Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 12, Desember 2022




Andi Rosdianti Razak, Jaelan Usman, Rusdin Nawi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Universitas Pancasakti Makassar

Email: [email protected] �



This study aims to answer the main problem discussed, namely the role of political education on the political participation of novice voters in the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Barru Regency. In addition, to explain the supporting and inhibiting factors of political education in the success of simultaneous regional elections. The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological type, to explain the current status of a group of people, objects and political systems. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative, to comprehensively examine and analyze the role of political education for the younger generation, especially novice voters in participating in the success of the 2020 simultaneous regional elections. The results of this study show that the role of political education for the younger generation, especially novice voters, to participate and be actively involved in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru Regency is largely determined by various factors, including: the family as an agent of socialization of political education has a very important role. Then a factor that is no less important in motivating novice voters in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections is the social environment. Furthermore, supporting and inhibiting factors in this study include: (1) supporting factors are the presence of political stimuli, personal and social characteristics, and political education; (2) inhibiting factors include busy daily activities, minders, and prohibitions from the family (parents).


Keywords :�Political education, participation, novice voters



A great and strong nation is a nation that has a younger generation that has a bright and bright future. Youth who are able to make achievements both nationally and internationally (Kurniawan, Sutrisno, & Nuhgroho, n.d.). To realize this outstanding youth is not easy if all existing components do not take joint action to equip the younger generation in positive activities. Reflecting on the dynamics that have occurred recently, young people experience problems, including brawls between students, drugs, indifference, and others (Alfaqi, Habibia, & Rapita, 2017). Such youth life is a negative impact of educational failure that has not been able to invite youth to play an active role both in the family, school, community and nation and state.

Good political education is expected to be able to arouse the enthusiasm of the younger generation to participate and participate in political activities, both passively and actively in accordance with their abilities and ideals. Thus, it can be emphasized that, the results of previous studies explain that the presence of youth in politics is a necessity because the younger generation (novice voters) are the successors to the baton of national leadership (Putra, 2017). Therefore, the younger generation is expected to be able to revive the national political atmosphere which is currently still dominated by the old elite.

Youth as a pillar of the future of the nation has a big role for the sustainability of a nation. In this connection, youth must have sufficient insight and education in order to participate in providing the best for the nation and state (Handayani, Milka, & Tubul, 2022). In this context, the younger generation is a novice voter who has a sizable vote compared to other common groups. Therefore, novice voters are expected to be able to contribute to political activities both actively and passively (Febriani & Ludi, 2018). One form of active political activity is to actively participate in the activities of general elections, regional elections, elections and others.

The lack of socialization carried out by the General Election Commission (KPU), caused many novice voters to not exercise their voting rights in the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Barru Regency. This lack of socialization can occur in novice voters who are supposed to participate in these political activities but are constrained by ignorance and lack of understanding of the people who are categorized as novice voters. This is very likely to happen to novice voters who are participating in the regional elections for the first time. The political consciousness of novice voters can be said to be one of the determining factors in people's political participation, meaning that it is related to knowledge and awareness of rights and obligations, which relates to the community environment and political activities being the measure and measure of a person's involvement in political participation.

Other novelty values that can be seen in this study include: The Barru Regency KPU held Technical Guidance to increase voter participation, especially young people (beginners). This is based on the results of preliminary observations (preliminary studies), as explained by the Socialization and Public Relations Section of the KPU Barru (Saadawi, 2015)�said, the success of the regional elections is in the hands of the people, including novice voters. The level of community participation is the foundation for the success of the simultaneous regional head elections in 2020. In the success of this activity, KPU Barru invited members of the Tanete Rilau District Panwascam, the District Election Committee, the Voting Committee, the Voting Organizing Group, and Karan Taruna for Technical Guidance.

Based on the explanation above, related to the role of political education in increasing the political participation of novice voters which is the focus of this study, with the formulation of the problem: (1) what is the role of political education in novice voters? novice voter participation in the 2020 Simultaneous Local Elections in Barru District; (2) what factors support and hinder the role of political education in the political participation of novice voters in the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Barru District.

