Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 8, No. 5, Mei 2023




Picesco Andika Tulus, Pudji Astuty

Borobudur University, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



The topic is based on the importance of civil servant career management, work culture, and ASN disciplinary values. This includes the science of management, organizational behavior, and the development of the organization itself. The main goal is to be able to help change the mindset of ASN to continue investing. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. Regulation of the minister of law and human rights number 8 of 2021 and circular of the minister for the utilization of state apparatus and bureaucratic reform of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2021, were used as study samples. Based on Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation number 8 of 2021 and Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021, PNS Career Management seeks to Improve the Competence and Performance of PNS Provide Clarity and Certainty for PNS Careers and encourage the professional development of PNS. The case study approach is carried out by considering in depth insights about how the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation number 8 of 2021. This affects both parties, namely employees and government institutions. It points out that areas where application and enforcement of the rules need increased attention. The Circular of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2021 broadly aims to change the way of thinking of PNS.


Keywords: Stimulates investment, civil servant career, mindset transformation



The determination of PNS career management, work culture, and ASN core value to create an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment is a topic that relates to the fields of human resource management (Hasan et al., 2023). Organizational behavior, and organizational development. Career is the journey or experience of the position of a Civil Servant of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights since being appointed, fostered continuously up to the retirement age limit (Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8, 2021).

Human resource management involves managing the human capital of an organization, including recruitment, training, compensation, and performance management. Career management, a subset of human resource management, focuses on helping employees develop their skills and advance their careers within the organization. Organizational behavior is concerned with understanding how people behave within organizations and how organizational structures and processes influence their behavior. This field encompasses topics such as motivation, communication, leadership (Dewi, 2020), and culture. Organizational development involves using behavioral science principles to improve organizational effectiveness and achieve strategic goals (BPK RI., 2020).

This includes interventions such as training, coaching, and change management. The determination of PNS career management, work culture, and ASN core value to create an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment draws upon all of these fields to create a comprehensive understanding of how organizations can create a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement and investment (Al Mubayin, 2022).

Research has shown that a positive work culture, career development opportunities, and a strong organizational identity based on shared values can have a positive impact on employee engagement, motivation, and performance. In turn, this can lead to improved business outcomes, such as increased productivity, profitability, and innovation. Here are some specific examples: (1) A positive work culture, collaboration, and a supportive environment, has been shown to increase employee job satisfaction, engagement, and commitment. In turn, this can lead to reduced turnover rates and improved productivity and innovation. (2) Career development opportunities, providing employees with opportunities for career development, such as training, mentoring, and job rotations, has been shown to increase employee engagement and motivation. It also helps employees to acquire new skills and knowledge, which can lead to improved performance and increased job satisfaction. (3) Organizational identity, a strong organizational identity based on shared values, mission, and vision can create a sense of purpose and direction for employees. This can lead to increased commitment and investment in the organization, which in turn can drive higher levels of performance and innovation.

These factors are critical for creating a work environment that fosters employee engagement and investment, which can lead to improved business outcomes, such as increased productivity, profitability, and innovation. Therefore, it is important for organizations to focus on developing a positive work culture, providing career development opportunities, and cultivating a strong organizational identity based on shared values to create an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment (Hasan et al., 2023).

Studies have also highlighted the importance of aligning employee mindsets with organizational goals and values to create a sense of purpose and direction, which can lead to increased commitment and investment in the organization.

Studies have consistently shown that aligning employee mindsets with organizational goals and values is critical for creating a sense of purpose and direction, which can lead to increased commitment and investment in the organization. When employees feel that their work is meaningful and aligned with the organization's mission and values, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

Here are some specific examples of how aligning employee mindsets with organizational goals and values can lead to increased commitment and investment in the organization: Sense of purpose, when employees feel that their work is meaningful and has a positive impact on the organization and society, they are more likely to be engaged and committed. This can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and innovation.

Shared values, when employees share the same values as the organization, they are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and commitment. This can lead to increased loyalty, reduced turnover, and improved organizational performance. Organizational goals, when employees understand and are committed to the organization's goals, they are more likely to align their work with those goals. This can lead to increased performance, productivity, and innovation.

Aligning employee mindsets with organizational goals and values is critical for creating a sense of purpose and direction, which can lead to increased commitment and investment in the organization (Dewi, 2020). By creating an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment, organizations can ensure that their employees are engaged, motivated, and aligned with the organization's mission and values.

