Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia �p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 8, No. 2, Februari 2023


Character Education Through the aDevelopment of Spiritual Intelligence at SMA Plus YPHB


Mastur Thoyib Kesi�

Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



Until now, education in schools is still more focused on efforts to develop students' intellectual intelligence, while efforts to develop other intelligences such as spiritual intelligence are still not given enough attention or have not been implemented seriously. Even though the development of spiritual intelligence is very closely related to student character education efforts. As a result, the output of character education is not as expected and has an impact on the decline of the nation's morale. On that basis, this study aims to determine the implementation of character education through the development of spiritual intelligence at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City. This study uses a qualitative approach with analytic descriptive method. Data collection through interview techniques, observation, and documentation studies, involving data sources, namely; principals, vice principals, teachers and students at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor, and triangulation was used to test the validity of the data. The results of the study show that the implementation of character education at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City, has a unique model, including establishing a full day school policy, an Active, Creative, Effective and Fun based learning approach, the Quantum Teaching method, and establishing a distinctive curriculum policy based on values -religious values, especially Islam.


Keywords: Character education, the development of spiritual intelligence, SMA Plus YPHB.



The essence of education is as an effort to develop the various potentials of the personality of students so that they grow optimally and naturally so that they can benefit their personal lives and their environment in the future (Apriana et al., 2019). Therefore learning or education in schools is not only an activity of transforming knowledge or intellectual development of students, but also an activity of internalizing values that can shape the character of students (Pradana et al., 2020). Delivery of subject matter is only one of the various activities in learning as a dynamic process in all phases and processes of student development (Schmidt et al., 2011).

The function of education in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (Izzati et al., 2019), as "an effort to develop capabilities and form dignified character and national civilization in order to educate the nation's life, aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God, have good morals noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and a democratic and responsible citizen." The formulation emphasizes that the goals or objectives of education are not only to develop intellectual intelligence alone, but also to form Indonesian people who believe and fear God and have noble character that can reflect the identity of a civilized and dignified nation. This means that there is an integration of cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude) and psychomotor (skills) elements. Therefore in educating students it is very important to build competencies that integrate a unity between say n, attitudes and actions (integrated personality) (Syamsurrijal, 2021).

Furthermore, the function of education above is strengthened by the vision of national education which is formulated in the 2010-2014 National Education Strategic Plan namely "Implementation of excellent national education services to form comprehensive intelligent Indonesian people" (Syamsurrijal, 2021). As for what is meant by comprehensively intelligent Indonesians, namely spiritually intelligent, emotionally intelligent, socially intelligent, intellectually intelligent, and kinesthetically intelligent (Rokhimawan et al., 2020).

The normative expression above shows that spiritual intelligence is an important part that must be developed in the educational process. Even spiritual intelligence is seen as a higher intelligence than other intelligences. This is as expressed by Zohar and (Suhifatullah et al., 2021) that: "SQ is the foundation needed to function IQ and EQ effectively. Even SQ is our highest intelligence.

Someone who has spiritual intelligence will avoid bad, evil, persecuted, immoral behavior. Because the characteristics of spiritually intelligent people include being happy to do good, happy to help others, feel they have a noble mission, feel connected to a source of power in the universe, and have a good sense of humor. When facing problems in his life, people who have spiritual intelligence do not only prioritize rational and emotional ways, but he connects them with the meaning of life spiritually (Hanefar et al., 2016). Thus, the steps are more mature and meaningful in life. This is the reason for the importance of developing students' spiritual intelligence in character education in schools (Salimah, 2017).

However, until now there are indications that education in schools generally emphasizes the development of intelligence in a narrow sense (intellectual intelligence) and pays less attention to developing the potential for spiritual, emotional and adversity intelligence as part of character education or noble character of students (Ismail, 2016).

The orientation of education which prioritizes the development of intellectual intelligence has resulted in the mental and moral weakness of the nation's children. In various regions there is a lot of deviant behavior starting from elementary school students (SD), junior high school, high school / K, and university students. Abuse of Drugs, Psycho-tropics and other Addictive Substances (NAFZA), violence in the form of student brawls, bullying between students (bullying) and the craze for accessing pornographic and freesex sites has increased in quantity.

