Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2022




Mukhtar Hamzah, Ayu Ratna Sari, Abdul Khalik, Haeruddin Haeruddin

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia Makasar
Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Politeknik LP3i Makassar

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze (1) the influence of communication on employee job satisfaction at the North Morowali Regency Agriculture and Food Service, (2) the influence of organizational innovation on employee job satisfaction at the North Morowali Regency Agriculture and Food Service, (3) the influence of motivation on job satisfaction of employees at the North Morowali Regency Agriculture and Food Service. This study uses a quantitative approach using a population of 75 employees with sampling using a saturated sample using all members of the population as a sample. The method of analysis used is multiple linear regression method with hypothesis testing using the F test, T test and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that (1) communication has no significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the North Morowali Regency Agriculture and Food Service, (2) organizational innovation has no significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the North Morowali Regency Agriculture and Food Office, (3) motivation does not have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the North Morowali Regency Agriculture and Food Service.


Keywords: Communication, organizational innovation, motivation, job satisfaction



Human resource management (HRM) is the process of hiring people, training them, compensating them, developing policies related to them, and developing strategies to retain them. As a field, HRM has undergone many changes over the past twenty years, providing a more important role in today's organization. In the past, HRM meant processing payroll, sending birthday gifts to employees, organizing company events, and making sure forms were filled out correctly, in other words, more of an administrative role than a strategic role critical to the success of the organization (NN, 2020). For good organizational performance requires good individual performance and group performance. Employee performance as the total organizational value expected by the behavioral characteristics of employees who perform a job at a certain time that contributes to organizational performance (Borman et al, 2003). A good organization strives to make its employees satisfied. A satisfied employee is a person who is very loyal to his organization and obeys it, not working because of any coercion, but because they dream of taking his organization to a better level. Employee satisfaction leads to a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

The first benefit of employee satisfaction is that people hardly think about leaving their current job. Employee satisfaction in employee retention. Organizations need to retain viable and talented employees for long-term growth and ensure success. Satisfied employees tend to adjust more and handle the pressure easily than those who are frustrated. Employees who are dissatisfied with their work will find problems in everything small and too rigid. On the other hand, employees who are happy with their work are willing to participate in training programs and are eager to learn new technologies, software that will ultimately help them in their professional career. A satisfied employee accepts the challenge with a big smile and gives even in the worst situations. Thus according to Robbins and Judges (Robbins, 2013), everything related to job satisfaction can better predict employee behavior.

Employee engagement is the involvement of individuals with satisfaction, and enthusiasm for the work that employees do. Employees who are highly involved have a passion for their work, and feel a deep connection with the company, have deep energy or attention to their work (Robbins, 2013). Employee performance is important for an organization both as a whole and for working individuals (Sonnentag, 2001).

The success of the role of individuals in contributing to the achievement of organizational goals can be seen from the outputs produced in the form of goods or services, the comparison of inputs with outputs (productivity), the achievement of time, speed, efficiency, performance, and so on depending on each benchmark of success. This assessment is to see if the input, process, or output is correct according to expectations, whether there are obstacles or disruptions, or there are potential opportunities and so on. Individual performance is the foundation for organizational performance, understanding employee behavior is important to direct management to be effective (Gibson, Ivancevich, dan Donnelly, 2012)�(Arifin, Nirwanto, & Manan, 2019).

Motivation as the degree of readiness of the individual to perform an action and consists of all the factors that influence, intensify and regulate human behavior. Motivation in the context of work is expressed as the degree of willingness of the individual to exert and maintain efforts towards the goals of the organization. Employees have different competing needs driven by a variety of motivators. Therefore, in order to maximize the performance of the organization, the organization and its managers must understand what really motivates employees.

More than 50% of healthcare workers in Benin equate motivation with a prospective drive or retrospective compensation that is thought to make them work better. The majority of them consider motivation as a "motivator", that is, an incentive, and not as a state of mind. In Kenya, a fifth understand motivation as a drive, however, there is a larger share of healthcare workers.