To determine the best strategies for creating a positive work culture, career management (Hasan et al., 2023) and ASN core values that can lead to an ASN mindset transformation, research may involve a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups, can provide in-depth insights into the experiences and attitudes of employees, while quantitative methods such as data analysis, can help identify trends and patterns across different groups by analyzing Permenkumham 8 2021 and PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 concerns the implementation of ASN Core Values and Employer Branding in government institutions in Indonesia.

Overall research in this area aims to provide evidence-based strategies for organizations to improve employee engagement, motivation, and investment, which can ultimately lead to greater economic growth and success.

Analyzing Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 2021 and PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 in the context of the determination of PNS career management, work culture, and ASN core value to create an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment can provide valuable insights.

Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 2021 provides guidelines for the implementation of electronic signatures and digital certificates in legal transactions in Indonesia. The regulation is aligned with international standards and best practices for the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates, which can facilitate cross-border transactions and trade. This regulation can have a positive impact on the career development opportunities for PNS and the work culture in government institutions by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing security.

Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 2021 refers to the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 8 of 2021, which was issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. This regulation provides guidelines for the implementation of electronic signatures and digital certificates for legal documents in Indonesia.

The regulation sets out the legal requirements and technical standards for the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates in legal transactions. It also outlines the responsibilities of the various parties involved in the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates, including the certification authority, the subscriber, and the relying party.

Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 2021 is intended to facilitate the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates in legal transactions in Indonesia, which is expected to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance security. The regulation is also aligned with international standards and best practices for the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates, which is important for promoting cross-border transactions and trade.

PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 concerns the implementation of ASN Core Values and Employer Branding in government institutions in Indonesia. The letter outlines the importance of implementing ASN Core Values, including integrity, professionalism, service orientation, and responsibility, to improve the quality of public services and enhance the image of the government as an employer. By implementing ASN Core Values and Employer Branding, the government aims to promote a culture of excellence and professionalism among ASN in Indonesia. This can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce that is better equipped to drive investment and economic growth.

The PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 concerns the implementation of ASN (Aparatur Sipil Negara) Core Values and Employer Branding in Indonesia. The letter outlines the importance of implementing ASN Core Values and Employer Branding to improve the quality of public services and enhance the image of the government as an employer.

The ASN Core Values referred to in the circular letter are as follows: (1) Integrity, ASN must maintain a high degree of honesty and ethical conduct in carrying out their duties. (2) Professionalism, ASN must have the skills, knowledge, and expertise required to carry out their duties effectively. (3) Service Orientation, ASN must be committed to serving the public and improving the quality of public services. (4) Responsibility, ASN must take responsibility for their actions and be accountable to the public for their performance.

The circular letter provides guidelines for implementing ASN Core Values and Employer Branding in government institutions, including (BPK RI., 2020): (1) Developing a communication strategy to promote ASN Core Values and Employer Branding. (2) Conducting training and development programs for ASN to enhance their skills, knowledge, and expertise. (3) Rewarding and recognizing ASN who demonstrate a commitment to ASN Core Values and Employer Branding. (4) Ensuring that the recruitment and selection process for ASN reflects the importance of ASN Core Values and Employer Branding.

The PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 is aimed at promoting a culture of excellence and professionalism among ASN in Indonesia. By implementing ASN Core Values and Employer Branding, the government aims to enhance the image of the public service as an employer of choice and improve the quality of public services for the people of Indonesia.

By analyzing these regulations in the context of PNS career management (Usup, 2017) and work culture, it becomes clear that promoting a culture of excellence, professionalism, and integrity among PNS can have a positive impact on investment and economic growth in Indonesia. Creating an ASN mindset transformation that emphasizes these values and encourages career development opportunities can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce that is better equipped to drive investment and economic growth in the country.


Research Method

Research Type

To determine PNS career management, and work culture that stimulate investment, both qualitative and quantitative methods can be used. Qualitative methods can be used to gain insights into the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of PNS and ASN regarding career management, work culture, and core values. Qualitative methods that can be used include case studies. Case studies can be used to examine specific instances of successful career management, positive work culture, and strong core values in PNS and ASN.

