earned by the hospital in the future. This is burdensome for the prospects of the hospital in the future if the enthusiasm and work motivation are taken seriously by the hospital.

High work enthusiasm and motivation do not have to lead to high productivity, this is just an influence on overall productivity, for example, a group of workers who have high work enthusiasm and motivation, but are just joking around without paying attention to work when left by the supervisor. Enthusiasm and motivation to work are essentially the embodiment/embodiment of high morale. In fact, there are those who identify or translate it freely, high work morale is enthusiasm and work motivation.

3. The Effect of Work Ethics on Employee Performance

The results of the analysis of the influence of work ethic on employee performance using the t test in this study obtained a Sig value of 0.001. It was concluded that work ethic has a partial effect on employee performance.

A person's work ethic is closely related to personality, behavior, and character. Everyone has an internal being which is who he is. Then the internal being determines the response or reaction to external demands. The internal response of being to the external demands of the world of work determines one's work ethic.

The work ethic that an employee should have is the totality of his personality and the way he expresses, perceives, believes and gives meaning to something, which encourages him to act and achieve optimal charity so that the relationship pattern between humans and himself and between humans and other creatures can be established. well (Tasmara, 2016).

The results of this study are in line with the results of Nizam's research 2016 (Rukiah, 2016) entitled "The Relationship between Work Ethics and Employee Performance". The results of his research concluded that work ethic significantly affects employee performance. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the work ethic in order to improve employee performance. The results of Rukiah's research 2016 (Rukiah, 2016) entitled The Effect of Work Ethic and Compensation on the Performance of Lecturers and Employees in the Padangsidimpuan IAIN Environment. The results of his research concluded that the simultaneous determination coefficient test results were R = 0.881 and R2 = 0.777, meaning that the work ethic and compensation variables had an effect on performance. The results of the t test for the effect of compensation on performance partially obtained t count 4.455 > t table 1.691, meaning that compensation has a significant effect on performance.

Based on the results of this study, the researcher assumes that there is an influence of work ethic on employee performance because the work ethic possessed by an employee is the totality of his personality and the way he expresses, perceives, believes, and gives meaning to something, which drives him to act and achieve good deeds. optimally so that the pattern of relationships between humans and themselves and between humans and other creatures can be well established.

The work ethic is a positive work behavior that is rooted in strong cooperation, and fundamental beliefs, accompanied by a total commitment to an integral work paradigm. The term paradigm here means the main concept of work itself which includes the underlying ideals, governing principles, driving values, attitudes that are born, and standards to be achieved, including main character, basic thoughts, and code of conduct. ethics, moral code, and code of conduct for its adherents.

The importance of work ethic for employees. Especially, for employees who work in mental hospitals such as the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, this variable must be used as an important variable in motivating employees to work. A high work ethic is also one of the benchmarks for high-performing employees. Employees who have a good and positive work ethic must also have good and positive work performance as well.

4. The Simultaneous Effect of Compensation, Motivation, and Work Ethics on Employee Performance

Multiple regression analysis of the effect of compensation, motivation, and work ethic simultaneously on employee performance obtained the regression line equation KP = 2.118 + 0.595. K + 0.129 . M + 0.116. Oak.

The interpretation of the regression equation model is: with a constant of 2.118; meaning that if the value of Compensation (K) and Motivation (M) and work ethic (Ek) is 0, then the Employee Performance (KP) value is 2.118; Compensation variable regression coefficient (K) of 0.595; meaning that if the other independent variables have a fixed value and Compensation (K) increases by 1%, then Employee Performance (KP) will increase by 0.595. The coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive relationship between Compensation and Employee Performance, the higher the Compensation, the higher the Employee Performance;

The regression coefficient of the Motivation variable (M) is 0.129; meaning that if the other independent variables have a fixed value and motivation increases by 1%, then employee performance (KP) will increase by 0.129. The coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive relationship between motivation and employee performance, the higher the motivation, the higher the employee performance;

The regression coefficient of the work ethic (Ek) variable is 0.116; meaning that if the other independent variables have a fixed value and the work ethic has increased by 1%, then the Employee Performance (KP) will have increased by 0.116.

The coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive relationship between work ethic and employee performance, the higher the work ethic, the higher the employee performance.

The results of statistical analysis get the Correlation Coefficient (R) = 0.913 and the Adjusted R Square value is 0.828. Thus it is known that the Coefficient of Determination = 82.8%; meaning that employee performance can be explained by the variables of compensation and motivation and work ethic of 82.8%, while the remaining 17.2% is explained by other variables not examined in this study.

Testing the research hypothesis using the F test obtained the value of Sig. = 0.000. Thus it can be concluded that compensation, motivation and work ethic simultaneously influence employee performance.

The results of this study are in line with the results of Rukiah's research 2016 (Rukiah, 2016), with her journal entitled "The Effect of Work Ethics and Compensation on the Performance of Lecturers and Employees in the Padangsidimpuan IAIN Environment", which concluded that the simultaneous determination coefficient test results of R = 0.881 and R2 = 0.777, meaning that the variables of work ethic and compensation affect performance. The results of the t-test for the effect of work ethic on performance partially obtained t count 4.623 > t table 1.691, meaning that work ethic has a significant effect on performance. The results of the t-test for the effect of compensation on performance partially obtained the value of t count 4.455 > t table, meaning that compensation has a significant effect on performance.

Work motivation is a manifestation of high work morale, some even identify it freely, high work morale is enthusiasm and work motivation. In general, there is a tendency for a high productivity relationship with high morale and motivation. Conditions of poor morale and motivation to work resulted in a decrease in overall work productivity.

This decrease in productivity affects the profits earned by the hospital in the future. This burdens the prospects for the hospital in the future if the enthusiasm and motivation to work are seriously burdened by the hospital. High work enthusiasm and motivation do not have to lead to high productivity, this is just an influence on the overall productivity, for example, a group of employees who have high work enthusiasm and motivation, but only joke when their supervisor leaves them.

Enthusiasm and motivation to work are essentially the embodiment/embodiment of high morale. There are even those who identify or translate freely, high work morale is enthusiasm and work motivation.

The work ethic is a positive work behavior that is rooted in strong cooperation, fundamental beliefs, accompanied by a total commitment to an integral work paradigm. The term paradigm here means the main concept of work itself which includes the underlying ideals, governing principles, driving values, attitudes that are born, standards to be achieved, including main character, basic thoughts, code of conduct. ethics, moral code, and code of conduct for its adherents.

The importance of the work ethic for employees, especially employees who work in mental hospitals, such as at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, causes this variable to be one of the important variables in motivating employees to work. A high work ethic is also one of the benchmarks for high-performing employees. Employees who have a good and positive work ethic must also have good and positive work performance as well.

Work Ethic, Compensation, and Motivation ْWork have a positive effect ْsimultaneously on the performance of employees of the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province because every worker who has a high work ethic, and provides appropriate compensation in accordance with employee performance and motivation is positively invested in him will definitely produce ْ good and satisfying performance so as to help and encourage the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province, to be more advanced.



Based on the results of the research and discussion that have been put forward, the conclusions of this study are:

1.     There is a significant positive effect of partial compensation on employee performance at the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province

2.     There is a significant positive effect of motivation partially on employee performance at the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province.

3.     There is a significant positive effect of work ethic partially on employee performance at the Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province

4.     There is a significant positive effect of compensation, motivation and work ethic simultaneously on employee performance at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital, South Sumatra Province.


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Copyright holder:

Tien Yustini, Luis Marnisah, Yusnila Rochmah (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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