Motivation and job satisfaction are both significantly related to the intention of moving. Low motivation negatively impacts the individual performance of health workers, facilities and the health system as a whole. The evidence that 60.9% of nurses in Turkey reportedly have the intention to quit the current workplace within 1 year is secondary to a lack of job satisfaction or motivation by most of them. On the other hand, it is researched in Istanbul because administrators are given information about the motivations of their employees to improve employee morale. Doctors from primary health facilities in Pakistan report that they leave the hospital if they are not motivated �(Deressa, 2019).

The agriculture and food office of North Morowali district is a government organization that is required to provide high Job Satisfaction by supporting the government's vision of "prospering together". Various efforts in improving factors related to human resource management in employees, especially those related to motivation, communication and organizational commitment continue to be pursued. Based on the background of the problem, it is intended to raise the title of the study, namely "The Effect of Communication, Organizational Innovation and Motivation on Employee Work Satisfaction at the Office of the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency" The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze; (1) The Effect of Communication on Job Satisfaction of employees in the agriculture and food department of North Morowali Regency. (2) The Effect of Organizational Innovation on Job Satisfaction of employees in the agriculture and food service of North Morowali Regency, (3) The Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction of employees in the agriculture and food service of North Morowali Regency, (4) The influence of simultaneous communication, Organizational Innovation and Motivation on Job Satisfaction of employees in the agriculture and food service of North Morowali Regency.


Research Methods

Research design using a quantitative research approach which can be interpreted as a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to research on certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, data analysis is quantitative / statistic, with the aim of testing the established hypothesis (Sugiyono, 2017). The jenelitian used is survey research. The survey method is used to obtain data from certain natural (not artificial) places, but researchers carry out treatment in data collection, for example by circulating questionnaires, tests, structured interviews and so on (Sugiyono, 2017). This research is included in the explanatory research, which is a study that tests the influence between variables, namely motivation, communication and organizational commitment to employee Job Satisfaction both partially and simultaneously in the agriculture and food service of the North Morowali Regency. This research was conducted at the Regional Agriculture and Food Office of North Morowali Regency, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo, Bahoue, Petasia, North Morowali, Central Sulawesi with a period of 2 months.

Population is a generalized area consisting of: objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by the researcher to be studied and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2017). The population in this study was employees of the North Morowali Regional Agriculture and Food Service, which numbered 75 employees. While the sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population and the sample taken from the population must be truly representative, (Sugiyono, 2017). The sample in this study was employees of the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency, totaling 75 employees. In this study using the saturated sampling method, there is a limited number of populations, so the population is used as a sample.

Data collection is the recording of events or things or information or characteristics of some or all elements of the population that will support or support research. According to Hasan in (Suhendra, 2015) There are several data collection methods used in research, namely the questionnaire method, which is a data collection technique by submitting or sending a list of questions for respondents to fill out. Respondents are people who respond to or answer questions asked and in this study the questionnaire measurement scale uses a likert scale, Hasan, 2002 in (Suhendra, 2015). The question items in the questionnaire outlined in the likert scale size used in this study include: Strongly Agree is scored 5, Agree: given a score of 4, Disagree is given a score of 3, Disagree is given a score of 2, Strongly Disagrees : is given a score of 1. The data analysis that the authors used in this study used quantitative analysis. Quantitative research data analysis techniques using inferential statistics (often also called inductive statistics or statistical probabilitias) are statistical techniques used to analyze sample data and the results are applied to the population.

Researchers use parametric statistics on the grounds that the type of data is analyzed in the interval scale. Parametric statistics meet many assumptions. The main assumption is that the data to be analyzed must be normally distributed in regression must meet the assumption of linearity, so that the data obtained from this study are normally distributed, and in regression must be met the assumption of linearity, so that the data obtained from the research results are tested for normality and linearity first before being used to test the hypothesis of the Research Instrument Test Design using validity and reliability tests. Hypothesis testing was analyzed using the SPSS 22 multiple linear regression method. With partial test (T Test), Joint test (F Test) and Coefficient of Determination (KD).