On the other hand, quantitative methods can be used to collect numerical data that can be analyzed to identify trends and patterns in the attitudes and behaviors of PNS and ASN. Quantitative methods that can be used include statistical analysis. Statistical analysis can be used to identify correlations between different variables related to career management, work culture, and core values.

By using both qualitative and quantitative methods such Figure 1, a comprehensive understanding of PNS and ASN attitudes and behaviors can be obtained, which can inform the development of interventions aimed at creating an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment.


Figure 1


Discussion, Conclusion, Future Research

Data Analysis


Combined Designs

    Case Studies

    Statistical Analysis

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Research Designs

Research Questions

Literature Review

Research Problem

Research Process

Research Flow

The comprehensive understanding gained from both qualitative and quantitative methods can be used to develop targeted interventions aimed at creating an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment. Those are about career development programs and work culture initiatives.

Career development programs, based on the qualitative and quantitative data collected, career development programs can be developed to support PNS and ASN in their career development. These programs can include training, mentoring, and coaching to help PNS and ASN develop the skills and competencies needed for their current roles and future career paths.

Work culture initiatives, initiatives aimed at improving work culture can be developed based on the insights gained from the qualitative and quantitative methods. For example, initiatives to promote a positive and supportive work environment, work-life balance, and recognition of employee contributions can be developed to create a more engaging and productive work culture.

By combining the insights gained from both qualitative and quantitative methods, interventions can be developed that are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of PNS and ASN. This can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce that is better equipped to drive investment and economic growth.

Combining both qualitative and quantitative methods can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the needs and challenges of PNS and ASN, and can help organizations develop interventions that are tailored to their specific circumstances. Qualitative methods can provide in-depth insights into the experiences, attitudes, and beliefs of employees, and can help identify specific areas of concern or opportunity for improvement. On the other hand, quantitative methods such as data analysis, can provide more generalizable insights into the prevalence and magnitude of certain issues, as well as identify trends and patterns across different groups.

By combining both types of data, organizations can gain a more nuanced understanding of the factors that contribute to employee engagement, motivation, and investment. This can help them develop targeted interventions that address specific challenges or capitalize on opportunities to improve the workplace environment.


Population and Sample

The population in this study includes several ministerial circular that are related to the determination of PNS (civil servant) career management, work culture, and ASN (aparatur sipil negara) core values in order to create an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment.

In this case, the population may include the civil servants or ASN who will be affected by the regulations and are expected to undergo the mindset transformation that the regulations aim to stimulate. The study may aim to assess the effectiveness of these regulations in achieving the desired transformation and the impact they have on the work culture and career management of civil servants.

Regarding the sample, the content was chosen from Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021. The sample for the study was chosen from two ministerial circular: Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021 and Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021.

Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021 is a regulation from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Indonesia that discusses the determination of civil servant career management and work culture. It aims to provide guidelines and procedures for managing the careers of civil servants and improving the work culture in government institutions.

Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 is a regulation from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia that discusses ASN core values and the creation of an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment. It aims to provide guidance and procedures for implementing the core values of ASN and transforming the mindset of civil servants to support investment and economic growth.

The sample for the study may have been chosen from these two regulations to assess their impact on the mindset and behavior of civil servants, as well as the effectiveness of the guidelines and procedures provided in the regulations. However, without more information about the study design and methodology, it is difficult to provide a full understanding of the study and its objectives.


Results and Discussion

Based on data on Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham 8 2021 civil servant career management aims to (Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham number 8, 2021):

A.    Provide career clarity and certainty to civil servants

Providing career clarity and certainty to civil servants is essential to enhance their motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction, which can ultimately lead to improved performance and productivity.

One way to provide career clarity and certainty to civil servants is by establishing clear and transparent career paths and progression criteria. This includes identifying the competencies and skills required for different positions, as well as outlining the training and development opportunities available to civil servants to acquire these competencies and skills. By providing this information, civil servants can have a better understanding of what is required of them to progress in their careers and make informed decisions about their professional development.

Another way to provide career clarity and certainty to civil servants is by implementing a performance management system that includes regular feedback and evaluations. This system can help civil servants understand how their performance is being assessed, what areas they need to improve on, and what steps they can take to advance in their careers (Siregar, 2022). By providing regular feedback and evaluations, civil servants can also have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, which can help them make informed decisions about their professional development.

