Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 8, No. 10, Oktober 2023




Nicolas, Hari Susanta Nugraha, Andi Wijayanto

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Diponegoro

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]



This research aimed to analyze the Consumer behavior of Janji Jiwa Coffee which focuses on the buying decision process from consumers, which includes the influence of Instagram promotion and word of mouth on buying decisions, mediated by purchase intention and brand awareness from Kopi Janji Jiwa in East Jakarta. This Research survey was conducted through a Questionnaire on 100 Janji Jiwa customers who have bought the Janji Jiwa coffee at least 4 times in Janji Jiwa outlets in AEON Mall Jakarta Garden City and Transera Waterpark at East Jakarta. All the responses are processed with path analysis using the Smart-PLS application. The results reveal that between Instagram promotion (Advertising) and word of mouth, Purchase Intention and Brand Awareness, and Buying decisions, each of these variables affects the other. However, there is no influence between word of mouth on purchase intention. In Addition, Purchase intention and brand awareness are proven to mediate and strengthen the relationship between Instagram promotion and word of mouth toward buying decisions. Also, Brand Awareness is proven to mediate and strengthen the relationship between word of mouth towards purchase intention


Keywords:Instagram Promotion, Word of Mouth, Purchase Intention, Brand Awareness, Buying Decision.



The Covid-19 pandemic situation, which began in 2020, had an impact on most of the business sectors, including businesses in the food and beverage sector, especially coffee shops. The Pandemic situation also had an impact on changes in consumer behavior, which had to switch from the Dine-in system to the Take Away and Online Delivery systems. So advertising acts as a communication procedure that influences the audience (viewers, readers, or listeners) to buy or take action on products, services, etc.

McCosker et al. (2021) argue that as a location-based and image-sharing platform, Instagram provides intimate visual access to events, situations, and experiences in a mobile and contextual way. Instagram is believed to be one of the most popular and loved social media used by influencers to upload brand-related posts. This is believed to be more effective for reaching a large audience (Hur et al., 2020; Lee & Kim, 2020).

Janji Jiwa Coffee in advertising or marketing products also uses Instagram social media through Instagram promotion features swipe-up links and Instagram Ads which can make it easier for consumers to make purchases. Sanny et al. (2020) explained that Internet use in Indonesia is dominated by social media, which makes e-marketing progressively popular as social media marketing activities are used as a product marketing tool to promote the brand and company's brand.

Ansari et al., (2019) define Social media as a digital platform for businesses to conduct marketing activities in this modern age where consumers are actively engaged in providing, accessing comments, sharing, and getting information easily. Krishnamurthy and Kumar (2018) argue that Social media has a favorable impact on customers' evaluations of goods and services, motivating them to put in more cognitive effort while reading EWOM.Jin et al., (2019) argue that social media marketing is based on the idea of the interaction between brands and consumers, listening to their valuable feedback to increase the experience.

Irshad and Ahmad (2019) suggest that social media should focus on providing social benefits to consumers by giving them more opportunities among members on social profile pages. Companies use social media so that they bring a sense of belonging among their colleagues and people with common interests.Arora et al. (2018) define Social Media advertising as One form of marketing to market a product, service, brand, or trending issue by utilizing people who participate in social media. According to Alhabash et al. (2017), social media advertising can be defined as any online content designed with the intent of persuasion and/or distribution through social media platforms to enable internet users to be able to access, interact, share, add, and co-create.

Latif and Calicioglu (2020) found that components of social media marketing for example perceptual and rational advertising appeals had a beneficial influence on client purchase intentions and increased the effectiveness of advertising appeals to customers. Hanaysha (2020) defines advertising as a designed campaign by companies to convince potential consumers to buy their products or services because of their benefits and capability to satisfy a need.

Furthermore, Raji et al. (2019) define advertising as an effective marketing strategy for marketers to develop brand images and consumer perceptions of product quality. Then, Pamela and Khanna (2019) define advertisements as a means of communicating with consumers through social networks, billboards, TV commercials, leaflets, commercials, signs, and other media advertising. Tan et al. (2018) argue that Social Media Advertising also involves consumers engaging or providing feedback on advertisements that are viewed so that it can ensure that the advertising message conveyed arrives to consumers and obtain actual data.

