Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 6, No. 12, Desember 2021




Nadia Nurfitria

Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



The Ministry of Religion is currently carrying out various strategies to prevent radical religious education and taking anticipatory steps to mainstream moderate religious understanding to anticipate radicalism movements.State Intelligence Agency (BIN) reported in 2017 about 37% of university students from a number of universities in Indonesia had been exposed to radicalism. Based on the data, it was also found that around 24% of university students and 23.3% of senior high school students were in agreement about the establishment of Islamic state in Indonesia. This finding has drawn the concern of PTKIN since it had become the basis for the spread of radicalism among the current millennial generation. PTKIN, as an educational institution and an institution under the Ministry of Religion's auspices, must help convey the value of Islamic insight to its students by teaching them. In the industrial era 4.0, UIN Sultan Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang places a high priority on developing a planned and well-measured approach for infusing Islamic awareness in pupils. The existence of Ma'had al-Jami'ah UIN Maliki is one of the initiatives made, such as publishing an Islamic journal and training a cadre of ulama in public speaking for millennials. Workshops on Religious Moderation and conferences on the notion of Santri Dedication in Indonesian Deradicalization Efforts.


Keywords: industrial age; millennial; student; slamic insight.



The development of this industrial revolution has entered the fourth generation or usually called the industrial era 4.0 (Akhuai et al., 2022). The term industry 4.0 was first introduced during the Hannover fair in 2011 (Haddara & Elragal, 2015). The impact of this Industrial Era is the growing progress of information and communication technology (ICT) (Romanova, 2018). The development of ICT has led to an era in which human daily life has changed drastically (R�pke & Christensen, 2012).

The acceleration of information that occurs today ultimately has implications for the social and cultural aspects of our lives. In addition to social and cultural issues, the issue of religion and all its elements becomes one of the most important issues in the information age (Arendt, 1990). Based on the results of the study, it shows that an environment full of technology and information has implications for changes in religious patterns both at the level of understanding and religious practice (Thaib, 2019).

In the current era, we are facing various realities, including virtual reality and social reality. Both realities can exist simultaneously and have the ability to influence the nature of society, including the Muslim generation in Indonesia. The millennial Muslim generation is experiencing a process of crossing socio-religious identities, although their social bases still influence their religious attitudes and behaviors. This symptom is called identity hybridization. From the results of research presented by the Center For The Study Of Religion and Culture (CSRC), Convey Indonesia, the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Syahid Jakarta in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on the identity hybridization of young Muslims, it can be concluded that the phenomenon experienced by millennials in this era is the phenomenon of hybridation of identity (Maryolo, 2018).

This impact makes young Muslims open to the exposure of existing information. In other cases, the openness of the information flow can internalize the value of religious moderation among Indonesian Muslim youth, but on the other hand, this openness can potentially lead to intolerance and even religious radicalism (Rosidi, 2022). Based on field data conducted by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) in 2017, it was found that 39% of students from several universities in Indonesia had been indoctrinated with radicalism. Based on the research report that around 24% of university students and 23.3% of high school / equivalent students support the establishment of a state with a khilafah system in Indonesia. So that it becomes the main focus of the Ministry of Religion because PTKIN is included in the base for the spread of radicalism among the current millennial generation. Based on research conducted by PPIM UIN Syahid Jakarta stated that many schools or universities have been exposed to intolerance or radicalism. From the results of the survey, it was found that around 51.1% of respondents from several Muslim students in Indonesia have an understanding that is considered different from Majority Islam such as Shia and Ahmadiyya. In addition, there are 34.3% of respondents of Muslim students or students have an understanding of intolerance to non-Muslims. This survey concluded that around 48.95% of respondents thought that the results of the religious education they learned influenced them not to associate with non-Muslim groups. This is a concern for researchers, there are 58.5% of student respondents who have a radical religious understanding (Waskito & Fauzan, 2021).

The results of this research were proven by the arrest of terrorist network member Pepi Fernando, who was a graduate of an Islamic university. The struggle between students and radicalism does not arise in a short time in the midst of educational institutions, but radicalism arises because of the internalization of understanding with radical networks from outside educational institutions. Thus, the seeds of radicalism began to hit students and students to be indoctrinated and recruited as part of the network (Hadziq, 2019). This is an important issue in the world of Islamic education, especially in the UIN Maliki environment, which is increasingly spreading radical Islamic understanding in Islamic universities. Symptoms like this if not handled immediately will undermine the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

Kamaruddin Amin stated that currently the Ministry of Religious Affairs is focused on designing various concrete steps in order to prevent the spread of radical religious education and implementing several structured and measurable programs to spread a moderate understanding of religion as an anticipation of radicalism.

