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Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine Yudhawati (2022) The Influence
of Emotional Intelligence on Learning Motivation for Students at Buddhist College, (7) 09. Doi:
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia pISSN: 2541-0849 e-
ISSN: 2548-1398
Vol. 8, No. 08, Agustus 2023
Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine
Buddhist Communication Science Department, STIAB Jinarakkhita, Lampung,
Indonesia, Indonesia
Buddhist Education Department, STIAB Jinarakkhita, Lampung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], sidarthaadigautama@stiab-, [email protected], ayu.andriyaningsih@stiab-, [email protected]
The research aims to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence on students'
learning motivation. Conducted at Jinarakkhita Buddhist College among second-
semester students, this study seeks to establish the significant relationship between
emotional intelligence and the level of learning motivation. Utilizing a quantitative
approach, the study involves data collection from second-semester students at
Jinarakkhita Buddhist College using a research instrument that has undergone
validity and reliability testing. Statistical analysis is performed to test hypotheses
and assess the association between emotional intelligence and learning motivation.
The findings of this research will contribute to a deeper comprehension of the
significance of emotional intelligence in shaping students' learning motivation. The
implications of this study can provide valuable information for educational
institutions to enhance the development of students' emotional intelligence and
learning motivation.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, learning motivation; communication science;
Buddhist College
Every individual has an intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence
(EQ) that affect their personality and success. Parents, educators, and the environment
play an important role in directing and developing children's potential. Emotional
intelligence is an important factor because many individuals are academically intelligent
but are less able to manage their emotions. It is important to develop emotional
Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine Yudhawati
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intelligence so that children can manage their emotions well and avoid negative impacts
on future success.
Education plays a central role in preparing students to face the changes and
complexities of the environment (Yusri, Kibtiyah and Hamim, 2020) . Students need to
adapt to the development of science and technology. Emotional intelligence,
communication skills, and adaptability are important for college students. It is hoped that
good education can improve learning achievement and preparation for the future. It is
hoped that with a good education and support in developing skills and abilities, students
can achieve better learning achievements and be ready to face future challenges with
confidence. Education that prioritizes the development of emotional and intellectual
intelligence will make a positive contribution to the progress of individual students and
society as a whole.
To achieve the goals of good education, the government and society need to work
hard to overcome these problems. Apart from focusing on intellectual intelligence,
educational institutions also need to pay attention to the emotional intelligence of
students. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to manage emotions, empathize, and
have social skills. By paying attention to emotional intelligence in education, education
graduates are expected to become balanced and quality individuals. Emotional
intelligence development can be done through teaching about emotions, stress
management, communication skills, cooperation, and positive values. By paying attention
to emotional intelligence, education can make a holistic contribution in forming
individuals who are intellectually and emotionally competent.
Emotional intelligence and motivation to learn in students is that the academic
success and personal development of students is strongly influenced by the ability to
manage emotions and maintain high learning motivation. Emotional intelligence, which
includes the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, as well as the ability
to manage emotions in various situations, is an important aspect of achieving academic
and personal well-being. In a challenging academic environment, students are often faced
with stress, academic pressure, and social demands. High academic stress can have a
negative impact on learning motivation and academic performance. In addition, self-
doubt, inability to manage emotions, and lack of social support can also be factors that
affect students' emotional intelligence and learning motivation.
Another problem that is often faced by students is procrastination, which tends to
delay academic work, thus affecting learning. Lack of interest in course material or majors
being studied can also cause low motivation to study. Facing these problems, it is
important for academics, including universities and lecturers, to understand how
important the role of emotional intelligence and learning motivation is in student
academic success.
Goleman (2019) an expert in the field of psychology, known for his popularity in
introducing emotional intelligence, revealed that intellectual intelligence only plays a role
of 20% in achieving one's success, while emotional intelligence can contribute up to 60%.
This shows how important emotional intelligence is for students, because it plays a role
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Learning Motivation for Students at
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in their future development and increases the potential for individual success. Therefore,
educational institutions have an important role in instilling emotional intelligence in
students to better prepare them to face challenges in life.
Emotional intelligence is the key to success in one's life (Goleman, 2003).
Although intellectual intelligence is important, many people succeed not because of high
intellectual intelligence, but because of good emotional intelligence. Emotional
intelligence involves managing emotions, effective communication, empathy, and good
relationships with others. However, there is a misconception about emotional
intelligence. It is important to understand this concept correctly. Developing emotional
intelligence helps in facing life's challenges, establishing healthy relationships, and
achieving success.
