Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 12, December 2022



Nurmawati, Bagas Prasetyo

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



In the world of Education today, some problems often occur in high schools, namely academic procrastination, which is still carried out by students. Academic procrastination is the tendency of individuals to deliberately delay the start or completion of important and timely tasks on academic tasks. To reduce this impact, it is necessary to have self-control in learning that can support the achievement of learning goals by regulating and controlling a learning system known as self-regulated learning. This study aims to determine the relationship between students� self-regulated learning with academic procrastination in State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan. This study uses a correlational method with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study amounted to 110 students from class X and XI SMA Negeri 1 Tambun Selatan taken using a simple random sampling technique. The analysis technique used is the product-moment correlation technique with a significance level of 5%. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the F value is 0.798, and the significance value is 0.000 (P <0.05). The results showed a relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination in students of State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan.


Keywords: Academic Procrastination, Self-Regulated Learning, High School Student.



Education is very important for individuals because Education aims to develop individual potential (Yuristia, 2018). The process of developing this potential lasts throughout human life. Individual Education can be done through formal, non-formal and informal education (Nurisma, 2021). One of the places to get a formal education is high school (SMA) (Fitriani, 2019). The importance of Education is in line with the goals of national Education as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System article 3, which emphasizes that "Education aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen". To achieve the goals of good Education, maximum effort is needed, namely learning.

The Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) pandemic also affects all corners of the world. This covid-19 pandemic first appeared in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 (Idul, 2020). After that, the covid-19 virus began to spread to all countries, including Indonesia. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has made the Indonesian government make various efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19, which is expected not to interfere with every sector of life, especially Education (Nurkholis, 2020). One of these efforts is to conduct distance learning (PJJ) which is carried out online. However, the declining number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia has made the government allow it to return to face-to-face learning (PTM) even though it is not yet 100% (Nadhira et al., 2022). The transition from an online learning period for approximately two years to face-to-face learning impacts the way students learn, such as procrastinating in doing assignments and not even collecting assignments (Prigantini & Abdullah, 2022).

Based on the results of an interview with one of the class XI students of State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan, it was stated that students' problems were related to preparation for learning. Because students are used to relaxing and busy playing cellphones online, they are not used to PTM activities, so many students like to procrastinate doing assignments and even do not collect the assignments given by the teacher.

In the world of Education today, some problems often occur in high schools, namely academic procrastination, which is still carried out by students. Schouwenburg et al. explained that academic procrastination is the tendency of individuals to intentionally delay the start or completion of important and timely tasks on academic tasks (Rabin, L. A., Fogel, J., & Nutter-Upham 2011). According to Solomon & Rothblum, academic procrastination is caused by several factors, namely fear of failure. Fear of failure or the motive of resisting failure tends to experience guilt when you cannot achieve your goals or fail. Second, do not like the task (aversive of the task). It is associated with negative feelings about a task or job at hand. Feelings of being burdened with tasks that are always excessive, dissatisfied, and not happy to carry out the assigned tasks (Ghufron 2010).

Coupled with the lack of parental supervision at home, students spend much time just for entertainment rather than academic matters. Like watching television for hours on end, being addicted to online games often delays work time. So that students can not make good use of time. According to Solomon and Rothblum (Pradnyaswari and Susilawati 2019), academic procrastination can cause anxiety that leads to depression, high error rates, and wasted time. Academic procrastination can also damage academic activities and cause low motivation and self-confidence.

According to Tuckman (Wattimena 2015), academic procrastination is the tendency to leave, delay or avoid completing activities that should be completed. The same thing was also stated by Ellis and Knaus (Ghufron 2010) that academic procrastination is a habit of purposeless procrastination and a process of avoiding tasks that do not need to be done. This happens because of the fear of failure and the view that everything has to be done right.

This phenomenon has shown that students have low abilities in managing themselves in learning or low self-regulated learning, causing problems in learning, namely academic procrastination. According to Santrock, Self-Regulated Learning is generating and self-monitoring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to achieve goals. These goals can be academic (improve reading comprehension, become a good writer, learn multiplication, ask relevant questions) or socio-emotional goals (control anger, learn to get along with peers) (Santrok 2007).

Students have the ability to self-regulated learning, but at different levels. One of the causes of differences in the level of self-regulated learning possessed by students is the level of student academic procrastination. With good self-regulated learning, students can organize their study schedules and complete their academic assignments appropriately.

According to Zimmerman, the individual's ability to plan strategies, self-regulate, and evaluate learning activities to achieve the goals to be achieved is explained in the aspects of self-regulated learning. First is metacognition, which is indicated by strategic planning and self-regulation to do tasks and evaluate the activities carried out. Second, motivation is indicated by a high curiosity, a desire to try new things, an inner drive to complete tasks or activities, and being able to select a learning environment to facilitate task completion. Third, behavior is shown by individuals being able to take advantage of the environment for task completion and support in creating situations that support activities (Sa�idah 2021).

According to Millgram, students who have high self-regulated learning tend to have low academic procrastination and students who have low self-regulated learning tend to have high academic procrastination (Ghufron 2010). Based on the problems described above, researchers are interested in examining the relationship between self-regulation and learning with academic procrastination in State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan students.