Additionally, providing opportunities for job rotation and lateral movement can also provide career clarity and certainty to civil servants. These opportunities can expose civil servants to different areas of the organization and provide them with a broader understanding of the organization's operations, which can help them make informed decisions about their career paths.

In summary, providing career clarity and certainty to civil servants requires establishing clear career paths and progression criteria, implementing a performance management system, and providing opportunities for job rotation and lateral movement. By doing so, civil servants can have a better understanding of what is required of them to progress in their careers, make informed decisions about their professional development, and ultimately contribute to the organization's success.

B.     Balance between civil servant career development and agency needs;

Balancing civil servant career development and agency needs is crucial for creating a productive and engaged workforce while meeting organizational objectives. Here are some strategies for achieving this balance:

1.      Align career development with agency goals, career development plans should be designed in a way that supports the achievement of agency goals. For instance, civil servants can be encouraged to acquire new skills that are relevant to their current or future roles in the organization.

2.      Encourage cross-functional collaboration, encouraging civil servants to work on projects outside their immediate job responsibilities can help them acquire new skills, broaden their knowledge base, and provide value to the agency. Cross-functional collaboration can also help create a more cohesive and collaborative work environment.

3.      Provide learning opportunities that align with agency needs, agencies can provide learning opportunities that are directly relevant to the agency's goals and objectives. For instance, if an agency wants to improve its data analysis capabilities, it can provide training on data analysis tools and techniques to its civil servants.

4.      Develop flexible career paths, creating flexible career paths can allow civil servants to pursue their interests and development goals while still meeting the agency's needs. This can be achieved by offering opportunities for job rotation, lateral movement, or flexible work arrangements (Al Mubayin, 2022).

5.      Monitor and evaluate progress, regular monitoring and evaluation can help agencies ensure that their civil servants are meeting both their career development goals and the agency's needs. This can include setting performance metrics, providing regular feedback, and adjusting career development plans as needed.

By balancing civil servant career development with agency needs, agencies can create a workforce that is motivated, engaged, and equipped with the skills needed to meet the agency's objectives.

C.     Improve the competence and performance of civil servants; and

Improving the competence and performance of civil servants is crucial for achieving organizational objectives and meeting the needs of the public. Here are some strategies that can be used to improve the competence and performance of civil servants:

1.    Provide relevant training and development, providing relevant training and development opportunities can help civil servants acquire the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively. Agencies can offer classroom training, e-learning, on-the-job training, and mentoring to help civil servants improve their skills and competencies.

2.    Set clear expectations and goals, clear expectations and goals can help civil servants understand what is expected of them and what they need to do to perform their jobs effectively. Agencies can set performance goals, establish performance metrics, and provide regular feedback to help civil servants improve their performance.

3.    Provide constructive feedback, constructive feedback can help civil servants identify areas where they need to improve their performance. Agencies can provide regular feedback to civil servants, including positive feedback to reinforce good performance and constructive feedback to help civil servants identify areas where they need to improve.

4.    Recognize and reward good performance, recognizing and rewarding good performance can help motivate civil servants to perform at their best. Agencies can use recognition programs, bonuses, and promotions to reward good performance and encourage civil servants to continue to improve.

5.    Foster a culture of continuous improvement, a culture of continuous improvement can help create an environment where civil servants are encouraged to learn, grow, and develop their skills. Agencies can foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging civil servants to share their ideas, learn from mistakes, and pursue opportunities for growth and development.

By implementing these strategies, agencies can improve the competence and performance of civil servants, which can lead to better outcomes for the organization and the public.

D.    Encourage professional development of civil servants

Encouraging professional development is a key strategy for improving the competence and performance of civil servants. Here are some ways agencies can encourage professional development:

1.      Offer relevant training and education, providing training and education opportunities that are relevant to the job can help civil servants develop new skills and knowledge. This can be done through classroom training, e-learning, conferences, and other professional development opportunities.

2.      Encourage participation in professional associations, encouraging civil servants to join and participate in professional associations can provide them with access to networking opportunities, information on best practices, and other resources that can help them develop professionally.

3.      Provide mentoring and coaching, mentoring and coaching programs can help civil servants learn from experienced colleagues, develop new skills, and gain valuable insights into their work.

4.      Support job rotations and job shadowing, job rotations and job shadowing can expose civil servants to new roles and responsibilities, which can broaden their experience and help them develop new skills.

