Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia  p�ISSN: 2541-0849

e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 10, Oktober 2022




Cita Imas Annisa Bohari, Irmawan Rahyadi

Master of Strategic Communications, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]



The aim of this article review was to identify aspects that make the collect data to determine if perceived quality  significantly affect purchase intention. Based on the established connection between perceived quality and purchase intention, articles have been collected, summarized and restructured. Research papers have been analyzed through a two-step selection process. From 28.500 studies, 28 were selected to discuss the above mentioned topics. In this research presents a method to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) and meta-analysis studies. SLR is a process that allowed to collect relevant evidence on the given topic that fits the pre-specified eligibility criteria and to have an answer for the formulated research questions. From the 28 articles obtained, it can be concluded that perceived quality has a significant effect on purchase intention.


Keywords: Perceived Quality, Purchase Intention, Effect, SLR, eWOM



In the era of globalization the development of telecommunications and informatics (IT) is so rapid, technology makes distance no longer a problem in communicating, the internet is one of the media. Indonesia has 202.6 million internet users in 2021 with an increase of 27 million or 16 percent compared to 2020. Here is the data of internet users in Indonesia in 2021.

The majority of internet users in Indonesia use mobile phones by 98.3 percent to access the internet. This is because mobile phones are more flexible and easy to carry anywhere. Therefore, many e-commerce companies are competing to build mobile apps so that customers can access mobile apps easily and comfortably. Mobile application is an application that allows to do mobility by using equipment such as mobile phones or mobile phones to perform a variety of activities ranging from entertainment, office work, browsing, selling, learning, and so on (Surahman and Setiawan, 2017). The fast growth of the Internet with its improved communication capabilities has considerably amplified the scale and scope of word-of-mouth WOM communication; which presented a fertile base for electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication. For the most part, the Internet�s far-reaching, transparency, and accessibility have set new meaning to WOM concept, and that�s why marketers are still interested in getting involved in WOM activities. Diaz et al. (2019) have analyzed the effect (direct or moderating) of these dimensions on perceived service quality (Alnasser, 2014; Ganguly et al., 2010), on technology adoption and acceptance (Alc�ntara-Pilar and Del Barrio-Garc�a, 2017; Yuen et al., 2015), on trust (Hallikainen and Laukkanen, 2018; Lowry et al., 2010; Yoon, 2009) and on perceived risk (Alc�ntara-Pilar et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018). However, the majority of these studies are based on the values of Hofstede�s national culture model and not the culture of each individual.

Lamboan (2017) maintain that consumer decision making are a series of processing result from perceiving problems, searching for solution, evaluating alternatives, and making decisions. Unplanned purchases mean that consumers make all the decisions to buy products and brands in-store. This can be considered impulse buying behavior. Partially planned purchases mean consumers only decide on product categories and specifications before purchasing a product, and brands and types will decide in store later. Lamboan proposes that individual attitudes and unpredictable situations will affect purchasing intentions. One of the factors that influence Purchase Intention is Perceived Quality. According to research by Marakanon & Panjakajornsak (2017), perceived quality is defined as consumer�s judgement about entity�s services containing overall excellence or superiority. Poor perception of quality and or image is generally due to negative information received by consumers. The information can now be obtained easily by consumers with internet use such as through social media. One type of information that can be obtained is electronic word of mouth. More and more users from the internet show more and more potential consumers are looking for product information through the internet. research according to Demante et al. (2019) shows that electronic word of mouth affects brand image and research conducted by Syahrivar and Ichlas (2018) shows that EWOM affects the dimensions of brand equity, one of which is perceived quality.

The fundamental aim of marketers is to focus increasing consumers� willingness to buy a product (Agarwal and Teas, 2001, p.1). Past re- search revealed the positive role of Perceived Quality on Purchase Intention (Tsiotsou, 2006). , it was confirmed that Perceived Quality is positively related to Purchase Intention and private label loyalty (Sheau-Fen et al., 2012; Liljander et al., 2009), Konuk (2018). Researchers recognize perceived quality as a cognitive response to products that affect product purchases (Kumar, Lee, & Kim, 2009). In marketing, perceived quality construction has been widely recognized as a key driver of consumers in making purchase intention (Jacoby & Olson, 1985 in Asshidin et al, 2016). Research conducted by Asshidin, Abidin, &Borhan (2015) that Perceived Quality affects Purchase Intention. The research conducted by Fernandez et al. (2017) that perceived quality has a relationship with perceived value, this is because perceived quality in product or service is decisive in perceived value. When a company has a good quality, it will add value to the product.