Results and Discussion

Descriptive Analysis of Research Variables Identity of Research Respondents

In this section, the respondent's identity consists of (1) gender, (2) age, (3) recent education, (4) respondent's length of service. The identities of these respondents will be discussed one by one as follows: Respondents' identities by gender Based on the SPSS output, respondents' identities by gender can be seen in the following table:


Picture 1

Respondents' identities by gender

The identity of respondents by gender consisted of 65 male genders with a percentage of 87.8% and female sex of 9 people with a percentage of 12.2% with a total of 74 people or 100%.

Respondent's identity by age Based on the results of the SPSS process, the identity of respondents by age can be seen in the following table


Picture 2

Respondent's identity by age

The table above provides information that the identity of respondents based on the age of respondents consists of respondents with an age of < 20 years consisting of 1 person with a percentage of 1.4%, >51 years 2 years with a percentage of 2.7%, aged 21-30 years as many as 21 people or with a percentage of 32.4%, 41-50 years with an age of 26 people or 35.1% with a total of 74 respondents based on age with a percentage of 100%. From the table, information was obtained that the identity of respondents based on age was dominated by the age of 41-50 years as many as 26 people or 35.1% and the lowest frequency was the age of < 20 years. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the average respondent is an adult and has experience in terms of age.


Respondents' identities based on final education

Based on the results of the SPSS process, the frequency of respondents' identities based on the last education can be seen in the following table:


Picture 3

Respondents' identities by Education


Based on the table above shows that the identity of respondents by education consists of; education at the D1-D3 level as many as 10 people or 13.5% frequencies, D4 / S1 as many as 14 people, S2 (Masters) 3 people or with a percentage of 4.1%, high school equivalent as many as 47 people or 63.5%. From this information, the education level with the highest frequency is at the high school level or with a frequency of 47 people or with a percentage of 63.5% and the lowest frequency at the S2 (masters) level with a frequency of 3 people or 4.1%. The total number of respondents based on age was 74 people or 100%. Respondent's identity based on respondent's length of service Data processing with SPSS generates information about the frequency of respondents based on the length of service of the respondents presented in the table as follows:














Picture 4

Respondent's identity by length of service

Based on the information presented in the table of working periods of respondents, it can be explained that the identity of respondents based on length of service consists of < period of work from 2 years as many as 3 people or with a percentage of 4.1%, 2-5 years as many as 10 people with a frequency of 10 people or 13.5%, 6-10 years as many as 12 people or 16.2%, 11-15 years of service as many as 14 people or 18.9% and a period of work of >16 years as many as 35 people or 47.3%.

Based on this information, it is stated that the identity of respondents based on the working period with the highest frequency, namely the >16-year service period of 35 people or 47.3% and the lowest frequency, namely the 2-year < work period with a frequency of 3 people or 4.1%. The total respondents based on length of service were 74 people with a percentage of 100%.


Research Variables

After describing the identity of the respondents, the next step is to analyze the respondents' answers to the question questionnaire from research variables consisting of (1) communication variables (X1), (2) organizational innovation variables (X2), (3) motivation variables (X3) and (4) job satisfaction variables (Y). Each variable will be described based on the gains from the SPSS process.


Table 1

Mean mean of respondents' responses to the research questionnaire


Mean Rata


Komunikasi (X1)


Sangat tinggi

Inovasi organisasi (X2)


Sangat tinggi

Motivasi (X3)


Sangat tinggi

Kepuasan (Y)


Sangat tinggi

English translation. Source :�Data processing: 2020




Test the Validity and Reliability of Research Variables

Every research conducted using the questionnaire or questionnaire method needs to be tested for validity. The validity test is useful for determining the validity or suitability of the questionnaire used by researchers to obtain data from respondents or research samples. The product moment pearson correlation validity test uses the concept of correlating or linking between each item score or question obtained from respondents' answers to the questionnaire.

