Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah
Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 7, No.
11, November 2022
M. Hafis Erlangga,
Juhaini Alie, Tien Yustini
Faculty of Economics, Master
of Management Program, Indo Global Mandiri
University, Palembang
Email : [email protected], [email protected],����������������������
���������� �[email protected]
This study aims to determine the effects
of organizational climate, leadership, and motivation on employee performance
at PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang. The method
used in this research is a descriptive
quantitative method by multiple linear regression analysis tests. The sample in this study is the
employees who are in the PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang. The results
showed that the value of
the calculated organizational climate variable T (4,540) > T table
(1,969) means that there is an
influence between the organizational climate of the
employee performance, the value of
the calculated leadership variable T (8,040)
> T table (1,969) means that there is
an influence between the leadership
of the employee
performance, the value of the
calculated motivation variable T (9,999) > T table
(1, that there is an influence
of the organizational
climate, leadership, and motivational variables on employee
Keywords: organizational climate,
leadership, motivation, performance
����������� Management has an important role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of a company. Companies need quality human resources to achieve
their desired goals. Human resources are one of the
most important factors and the
main driving force for the smooth
running of a company or organization's
activities; even a company's progress is determined by
its human resources. For this reason, every
company needs to pay attention
to and regulate
its employees' whereabouts to improve performance. With the limited
human resources available, the company is
expected to be able to
optimize the potential of existing
human resources to realize the company's
goals to be achieved. For this reason, companies
must be able
to provide an organizational climate, leadership,
Zam-zam and Yustini (2020)
describe organizational climate as a state, condition, and characteristics of the work environment
that characterizes an organization that is formed
from all members' attitudes, behaviour, and personalities. Drenth et al. in Zamzam and
Yustini (2020) organizational climate is a concept
developed and captured by individuals
through their perceptions. Organizational climate has an important role in managing an organization
because it is fundamental to employees' sense of security and
comfort at work, generating a willingness to work with employees (Yulianti et al., 2020).
Busro (2017) explains that, essentially, leadership must be able
to influence other people's behaviour in their work with their
power. Leadership is a process of
influencing others so that that
person wants to carry out orders
as desired to achieve predetermined goals. A leader must be able
to combine elements of self-strength,
authority possessed, personality traits, and social abilities
to be able
to influence the behaviour of
Motivating the leadership is expected to maintain the
employees' stability in their duties. Robbins and Coulter in Sumardjo and Priansa (2018)
state that motivation is the willingness to carry out orders to achieve
organizational goals that are carried out under certain individual abilities. Sumardjo and Prensa (2018)
emphasized that motivation represents psychological processes that encourage
action in the form of attitudes and behaviour.
Performance is the result of
work that employees have achieved. Milkovich and Boudreau in Sumardjo and
Priansa (2018) state
that performance is the level at
which employees carry out their
work according to predetermined conditions.
The change in leadership also resulted in the formation of
new rules and procedures in the implementation of work processes,
and the new
leadership made rules regarding duties, additions and reductions in main tasks for each
section which made it difficult
for employees to carry out
their duties due to the
need to readjust
to these changes. Currently, the provision of
motivation given to employees tends
to decrease, marked by reduced
incentives and no longer holding
outbound or family gatherings yearly. This makes
employees not optimal in achieving
the company's desired work results.
The new leadership made rules regarding
duties addition and reduction of
main tasks for each section, making it difficult for
employees to carry out their
duties due to the need
to readjust to these changes.
Currently, the provision of motivation
given to employees tends to decrease, marked
by reduced incentives and no longer holding
outbound or family gatherings yearly. This makes
employees not optimal in achieving
the company's desired work results.
Research methods
This research method uses quantitative analysis methods. The research was conducted at
PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang Palembang.