Emotional intelligence is very important and is very closely related to learning
motivation (Laia, 2021) . When emotional intelligence is well managed, individuals are
able to regulate their emotions, so they don't feel burdened or overly anxious when facing
difficult academic challenges. Student motivation and enthusiasm for learning are also
strongly influenced by emotional intelligence. The ability of students to recognize and
manage emotions helps in overcoming pressure, setbacks or challenges in the learning
process. In education, it is important to create an environment that supports the
development of students' emotional intelligence , including teaching emotional
intelligence skills, providing positive reinforcement, encouraging student achievement
success, and creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment. This support
helps students maximize their learning potential and better cope with academic
Research in the mid-1900s showed that emotional intelligence is just as important
as intellectual intelligence. Emotional intelligence provides awareness about the feelings
of oneself and others, including empathy, love, motivation, and the ability to respond
appropriately to emotions. This has an impact on social relationships, self-motivation,
and overall well-being. By having good emotional intelligence, we can live a more
balanced life and build positive relationships (Goleman, 2004).
Research conducted by Bahram Asghari Aghdam and Ali Mahjoub (Aghdam and
Mahjoub, 2013) shows that aspects of emotional intelligence, especially awareness of
high self-efficacy, can increase motivation. The results of this study indicate that there is
a relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation. Awareness of high
self-ability helps individuals to feel confident and confident in facing learning tasks. This
in turn can increase their motivation to learn and achieve better performance.
Motivation is a series of efforts made by someone to create conditions that make
them want and want to do something. Motivation can be influenced by external factors,
but true motivation comes from within the individual as intrinsic motivation. External
factors may affect motivation in the short term, but sustained motivation is driven by
internal drives that arise from the individual's personal values, interests, or satisfactions.
In the context of learning, motivation plays an important role in influencing the level of
engagement, persistence, and learning success. Factors such as praise, rewards, or social
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pressure can affect motivation in the short term, but sustained motivation in learning is
driven by internal factors such as individual interests, satisfaction, or values (Deci &
Ryan, 2000; Wigfield & Eccles, 2002; Pintrich & Schunk, 2002).
Based on the issues mentioned above, this study intends to determine and describe
the effect of emotional intelligence on the learning motivation of second semester
students of STIAB Jinarakkhita Lampung. State the Problemseveral things make this
research important to do. The problems to be examined are related to emotional
intelligence and learning motivation, as follows: (1) There is academic stress experienced
by students; (2) There are students who experience lack of confidence; (3) There are
students who do procrastination; (4) There are students who experience difficulties in
managing emotions; (5) There are students who are less interested in lecture material.
Exploration of the Importance of the Problemsome of the problems described above
are very important to study. This research is needed to identify and describe emotional
intelligence and motivation to learn.
Literature Review
Emotional Intelligence
The definition of emotional intelligence according to some experts, such as
Goleman, refers to the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and others, the ability to
manage emotions, the ability to motivate oneself, and the ability to build good
relationships. Emotional intelligence is an ability that is complementary to academic
intelligence or cognitive intelligence as measured by Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Even
though someone can have high academic intelligence, they may not have good emotional
intelligence. Conversely, someone with superior emotional intelligence can succeed even
though they have lower academic intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the ability of individuals to direct life enthusiastically,
maintain and express their feelings through attention, calm, inspiration, compassion and
social interaction. Individuals with a good level of emotional insight tend to have
advantages in calming down, focusing on concentrating, managing relationships with
others, increasing sensitivity to feelings, and having broader insights in dealing with
major problems.
According to Daniel Goleman in his book entitled "Emotional Intelligence: Why
It Can Matter More Than IQ" (2019), there are five aspects that are elements of emotional
intelligence. These five aspects are as follows:
Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one's emotions when
they occur. This is an important part of emotional intelligence, in which a person has
awareness of his own emotions. With self-awareness, individuals become more aware of
their moods and thoughts. Lack of self-awareness can make individuals easily carried
away by the flow of emotions and lose control. Although self-awareness does not directly
control emotions, it is an important condition for being able to control emotions more
easily. In addition, self-awareness also allows individuals to understand their own
strengths and weaknesses, and realize how emotions can affect others.