Table 2

Summary of testing research variables


Kreteria / Keputusan


Komunikasi (X1)

Sig (2 tailed) 0.000<0,005


Inovasi organisasi (X2)

Sig (2 tailed 0.000<0,005)


Motivasi (X3)

Sig (2 tailed 0,000<0,005


Kepuasan kerja (Y)

Sig (2 tailed 0,000<0,005)


English translation. Source :�Data processing: 2020

From the SPSS output above, we already know that all the questionnaire items used are valid.

Research Variable Reliability Testing

According to W.Sujarwati (2014), explaining that reliability tests can be carried out jointly on all items or question items in the research questionnair.


English translation. Picture 7

Reliability Testing statistics

In the output table above, it is known that there are N of Items (the number of items or items of questionnaire questions) there are 24 items with a Cronbachs�Alpha of 0.937. Since the Cronbachs Alpha value is 0.937 > 0.60, then as the basis for decision making in the reliability test above, it can be concluded that the 24 or all items of questionnaire questions for the variable "The effect of communication, organizational innovation and motivation on employee job satisfaction in the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali District" are reliable or consistent.

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is a method or technique of analyzing research hypotheses to test the presence or absence of the influence of one variable with another variable expressed in the form of mathematical equations (regression). Multiple or multiple linear regression analysis serves to look for the influence of two or more independent variables (free variables or X) on depeden variables (bound variables or Y). After carrying out the process using SPSS multiple linear regression outputs can be seen one by one in the table which will be presented as follows:


Picture 8

Variable entered/removed

The "Variables Entered/Removed" output table above provides information about the research variables as well as the methods used in regression analysis. The independent variables used in this analysis are communication variables, communication, organizational innovation. While the dependent variable is the job satisfaction variable. Regression analysis using the Enter method. No variables are discarded so in the variables removed column there are no numbers or blanks. Furthermore, the next multiple linear regression output is the Summary Model which can be explained as follows:


Picture 9

Capital Summary

The "Model Summary" table provides information about the value of the coefficient of determination, namely the contribution or contribution of the influence of communication variables, organizational innovation and motivation simultaneously (together) on the variables of job satisfaction. The third regression output is the ANOVA table which can be seen in the following table:


Picture 10


In the table " ANOVA " provides information about the presence or absence of the influence of the variables of communication, organizational innovation and motivation together (simultaneously) on the variables of job satisfaction. Furthermore, the last regression output is the coeficients�variable as follows:


Table 11

Coefficients of multiple linear regression

The "Coefficient" table provides information about the regression equation and the presence or absence of the influence of communication variables, organizational innovation and motivation partially (singly) on the variables of job satisfaction. The formula of the regression equation in this analysis or study is as follows:

Y=a+b1X1+b2X2 or Y= 5.319 + 0.173 + 0.100 + 1,257

Based on the four outputs above, a summary of multiples regression analysis can be made as in the following table:


Table 12

Multiples (multiple) regression analysis summary


Koefisien Regresi

T hitung


















F hitung




R Square




English translation. Source: Data processed:2020


Hypothesis Testing

Simultaneous Testing (F Test) The F test aims to determine the influence of variable X simultaneously (together) on variable Y. The basis for determining decision making in the F test in this study is based on the Significance (Sig.) value of the ANOVA output, namely (1) If the value of Sig. < 0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted, then it means that the variables of communication, organizational innovation, and motivation simultaneously affect the variables of job satisfaction, (2) If the value of Sig>0.05 then the hypothesis is rejected, then it can be interpreted that the variables of communication (X1), organizational innovation (X2) and motivation (X3) simultaneously have no effect on job satisfaction (Y). To see whether the variable X in question has an effect or not on variable Y, it can be looked back at the ANOVA table with the hypothesis that has been proposed that the variables of communication, organizational innovation and motivation have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. To see if the free variable (X) has a joint effect on variable Y, the results can be seen in the following table:


Table 13


Based on the SPSS output table in ats, it is known the value of Sig. is 0.000. Since the value of Sig. 0.000 <0.05, then according to the basis of decision making in the F test it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted or in other words communication (X1), organizational innovation (X2) and motivation (X3) simultaneously affect job satisfaction (Y). To see how much the simultaneous influence of variable X has on variable Y, it can then be analyzed using determinas�testing (R Square).