Political�education plays an important role as a medium for conveying political concepts that have the ultimate goal of making novice voters more politically literate (Luqman, 2020). Politically literate novice voters are novice voters who are aware of their rights and obligations so as to participate in the life of the nation and state in every development process. Political education is needed, especially to educate the current generation of young people who will become the next generation of reliable nations in the future (Rahayu, Juanda, & Yusnianti, 2018).

Novice voters basically have very dynamic thinking. Still not having a solid foundation, this happens because novice voters fall into the category of teenagers. Teenagers basically have a less strong pattern because there are still many who are looking for a form that fits the dynamics that are developing today. There are still those who don't have a strong character. This is not an obstacle for its adherents which will help the younger generation to have extensive knowledge and good behavior in accordance with good political culture and culture.

Political participation in a democracy is something substantial. One of the fundamental reasons for this is that one of the indicators of the quality of democracy is determined by the high and low and how political participation is carried out (Fadlan, Khaidir, & Putri, 2019). Political participation is the activity of a person or group of people to actively participate in political life, among other things by electing the leader of the country and directly or indirectly influencing government policy (Suharyanto, 2014).

The limit for novice voters (youth) starts from the age of 16 years following the determination of young age carried out by the United Nations (UN), while the age limit of young up to 30 years based on Youth Law Number 40 of 2009 article 1 concerning (Maulidina, n.d.): Youth is an Indonesian citizen who is entering an important period of growth and development aged 16 (sixteen) to 30 (thirty) years. Novice voters here can be a force in the elections, the enthusiasm of this group is quite high and the majority of this group wants to cast their votes in every election, especially the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections (Ni�amah, 2018).


Research Methods

This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach or type. This research focused on political education and political participation of novice voters in the 2020 Regional Head (Bupati) elections in Barru Regency. The same thing is also conveyed through research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behaviors (Ubaedillah, 2016). Thus, qualitative research essentially observes people in its environment, interacts with them, tries to understand their language and interpretation of the world around them. This study aims to determine the motivation, form and variation of political participation of novice voters in Barru District.

The data analysis techniques used in this study are descriptive qualitative (Qomari, 2009), namely (1) researchers choose informants according to predetermined categories to avoid distortions in providing information; (2) detailed and detailed excavation of informant data to clarify the validity and depth of research results; (3) conducting a member check, which is to reconfirm the reporter to clarify the information provided or add information/data. Data analysis techniques aim to provide a scientific picture and explanation of the object under study. The reason this study uses a qualitative approach is because it is part of a descriptive method, by understanding why a symptom occurs or the cause of an event.


Results and Discussion

Political education is one of the important factors in improving the quality of political participation of novice voters, especially in the simultaneous regional elections in 2020. Political education can add knowledge about the evolving political dynamics. Therefore, political education is carried out to the younger generation or novice voters to prepare for the future of the nation and state and ensure that simultaneous regional elections can run well, and produce outputs that have strong government legitimacy. Political education programs for novice voters are important and urgent to implement, in order to be more effective the political education program needs to be implemented in new ways and methods, materials and curricula tailored to the character, needs, interests, interests and level of experience and understanding of novice voters. With political education, it is hoped that novice voters can become smart, critical and responsible participants.

The political participation of novice voters in Barru Regency, especially in Tanete Rilau District based on research findings, can be said to be still influenced by habits, or just jumping on the bandwagon. the next generation and future leaders of the nation. Therefore, it is important to improve political education especially for novice voters (a means of political education and awareness of novice voters to vote properly). The means of political education in question are family, school, surrounding environment, work, mass media, and direct political contacts. Each individual in the group seeks to match his or her opinion with that of his or her friends perhaps because he wants to be with them. So a social group is to socialize its members by encouraging or urging them to conform to the attitudes or behaviors adopted by the group.

The number of registered voters in the permanent voter list for the 2020 regional elections spread across 7 districts; 55 villages/kelurahan; and 449 polling stations with 62,525 male voters and 67,764 female voters. The number of male and female voters was 130,289. This number includes first-time voters, especially the 17- to 25-year-old age category. This research was focused on Tanete Rilau District which consists of 10 villages/kelurahan, 84 polling stations, the number of male voters is 12,343 people, and female voters are 13,233 people. There were 25,576 men and women registered as permanent voters in the 2020 local elections in Barru District.