Word of Mouth can spread so quickly if the customer or individual who spreads it has a wide network (Hatta & Setiarini, 2019). Seo et al. (2020) found that E-WOM is one of the effective social media features that has a significant influence on brand awareness and image and has proven that it can be used as a social media branding strategy in airline efficiency associations. Nam and Lkhaasuren (2018) argue that E-wom quantity refers to the number of online comments or reviews that prove the importance of a product and together with the amount of information becomes an important factor for consumers when needed referrals to create trust and reduce risk when deciding to buy products.

Chintia Pramesti and Rahanatha (2019) explain that word-of-mouth (WOM) communication will be an effective advertising medium for companies to attract consumers to buy company products. Ratriyana (2019) argues that Word of Mouth is very important for a promotion because of the effect of Word of Mouth both online and offline which increasingly supports the brand's existence when it is known to the public. Sindunata (2018) defines Electronic Word of Mouth as a way for people to publicly communicate their impressions of a product or service among customers.

Carvalho et al. (2020) argued that WOM can lead to greater credibility in building brand equity. then, San and Dastane (2021) identified service quality, perceived benefits, and brand familiarity as having a positive impact on e-WOM. Laksana & Dharmayanti, (2018) define E-WOM as a form of customer expression and an effective tool for impacting customer purchase decisions Siswanto & Maskan (2020) stated that word of mouth is a story in the form of impressions from consumers to their friends related to a service and a pleasant promotion of a product or service. Soraya & Marlena (2020) argue that in the traditional view, Word of mouth communication process starts from information conveyed through mass media, then informed or captured by opinion leaders who have followers and take effect.

Then, according to Ramadhani and Nadya (2020), consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by various stages, one of which is looking for information about a product or service that makes consumers interested and one of the main sources of information is commercials in various forms. Padhy and Sawlikar (2018) also Noorlitaria et al. (2020) define Purchase Intention as a form of consumer behavior that appears in response to an object that shows the customer's desire to make a purchase.

Thus, Yim et al. (2012) stated that purchase intention is the possibility of consumers buying certain products, where the higher the purchase intention, the more likely consumers will buy the product. Le et al. (2021) stated that Purchase intention, according to some researchers, refers to the likelihood that a buyer in a specific purchase situation will choose a specific group of products in the future. According to Asdiana and Yasa (2020), brand image plays an important role in purchase intention. A brand is something that can be easily remembered and impressed in the minds of consumers. Amoozad Mahdiraji et al. (2020) stated that a good brand image can increase consumer brand loyalty, trust, and the intention to buy products from the brands they trust.

Then, Switala et al. (2018) define Brand awareness as the strength of a brand so that it can be in the minds of customers to recognize the brand rather than other brands on the market. Dewi et al. (2020) define brand awareness as a consumer's ability to identify a brand in a different state, resulting in the performance of brand recognition or memory. And how easily comes to mind when a consumer thinks of a product and how easily that name comes up. Nugraha et al. (2018) define brand awareness as the capability of potential buyers to recall or recognize a brand within a given product category.

Ristanti and Rois (2019) also define brand awareness as one of the fundamental aspects of brand equity that is often considered one of the requirements in consumers' purchasing decisions, as it is an important factor when thinking about brands. Refer to Hutter et al. (2018), Consumers experience brands in a variety of ways, and one of them is through social media marketing activities, where consumers actively engage with brands and improve brand page views, leading to higher brand awareness.

Bilgin (2018) defines brand awareness as the ability of consumers to recognize, accept, and remember a brand. Dabbous and Barakat (2020) explain that there are two levels of brand awareness, at the first level, the brand recall stage is the stage at the consumer level being able to remember the brand without being given encouragement or reminders, but does not make the brand the main brand. Romaniuk et al. (2017) argue that brand awareness refers to consumers' ability to identify or recall certain brands associated with certain items.

Samuel & Setiawan (2018) argue that if a product or brand has a strong brand awareness in the minds of consumers, it can be something that affects purchase intentions According to Rungsrisawat and Sirinapatpokin (2019), brand awareness designates how well consumers can understand a brand or how well customers identify and recognize a brand. Civelek and Ertemel (2020) explain that Brand awareness shows the ability of a potential buyer to recognize or recall that a brand is part of a category of certain products and be aware of the presence of a product before consumers make the purchase. Arora and Bhawna (2020) argue that Brand awareness formed by an advertisement will greatly affect the minds of consumers in buying a product.