�the variable job satisfaction (Y), it can be seen and refers to the R Squ



Coefficient of Determination Testing (R2)

To see how much (5) influence the variables of communication (X1), organizational innovation (X2) and motivation (X3) exert on the variables of job satisfaction (Y), can be looked back at the ANOVA table and in the table obtained Sig.0.000 < 0.05 and meaning that variables X together have a significant effect on variable Y. After this requirement has been met, then to find out what percentage (%) influence the communication variable (X1) exerts, organizational innovation (X2) and motivation (X3) simultaneously against are value contained in the results of multiple linear regression analysis, namely in the following "Model Summary" table:


Table 14

Model summary (coefficient of determination)

Based on the output table of the SPSS "Model Summary" above, it is known that the value of the coefficient of determination or R Square is 0.648 .�The Square R value of 0.648 is derived from the squaring of the value of the correlation coefficient or R, which is 0.805 X 0.805 = 0.648. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.648 or equal to 64.5%. This figure means that the variables of communication (X1), organizational innovation (X2) and motivation (X3) simultaneously (together) affect the variable job satisfaction (Y) by 64.5%, while the rest (100%-64.5%=35.6%) are influenced by other variables outside this regression equation or variables that are not studied. Because R Square is 64.5% close to number 1, it can be concluded that the communication variable (X1), the organizational innovation variable (X2) and the motivation variable (X3) together have an effect with a contribution of 64.5% (very strong) to the job satisfaction variable (Y).


Partial Testing (T Test)

The t test is one of the research hypothesis tests in multiple linear regression analysis. The t-test aims to determine whether a free variable or an independent variable (X) partially (singly) affects a bound variable or a dependent variable (Y). To see the test results can be seen in the coefficients table as follows:









Picture 15

Coofficient�for T Test

In the "Coeficients" SPSS output table above, it is the basis for conducting tests to find out whether the communication variables (X1), organizational innovation variables (X2) and motivation (X3) partially affect the job satisfaction variables (Y). The hypotheses that have been proposed in this study are:

1.     H1 or first hypothesis: there is an influence of communication (X1) on job satisfaction (Y)

2.     H2 or the second hypothesis: there is an influence of organizational innovation (X2) on job satisfaction (Y)

3.     H3 or third hypothesis: there is an influence of motivation (X3) on job satisfaction (Y)

The basis for making partial t test decisions in this regression analysis using the significance value (Sig.) which means (1) If the Significance value (Sig) < probability 0.05 then there is an influence of the free variable (X) on the bound variable (Y) or the first hypothesis, (2) If the Significance value (Sig) > probability 0.05 then there is no influence of the free variable (X) on the bound variable (Y) or the hypothesis is rejected.

Based on the aforementioned creteria, hypothesis testing can be carried out as follows: Communication variable (X1) with a value of Sig. 0.398. Sig. values 0.398>0.05. Based on this creteria using the Sig. approach, the first hypothesis (H1) was rejected and Ho was accepted which means that communication (X1) did not have a significant effect on job satisfaction (Y) in the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency.

Organizational innovation variable (X2) with a value of Sig. 0.722. Sig. values 0.722>0.05. Based on this creteria using the Sig. approach, the second hypothesis (H2) was rejected and Ho was accepted which means that organizational innovation (X2) did not have a significant effect on job satisfaction (Y) in the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali District. Motivation variable (X3) with a value of Sig. 0.000 . Based on the value of Sig. 0.000<0.05 then the third hypothesis (H3) is accepted and Ho is rejected. This can be interpreted to mean that the motivation variable (X3) has a significant effect on the job satisfaction variable (Y) in the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency.


After the analysis is carried out using statistical tests, this section will discuss the partial, simultaneous and coefficient of determination of independent variables on dependent variables. Partial influence of communication variables, organizational innovation and motivation on job satisfaction in the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency. Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, it is explained that communication does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction at a confidence level of 0.95 or 95% with an error degree of 0.05. This happens because the value of Sig.calculate>alpha is 0.05. It can be explained that if the communication variable increases, it does not have a significant effect on the increase in employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency.

