Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia �p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 10, Oktober 2022




Mohammad Wildan Habibi, Tri Rijanto

Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

E-mail: m[email protected], [email protected]



Di sejumlah sekolah menengah atas dan sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) di Indonesia, terdapat sistem pendidikan yang dikenal dengan istilah pendidikan semi militer. Pendidikan semi-militer adalah jenis program pendidikan yang menggunakan ide-ide militer tetapi tidak secara ketat meniru nilai-nilai militer untuk mengembangkan karakter siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan dampak pendidikan semi militer terhadap pembentukan disiplin mahasiswa. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi digunakan untuk memperoleh data. Temuan analisis mengarah pada kesimpulan penelitian, yang berfokus pada bagaimana disiplin siswa di sekolah terbentuk dapat dikatakan bahwa pendidikan semi militer berperan positif dalam menegakkan kedisiplinan siswa di sekolah. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada siswa yang mulai putus asa dengan konsekuensi yang dihadapi, siswa yang secara konsisten mengikuti peraturan terkait, dan siswa yang lebih menghormati semua penghuni sekolah. Seluruh tenaga pendidik SMK Khusus Angkatan Laut 1 Surabaya, bisa pengembangan karakter melalui Pendidikan semi militer terus diupayakan semaksimal mungkin.


Kata Kunci: Disiplin, Pendidikan, Semi Militer.



In a number of high schools and vocational high schools (SMK) in Indonesia, there is an education system known as semi-military education. Semi-military education is a type of educational program that uses military ideas but does not strictly imitate military values to develop the character of students. The purpose of this study is to outline the impact of semi-military education on the establishment of student discipline. The research technique used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Observations, interviews, and documentation are used to obtain data. The findings of the analysis lead to the conclusion of the study, which focuses on how student discipline in schools is formed it can be said that semi-military education plays a positive role in enforcing student discipline in schools. This can be seen in students who are beginning to despair with the consequences at hand, students who consistently follow the relevant regulations, and students who have more respect for all the residents of the school. All educators of SMK Khusus Navy 1 Surabaya, can develop character through semi-military education continues to be pursued as much as possible.


Keywords: Discipline, Semi-Military, Education



Given that the history of character education is essentially the same as the history of education, character education, as practiced in Indonesia for the previous two years, has only become popular in the last ten years in the United States (LePage et al., 2011). According to Suyata (2011), character education has gained greater traction in Asia over the past ten to twenty years whereas moral education has gained greater traction in the United States.

Today's moral issues highlight the importance of establishing character education (Datuk, 2020). The moral situation that once befell the two sons of the Prophet Adam a.s. can be seen from the point of view of religious people (Islam, for example) in relation to moral issues and the importance of character education (Alfansyur & Mariyani, 2020). The actions of his sons Qabil and Habil in the context of giving his property for alms, Qabil's hostility towards Habil resulting in the murder case, as well as the number of Prophets and Apostles that Allah left to mankind, show the severity of this moral problem (Kusha, 2017). Prophet Muhammad believed that he was only ever sent to the planet by Allah swt to elevate human values (Ebrahimi, 2017).

Knowing the good, loving the good, and acting on the good are all very related to having an excellent character (Sutomo, 2014). A person is born in a state of ignorance of the instincts that tend to control or dominate his common sense (Freud, 2014). As a result, a person's educational pattern will have the ability to lead strong inclinations, feelings, and desires in a way that is in harmony with religious teachings and the direction of reason (Vansteenkiste et al., 2010). The school does not create a semi-military educational function in the development of student character while encouraging high discipline (Yunita & Mufidah, 2022). The right decision to include semi-military education in the development of the character of students and is carried out in proportion, without neglecting its functions (Kim, 2015).

Character education seeks to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of education and outcomes that result in the achievement of student character and the formation of high moral character in a coordinated and balanced manner in accordance with the competency criteria of graduates (Carrese et al., 2015). Through character education, it is intended that students can independently develop their understanding of character, including how to process emotions and practice that understanding in their daily lives in the context of their families, communities, and schools.

Suryanto (2016) stated in Rahmawati, Benty, and Sumarno (2021): 411 that the education system uses military principles with the intention of shaping the character of students, but the application of principles is not solely military in nature. According to this point of view, the school has unique qualities as an educational system that implements fundamental military ideas.

The semi-military education system establishes the basics of soldiering as the initial building block of the learning process whose end result is to produce professionals with a compass and a strong moral attitude (Hamriana et al., 2021). The semi-military education system only combines basic military values such as discipline, loyalty, a strong mindset, and solidarity, unlike the Military Academy which trains future soldiers to be combat-ready and use the country's defense arsenal. Physical application can be evidenced in such things as uniforms, rank characteristics, rigid hierarchies (seniority), hairstyles, movements reminiscent of soldiers, and boarding life. It is evident from the rules of the dormitory that you are not allowed to enter and exit the building at will.