As stated by Khurram et al. (2018), brand awareness involves two essential parts: recall and recognition. Recall is the ability of consumers to remember a brand in a particular product category, and recognition is the ability of consumers to recognize a brand when they hear or see information about a product. Pamela et al. (2018) and Yunita et al. (2019) argue that, besides consumption, brand awareness is also measured by purchasing or choosing a particular brand over multiple brands of the same product category.

According to Supardin et al. (2018). A purchase decision is a consumer's final decision to use a product or service. Indratno et al. (2022) argue that consumers are often faced with many choices when using a product or service. and according to Rokhmawati et al. (2022), This makes consumers have to consider carefully before making a purchase decision to get the product they want. Tresna et al. (2021) explain that the traditional model of the purchasing decision process consists of five steps: problem identification, information seeking, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior.

Oscar and Keni (2019) define Purchase decisions as considerations that made by consumers in selecting a product before making a purchase. Pinassang & Rahardjo (2017) define a purchase decision as a consumer's choice between two or more alternatives when making a purchase. Qomariah (2020) define Purchasing Decision as a process that connects knowledge to provide evaluation alternative to be able to choose one of the options that can lead to behavioral decisions. According to Vongurai et al. (2017), The concepts of decision-making must be performed by consumers while purchasing products or services Hanaysha (2018) states that Purchasing decisions involve a sequence of choices made by consumers before purchase that begins after they have the will to satisfy a need.

����������� Previous research conducted by Maria et al. (2019) shows that based on the results of the path analysis conducted, the effectiveness of advertising directly has a positive and significant effect on purchase intentions. Maria et al. (2019) also prove that the effectiveness of advertising directly has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness. This finding is consistent with the study of Gunawan and Dharmayanti (2014), the result of this study is that advertising has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness.

Research conducted by Maria et al. (2019) based on the results of the path analysis conducted, that word of mouth directly has a positive and insignificant effect on Brand Awareness. Previous research conducted by Maria et al. (2019) also shows that Brand Awareness directly has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.

Then, previous research conducted by Wijaya and Yulianti (2020) showed that Purchase Intention had a positive and significant effect on Buying Decisions.

Previous research conducted by Novansa and Ali (2017) found that Brand Awareness has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Buying Decisions. This is by the results of research conducted by Hasibuan (2012) which states that Brand Awareness, Perception of Quality, and price have a positive and significant relationship to Buying Decisions.

The main problem in this study is the decline in sales in 2020 caused by the PSBB policy which has an impact on changing consumer behavior from dine-in to online delivery. This study wants to discuss the consumer behavior of Kopi Janji Jiwa which focuses on the buying decision process from consumers which includes the influence of Instagram promotion and word of mouth on buying decisions mediated by purchase intention and brand awareness of Janji Jiwa Coffee in East Jakarta as the object of research and consumer behavior as the main theory in this research. So based on the research phenomenon, the research hypothesis can be made as follows:

H1: Instagram Promotion Affects Purchase Intention

H2: Word of Mouth affects Purchase Intention

H3: Purchase Intention Affects Buying Decision

H4: Instagram Promotion Affects Brand Awareness

H5: Word of Mouth Affects Brand Awareness

H6: Brand Awareness Affects Buying Decision

H7: Brand Awareness Affects Purchase Intention

H8: Purchase intention mediates the influence of Instagram Promotion on Buying Decision

H9: Brand Awareness mediates the effect of Word of Mouth on Buying Decision

H10: Brand Awareness mediates the effect of word of mouth on purchase intention

Figure 1: Research Conceptual Model


Research methods

This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis. In this study, the data was processed using the SPSS program by conducting a Pre-Test (Test Validity and Reliability) first. Then, this study uses path analysis to test mediation using Smart PLS 3. The reason for using Path analysis in this study is because according to Ferdinand (2011), The use of the path analysis method allows the researcher to examine several endogenous variables at once with exogenous variables.