Perceived Quality is an overall assessment of users of products or services related to product or service excellence. Consumers consider the perceived value of a product or service (Li, 2017). Perceived Quality is one of the important factors in choosing a brand or product (Schiffman and Wisenbelt, 2019). Perceived Quality is a general assessment of consumers which is a variable that encourages consumers to choose one brand over another competing brand. Perceived Quality's overall intangible feeling about the brand. High Perceived Quality will have an impact on the higher brand purchase preferences (Nae, Saeed, Aslam, 2015). Perceived Quality also provides value for consumers by giving their reasons for buying brands from competing brands. Thus Perceived Quality is an assessment of the overall excellence of a product or service in which consumers receive information on the characteristics of a product or service when they want to shop or consume it (Asshidin, Abidin, Borhan, 2016). In view of that, the purpose of this research is to data to determine if perceived quality  significantly affect purchase intention.

According to Chi et al. (2009) The reason why perceived quality is different to real quality is because : (1) A previous bad image of a product will influence consumers� judgment on product quality in the future. Moreover, even the product quality has been changed, consumers will not trust that product because of their unpleasant experience in previous (Aaker, 1996). (2) Manufacturers and consumers have different views on the judgment of the quality dimensions (Morgan, 1985; Aaker, 1996). (3) Consumers seldom hold enough information to evaluate a product objectively. Though consumers have enough information, they may be insufficient in time and motivation to do a further judgment, and in the end they can only select little important information and make an evaluation on quality (Aaker, 1996; Wan, 2006).


Research Method

 In this research, we use several academic database to find any articles which contain the variables that we focused on this research, the variable is Perceived quality and Purchase Intention. To be precise we have to find the articles that discuss the effect Perceived Quality to Purchase Intention.  Academic database that  we used frequently are Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Sage Journal and Jatit.

The difference between those academic database in SAGE Journal and Science Direct are some articles in cannot be open for free but in google scholar and Jatit most of them are free. The different academic database offer different options to conduct searches.

This research presents a method to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) and meta-analysis studies. SLR is a process that allowed to collect relevant evidence on the given topic that fits the pre-specified eligibility criteria and to have an answer for the formulated research questions. Meta-analysis needs the use of statistical methods that can be descriptive and/or inferential to summarizing data from several studies on the specific topic of interest. The techniques help to generate knowledge from multiple studies both in qualitative and quantitative ways.  An SLR helps to identify, evaluate, and interpret all available research relevant to a research question or topic area of interest (Abdallah et al., 2021).

According to article by Mengis et el. (2020) the SLR method has four basic steps: (1) search (define searching string and types of databases), (2) Appraisal (pre-defined literature inclusion and exclusion, and quality assessment criteria), (3) Synthesis (extract and categorized the data), (4) Analysis (narrate the result and finally reach into conclusion).


Result and Discussion

According to research by Feng and Yu (2016) perceived quality is affect but not significant to purchase intention based on conclusion showed that perceived product quality affect but not significant towards consumer purchase intention .Dr. Cheng-Ping Li (2017), perceived quality significant affects to purchase intention where the H3 in his study is valid, it shown the path value is 0,15 (*p<0,5). Nor Hazlin Nor Asshidin,et al. (2015) indicate that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention, based on value from correlation test perceived quality to purchase intention is 0,505 (n>0,01).