Supporting the facts above, in ech-wan,hhh.Nusantara news. wordpress. com. 13 December 2009 downloaded 25-4-2014 at 15.00, it was revealed that: "Results of a survey by the National Commission for Child Protection (KPA) in collaboration with the Child Protection Agency (LPA) in 12 provinces in 2007, which received recognition for adolescents, that: as many as 93.7% Middle and high school children have ever done kissing, petting, and oral sex. As many as 62.7% of junior high school students are no longer virgins. As many as 21.2% of high school youth have had an abortion. Of the 2 million Indonesian women who have had an abortion, 1 million are teenage girls.

Still, according to the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) in html, downloaded 23-5-2014 at 14.00, stated that: "As many as 32 percent of adolescents aged 14 to 18 years in big cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung) have had sex. The results of another survey also stated, one out of four Indonesian teenagers has premarital sex and proves that 62.7 percent of teenagers lost their virginity while still in junior high school, and even 21.2 percent of them have had extreme sex, namely having had an abortion" (Munthoha & Wekke, 2017).

Meanwhile, the case of fights between students in Bogor, as reported in http://antara, at 13.30, that "Judging from the intensity, the number of cases of student brawls has increased. For the City of Bogor, there were 108 cases during the 2011 to 2012 school year (Bajari & Kuswarno, 2020).

Likewise in 29-pelajar-tewas.html, downloaded 12-04-2014, at 10.00, it was disclosed that: Within five years it was recorded that 11 students for the city of Bogor died in a war between students. Six fatalities occurred in the time interval from October 2011 to September 2012. If an average is taken, this means that one student dies every two months. Over the past 12 months, there have been 520 brawls with an average of 10 brawls per week in Bogor City (Jian et al., 2018).

The data and indications above demand serious attention and effort from all parties, especially educational institutions or schools to carry out introspection and improvement in the process of character education. Principals, teachers and education staff must realize that educational activities are not only directed at developing students' intellectual intelligence, but also at developing other intelligences, including spiritual, emotional and adversity intelligence, in order to form a complete or perfect student personality (Espelage et al., 2013).

With regard to character education, the presence of the teacher cannot be replaced by other elements, especially in our multicultural and multidimensional society, where the role of technology to replace teacher tasks is minimal. According to (Pea, 2018) says that: "No matter how sophisticated technological advances achieved by humans will not be able to replace the role and function of the teacher in the child's education process" .

The above is an indication of the failure of character education. Because of that there must be efforts to optimize character education, among others through the development of spiritual intelligence. On that basis, this study seeks to reveal data related to the implementation of character education through the development of spiritual intelligence at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for other education providers in an effort to optimize character education through the development of spiritual intelligence.


Research Method

����������� This research is holistic and naturalistic, therefore the way that is considered relevant is to use a qualitative descriptive method. The data needed in this study is related to the implementation of character education through the development of spiritual intelligence at SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City. Data is presented in the form of a narrative or description of words that can describe the research subject as a whole. Regarding qualitative research, the researcher acts as an instrument by using interviews, observation, and documentation studies. Sources of data in this study include: the principal, vice principal, several teachers and several students. The validity of the data in this study was obtained through a triangulation technique, namely cross-checking data from various data sources. To eliminate data that is considered not too important or irrelevant, data reduction is carried out. The research results are presented as is, then interpreted, analyzed, and conclusions drawn.


Results and Discussions

The initial goal of establishing SMA YPHB was to spread Islam through the provision of quality, competitive and dignified education, as well as to maintain the glory of the pilgrims, especially in the city of Bogor.