The design of this study
consists of a framework of thinking, namely organizational climate, leadership,
and motivation influencing employee performance. The following research
framework is presented as shown below:
H3 Motivation (X3)
�������������������������������������������������������������� H1
����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������
Moving on from the
formulation of the research problem and the research
framework and flow of thought,
a research hypothesis can be formulated
that will be tested for
its validity as follows:
H1: It is suspected
that there is a significant influence between organizational climate on the
performance of PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang employees.
H2: It is
suspected that there is a significant influence between leadership on the
performance of PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang employees.
H3: It is
suspected that there is a significant influence between motivation on the
performance of PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang employees.
H4: It is
suspected that there is a significant influence between organizational climate,
leadership, and motivation on the performance of PDAM Tirta
Musi Palembang employees.
Population and Sample
According to Sugiyono (2017), a
population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics set by researchers to study and then draw
conclusions. The population that will be used as the object of this research is
as many as 601 employees at PDAM Tirta Musi
Palembang. Sugiyono (2017) is part of the number and
characteristics possessed by this population. Suppose the population is large,
and the researcher cannot study everything in it, for example, due to limited
funds, manpower, and time. In that case, this study can use samples from that
population. The authors use the probability sampling technique to take samples
using the slovin formula. The slovin
formula is as follows:
Information :
N��� :
total population
n���� :
number of samples�������
e���� :
error (5%)
Based on the slovin
formula above, the minimum sample size for
this study is 240 respondents.
of collecting data
The data obtained in this study came
from primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained from the main
source by distributing questionnaires in Google forms given directly to
respondents. The questionnaire used in this study used a Likert scale with
intervals of 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree, 3. Neutral, 4. Agree, 5.
Strongly agree.
Data analysis
This study uses a
research instrument test using validity and reliability tests. Classical
assumption tests include normality tests, multicollinearity tests,
heteroscedasticity tests, hypothesis tests such as t-tests, f tests, multiple
linear regression analysis and R2 determination tests.
Results and Discussion
The normality test used in this study is the Kolomogrov-Smirnov
which is carried out by
looking at the Asym value.
Sig (2-tailed). The normality
test uses residual values tested by the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test through a significant level of 5%. Data is said to be
normally distributed if Asym. Sig
(2-tailed) > of 5% or 0.05.
Table 1
Kolmogorov Smirnov Test Normality Test
Normality Test Results One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test |
Unstandardized Residuals |
N |
240 |
Normal Parameters, b |
Means |
0E-7 |
Std. Deviation |
1.69496544 |
Most Extreme Differences |
absolute |
,071 |
Positive |
.043 |
Negative |
-.071 |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z |
1,094 |
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
, 182 |
a. Test distribution is Normal. |
b. Calculated from data. |
Source: SPSS
output processed by researchers (2022)
Multicollinearity Test.
The multicollinearity test aims to
test whether the regression model found a correlation between independent variables. To test multicollinearity by looking at the
VIF and tolerance values of each independent variable, if the
VIF value is < 10.00 and the tolerance
value is > 0.100, it can be
concluded that the data is free
from symptoms of multicollinearity (Yustini and Zamzam, 2021).
Table 2
Multicollinearity Test Results.
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
B |
std. Error |
Betas |
tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
11,437 |
1,756 |
6,513 |
,000 |
Organizational Climate |
,180 |
.040 |
, 197 |
4,540 |
,000 |
,856 |
1.168 |
Leadership |
,314 |
.039 |
,362 |
8,040 |
,000 |
,797 |
1.255 |
Motivation |
,353 |
.035 |
,456 |
9,999 |
,000 |
,774 |
1,292 |
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
Source: SPSS Output Processed by Researchers (2022)
Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test aims to
test whether, in the regression model, there is an
inequality of variance from the
residuals of one observation to another. Heteroscedasticity
does not occur if there is
no clear pattern (wavy, widened, then narrowed)
in the scatterplots and the dots
spread above and below the
number 0 on the Y axis (Ghozali
in Yustini and Zamzam, 2021).