The sampling method in this study used non-probability sampling with purposive and random sampling techniques. The criteria used in selecting the sample are consumers who have purchased Janji Jiwa coffee in the last 6 months, consumers who have seen advertisements/promotions of Janji Jiwa coffee on Instagram social media, and Consumers whose purchasing decisions are influenced by WOM (friends, family, etc.). The samples of this study were taken from 2 Janji Jiwa Coffee shops located in East Jakarta, that are, the Janji Jiwa Coffee shop located at AEON Mall Jakarta Garden City and the Janji Jiwa Coffee shop located in Transera Waterpark, Harapan Indah. The number of samples from this research is 100 samples. The selection of 100 samples was based on the opinion of Sugiyanto (2011: 91) who stated that the sample size of those who are eligible for research is between 30 and 500.

Thus, the number of samples/respondents is included in the criteria and is suitable for research. To obtain interval data, this study uses a 5-point Likert scale, as explained by Sugiyono (2016) that the variables measured by the Likert scale can be translated into variable indicators and used to arrange items in the form of questions or statements. Respondents will be given five answer choices according to the Likert scale, that is:

1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree.

Pre-test analysis was conducted to test whether the variables in the research model were valid and reliable, taken from 30 respondents at the beginning of the study. Ghozali (2017) argues that it is necessary to take answers from 30 respondents in the first stage of research as a condition for carrying out testing of research instruments. In the pre-test, there are validity and reliability tests, which according to Sugiyono (2016) there are several criteria to state that a variable can be said to be valid.

The first is the value of the validity index 0.3. which means that the correlation coefficient must be greater than 0.3. In SPSS software the correlation is explained based on the Pearson Correlation value commonly called r-count. Second, the question item (indicator) of the variable can be said to be valid if the -value, with the significance level = 0.05 (5%). In SPSS software, the -value is explained based on the significant value (Sig. 2-tailed). In the reliability test, there is a provision for measuring the reliability of the questionnaire instrument, namely by calculating the reliability coefficient with a measuring instrument through Cronbach Alpha (α) contained in the SPSS application. Hair et al., (2010) stated that a measurement can be said to be reliable if the Cronbach Alpha is close to 1 or > 0.6. A measuring instrument is said to be reliable and can be processed at a later stage if the Cronbach Alpha value is > 0.6. If the measuring instrument has a Cronbach Alpha value < 0.6 then the measuring instrument can be said to be unreliable.

In this study, the Structural Equation Model (SEM) data analysis was chosen because it was based on research conducted by Joo et al. (2018) stated that the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis was also able to analyze the relationship between latent variables and their indicators, as well as latent variables with each other. related to the data analysis tool in this study, this study used Partial Least Square (PLS), using the statistical software SmartPLS 3.

����������� Then, Cao et al. (2018) mention that the analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) in the analysis of research data makes it possible to assess the measurement model and the structural model simultaneously. In Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis, there are two stages of the analytical approach, that are, the outer model in which convergent and discriminant validity tests are carried out, as well as reliability tests. Also, the inner model includes the R2 value test (coefficient of determination), as well as the t value for hypothesis testing (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Koloseni & Mandari, 2017).


Result and Discussion

This study obtained 103 respondents who fit the criteria (Purposive Sampling). The validity and reliability test was conducted on 32 respondents.

Validity Test

In the validity test, the value of the Pearson Correlation on each indicator has a value above 0.3 (> 0.3). In addition, the p-value or Sig. (2-tailed) as in the table above when compared with a significance level (α) of 5%, proved to have a value less than 0.05 (< 0.05). So, with the fulfillment of these two criteria, it can be said that all indicators of research variables are declared valid, and able to represent research variables well. Furthermore,


Reliability Test

In the reliability test in Table 2 (See Appendices) it can be seen that the Cronbach's Alpha values of the 5 research variables marked in red boxes are all above 0.7 (> 0.7). That means, this research variable has passed the reliability test, and each indicator can be relied on as a research measuring tool.

�� In data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS), in the outer model, Joreskog & Sorbon (1993) states that, in testing the outer model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) will be carried out which is used to test the validity and reliability of the measurement model of the variable or construct which cannot be measured directly. The results of this CFA also show the relationship between indicators and variables or constructs.

