Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 10, Oktober 2022




Ega Nur Fadillah, Wakhid Nashruddin, Ahmad Rifai

English Language Teaching Department, Indonesia

E-mail:, w[email protected],



The importance of modules is developed in the learning process because the module can facilitate students in independent and face-to-face learning. The objective of this research was to find out the characteristics of teaching and learning module and to describe how module as learning media can support the development. This research using qualitative method with research design is Research and Development (D&R). The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used for the interview the questionnaires are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The steps of this research are need analysis, research planning, and develop a preliminary from of product. This research found that the characteristics of teaching and learning module based on aspects of module, teaching, learning, writing, self-introduction, and senior high school (adolescent). The form of the teaching and learning module is in accordance with product specifications based on respondents anwers and product is validated by an expert.


Keywords: Module, Teaching, Learning, Writing, Self-Introduction, Senior High School



Indonesia's education quality is decreasing whether face-to-face or online learning. The quality of education in Indonesia is currently very concerning (Agustang, Mutiara & Asrifan, 2021, p. 1). The PISA report shows that Indonesia's score is low because it ranks 74th in order of 79 countries in the category of reading, science, and mathematics (OECD, 2018, p. 1). It may occur as a result of a number of reasons. There are several factors that cause the low quality of education in Indonesia such as low facilities and infrastructure, low quality of teachers, and low quality of students (Fajri & Afriansyah, 2019, p. 2).

For the phenomena identified, a need in making progressive attempts emerges. It is agreed that education quality should be improved. The improvement of education can be in several aspects. As critics from Fajri & Afriansyah (2019, p. 2), one attempt requires better learning facilities and infrastructure. Learning media to facilitate learning should be improved and prepared so they suit students' needs. In addition, after the pandemic, the education in Indonesia has experienced substantial modifications in its efforts to respond to changing learning demands since the pandemic. One important point is that educators are pushed to create a variety of media for learning to accommodate the situation. It requires modules that support the implementation of this program. The module is an independent learning package that includes a series of learning experiences that are planned and designed systematically to help students achieve learning goals (Wati, Syafryadin, & Apriani, 2021, p. 356). The learning module is essential for learning.

Modules are crucial in the learning process. The importance of modules is developed in the learning process because the module can facilitate students in independent and face-to-face learning (Nugroho, et all., 2019, p. 93). Learning modules can also be used at any time and place, allowing students to learn without having to rely on their subject teacher (Wati, Syafryadin, & Apriani, 2021, p. 356). Students can learn according to their skills and learning speeds, and the modules can be used to finish the entire learning process (P. 356).

The modules that are made can be used properly, are easy to read, and are understood by students. Educators are required to continue developing the modules in order to facilitate students in learning objectives. Modules are crucial to develop in the learning process to facilitate students to be independent conventional or face-to-face (Nugroho, et all., 2019, p. 94). Educators with professional competence should be able to realize concepts and reflect well on learning independence as they are demanded to be more creative and innovative in developing materials. Teachers are required to have competence to use and develop teaching materials according to the needs and in accordance with learning objectives (Rohmawati & Hasanah, 2020, p. 114).

The presence of teaching materials helps the process of teaching activities. However, this study would like to discuss a different matter. Previous research has not discussed how module to teach and learn writing self-introduction, especially at senior high schools. Therefore, this research can be something new in teaching and learning writing self-introduction. The main aim of this research was to investigate how the teacher develops module to teach and learn writing self-introduction.


Research Method

This research used a qualitative approach, because this method did not use statistics. Qualitative research method is a research method based on the philosophy of post positivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects, (as opposed to experimentation) where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out purposively and snowballing, collection techniques are triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Sugiyono, 2015, p. 15). Qualitative methods were used because this research is directed to obtain facts related to developing learning modules to teach self introduction writing for Senior High School. Qualitative research methods are often called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions; also called the ethnographic method, because initially this method was more widely used for research in the field of cultural anthropology; referred to as a qualitative method because the data collected and the analysis is more qualitative (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2003, p. 476).