Najoud S. ALHuwaishel and Dr. Soad A.AL-Meshal (2018) indicates that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on their hypothesis (H4) was supported it means there is effect between perceived quality and purchase intention. Lily Suhaly, et al.(2020)  shown that perceived quality significantly and positively affect purchase intention based on regression analysis result which hypothesis (H2) is accepted . Dziqry Muhammad Haikal, et al.(2018) shown that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on sobel test result shown that tstatistic>ttable(2,052>1,660) it means their H7 is accepted. Jianhua Wang, et al. (2019) indicates that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on table 10 Path Analysis results shown that standardized path coefficient > P-Values (0,318>0,05)it means their hypothesis is accepted .

Cristina Calvo-Porral, et al.(2017) shown perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on their conclusion stated that �Does product perceived quality influence store brands� purchase intention?� the answer is yes it does influence. Lifang Peng, et al.(2018) shown that perceived value(quality significantly affect purchase intention based on �Table 6 Result of Moderated Regression Analysis of Purchase intention�.

Enrique Bonson Ponte, et al. (2015) conclude that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on their hypothesis (H20) is accepted. According to Lomboan (2017) perceived quality have significant effect to purchase intention based on result value significance is 0,013 less than 0,05 (0,013>0,05) that proved H1 was accepted, perceived quality influentially positive to consumer purchase intention. Shahira Shahina Mobil, et al.(2019) showed the result of test correlation analysis between perceived quality and purchase intention have positive relationship, it means when value of variable perceived quality increases, the value of variable purchase intention increases as well.

 Asma Saleem, et al.(2015) indicates that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on hypothesis test where the H3 is accepted it means perceived quality and purchase intention have positive relation. Idris Gautama So, et al.(2015) stated that perceived quality significantly affect to purchase intention based on result and discussion where path analysis shown that perceived quality have positive relationship with purchase intention.

Dr. Hsin Kuang Chi, et al (2019) stated that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on the hypothesis (H5) is supported by regression analysis test result . Gil and Jacob (2018) indicate that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on path coefficient was significant, the hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Abdallah Q. Bataineh (2015) stated that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on regression model for hypothesis (H2) indicate that e-wom quality have significant and positive impact to purchase intention. Farul Anil Konuk ( 2018) conclude that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on testing hypothesis that H6 is accepted which mean perceived quality significant effect to purchase intention.

Jayadi and Ariyanti (2019) conclude that perceived quality affect but not significantly based on result hypothesis (H1) indicates relationship between perceived quality and purchase intention have effect but not significant. Ramadhan and Muthohar (2019) stated that perceived quality effect but not significant to purchase intention based on conclusion they made, it conclude the least value shown by the influence of the variable perceived quality on purchase intention. Khalid Jamil, et al.(2017) conclude  perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on the fourth hypothesis proved that perceived quality had significant impact to purchase intention.

Ellena Rosillo-Diaz, et al.(2019) concludes that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention where the hypothesis (H2) is accepted . Jianming Wang, et al.(2020) concludes that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on result correlation analysis that hypothesis (H2) proved significant positive impact between perceived quality and purchase intention. Suhud and Wilson(2019) indicates that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention on result of Daihatsu Ayla selling but when on the side Toyota Agya the hypothesis result shown not significantly but effect.

Luki Chrisnawan, et al.(2019) concludes that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on the result of path coefficients values that shown hypothesis (H3) positively effect between perceived quality and purchase intention. Yunus and Wahid (2016) indicates perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on correlational analysis that shown the hypothesis (H2) is very high correlated and accepted. Vuong and Giao (2019) concludes that perceived quality significantly affect purchase intention based on hypothesis verification shown that hypothesis (7) has positive effect between perceived quality and purchase intention.

From the 28 articles obtained, it can be concluded that perceived quality has a significant effect on purchase intention.



Based on the analysis of 28 articles, it can be concluded that perceived quality has a significant and positive effect on purchase intention. Various studies have consistently shown that perceived quality influences consumer's intention to purchase a product or service. The research findings indicate that when consumers perceive a product or service to be of high quality, it increases their likelihood of making a purchase. This relationship holds true across different industries and contexts, as evidenced by the diverse range of studies included in the analysis. Therefore, businesses and marketers should prioritize efforts to enhance perceived quality as it plays a crucial role in influencing consumer purchase decisions.




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Copyright holder:

Cita Imas Annisa Bohari, irmawan Rahyadi (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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