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Self-regulation refers to a person's ability to control their own circumstances,
impulses and resources. In the context of emotional intelligence, self-regulation includes
effective emotional regulation. It has several components, including the ability to control
negative emotions, manage stress, manage impulses, and stay calm in difficult situations.
Emotion regulation is also related to the ability to motivate yourself, focus, and handle
conflict well. With good emotional regulation, a person can manage his emotional
reactions wisely and choose the right action in various situations. It is also related to the
ability to motivate oneself and maintain focus on achieving desired goals. Thus, self-
regulation becomes an important aspect in the development of emotional intelligence and
helps individuals manage their emotions and behavior better.
Motivation is a factor that drives us to achieve the goals that have been set and
makes it easier for us to achieve our desires. Motivation has several important
components that influence our behavior. Achievement drive is the drive to be better and
meet the standards of success. Commitment involves the ability to conform to group or
company goals. Initiative is individual readiness to take advantage of existing
opportunities. Higher self-awareness involves being able to motivate oneself and achieve
goals with persistence and determination. Higher self-awareness includes the desire to
excel, enthusiasm in facing challenges, and resilience in the face of failure. It also
involves the ability to set meaningful goals and plan steps to achieve them. In achieving
achievement, motivation within the individual is very important. In addition, having
positive motivational feelings, such as enthusiasm, passion, optimism, and self-
confidence, is also very influential in achieving achievement. All these factors help
individuals to stay passionate and strive hard in achieving their desired goals.
Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others.
According to Goleman, a person's ability to recognize and care for other people shows
their level of empathy. Empathic people are better able to pick up on potential social cues
and can identify what others need. They are also more sensitive to other people's emotions
and are good listeners. These relationship and empathy skills help individuals build
lasting and harmonious relationships with others. They can understand other people's
points of view, respond with empathy, and communicate effectively. As a result,
relationship skills become important in emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to
forge positive and meaningful relationships with those around them.
Relationship skills allow us to not only recognize and understand other people's
emotions, but also manage their emotions well. Several factors are involved in this skill,
including developing others, conflict management, and leadership. Relationship skills,
including the ability to communicate, are important factors in building a successful and
mutually beneficial relationship. Sometimes it is difficult for people to get what they want
and it is also difficult to understand the wishes and desires of other people. Therefore,
developing good relationship skills can help us communicate effectively, understand
others, and reach mutually beneficial agreements.
Learning Motivation
Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine Yudhawati
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Motivation, which comes from the Latin "movere" which means to move, refers
to the internal or external drive that encourages individuals to take action, maintain it, and
assist them in achieving goals or completing tasks. The concept of motivation is used to
explain an individual's desire to behave, the direction of choice of behavior, the intensity
of the effort exerted, and the actual achievement of the action. Motivation plays an
important role in driving individuals to achieve successful achievements and completions.
Motivation to learn is influenced by many theories that explain the factors that can
influence that motivation. One of the factors that can affect motivation to learn is
reinforcement, where individuals will tend to be motivated to learn if they are rewarded
for their learning efforts. Furthermore, learning motivation can also be influenced by
human needs, where individuals will be motivated to fulfill their basic needs through
learning. In addition, learning motivation can also be influenced by individual perceptions
of success or failure, the causes of success or failure, and expectations of the chances of
success. Learning motivation can be increased by emphasizing clear learning goals and
allowing positive attributions to individual abilities to learn.
According to Santrock (2007), motivation is a process that provides enthusiasm,
direction, and persistence in individual behavior. That is, motivated behavior is
characterized by high energy, clear direction and strong persistence in taking action.
Motivation drives individuals to make the necessary effort and effort to achieve their
goals or fulfill their needs. With motivation, individuals have a strong urge to act, stay
focused on goals, and keep moving forward despite obstacles or challenges. Motivation
plays an important role in motivating individuals to achieve the desired success and
Research Method
In this research, there are two hypotheses proposed (Saifuddin, 2019): Alternative
Hypothesis (Ha): There is an effect of emotional intelligence on learning motivation. That
is, emotional intelligence has a significant impact on individual learning motivation. Null
hypothesis (Ho): There is no effect of emotional intelligence on learning motivation. That
is, emotional intelligence does not have a significant impact on individual learning
motivation. In this study, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) proposes that there is a
relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation, while the null
hypothesis (Ho) states that there is no relationship between the two. The purpose of this
study was to test both hypotheses in order to find out whether emotional intelligence has
a significant influence on individual learning motivation. The approach used in this
research is a quantitative research approach. This approach aims to examine obvious
problems, with a focus on observation and measurement of data that can be measured
objectively. This study also attempts to test hypotheses and generalize to the wider
population (Bryman, 2016). This study aims to identify and understand the relationship
between variable X, namely the Level of Emotional Intelligence, and variable Y, namely
Student Learning Motivation. By using a quantitative approach, researchers will use data
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collection methods that can be measured numerically to analyze the effect of variable X
on variable Y.