Research Methodology

This research uses correlational quantitative descriptive research. This research design was conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between self-regulation. They were learning with academic procrastination in SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan students. Researchers chose this location because the phenomenon that underlies this research appears in State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan. The population in this study were students of classes X and XI State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan totaling 151 people. The sampling technique in this study was done by simple random sampling. This technique is used based on the consideration that each member of the population has the same opportunity to be selected as a sample. The researcher determined the required sample size at the 95% confidence level or 5% error in this study. The researcher's sampling technique used the Slovin formula so that the number of samples obtained was 110 students.

Data was collected using a psychological scale that uses a modified Likert Scale with five categories of answer choices, namely Always (S), Often (SR), Sometimes (K), Rarely (J), and Never (TP).

Based on the validity and reliability tests, it is known that the self-regulated learning items from the 25 items tested obtained 25 valid items. The academic procrastination scale of the 25 items tested obtained 22 valid items and three invalid items. The data analysis technique in this study has two stages: the assumption test, including the normality test, which is carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and the linearity test using the Test For Linearity, the second hypothesis testing using product-moment correlation analysis.


Results And Discussion

A.  Results

Calculations in the analysis of this study were carried out with the help of the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Version 25 computer program:

1.    Normality Test

The results of the distribution normality test using the One Kolmogorov Smirnov Test (ks-z) technique are said to be normal if p > 0.05. Based on the normality test results, a significance value of 0.200 (p > 0.05) was obtained. These results indicate that the variables of academic procrastination and self-regulated learning have a normal distribution.

2.    Linearity Test

The linearity test aims to predict whether the relationship between variables is in the form of a straight line (linear) or not. The linearity test in this study uses a test for linearity with the help of the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) computer program version 25. Based on the results of the linear test, it can be seen that the results of the analysis of the linearity test data for the two variables obtained a significant value (Sig.) on the deviation from linearity of the data of 0.263. Thus the significance value (Sig.) 0.263 > 0.05, it can be concluded that the self-regulated learning variable and academic procrastination are linearly related. Linearity is 0.000 (p < 0.05). It can be seen that the relationship between each independent variable and the dependent variable is linear.

3.    Hypothesis Test

The test was carried out using Pearson's product-moment correlation technique to determine the close relationship between the two variables and determine the relationship's direction. The basis for decision making in hypothesis testing is if the significance value is < 0.05, then the test results show that there is a correlation between the self-regulated learning variable and academic procrastination, whereas if the significance value is > 0.05, then there is no correlation between variables (Sugiyono 2016). The analysis results show that the correlation coefficient between the variables of self-regulated learning and academic procrastination is 0.798 with a value of Sig. 0.000 (p < 0.05). The positive value of r (+) indicates the positive direction of this relationship. This is different from the proposed hypothesis, namely that there is a negative relationship between the level of self-regulated learning and academic procrastination. The results of the product-moment correlation used to test the hypothesis in this study using the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 25 for the windows program are as follows:


Table 1.

Product Moment Correlation Results



Self Regulated Learning

Prokrastinasi Akademik

Self Regulated Learning

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)







Academic Procrastination

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)








B.  Discussion

From the results of research that has been carried out using correlation analysis from Pearson's product-moment, the number r = 0.798 with p = 0.000 (p <0.05) means that although there is a relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination, the relationship is positive and positive. Not by the proposed hypothesis, namely, a negative relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination. These results can be interpreted that although students have high self-regulated learning towards school assignments, they cannot be separated from procrastination in academics.

The rejection of the hypothesis in this study is very likely to be influenced by other factors other than self-regulated learning factors. Previous research conducted by Noviyanti et al. (2019) showed a relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination. This study indicates that the relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination is negative. The higher the self-regulated learning possessed by students, the lower the academic procrastination behavior carried out, and conversely, the higher the academic procrastination, the lower the self-regulated learning. owned (Novianti, Yusmansyah, and Utaminingsih 2019). However, in reality, this study did not produce the same thing. The high level of self-regulated learning that should have been able to reduce the level of academic procrastination did not show real significance. This shows that many factors influence academic procrastination.

The rejection of the hypothesis in this study may be due to several reasons. First, procrastination behavior among students has become a habit, so regardless of a person's level of self-regulated learning, procrastination behavior is still found in every student. This is the cause of procrastination, according to Ferrari et al., which state that one of the factors that cause academic procrastination is an internal factor that comes from within the individual, namely the physical condition and psychological condition of the individual. A person's physical condition can trigger academic procrastination. People with an unhealthy physical conditions will tend to be lazy to do something, so they have reasons to procrastinate their work. Psychological conditions that influence the emergence of procrastination behavior are personality patterns possessed by individuals, such as social abilities (Ghufron 2010).

This study has limitations and weaknesses, including not being able to collect more data related to the condition of the subject, which is difficult to find during this pandemic. The limitations of space and time in collecting and processing data cause the research to take a long time. This study also only reveals the relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination and can only be carried out on a limited basis in the study population.

The research results indicate that the hypothesis is rejected because there is a positive relationship between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination in students of State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan. Future studies are expected to use more Data And Analyze Various Factors That Influence Other Variables Related To Procrastination.



Based on the research results obtained, the variable self-regulated learning positively correlates with academic procrastination. This causes the rejection of the hypothesis because there is a positive relationship between self-regulated learning and students' academic procrastination at of State Senior High School 1 of Tambun Selatan. (r = 0.798; p = 0.000; p <0.05).




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Nurmawati, Bagas Prasetyo (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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