5.      Offer career development programs, career development programs can help civil servants plan their career paths, identify opportunities for growth and development, and prepare for advancement within the organization.

By providing these opportunities and resources, agencies can encourage the professional development of civil servants, which can lead to improved performance, higher job satisfaction, and better outcomes for the organization and the public.

Case studies method on Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021

If a case study method is used to study Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021 regarding the determination of PNS career management, and work culture to create an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment in the near future, it may involve analyzing specific cases or examples of civil servants who have undergone the career management process, implemented the guidelines and procedures for improving work culture of ASN in their work (Sanusi, 2021).

The case study may involve interviews or surveys with civil servants who have undergone the transformation process and have been impacted by the regulations. The study may also involve analyzing documents such as performance appraisals, career development plans, and reports on work culture improvement to assess the effectiveness of the guidelines and procedures provided in Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021.

In addition, the case study may also examine the challenges and barriers faced by civil servants in implementing the guidelines and procedures, as well as the impact of the regulations on the overall performance of government institutions.

Overall, the case study method can provide in-depth insights into the impact of Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021 on civil servants and government institutions, and help identify areas for improvement in the regulations and their implementation.


Case studies method on Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021

Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 is a regulation issued by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia, which focuses on the determination of PNS (civil servant) career management, work culture, and ASN (state civil apparatus) core value to create ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment in the near future. In this case, we can analyze the regulation using the case study method, which involves analyzing a specific situation in detail to understand it better.

The Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 aims to create a positive work culture and mindset transformation among civil servants in Indonesia. The regulation emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive work environment that encourages career development and fosters a sense of pride in being a public servant.

To achieve these objectives, the Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 outlines several strategies, including:

1.      Developing a career management system that supports the professional growth of civil servants.

2.      Creating a performance evaluation system that emphasizes competency-based assessments.

3.      Promoting a culture of transparency and accountability in public service.

4.      Encouraging civil servants to engage in continuous learning and professional development.

These strategies are designed to create a culture of excellence among civil servants in Indonesia, which will, in turn, stimulate investment and economic growth. The Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 is an important step towards transforming the mindset of civil servants in Indonesia. However, its effectiveness will depend on the extent to which it is implemented and enforced (Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021).

The Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 is a regulation that focuses on transforming the mindset of civil servants in Indonesia. The regulation is an important step towards creating a culture of excellence that will attract investment and support economic growth. However, its effectiveness will depend on how well it is implemented and enforced.


Statistical Analytics

It is possible that the data showing the increasing interest in table 1 shown investing in ANS civil servants from 2018 to 2023 is significant for some parties. For example, the ANS civil servants themselves may be interested in knowing that there is increasing investment in their sector, as it may indicate growing demand for their services and a stable future for their careers. Similarly, investors who are considering investing in ANS civil servants may also find the data significant, as it suggests that the sector is experiencing growth and may be a good opportunity for investment.

However, it is important to note that the data provided only shows a limited picture of the ANS civil service sector, and it is important to consider other factors such as economic trends, government policies, and competition from other sectors. Additionally, the data only covers a six-year period, which may not provide a complete picture of long-term trends in the sector. Therefore, it is important to conduct a more comprehensive analysis before making any investment decisions.

Table 1

PNS ANS Preference about Short- and Long-Term Investment

short term investment

long term investment
















2023 (up until March)







From the data table 1 provided, we can see the short-term and long-term investments for the years 2018 to 2023 (up until March). The total short-term investment for the six-year period is 6719, while the total long-term investment is 9483.

We can also see that both short-term and long-term investments have been increasing over time. In 2018, the short-term investment was 566 and the long-term investment was 902, but by 2023 (up until March), the short-term investment had increased to 384 and the long-term investment had increased to 645.

If we look at the individual years, we can see that there was a significant increase in both short-term and long-term investments between 2018 and 2019. In 2018, the short-term investment was 566 and the long-term investment was 902, but in 2019, the short-term investment increased to 1140 and the long-term investment increased to 1292.

From 2019 to 2020, there was another increase in both short-term and long-term investments, with the short-term investment increasing to 1563 and the long-term investment increasing to 2145. The trend continued in 2021, with the short-term investment increasing to 1485 and the long-term investment increasing to 2238.