This qualitative research focused with the development learning module to educate writing skills, especially self-introduction. As a result, in this research, the type of qualitative research used to conduct the research is known as Research and Development design. A research and development design is a method used to create a product and assess its effectiveness (Sugiyono, 2015). The objective of R&D design is to create new or improved interventions or products that will help students accomplish well-defined learning objectives and goals.

This R&D research typically consists of 10 steps adopted from Gall, Gall & Borg (2003). There are ten R&D steps can be minimized and just the steps that are relevant to this present study can be adapted. Due to the limited time, this research only adapts four of the ten R&D steps mentioned by Gall, Gall, & Borg (2003). They are research and information collection, planning, developing, and expert validation an early version of a product, since this is sufficient to assess the validity and efficiency of a developed media. Therefore, the researcher adapted the stages of Gall, Borg, & Gall (2003), including:

1.      Research and Information Collection

2.      Planning,

3.      Developing the product, and

4.      Expert validation


Participants/Subject/Population and Sample

Data sources are also called the subject and object of the research. The source of data is the data that researchers could obtain to gain the necessary information of the research. Subject of the research is the participant who will be researched, which are the students and teacher. Object of the research is the place where the process is done to collect the data in order to meet the aims of the research. The researcher conducts the research focused in Senior High School. There are two types of data, which are primary data and secondary data. Researcher�s primary data is information obtained from the results of interviews from students and teachers, which are related to the development of English teaching media in writing skill. Meanwhile, a researcher's secondary data is information obtained from the document, which can be used to support the information which is obtained in the findings of this research.



Data collection of this research is literature review, questionnaire, and interview. Literature review is a technique for identfying, evaluating, and synthesizing research result and ideas that have been produced by researchers. The research used literature reviewed method that will be used to conduct data collection, which is this data collection technique usec when the researcher intends to conduct a preliminary research aims to find the essence of the problem that will be researched (Sugiyono, 2013). Reseracher choosed literatire review as a method that will be used to collect data with the intent of obtain or dig deeper and detailed information by using various forms of descriptions from previous research. This research, the literature review was carried out by looking for references to journals and books that were relevant to the topics searced on Google Search, Google Scholar, Lib Gen, and Z-Library. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for journals and books found so that there not too many articles.

Then, the researcher chose Questionnaires. Questionnaires �are forms used in the survey design complete and returned to the researcher by the participants in the research as stated by Creswell (2015). Participants mark answers to questions and supply basic, personal, or demographic information about themselves. Because the researcher will gather a large amount of data from students, the questionnaire is chosen as the first data collection technique.

The researcher also choosed interview. Interview is a technique used by researchers in gathering information verbally from respondents through direct face-to-face interaction or through the use of technologies (such as the telephone) in order to obtain data that can answer research questions. The use of audio recordings in interviews allows a person to take notes throughout the interview regarding the interviewee's answers. Since just a few teachers were asked, the researcher chose this technique for the teacher (Creswell, 2015, p. 385).In the process of collecting data, this study used semi-structured interview techniques. This type of interview is included in the in-depth interview category, which is more free in its implementation when compared to structured interviews (Sugiyono, 2015, p. 320). The purpose of this type of interview is to find problems more openly, where the parties invited to the interview are asked for their opinions and ideas (P. 320). This� research used a interview technique by asking the specifications of the six main questions of the instruments. In this research, there are two teachers who did the interview. The teachers are the English teachers at senior hogh school and have experience in teaching at the senior high school level for 5 years.


Data Analysis

The data gathered from the student questionnaire was carefully and thoroughly analyzed by the researcher. Several steps were used to examine the data (Miles as cited in Nurraufu, 2013, p. 1). This first is coding student data, calculate a percentage of the data to make it easier to evaluate, data reduction involves choosing, simplifying, and summarizing data, compare and contrast the theory with the field data results, displaying the data.

After the researcher obtained the data from the interview of teachers, the researcher analyzed it carefully and in detail. Data analysis activities according to Sugiyono (2015, p. 337-345) are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

1.        Data reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the things that are important, looking for patterns and themes and removing unnecessary ones.

2.        Data Display

In qualitative research, data presentation can be done in the form of brief descriptions, charts, relationships between categories, flowcharts, and etcetera.