Furthermore, the Principal said that in order to achieve the aforementioned goals, SMA Plus YPHB faces strategic issues, including; first, that with the increasing number of brawls between students in the city of Bogor, it requires schools to be more serious in implementing character education. Second, that the rapid flow of information (print/electronic media) that is easily accessible and changing values in society is a burden on the mental development of students (children/youth), including YPHB High School students who are also part of the target of the rapid information attack. For this reason, besides being equipped with adequate science and technology and language, it is very important for students to be provided with an understanding of religious and cultural norms, and through the process of habituation these norms are instilled so as to build good morals to fortify students from negative influences.

Third, that in today's era of globalization, schools are required to have the ability to develop networks of cooperation (networking). This is increasingly needed, because humans no longer live separately but are related to one another. So that in the world of education it is very necessary to have networking and collaboration with other institutions, both regional, national and international. In big cities, international standard educational institutions have sprung up, from elementary school to tertiary level, for this reason, through collaboration with existing international standard educational institutions, it is hoped that YPHB High School will continue to grow to an international level. Fourth, that the demand for quality, efficiency, competitiveness and relevance of graduates is the task of the world of education which is also the task of YPHB SMA. Through the planning and implementation of good education management, it is hoped that it will be able to graduate students who are qualified and ready to compete to continue to higher levels both at home and abroad, of course with an efficient and effective process.

In dealing with the strategic issues above, SMA YPHB formulates a vision, namely: "The realization of a resilient generation in Imtaq and Science and Technology who is environmentally sound in facing the era of globalization." This vision indicates seriousness and a strong commitment to create generations of noble and resilient characters who are based on faith and piety, are knowledgeable, master technology, and have environmental insight to be able to create a harmonious life in a global life situation.

Related to the vision above, the mission of SMA YPHB is as follows:

1.       Improving the quality of schools through an Islamic scientific approach based on the Al-Quran and Hadith in order to develop students' akhlakul karimah.

2.       Realizing healthy schools that are clean, beautiful, green and comfortable with an environmental perspective.

3.       Developing and strengthening information and communication technology network facilities for learning activities, administration and school management information systems

4.       Using English as the language of instruction in teaching and learning activities.

5.       Create learning situations and conditions that are conducive to active, innovative, creative, and fun learning.

The mission carried out above is an effort to realize the objectives of SMA YPHB as follows:

1.       Formation of a school culture that is religious and conducive as a forum for internalizing student character values,

2.       The realization of quality learning that is active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun (PAIKEM),

3.       Establishment of ethical, empathetic and dynamic communication between school members,

4.       Realization of an ITC-based management system and digitization of student administrative services

5.       Realization of healthy schools that are clean, beautiful, green and comfortable with an environmental perspective.

The quality standards for SMA Plus YPHB graduates are set, among others, to have spiritual qualities, which include; have straight and strong aqeedah, understand the pillars of faith, Islam and ihsan, be proud of Islam, obey obligatory and sunnah worship, pray on time, understand prayer readings well, like to dhikr and pray, skilled and like to read the Koran, usually recite pray daily, be able to lead the prayer, dress according to Islamic law, cover the private parts, don't overdo it, be able to interpret every event with a positive outlook.

The next quality standard for graduates is emotional maturity, which consists of social sensitivity and concern, empathy and a willingness to help others, responsiveness and concern for humanitarian disasters, ability to communicate well, not to hesitate in speaking and appearing, being able to respect the opinions of others, being polite and polite in communicating with parents and teachers, able to work with groups, able to work together and socialize with friends at school, like to greet each other (5S = smile, greet, greet, polite, and polite), have a clean culture, put something in its place, clean environment without trash, dispose of trash in its place, selective in choosing food, halal and healthy, disciplined and confident, able to self-regulate, able to respect and obey rules and regulations.

The last graduate quality standard is intellectual intelligence which consists of achieving completeness in learning, an average of 75, the value of each subject in a diploma is at least 75, able to analyze problems, likes to write, able to write down ideas or experiences smoothly and correct writing standards, results his writings are read by friends and teachers through madding, skilled at operating a computer, able to make official letters with MS Word, able to make simple table calculations with MS excel, able to use the internet for learning, and on average get very good grades.