Several studies have discussed the strengthening of the existence of Islamic education in the industrial era 4.0, especially the discussion of the problems of Islamic education in the industrial era 4.0 (Taufik, 2020). From the results of this research, steps that must be taken by Islamic educational institutions can be produced, namely changing the old mindset or bureaucratic rules to disruptive by prioritizing cooperative ways (Biygautane et al., 2019). The next step is self-control with the aim of being able to innovate according to the demands of the industrial era 4.0 so that it is always contextual to developments and demands (Ribeiro et al., 2021).

Abdullah Hadziq's research examines the Campus Islamic Nationalist Organization in an effort to ward off intolerance and radicalism at IAIN Surakarta. In his research, he explained the strategies carried out by campus Islamic organizations in their efforts to ward off radicalism among students, namely: Creation of a Curriculum based on Cadre to counteract Radicalism, Internalization of Friendly Islamic values, Higher Education Partnerships, Partnerships with Islamic Boarding Schools, Friendly Islamic Literacy Culture (Hadziq, 2018).

Eddy Saputra's research on the effects of social media on the religious attitudes of millennials and their solutions through Islamic Religious Education. The results and discussion of this study explain that the impact caused by excessive use of social media will affect the religious attitudes of adolescents who are not in accordance with the noma-noma teachings of Islamic education. Islamic Education teaches how to make the best use of technology so that it does not have bad or negative consequences for teenagers' lives. In addition, Islamic education makes teenagers remain firm in their Islamic values without having to avoid social media communication technology (Saputra, 2016).

There are several reasons why UIN Maliki is used as a research object including: 1. UIN Maliki is the best PTKIN according to Webometrics, this campus is in demand by 23,600 applicants and only accepts 1,899 prospective students .2. UIN Maliki's medium strategic plan in 2017-2021 is towards a World Class University (WCU) to become a destination for Islamic studies and strengthen the Legacy of Modernization of Islamic Religious Thought 3. Another distinctive feature of this University as an implication of its scientific development model is the obligation for all students or academic community to master Arabic and English. By mastering Arabic, students are expected to be able to study the main source of Islamic teachings, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. and through English students are expected to be able to study general and modern science studies, in addition to being an international global communication tool. This is what makes uin maliki called a bilingual university. To achieve these expectations, a ma'had or campus boarding school was developed which requires undergraduates to live in the ma'had. Therefore, the education system in this university is a blend of university and ma'had or pesantren traditions.

Research Methods

This research uses qualitative methods. The subject of this research is UIN Maliki's Strategy, then what will be researched is UIN Maliki's Strategy in instilling Student Islamic Insight. This research uses the Strategic Theory analysis knife from Wheelen and Hunger (2012) which defines strategic management as steps formulated in the long term by an institution. This process consists of 3 aspects, namely (1) Fomula/Curriculum Strategy, (2) Implementation Strategy, and (3) Evaluation Strategy.


Results and Discussion

A. Findings

Based on research with qualitative research methods, researchers found several things done by UIN Maliki as part of UIN Malik's strategy, among others:

1.   Creating an Ulema Cadre Program

Some of UIN Malang's strategies in instilling students' Islamic insights include creating a cadre of scholars among students. In this case, the scholars are considered the frontline figures who can direct the behavior of the Ummah and can provide solutions to the problems Ma�had Al-Jami�ah Al-Aly UIN as part of creating a cadre of ulama or Muslim scholars. The strategy is to form a cadre of Ulama who are qualified, intelligent, scientific and have integrity. Many students are trained in the ulama regeneration program from Ma'had Al-Jami'ah Al-Aly, especially in the implementation of the Malang Raya Millennial Dai Public Speaking Training which was held in August 2020 by the Dai Intellectual Nusantara Network (DINUN) team in collaboration with Brawijaya University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This public speaking training has been held for the second time. In the first implementation, the participants came from various educational institutions throughout East Java with a wider scope. While in the implementation of the second regeneration, the committee initiated by DINUN and the Community Service Team of FISIP Universitas Brawijaya focused on coaching and quality results with fewer participants so that it was more effective.

This activity focused on 3 important materials in preaching, such as preaching methods, preaching strategies, classification of mad'u, or about the scope of preaching. The material was given by Muhammad Nasir, who is a millennial da'i and is the CEO of Ashthanawa Property East Java. with this dai cadre training, it is hoped that there will be brilliant cadres produced by UIN Maliki in order to maintain Islamic values, insights among Muslim millennials in the Industrial 4.0 era.