3.        Conclusion Drawing/Verification

Conclusions in qualitative research may be able to answer the formulation of the problem that was formulated from the start, but maybe not, because as has been stated that the problems and problems in qualitative research are still temporary and will develop after the research is in the field.


Results and Discussion

The researcher informs several findings from answering research question number one about the characteristics of Module to teach and learn writing self-introduction at senior high school. It becomes the theories and references in the developing module to teach and learn writing self-introduction at senior high school. This criteria of this source and references there are from the books and journals, the journals should be published between 2012-2022, the books should be published between 2012-2022, the journals and books should discuss the topics of module, teaching, laerning, writing, self-introduction, and senior high school, and the journals index nationally and internationally. This chapter describes the findings in 6 sections. The first is the concept of the module, the second is teaching, the third is learning, the fourth is writing, the fifth is self-introduction, and finally is senior high school.

1.��� The characteristics of modules based on the aspect of developing are: (1) a book written as a complete teaching unit. It is designed with purpose to ease a learner or a small group of learners used independently, with or without the presence or guidance of a teacher, (2) It is to facilitate their active participation in the process of learning, without regular supervision, (3) It has all elements of the subject formed into a collection of printed, audiovisual or computer-based material, a self-contained, officially structured learning experience, (3) It has a clear set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria, (4) It can aid learners construct what they learn and understand completed, (5) It has a set of systematic learning activities based on a curriculum suited to the competencies that students must acquire.

2.��� The Characteristics of Teaching and Learning Module Based on Aspect of Teaching: (1) Teaching is a means for facilitating learning through a framework, (2)It is an activity of educators showing, helping, giving instructions, guiding to student to learn how to do something, (3) It provides with knowledge, causing to know or understand, to get, to change, and improve skills, personality, ideals, appreciation and the learning, (4) It can encourage personal discovery that connects old and new ideas, concepts, information, and knowledge, (5) It is a conscious effort of an educator or a term teaching is used to refer to anything done by materials developers, (6) It can develop all the potential possessed by students so that it causes changes in behavior.

3.��� The The Characteristics of Teaching and Learning Module Based on Aspect of Learning: (1) Learning is normally considered to be a conscious process, a process for humans, or a viewed as a personal activity that someone constructs for himself/herself, (2) It is consist of committing to memory of information relevant to what is being learned, (3) It is to gain, acquisition, or adding various kinds of competencies, (4) It is the retention of information or skills, the involvement of storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization, the application of active, conscious focus, subconscious attention, and attitudes, (5) It is a multifaceted process that is usually taken for granted by individuals until they have difficulty dealing with complex tasks, (6) It is a change in behavior, relatively permanent but subject to forgetting, the result of practice, perhaps reinforced practice.

4.��� The Characteristics of Teaching and Learning Module Based on Aspect of Writing: (1) Writing is a form of human communication to deliver, to express feelings, ideas, or messages in written form or based on the use of traditional visible signs, (2) It is one way to produce a language or written information which is the product of creativity of the author, (3) It is easier when one knows the exact goal, considering some basic decisions before sitting down to write.

5.��� The Characteristics of Teaching and Learning Module Based on Aspect of Self-Introduction: (1) Self-introduction  is a making known (name, address, etc) in order to know each other, telling to understand (know), introducing yourself, address, family and all about identity, (2) It is can also introduce the problems faced today that necessitates self-assurance, (3) It is can be used to determine how people strive to explain themselves to others including expressing one's name, age, hobbies, and so on and in teaching, (4) It is a kind of ice-breaking activity to encourage students to get to know each other and exchange some information.

6.��� The Characteristics of Teaching and Learning Module Based on Aspect of Senior High School: (1) Senior High School is one of the many forms of formal education as advanced from junior high school (in Indonesia: SMP, MTS, or other equal or continuation learning results of mutual or equivalent SMP or MTS, (2) It is with the characteristics and personality of the students (age 12-19)  as adolescent learners, (3) It can influence student study activities who have a high potential and an ideal time for learning or learning motor activity, both smooth and rough, which is a fundamental movement.