The strategy implemented by YPHB SMA to realize the vision, carry out the mission, and achieve the above objectives, namely through the following efforts:

1.       Developing regional and international cooperation with educational institutions at home and abroad

2.       Application of ISo 9001 in improving school management and education services to improve quality

3.       Become a reference school related to innovative educational programs in Indonesia

4.       Becoming a degitalization-based school in service and implementation of educational programs

To realize the vision, mission, goals and strategies, it is necessary to have school policies that can be used as references for school members in their activities. Based on the results of interviews with the Principal. data obtained that the policies related to the above are as follows:

1.       In terms of curriculum, YPHB High School stipulates that apart from using the National Curriculum it also uses the School Characteristics Curriculum which is monotheism (Godhead) and implements Full Day School which it is hoped that students can avoid bad associations outside.

2.       Determine the importance of instilling a caring attitude or empathy for students towards marginalized communities.

3.       Determine the importance of optimizing religious activities in schools to foster student morals.

4.       Establish YPHB High School as an environmentally sound school to become an adiwiyata school, (clean, green and healthy)

5.       Establish SOPs as a reference in implementing various activities at YPHB SMA that lead to character building.

In order to support student character education, SMA Plus YPHB makes the following programs:

1.       Full Day School. Through this learning activity it is hoped that students will have the characters that have been defined in the school's vision

Related to the Full Day School Program, SMA Plus YPHB organizes various extracurricular activities, including:

a.       Paskibra Milky Way

Paskibra is an extracurricular activity that is synonymous with discipline. The spirit of brotherhood and discipline is deeply instilled in each of its members. For students who aspire to become PASKIBRAKA at the Municipal, Provincial, and National levels, PASKIBRA extracurriculars are extracurriculars that are able to realize these aspirations.

b.      Nature Lovers

Nature Lovers - Repala Giriwana is a forum for YPHB Bogor High School students to fill their free time and interest in outdoor adventures, such as mountain climbing, climbing, caving, beach hopping, rafting, or in general language the Nature Lovers Extracurricular, basically adventure natural.

c.       Futsal

The Futsal Extracurricular at YPHB Plus High School is also in great demand. This extracurricular is coached by Futsal trainers outside of teachers. Extracurricular Futsal has brought YPHB's name to many championships.

d.      Choir

This choral extracurricular is one of the extracurriculars that has a very important role for SMA Plus YPHB Bogor City, because if there is an activity related to singing then the extracurricular choir is one of the right solutions to be displayed. If it's like birds, Eskul Padus is a mainstay extracurricular to fill official and important events. The YPHB High School Extracurricular Choir is often asked to appear at the City Hall to accompany the Official Ceremony at the Bogor City Hall.

e.       Dance

This extracurricular aims to accommodate & develop the talent/creativity of students in the field of dance, and to reach an international standard level. For children who like dancing, especially regional dances, this extracurricular is a good choice.

f.       Gamelan/Musical

The gamelan that developed in Sundanese society is an art form which in its presentation prioritizes instrumental elements or musical instruments. Joining this extracurricular can add to your musical skills and feel the sensation of cooperating with spectacular traditional music games.

g.      Volleyball

YPHB SMA Plus Volley Ball is still very young. Established in 2008, but at that time immediately gave birth to talented players. 2 (two) students from the YPHB High School Volleyball Extracurricular became Bogor representatives at POPDA (Regional Sports Week) 2009 in Bandung.

Apart from the above extracurricular activities, there are many other activities, such as basketball, theatre, photography, angklung, cateda, badminton, etc.

2.       Homestay : Is one of the YPHB High School activity programs specifically for grade 11. This activity is carried out by placing 3 students in one family in the village for 5 days. The purpose of the activity is to increase social awareness by participating directly and being involved in the daily life activities of new foster families.

3.       Religious programs which include Dhuha prayer activities, Al-Qur'an recitations, congregational prayers, Kultum, Mabit, and teacher exemplary.

4.       Implementation of the Environmental Program (Adiwiyata) is part of the curriculum at YPHB SMA. Apart from being a subject, environmental programs are also integrated into other subjects. Then the implementation of lifestyle directly by all residents of SMA YPHB at school. Its application includes; making living pharmacies, green houses, separating organic and inorganic waste and then processing organic waste into compost, making energy savings and making biopore infiltration holes.