Furthermore, the results of partial testing of organizational innovations on employee job satisfaction explained that organizational innovation did not have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. It can be explained that if the organization's innovation increases, it will not have an impact on changing or increasing employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency.

Furthermore, the partial effect of motivation on employee job satisfaction, based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is explained that the motivation variable has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction in the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. This indicates that if there is an increase in motivation variables, it will affect the increase in employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. Based on the R value (correlation) of 0.801 to job satisfaction (1,000) it can be explained that the relationship of motivation to job satisfaction of 80.1% to job satisfaction and the R value obtained is very strong and is supported by respondents' responses to the question items on motivation with a mean value obtained with a score of 4.75 with very high creteria.

����������� Basically, there are three main characteristics of motivation, namely effort, strong will and direction or goal. Based on business characteristics, it refers to the strength of the employee's work behavior or the amount shown by an employee in his work. Strictly speaking, it involves a wide variety of activities or efforts that are both real and visible. While the characteristic of strong will refers to the willpower shown by a person when applying his efforts to his job duties. With a strong will, all efforts will be made. Failure will not break the charcoal to continue trying to achieve the goal. Meanwhile, the last characteristic is the direction and goal related to the direction that the effort and willpower of the employee is going.

From looking at the three main characteristics of motivation above, motivation can be interpreted as a state where a person's effort and willpower are directed towards the achievement of certain results or goals. This then makes the motivation variable partially dominate the employee job satisfaction variable. It can be explained further, that satisfaction is an emotional expression that is positid or pleasant as a result of an assessment of a job or work experience. Based on the theory that the factors affecting job satisfaction are working conditions, regulations, compensation of work balanced with the work he has done, work efficiency, promotion opportunities, Co-workers or co-workers. The factors described above that dominate the most are motivational factors consisting of compensation and promotion opportunities as well as rewards from colleagues or work partners, and there is a good relationship between teams or employees in the workplace environment.


The simultaneous influence of communication variables, organizational innovation and motivation on job satisfaction in the Agriculture and Food Service of North Morowali Regency

Based on the results of simultaneous tests on hypothesis testing, the results were obtained that the variables of communication (X1), organizational innovation (X2) and motivation (X3) together had a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. It can be explained that the influence of the free variable (X) on the bound variable (Y) is very significant. This can be interpreted to mean that the increase in free variables together will increase job satisfaction in the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination test, the results obtained through R2 obtained a value of 0.648 or 65% (rounded up) it can be explained that the score obtained is very strong, meaning that the contribution of free variables together has a significant effect on bound variables by 65% and the remaining 35% is influenced by other factors outside this study.



����������� Based on the discussion above, the results of the study can be concluded that: communication does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction in employees of the Agriculture and Food Crops Service of North Morowali Regency. It can be explained that the improvement of communication has no real effect on increasing employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. Organizational innovation did not have a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of the Agriculture and Food Crops Service of North Morowali District. It can be explained that the increase in organizational innovation does not have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency.

Motivation has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. It can be explained that increasing employee motivation will have an impact on increasing employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. Communication, organizational innovation and motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. The role of motivation is very influential on employee job satisfaction, this is a consideration for the leadership to create programs that can stimulate an increase in employee motivation, this can be by rewarding outstanding employees, promotion of positions and other things that can motivate employees and spur an increase in employee job satisfaction at the Agriculture and Food Crops Office of North Morowali Regency. With high motivation, a comfortable work atmosphere is created which will then have an impact on employee communication with other employees including superiors, employee creativity and innovation increase and other matters related to employee job satisfaction will increase. With the limitations of the research that has been carried out, researchers can continue research in the field of human resource management can continue this research by adding factors related to employee job satisfaction.



































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Muhtar Hamzah, Abdul Khalik, Haeruddin Haeruddin (2022)


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