In 2022, both short-term and long-term investments increased again, with the short-term investment increasing to 1581 and the long-term investment increasing to 2261. The data shows that both short-term and long-term investments have been increasing over the six-year period, with the most significant increases occurring between 2018 and 2019, and again between 2019 and 2020.


Annual fluctuations allegedly due to career management, and work culture

According to the data provided on figure 2, there are fluctuations in both short-term and long-term investments between 2018 and 2022, which are allegedly due to career management, and work culture. In the period between 2018 and 2019, there was a significant increase in both short-term and long-term investments, with a fluctuation of 574 for short-term investments and 390 for long-term investments. It is possible that this increase was due to improvements in career management, and work culture, which may have made the sector more attractive to investors.

However, between 2019 and 2020, there was a decrease in the fluctuations for both short-term and long-term investments. The fluctuations for short-term investments decreased to 423, while the fluctuations for long-term investments increased to 853. This suggests that while there was still some interest in the sector, it may have been less volatile than in previous years.

In the period between 2020 and 2021, there was a negative fluctuation for short-term investments, with a decrease of 78. However, the fluctuations for long-term investments remained positive, with an increase of 93. It is possible that this negative fluctuation was due to external factors, such as economic downturns or changes in government policies.

Figure 2

Fluctuation Every Year due to Government Regulation on Investment


In the period between 2021 and 2022, there was a positive fluctuation for both short-term and long-term investments, with an increase of 96 for short-term investments and an increase of 23 for long-term investments. This suggests that there may have been further improvements in career management, and work culture, making the sector more attractive to investors.

Overall, the fluctuations in both short-term and long-term investments may be influenced by factors such as career management, and work culture. However, it is important to note that other external factors may also contribute to fluctuations in the sector, and a more comprehensive analysis would be needed to fully understand the trends and make investment decisions.


Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham 8 2021 Support for ASN Mindset Transformation that Supports Investment

Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham 8 no. 101 2021 is the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2021 concerning Management and Career Development for Civil Servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Paying attention to organizational needs and challenges: This regulation explains that the management and career development of civil servants must pay attention to organizational needs and challenges. By taking into account the needs of the organization, civil servants are expected to be able to develop competencies that can improve organizational performance, including in terms of encouraging investment.

Ensuring fairness in career development: This regulation also emphasizes the importance of fairness in the career development of civil servants, which includes providing equal opportunities to develop careers according to ability and performance. Thus, it is expected that civil servants who have the potential to encourage investment can get the same support and opportunity to develop their careers. With the support from this regulation, it is hoped that the management and career development of civil servants can support the creation of ASN mindset transformations that can encourage investment.


Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 Support for ASN Mindset Transformation that Supports Investment

PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 Concerning the Implementation of ASN Employer Branding provides support for the creation of an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment. It also encourages the use of employer branding strategies to attract and retain talented civil servants who share these values and are committed to contributing to the organization's goals (Sobandi, 2019).

The proof of the support provided by PANRB Minister Circular Letter Number 20 of 2021 Concerning the Implementation of ASN Employer Branding for the creation of an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment can be found in the circular letter itself. The circular letter also encourages the use of employer branding strategies to attract and retain talented civil servants who share these values and are committed to contributing to the organization's goals. This can lead to the development of a more engaged and motivated workforce that is better equipped to drive investment and economic growth.



Combining both qualitative and quantitative methods can help organizations create more effective interventions that are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of PNS and ASN, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce that is better equipped to drive investment and economic growth. The circular letter provides clear support for the creation of an ASN mindset transformation that stimulates investment through the promotion of a positive organizational culture, the alignment of civil servant mindsets with organizational goals and values, and the use of employer branding strategies to attract and retain talented civil servants.

According to information from Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021, civil servant career management aims to improve the competence and performance of civil servants, give them career clarity and certainty, strike a balance between their professional development and agency requirements, and promote their professional growth. The case study method can provide in-depth insights into how Peraturan menteri hukum dan ham nomor 8 tahun 2021 impacts public servants and institutions and can also highlight areas where the application and enforcement of the regulations need to be improved. Minister of Law Regulation number 20 of 2021 is a piece of law that seeks to alter the mindset of civil servants in Indonesia.

The future research that might be interested is how effective the recommendations for policymakers, managers, and stakeholders on how to improve career management, and work culture in the PNS and ASN sectors to create a more attractive and investment-friendly environment.





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Picesco Andika Tulus, Pudji Astuty (2023)


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