Figure 1. Heteroscedasticity Scatterplot
SPSS Output Obtained by Researchers (2022)
Hypothesis testing
t-statistical test shows how far
the influence of one independent
variable individually explains the dependent
variable. This partial test is
carried out by comparing the
value of α (alpha) with the
p-value. If the p-value < α (0.05), then H0
is rejected. So it can be said
that there is a partial influence
between the independent and dependent variables and vice versa.
The following are the results of the
t-statistical test, which can be
seen in table 3.
Table 3.
Test Results t
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
Q |
Sig. |
B |
std. Error |
Betas |
1 |
(Constant) |
11,437 |
1,756 |
6,513 |
,000 |
Organizational Climate |
,180 |
.040 |
, 197 |
4,540 |
,000 |
Leadership |
,314 |
.039 |
,362 |
8,040 |
,000 |
Motivation |
,353 |
.035 |
,456 |
9,999 |
,000 |
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
SPSS Output Obtained by Researchers (2022)
This simultaneous test was carried out
by comparing the value of
α (alpha) with the p-value. If the p-value < α (0.05), then H0 is rejected.
So it
can be said
that there is a simultaneous influence between the independent and dependent variables
and vice versa. If the p-value > α (0.05), then H0
is accepted, which means that
there is no influence between
the independent variables on the
dependent variable simultaneously.
Results f
Model |
Sum of Squares |
df |
MeanSquare |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
1118,025 |
3 |
372,675 |
128,092 |
,000b |
residual |
686,625 |
236 |
2,909 |
Total |
1804,650 |
239 |
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Climate, Leadership,
Motivation |
SPSS Output Obtained by Researchers (2022)
Multiple Linear Regression Test
to Sujarweni (2018), multiple linear regression analysis is a linear relationship between two or more
independent variables with the dependent
variable. This analysis is to
determine the direction of the
relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable, which is positively
or negatively related and to
predict the value of the
dependent variable if the independent
variable increases or decreases. Multiple
linear regression analysis is done by
setting the equation,
a + b1 IO + b2 KP +b3MO + e
Table 5
Multiple Linear
Regression Test
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
Q |
Sig. |
B |
std. Error |
Betas |
1 |
(Constant) |
11,437 |
1,756 |
6,513 |
,000 |
Organizational Climate |
,180 |
.040 |
, 197 |
4,540 |
,000 |
Leadership |
,314 |
.039 |
,362 |
8,040 |
,000 |
Motivation |
,353 |
.035 |
,456 |
9,999 |
,000 |
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
SPSS Output Obtained by Researchers (2022)
Determination Test (R2)
regression results' coefficient of determination (Adj. R2) shows how much
the independent variables can explain
the dependent variable.
Table 6
Determination Test
Summary modelb |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
std. An error in the Estimate |
1 |
, 787a |
,620 |
,615 |
1,706 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Climate, Leadership,
Motivation |
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
�Source: SPSS Output Obtained by Researchers
In conclusion, based on table 6, the
coefficient value of R square (R2) is 0.620 or 62%. So it can be concluded
that the magnitude of variable
X to variable Y is 62%.
Analysis and Discussion
Influence of Organizational Climate on Employee Performance of PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang.
This study states that organizational
climate positively and significantly influences employee performance. Shown by the results
of multiple linear regression analysis with a coefficient value of 0.180 and a significant value of 0.000, which is less
than 0.05, and the calculated T value is greater
than the T table (4.540 > 1.969). The first
hypothesis statement was accepted because
the respondent's data used succeeded in proving that there
was an influence
of organizational climate on employee
performance. A better organizational climate will
improve employee performance.
The results of this study are similar to Dedy
Irvan Caniago (2021)
concerning the Effects of Organizational Climate, Leadership, and Job
Satisfaction on Samsat Employee Performance in North
Sumatra Province, proving that organizational climate has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance with a significant value of 0.000
<0.05. So, a good organizational climate is the initial capital of a company
to influence employee behaviour in forming the
characteristic values of the organization or company.