This chapter intended to inform the development of the module. It covers identifying key answers from the participants of the study: Two teachers, two students, and eighteen tenth-grade students. The process of development is make specification of the product with identifying the components of modules, putting the data of module components, the module is drafted, and the module is reviewed by an expert, resulting in expert validation. Identifying the answers of the respondents was two teachers, two students, and eighteen tenth-grade students in developing the module had several components, which were cover, validation, preface, acknowledgment, table of content, content mapping, content, evaluation, references, and appendix.

For the example of the cover for this module is title, writer, and publisher. These have been identified from (Q1.T2), (Q1.T1), (QQ1). During the interview, for example, in answering question section Q1 about components of module, first teacher (T2) said that:

�The learning module is usually just like the paper. The first and most important part of it is the cover which includes a title, the author, publisher or institution that publishes the module.� (Q1.T2).

The expert validating the product is a professional working in the area of English Language Teaching. In this research, there is an expert who did the validation judgment. The expert has a Master qualification in the area of English Language Teaching, and has experience in teaching at the university level for 10 years. In addition, he has taught extensive courses in the English Language Teacher Education Department, including Curriculum Analysis Development, English Vocabulary for Daily Communication, and Speaking for Daily Communication, and Micro Teaching

In judging the product, the expert makes use of an expert validation instrument. It consists of ten components comprising 30 indicators. Each indicator scored good (3 points), fair (2 points), and poor (1 point). Maximum score is 100 ((3 points x 30 indicators x 10) : 9). To be considered as an appropriate product, the scoring should reach a minimum of 76 points. The classification of the appropriateness of the product refers to Table 1 (adapted from Qomariyah, 2018).


Tabel 1

The qualification of the appropriateness of the product:



90 � 100


80 � 89


75 � 79



In the component "module" with 7 indicators, the expert gave a score of 21 (out of 21). This shows that this component can be considered as "good". The component "teaching" with 6 indicators, the expert gave a score 28 (out of 18). This shows that this component can be considered as "good". The component "learning" with 7 indicators, the expert gave a score of 21 (out of 21). This shows that this component can be considered as "good". The component "writing" with 3 indicators, the expert gave a score 9 (out of 9). This shows that this component can be considered as "good". The component "self-introduction" with 4 indicators, the expert gave a score 12 (out of 12). This shows that this component can be considered as "good". The component "senior high school" with 3 indicators, the expert gave a score 9 (out of 9). This shows that this component can be considered as "good".

In sum, the expert gave a good in validating of the product. The score of the product shows ((3 points x 30 indicators x 10) : 9) = 100. Thus, this product gets a good validation from an expert after going through various revisions or improvements. Although this product has been declared good, the author is aware of the imperfections of this product, both in terms of presentation of material, writing language, and etcetera that are not quite right.



Based on the conclusion, questions raised in this research were two questions. The first is asking about the characteristics of module to teach and learn writing self-introduction at senior high school. The second is asking about the development process of module to teach and learn writing self-introduction at senior high school. Regarding the first research question, it was found out that the characteristics of module includes six main components. Related to the second research question, the process of developing the module as the product of this study comprises of some components. They are cover, preface, and acknowledgment, table of ontent, content mapping, introduction, materials, evaluation, references, and appendix. In sum, the research question one provides a basis for the development of the product. To validate the product, researcher make expert validation instruments. In this phase, the qualitative data were in the form of notes from validators and analyzed descriptively.

As this research was conducted in a very limited time, the sequences of research and development were not completely done. For further research, experimenting or trying out the product is needed. In addition, comments from the users were not gathered. Limited literature could not really support the development of comprehensive research instruments. The recommendations of the researcher are for theoretically and practically. For theoretically, this research is expected to provide useful information regarding instructional learning modules for teaching and learning writing self introduction in EFL learning. The results of this study are expected to be a reading reference for the development of learning modules. For practical purposes, this research is expected to be used by teachers as a medium for teaching writing self-introduction in EFL learning. This research is expected to be used by students so that students can be interested in learning modules and facilitate students' understanding in EFL learning. The recommendations are also given to teachers, students, and the future researchers












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Copyright holder:

Ega Nur Fadillah, Wakhid Nashruddin, Ahmad Rifai (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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