The use of military principles in education, especially in semi-military schools, has various advantages. The LDKS (Basic Student Leadership Training) program is mandatory for every new student (Catyaningsih et al., 2022). Since the main purpose is to develop a student's disciplinary mentality rather than creating a combat unit, its level or level of training is clearly different from that of the pure military (TNI). Directly from the retired TNI who teaches at the Navy Special Vocational School, the instructor who leads is selected. Strengthening the body and mind is the main focus of the exercise. Each student receives the same amount of physical activity, without exception. Students must adhere to military ideals until they graduate because they are applied during the educational process.

In general, discipline is essential for behavior and life, both individually and collectively. The behavior of individuals or groups that have been disciplined will be more harmonious, harmonious, and balanced under the direction of applicable law, favoring the fulfillment of a more meaningful quality of life (Fischer & Qaim, 2012). Compliance with a rule or condition is characterized by a disciplined attitude or behavior. Discipline also refers to the need for a consistent and organized lifestyle, which is a prerequisite for positive progress and improvement.

Ki Hajar DewanTara claims that the form of government is strict and firm. Discipline, on the other hand, is defined as an attitude that indicates adherence and adherence to learning standards in order to acquire skills so that they can change their behavior or behavior, making the uninitiated aware and potentially more biased. Disciplined students are more likely to develop academically and subsequently in life. Success requires understanding the importance of standards, regulations, compliance, and compliance. If the student is disciplined, learning will be successful, but it will be better if the discipline develops due to the awareness that occurs from the student himself.

According to the explanation of the above theory, discipline refers to the actions of a person taken in an attempt to develop self-control while being supervised by others. This action involves following rules that, if violated, will result in punishment, which will pressure the abuser to maintain their better attitude.

Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the influence of semi-military education on student discipline at the Surabaya Navy Special Vocational School.


Research Method

This research uses descriptive methodology and qualitative research techniques. The research location, SMK Khusus Navy 1 in Surabaya, was used as a research object. The KODIKLATAL area is where this school is located (Naval Doctrine Development, Education and Training Command). The research will be focused on smk Khusus Navy 1 Surabaya because it is an institution that implements semi-military education which emphasizes disciplinary education and is accredited A Unggul. Purposive sampling is used in the selection process of research informants. parties who support the norms and regulations of the Special Vocational School of the Navy 1 Surabaya. Interviews, observations, and documentation are the methods used in the data collection of this study.


Results and Discussion

According to the research findings of researchers, semi-military education plays a useful function in setting standards of student behavior in academic institutions. Semi-military education encourages academic standards and initiatives. exemplary, habituation, punishment, and reward are all used in semi-military education.

The semi-military education system is enforced by encouraging character development in students, both through written and unwritten school rules, as well as other semi-military educational programs, with the aim of instilling discipline in each student through school rules. Rules help students understand what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. In accordance with school rules, students must be at school by 6:45 a.m., dress properly, follow existing orderly tat rules ranging from refraining from leaving early, refraining from smoking within the school District, and refraining from wandering around while learning is in progress. There are a number of behavioral norms that indicate the behavior of students within the school. This discipline sets the standard for their ability to be good and obedient students, positioning discipline as a benchmark of student obedience.

Based on the findings in the interviews, semi-military education is used in schools to shape student behavior, especially through teachers as adherents. To adopt a positive attitude in behavior, the example must take the form of simple activities that children can see and imitate. This example is offset by the presence of good habituation, which is carried out in schools with the help of teachers who treat students well and teach them how to treat others in a positive way at all times. This habituation is used to change children's behavior, such as disobeying prayers by cleaning mosques, doing push-ups, sit-ups, cleaning their classrooms, and collecting 10 points of kindness every day as punishment.
















Figure 1. One form of punishment against late students


After that, students receive thorough direction geared towards better character development. This debriefing takes the form of a UN activity (Trainerab Baris Bermar), which is held every morning at the school. This is especially true which is intended to establish student discipline and students are required to listen to orders and obey orders in UN activities. In UN activities students are subject to penalties to have a deterrent effect. For example, students are made to repeatedly walk around the field in a squatting position, respect the flagpole, and do sit-ups and push-ups until the student changes his or her behavior. If this is done continuously and often while forcing the student, discipline will begin to develop in him and he will not repeat the act, in which coercion or punishment will begin to change the mindset of the student. Students will feel pressured to follow instructions, and repeated pressures will form a habit.

In addition, semi-military education in relation to the establishment of disciplines, there is also the awarding of gifts as a way to show appreciation of student discipline, in the hope that these gifts will be a source of inspiration and motivation for other female students to strengthen their discipline.

The results of the discussion above show that semi-military education plays a positive role in enforcing student discipline in schools. This is supported by the fact that there are fewer violations and that students at SMK Khusus Navy 1 Surabaya become more compliant with the rules. Nevertheless, semi-military education has always been pursued as much as possible.



Based on the research findings and discussion above, it can be said that semi-military education plays a positive role in enforcing student discipline in schools. This can be seen in students who are beginning to despair with the consequences at hand, students who consistently follow the relevant regulations, and students who have more respect for all the residents of the school. At SMK Khusus Navy 1 Surabaya, character development through semi-military education continues to be pursued as much as possible.









































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Mohammad Wildan Habibi, Tri Rijanto (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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