Influence of Leadership on Employee
Performance at PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang.
The study results show that leadership positively
and significantly influences employee performance. This is indicated by the
results of multiple linear regression analysis with a coefficient value of
0.314 and a significant value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 and the
calculated T value is greater than T table (8.040 > 1.969).The second hypothesis statement was accepted because
the respondent's data used succeeded in proving that there is an influence of
leadership on employee performance. So the better the
existing leadership in a company, the better it will improve employee
Leadership is an ability or strength within a
person to influence other people in terms of work, where the goal is to achieve
predetermined organizational targets (Permana
and Hermanto, 2020).
This study's results follow Rizki Bayu
Permana and Ahmad Hermanto (2020)
concerning the Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Employee Performance
at PT. Cipta Niaga Semesta which proves that partially leadership has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance with a significant
value of 0.000 <0.05. Good and appropriate leadership will improve the performance
of employees in a company.
Effect of Motivation on Employee
Performance at PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang.
The results obtained in the study stated that motivation
has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.
The results of multiple regression analysis indicate this with a coefficient
of 0.353 and a significant value of 0.000 greater than 0.05 and the
calculated T value is smaller than
the T table (9.999 >
1.969). The third hypothesis
statement was accepted because the respondent's data used succeeded in proving that there
is an influence
of motivation on employee performance.
So it can
be interpreted that the better
the company's motivation, the better employee performance. The results of this study are similar to Desi Prasetiyani (2019) concerning the Influence of Leadership
and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Surya Barutama in Balaraja proves
that partially motivation has a significant effect on employee
performance with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. Thus, the better the
motivation given by the company
to employees, the better the
performance of employees in carrying out their duties
in a company.
Effect of Organizational Climate, Leadership, and Motivation on Employee
Performance at PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang.
The results of the
analysis obtained show the effect
of organizational climate, leadership, and motivation on employee performance
together seen in the calculated F value is greater
than F table (128.092>
2.642) and a significant value of 0.000 is less than
0.05. This shows that organizational climate, leadership, and motivation together positively and significantly influence employee performance.
This has the same results as Ramelia Nikmatul Husna (2019) research,
which shows
that leadership, organizational climate and work motivation
together have a positive and significant
effect on employee performance. Judging from the
calculations that have been done,
it is obtained
that the calculated F value is greater than
Ftable or with a significantly smaller level than alpha (0.000 <0.05).
Based on the
results of the research and
discussion above:
organizational climate variable has a positive and significant influence on
employee performance with a calculated T value of 3.060 greater than T table of
1.969 (3.060 > 1.969) and a significance value of 0.002 less than 0.05
(0.002 <0.05), which means that the influence given by the organizational
climate is quite large. This proves that organizational climate has a fairly
strong positive influence on employee performance.
The leadership
variable has a positive and significant influence on employee performance with
a calculated T value of 3.816 greater than a T table of 1.969 (3.816 >
1.969) and a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), which
means a significant influence given by the greatest leadership. This proves
that leadership has a strong positive influence on employee performance
The variable of
motivation has a positive but not significant effect on employee performance
with a calculated T value of 1.743 which is less than the T table of 1.969
(1.743 <1.969) and a significance value of 0.083 more than 0.05 (0.083 >
0.05). This proves that motivation has a positive but not significant effect on
employee performance.
climate, leadership, and motivation variables simultaneously or together have a
positive and significant influence on employee performance with an calculated F value of 15.457 greater than F table of
2.642 (15.457 > 2.642) and a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05
(0.000 <0.05), which means that there is a joint influence between organizational
climate, leadership, and motivation on employee performance at PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang.
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Copyright holder: M. Hafis Erlangga, Juhaini Alie, Tien Yustini (2022) |
publication right: Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia |
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