The associative relationship between emotional intelligence and learning
motivation refers to the correlation or relationship that exists between the two. Several
studies have shown a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and learning
motivation, which means that the higher a person's emotional intelligence, the higher the
motivation to learn. Good emotional intelligence can help individuals manage emotions,
overcome learning challenges, and maintain high motivation in achieving academic goals.
Characteristics of Respondents
Population research is a type of research conducted with the aim of obtaining
information and generalizing findings to the entire population that is the focus of the
research. In population research, the researcher collects data from all relevant members
of the population to gain a broader understanding of the phenomenon under study. The
goal of population research is to make more robust and basic generalizations about the
characteristics and relationships between variables in the population studied. This
research is often carried out on a large scale and uses a representative sampling method
so that the research results can reflect the population as a whole.
The population is a generalization area (read: generalization) which consists of
objects/subjects that have qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be
studied and then conclusions drawn (Sugiyono, 2017). The population is not only people,
but also objects and other natural objects. The population also includes not only the
number of objects and subjects studied, but also includes the characteristics/properties of
the subject or object. This research has a population of students, which can be seen in the
following table.
Table 1
study program
22 person
22 person
44 people
Statistical Test
This research uses a quantitative approach that is descriptive in nature. The results
of the research attempt to describe emotional intelligence and learning motivation based
on the data obtained. The data obtained were then analyzed statistically using analytical
procedures, namely data on the results of variables X and Y arranged in tabular form,
determining the average value and standard deviation of the sample data, calculating
normality tests, linearity and significance tests, and testing hypotheses.
Normality Test
Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine Yudhawati
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The normality test is a statistical procedure used to test whether the observed data
follows a normal distribution or not. The normal distribution is a symmetrical distribution
with a single peak, where most of the data is centered on the mean. The normality test
method in this study is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, which measures the extent to
which the observed data distribution is different from the normal distribution. This test
produces D values and p-values. The p-value obtained is 0.940 which is greater than the
specified significance level (0.05), so the null hypothesis is accepted, which means that
the data follows a normal distribution (Hair et al., 2019).
Table 2
Normality Test Results
Simple Regression Test
The simple regression test is a statistical analysis used to test the relationship
between two variables: the predictor variable (independent variable) and the response
variable (dependent variable). The goal of a simple regression test is to understand the
extent to which changes in the predictor variables can explain the variations in the
response variables. The method used in this study is a simple linear regression test. In this
analysis, predictor variables are considered as independent variables used to predict or
explain variation in the response variable. A simple linear regression model can be
estimated using the least squares method, in which a regression line is generated to
minimize the difference between the predicted value and the observed value of the
response variable.
Table 3
Regression Analysis Results
Normal Parametersa
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is Normal.
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Buddhist College
5839 Syntax Literate, Vol. 8, No. 08, Agustus 2023
Summary Model b
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the Estimate
The coefficient of determination (R-Square) is 0.488 or 48.8%. This value
indicates the proportion of variation in the learning motivation variable (Y) that can be
explained by the X variable (emotional intelligence) in the model used. In other words,
about 48.8% change in learning motivation can be explained by emotional intelligence.
It is important to note that the remaining 51.2% (or other factors) also affect the dependent
variable, motivation to learn. This means that there are other factors outside of the
independent variables used in the model that also play a role in influencing learning
motivation. Although emotional intelligence has a significant influence, there are other
factors that need to be considered in order to fully understand variations in motivation to
Table 4
The hypotheses in this study are: 1) H0 (Zero Hypothesis): Emotional intelligence
(X) has no significant effect on learning motivation (the dependent variable). 2) Ha
(Alternative Hypothesis): Emotional intelligence (X) has a significant influence on
learning motivation (the dependent variable). The level of significance (level of
significance) is 5% (0.05). Furthermore, the F-table value of the statistical table with the
degree of freedom (df) df1 = 2 and df2 = 7, and the obtained F-table value = 4.74. F-count
value (47.917) and conclude that F-count > F-table (0.05) = 4.74. In this case, you reject
the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha). In conclusion,
emotional intelligence (X) significantly contributes to learning motivation (the dependent
variable) in the regression model.