The convergent validity test is carried out to determine the extent to which the measurement indicators correlate with other measurement indicators in the same latent variable. A variable indicator is declared to meet the convergent validity requirements if the outer loading value is above 0.7 and has an Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value greater than 0.5 (Hatcher, 1994; Santosa, 2018).

According to Santosa (2018), the variable indicator is declared to meet the requirements of convergent validity if the resulting outer loading value is above 0.7. Based on the results of the convergent validity test in Table 3 (See Appendices), all indicators of latent variables have outer loading values above 0.7, except for indicators BA2, BD6, and BD9 whose outer loading values are below 0.7. So it can be said that all indicators of variable measurement have met the criteria of convergent validity.

�� In addition to the outer loading value, Hatcher (1994) also explains that convergent validity determines whether the items on the questionnaire can effectively reflect the appropriate factors, taking into account the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value which must be greater than 0.5. The value of Average Variance Extracted (AVE) in Table 4 (See Appendices) shows that all latent variables in the study have an Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value higher than 0.5, so it can be concluded that all of these variables are considered to have met the criteria of convergent validity).

�� Then, in testing discriminant validity, a comparison of the correlations between variables will be carried out based on the square root value of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) using the Fornell-Larcker Criterion method. Chin (1998) explains that discriminant validity can be achieved when the square root of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE)latent variable is greater than the correlation between other latent variables in the model.

The results of the discriminant validity test in Table 5 (See Appendices), show that the results of the square root value of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of each latent variable or construct, have a greater value than the correlation value with other latent variables or constructs. Thus, the value of the square root of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE), shows that the measurement scale for the variables or constructs of this study has good discriminant validity.

�� Furthermore, Reuterberg & Gustafsson (1992) suggested that reliability will be achieved when both the Composite Reliability (CR) and Cronbach's Alpha values are greater than 0.7. The results of the reliability test in Table 5 (See Appendices) show that both values have met the requirements for reliability testing, which has a value greater than 0.7. It can be concluded that all latent variables or constructs in this study have internal consistency reliability and are considered reliable, so they can be used for hypothesis testing.

�� In testing the inner model, Chin (1998) argues, "If the R2 result is 0.33, then the model is categorized as moderate, and if the R2 result is 0.19, it indicates that the model is categorized as weak." From the value of R-Square (R2) for Purchase Decisions in Table 6 (See Appendices), it can be explained that Instagram Promotion (Advertising), Word of Mouth, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Intentions can explain Purchase Decisions by 68.2%, while the rest is 31.8%, explained by variables or other factors outside this study. So it can be categorized as a good model because the R-Square value is greater than 0.67.

�� Based on Table 6 above the R-Square (R2) value of Brand Awareness can be interpreted that Instagram Promotion (Advertising) and Word of Mouth can explain Brand Awareness by 60.9%, while the remaining 39.1%, are explained by other variables outside of research. So, it can be categorized as a moderate model because the R-squared value is smaller than 0.67. Then the R-Square (R2) value of Purchase Intention in Table 6 above shows that Instagram Promotion (Advertising) and Word of Mouth can explain Brand Awareness of 62.7%, while the remaining 37.3%. So, it can be categorized as a moderate model because the R-squared value is smaller than 0.67.

�� Next, Based on the results of the analysis of the F-square (F2) value in Table 7 (See Appendices), the F-square (F2) value which is colored red, has a value below 0.02, which means that the influence of exogenous variables on the structural model can be ignored because there is no effect. While the value of F-square (F2) which is black, has a value between 0.02 and 0.15, which means that the influence of this variable is relatively weak. The green F-square (F2) value, can be explained as follows: first, the influence of the advertising variable on brand awareness is considered sufficient because the F-square (F2) value is above 0.15 (0.450).

Second, the influence of the Brand Awareness variable on the buying decision is considered sufficient because the F-square (F2) value is above 0.15 (0.217). Third, the influence of the Purchase Intention variable on the buying decision is considered sufficient because the F-square (F2) value is above 0.15 (0.306). Fourth, the influence of the Brand Awareness variable on Purchase Intention is considered sufficient because the F-square (F2) value is above 0.15 (0.237).