To build a school culture that is conducive to the implementation of character education, SMA YPHB establishes a code of conduct that must be obeyed by all school members. Based on the findings from various data sources with various data collection tools, it is known;

1.       There are regulations regarding student discipline. This student rule is a guideline for students in their activities at school. If students violate the provisions of these rules, then students will get sanctions.

2.       There are regulations regarding rules of conduct or things that must be the character of SMA Plus YPHB teachers. This shows that YPHB Plus High School has a good system of character education for students through efforts to instill discipline and a sense of responsibility towards students and also towards teachers. Apart from the formally written regulations, there are also many wise writings pasted on the walls of the school building.

3.       To ensure that various programs are carried out properly, SMA Plus YPHB supervises through the following activities:

4.       Make direct contact between the homeroom teacher and parents or guardians of students each semester to exchange information about the development of student behavior and learning activities when taking report cards.

5.       Contact with stakeholders and other relevant institutions to obtain information about the existence or behavior of students and alumni.

6.       Monitoring daily learning activities by picket teachers.

7.       Monthly and end of semester monitoring is carried out by the Principal, Deputy Head of Student Affairs and Curriculum

8.       Guidance on every aspect of teacher competence, both by regularly inviting experts and regularly by the Principal and Chair of the Foundation and Supervisors from the Education Office.

9.       Monitoring or supervising the availability and feasibility of the various facilities and infrastructure needed and supervising their use so that they can be maximized in supporting the learning process and other programs related to character education.

Activities that are no less important are conducting evaluations in various aspects of activities. Evaluation activities are carried out at the end of each year to accommodate information and absorb aspirations from various parties related to the development and achievement of school program goals. Are all the school's efforts still consistent with the policy or have they deviated? Is the strategy used still relevant to internal and external developments? Furthermore, trying to explore the possibilities that can be done in the future.



Whereas in relation to character education efforts, YPHB Plus High School formulates a vision, mission, goals, strategies and policies that demonstrate awareness of the importance of preparing a generation that has global capabilities, creates a generation that is resilient, entrepreneur, and has competitive benefits based on values faith and piety or religious values. That SMA Plus YPHB has implemented a full day school policy, and applies an Active, Creative, Effective and Fun learning approach. Besides that, it also applies the Quantum Teaching method approach in learning, and there is a distinctive curriculum policy based on religious values, especially Islam. Both intra-curricular and extra-curricular. That YPHB Plus High School has an Islamically-oriented program both intra and extra-curricularly, the Adiwiyata school program, the Mabit Program (Night Bina Takwa), Duha prayer, Homestay congregational prayer, social services, Spiritual Work Camp, etc.

Instilling these values is done through modeling and habituation of doing good and right things so as to shape student character, including; a. Sincerity or honesty. b. compassion c. gallantry; d. Affection; e. Self control; f. Cooperation; and g. Hard work. The implementation of the program is supported by the existence of Standard Operating Procedures or rules for teachers and students, as well as an adequate budget. Another interesting thing about the three, is that they both have the following characteristics: a. Rich in innovative programs in order to cultivate character values, b. Strict rules in order to habituate discipline and responsibility, c. Polite treatment in order to create a conducive emotional environment, d. Sincere in service to build a spirit of devotion and worship to Allah SWT. while increasing the spiritual intelligence of students.That SMA Plus YPHB regularly conducts internal monitoring by the school principal and his representatives, as well as by the education supervisor from the local Education Office. This activity also serves as an evaluation of teacher performance. However, only a few schools have a Quality Control Unit, this is very important for systematic and continuous monitoring activities. That SMA Plus YPHB has a Quality Control Group whose function is to control through daily, weekly, monthly and semester monitoring of the course of learning activities. In addition, it also evaluates teacher performance and the achievements of the school work program as a whole to obtain information as feedback and become the basis for making improvements and developments.



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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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