2.   Sending Delegations of UIN Maliki Students to Congresses in Deradicalization Efforts in Indonesia

The second strategy carried out by UIN Maliki is to send and facilitate students to attend a congress with the theme of deradicalization. The theme promoted at this event is "Dedication of santri in deradicalization efforts in Indonesia", the implementation of this congress lasted for 4 days and took place at Ma'had Aly Idrisiyyah, Pengendingan Tasikmalaya. This activity is part of UIN Maliki's strategy for students to be able to face the challenges of the times, especially for millennials and Generation Z students. A total of 55 students from 23 Ma'had Aly across Indonesia participated. History proves that the student movement has a very important role both at the national and international levels, including its efforts in Indonesian independence. Based on the results of research, it shows that many students in various universities are indicated to be exposed to radicalism. Therefore, Mahasantri becomes a mediator in embracing and jointly fostering friendship with students in various universities both public and private with the aim of deradicalization efforts in the student environment. In this activity, UIN Maliki hopes that the students will understand the dangers of intolerant views, radicalism is more dangerous than the viruses that are currently endemic. of course, treating it also requires a mature strategy. In this case, UIN Maliki hopes that students will be able to apply what is their obligation in counteracting intolerant views or radicalism, both for themselves, the academic environment and the community environment.

The congress focuses on the theme of deradicalization by inviting speakers from academics and non-academics in a seminar or symposium as part of a series of congress events with the aim of raising students' awareness of deradicalization efforts. In addition to seminars and symposiums, the congress held strategic study discussions by experienced speakers on scientific research as part of supporting literacy and knowledge of mahasantri to be equal to students in general universities. The discussion focused on the paradigm and development of research and the urgency of studying classical Islamic books including books written by archipelago scholars as part of the development of Islamic studies in Ma'had Al-Aly.

With the deradicalization congress, it is hoped that the mahasantri can understand their role in deradicalization efforts and increase their knowledge and understanding of religious issues, especially fiqhiyah issues that develop in society.Mengadakan Workshop dan Pelatihan Metode Penelitian Berbasis Islam Nusantara.

The third strategy carried out by UIN Maliki in deepening the Islamic insight of its students is to hold Workshop and Research Method Training activities based on Islam Nusantara. The main purpose of this activity is so that students and academics can be critical of phenomena that have occurred, such as terrorism among millennials, as well as provide solutions and can counteract this understanding by means of a scientific approach both on religious and general problems by prioritizing scientific facts based on research results and literacy from the study of classical Islamic and general books. So that with the event the main goal of instilling Islamic insight can be achieved well.

This workshop and training event was attended by participants from various circles, both from undergraduate and master level students, lecturers, delegates from various organizations, as well as Ma'had Aly students throughout Indonesia with a total of 75 participants in the event. The speakers in this workshop were academics from PTKIN and outside PTKIN who have deep scientific experience and thoughts related to scientific insights in Islamic research and literacy.

The next step for UIN Maliki is to be able to maintain, preserve and strengthen the Islamic insight of the students, especially about Islam Nusantara. In this annual event, UIN Maliki collaborates with Yudharta University Pasuruan, Lembaga Ta'lif wa Nasyr NU Jatim and ASPIRASI to invite academics and researchers throughout Indonesia to focus on the study of Islam Nusantara.

B.  Discuss

According to Syamsul Arifin, strengthening the study of Islamic insights in educational institutions needs a mature strategy. In the context of this deradicalization effort, educational institutions are considered to have a very important role, to make the image of Islam in Indonesia still look friendly, inclusive, moderate, and have dignity in the eyes of the international community.

Islamic educational institutions, especially PTKIN, can instill Islamic insights to their students or academic community to strengthen a moderate, polite and inclusive understanding of Islam. The cultivation of Islamic insight is carried out in three aspects, including: (1) formulating educational goals and curriculum, (2) implementing Islamic values explicitly and implicitly into the educational curriculum, (3) then implementing the formation of Islamic values in the curriculum itself14 These three aspects greatly affect the ideology of students of Islamic educational institutions, therefore in formulating the curriculum it is necessary to pay very serious attention to policy makers.

This is what UIN Maliki does for its students. This university has a very noble hope to become the center of excellence and the center of Islamic civilization as an effort to spread the teachings of Islam which is a mercy for all nature. (al Islam rahmat li al-alamin).


Based on the discussion above, the researcher can conclude that UIN Maliki Malang has several effective strategies in adding Islamic insight to its students. There are 4 main strategies implemented by UIN Maliki, namely. creating a cadre of Ulama in Public Speaking Training for Millennial Dai. Sending delegates to congresses with the concept of Santri Dedication in Deradicalization Efforts in Indonesia, holding workshops and training on research methodology based on Islam Nusantara and the most essential is to conduct intensive discussions in terms of strengthening Islamic insight with various Islamic-based educational institutions.









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Nadia Nurfitria (2021)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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