�� Then, in the inner model test, there is also a Q-Square (Q2) value which is used to measure prediction relevance, namely to validate the predictive ability of the structural model. This Q-Square (Q2) value also measures the quality of the observed values produced by the model and parameter estimation. The value of Q-Square (Q2) > 0 indicates that the structural model has predictive relevance, while the value of Q-Square (Q2) 0 indicates that the structural model has no predictive relevance.

The results of the Stone Geisser test in Table 8 (See Appendices), obtained the value of Q-Square (Q2), and the three values in the table were found to be greater than 0, namely 0.362, 0.361, and 0.436. This means that the observed values have been reconstructed, so that the structural model has predictive relevance, and shows that exogenous variables or constructs, as explanatory variables, can predict their endogenous variables or constructs.��

�� Based on the results of the direct effect analysis in Table 9 (See Appendices), the advertising variable affects purchase intention because H0 < t-table (2.195 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.000 > 0.05) so that H1 is accepted. The word-of-mouth variable does not affect purchase intention because H0 > t-table (1.400 > 1.98) and p-value < (0.162 < 0.05) so H2 is rejected. The purchase Intention variable affects buying decisions because H0 < t-table (5.009 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.000 > 0.05) so H3 is accepted. The advertising variable affects Brand Awareness because H0 < t-table (6.689 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.000 > 0.05) so H4 is accepted.

Word of Mouth variable affects Brand awareness because H0 < t-table (2.189 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.029 > 0.05) so H5 is accepted. Brand Awareness variable affects buying decision because H0 < t-table (4.242 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.000 > 0.05) so H6 is accepted. The Brand Awareness variable affects purchase intention because H0 < t-table (4.347 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.000 > 0.05) so H7 is accepted.

����������� Based on the results of the Indirect Effect test in Table 10, it can be seen that Purchase Intention is proven to mediate the influence of Instagram Promotion (Advertising) on Buying Decisions. because the value of H0 < t-table (1.999 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.046 > 0.05) so H8 is accepted. Then, the Brand Awareness variable was proven to mediate the effect of Word of Mouth on buying decisions, because the value of H0 < t-table (1.983 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.046 > 0.05) so that H9 was accepted. The Brand Awareness variable is proven to mediate the effect of Word of Mouth on Purchase Intention, because of the value of H0 < t-table (2.218 < 1.98) and p-value > (0.027 > 0.05), so H10 is accepted.



This study aims to determine the effect of the relationship between Instagram Promotion (advertising) and word of mouth on buying decisions mediated by purchase intention and brand awareness. Based on the research results obtained from 103 respondents, it can be stated that the relationship of Instagram Promotion (advertising) to Purchase Intention, the effect of the relationship of Purchase Intention to Buying Decision, the influence of the relationship of Instagram Promotion (Advertising) to Brand Awareness, The influence of the relationship of Word of Mouth to Brand Awareness, The influence of the relationship of Brand Awareness affects Buying Decision, as well as the influence of the relationship of Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention, each of these relationships influence each other.

However, based on the results of the tests carried out, the relationship between the word-of-mouth variable and the Purchase Intention variable proved to have no effect. So, Word of Mouth is not effective in increasing the Purchase Intention of consumers.

�� To test the mediating variable in this research, through the role of the Purchase Intention variable as a mediating variable (Intervening). Concludes that the variable of purchase intention is proven capable of mediate and strengthening the influence of Instagram Promotion (Advertising) on Buying Decisions. Then, the test results in this study also show that Brand Awareness is proven to be able to mediate and strengthen the influence of Word of Mouth on Buying Decisions and the influence of word of mouth on purchase intention.

����������� From this study results, suggestions and input that the author wants to give and are expected to be considered by future researchers, namely so that future researchers can add other exogenous variables, such as product reviews, consumer reviews, and product quality so that they can find out more and be more specific about how it affects the Buying Decision.

Then, further researchers are expected to be able to expand the reach or scope of the research area, not only in the East Jakarta area, but can also examine respondents in other DKI Jakarta areas such as Central Jakarta, South Jakarta, North Jakarta, and West Jakarta, or even can do research outside the Greater Jakarta area, so that it can provide research results that are different from previous research and further enrich similar research topics.



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Nicolas, Hari Susanta Nugraha, Andi Wijayanto (2023)


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