Regarding the results of research on the role of political education on the political participation of novice voters in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru Regency, it has been explained that: (1) The role of the family, research results and data Analysis shows that the family is one of the agents of political education that has an important role. This is because the family as a source of political information, there are discussions or debates that can help improve the political education of the younger generation; (2) The role of the environment in which they are active, has a very decisive role in providing political information to novice voters to participate in regional elections, and (3) The role of the social environment, is one of the political means. Education that has an important role as well as a place to get political information as explained by one of the informants that, the place of study and some of the organizations I participated in had a very important role in influencing my way of thinking about politics.

Based on the above explanation, it can be seen that one of the places to get information and data about regional elections is the environment where novice voters gather. The reason is that novice voter forums are often used as a place to discuss the evolving political dynamics. The data and information obtained are taken into consideration in making decisions when choosing a candidate's spouse according to conscience. When viewed from the political participation of novice voters is inseparable from their knowledge of political education, although novice voters are sometimes apathetic, the 2020 simultaneous regional elections held in Barru District are very enthusiastic.

Regarding the supporting and inhibiting factors of political education of novice voters in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru District, according to the results of the study, these supporting factors include: (a) The existence of political stimuli, this is important to raise awareness of novice voters in order to be willing to participate in political activities. In this case, the interest in participating is influenced, for example, often participating in political discussions through the mass media or through formal or informal discussions; (b) A person's personal characteristics, this is a motivating factor for novice voters to participate in politics. People of social character have a great social concern for social, political, economic, cultural, defense and security issues, usually wanting to engage in political activities; (c) Social Characteristics, are a driving factor for the political participation of novice voters. This is because of the social characteristics as explained above that the social environment also influences a person's perception, attitudes and behavior in the political field. Therefore, they want to participate in politics; (d) A conducive political situation or environment is one of the driving factors that make people happy to participate in political life. In a democratic political environment, everyone feels more free and comfortable to engage in political activities than in an authoritarian political environment.

Factors hindering the political participation of novice voters in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru Regency include: (1) busy daily activities. The daily activities of novice voters are generally students, students and workers. So it is quite natural that novice voters whose average age ranges from 17 to 22 years, hinder them from carrying out political activities that take a relatively long time; (2) inferiority, one of the factors hindering the political participation of novice voters in elections is a relatively low level of education or lack of experience in political activities and a relatively low socioeconomic level that makes them feel inferior, and (3) a ban on the family that there are novice voters who cannot participate in simultaneous regional elections in Tanete Rilau District, Barru Regency because they are prohibited by their families or parents.

The role of political education for novice voters in increasing participation in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru Regency shows that political education is one of the important aspects to realize an increasingly civilized life in society, nation and state. Therefore, education must be used as a foundation for forming a civilized human being. So that education becomes a pattern that must be followed by all components in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the goals of the Indonesian State is to educate the nation's life. This very noble state goal is used as a spirit to be able to rise to see education as a process of instilling noble values in the younger generation and society. Education is expected not only to transfer knowledge, but must be more than that, namely habituation and the formation of good attitudes and behaviors in every human being.

The stated purpose of state life can be more easily implemented if all existing components synergize to realize it. One of the important societies that must be present and play a role in the dynamics of the nation and state is the younger generation. The younger generation is expected to be able to participate in state life. In this case it is politics. So that the younger generation, especially novice voters, have a broad and deep knowledge of political education in the life of the nation and state.





The role of political education for novice voters in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru Regency is largely determined by various parties, including: the family as an agent of socialization of political education has a very important role, because the family is a source of information for novice voters in understanding the evolving political dynamics, both legislative elections, presidential elections and regional head elections. Another party that plays a role in the political education of novice voters is the environment in which they are active also plays a big role in making the decision to choose the pair of candidates for regent and deputy regent of Barru Regency in the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

Factors supporting and inhibiting political education towards the participation of novice voters in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Barru Regency according to the results of the study show that the supporting factors of novice voters in political activities are the presence of stimuli, personal characteristics of a person, social characteristics, situations (political environment), and political education itself that can influence a person (novice voters) to actively participate in political activities. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include the busyness of daily activities, inferiority, and prohibitions from the family (parents).





























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Copyright holder:

Andi Rosdianti Razak, Jaelan Usman, Rusdin Nawi (2022)



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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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