Table 5
Sum of
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Std. Error
From the table above, it is known that the variable Emotional Intelligence
(Emotional_Intelligence) has a regression coefficient of 1.221. This means that when
Emotional Intelligence increases by one unit, the dependent variable (Y) is expected to
increase by 1,221 units. The Standard Error for Emotional Intelligence is 0.193, which
indicates the extent to which the estimated regression coefficient can vary from the actual
value. Standardized Coefficients or Beta is 0.699 for Emotional Intelligence. This shows
that Emotional Intelligence has a significant contribution in the regression model, in
standard units. The t-value for Emotional Intelligence is 6.331, which is greater than zero.
This shows that the regression coefficient of Emotional Intelligence is significantly
different from zero. In addition, the significance value (Sig.) for Emotional Intelligence
is 0.000, which is much smaller than the commonly used 0.05 level of significance. This
shows that the effect of Emotional Intelligence on the dependent variable (Y) is
statistically significant. The conclusion that can be drawn is that Emotional Intelligence
has a significant and positive influence on the dependent variable in the regression model.
In the simple linear regression analysis, the calculated t value for the Emotional
Intelligence variable is 6,331 . In addition, the significance value of 0.000 is also smaller
than the commonly used significance level (0.05). Based on this information, you
conclude that the null hypothesis (Ho) can be rejected, and it can be concluded that the
Emotional Intelligence variable has a significant positive effect on the Learning
Motivation variable. A positive t value indicates that there is a positive relationship
between the variables Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation. This means that
when Emotional Intelligence increases, Learning Motivation also tends to increase, and
conversely, when Emotional Intelligence decreases, Learning Motivation also tends to
decrease. In the simple linear regression formula, based on the results given, it can be
written as follows: Y = 24.196 + 1.221X.
Based on the results of data analysis using simple linear regression, it was found
that there is a positive influence between emotional intelligence and learning motivation.
That is, the higher the level of individual emotional intelligence, the higher the motivation
to learn. Emotional intelligence assists individuals in recognizing, understanding, and
managing their own emotions, which in turn influences their motivation in learning.
The results of this research data analysis show that emotional intelligence has a
significant effect on the learning motivation of even semester students at STIAB
Jinarakkhita. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H 0) is rejected, meaning that emotional
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Learning Motivation for Students at
Buddhist College
5841 Syntax Literate, Vol. 8, No. 08, Agustus 2023
intelligence has a significant effect on the learning motivation of even semester students
at STIAB Jinarakkhita. This research makes a significant contribution to understanding
the importance of developing emotional intelligence in increasing student learning
motivation in the educational environment. The importance of this research lies in the
need for attention and effort in developing students' emotional intelligence as a factor
influencing learning motivation.
Based on these studies and perspectives, emotional intelligence plays an important
role in human activity, including passion and self-motivation. In the context of learning,
emotional intelligence allows students to be able to motivate themselves inside and
outside the classroom. They are prepared for a variety of situations, including failing to
solve math problems, and are able to regulate their emotional state and respond well to
themselves and others. Research by Chandra (2017), Rahman et al., (2022), Risdayanti
& Duryati (2022) also supports this view by showing a significant positive relationship
between emotional intelligence and learning motivation. Research shows that individuals
with good emotional intelligence are often highly motivated to learn. Overall, studies and
opinions show that emotional intelligence plays an important role in motivating students
to succeed academically and to be successful.
Research conducted by Abdullah et al,. (2019) concluded that emotional
intelligence is closely related to learning motivation. People with high emotional
intelligence tend to have high academic scores, while people with low emotional
intelligence also tend to have low academic scores. This condition also has an impact on
student behavior, especially class performance and student interaction. Lack of emotional
intelligence can lead to low motivation, lack of discipline, self-doubt, and negative
emotions such as anger, hate, fear, and lack of empathy. This research helps to understand
the importance of emotional intelligence in influencing students' motivation and behavior
. The relationship between emotional intelligence and learning motivation is an important
factor towards individual success in the educational context.
The statement above illustrates that learning motivation is influenced by several
factors according to Slameto's statement (2010:26). Slameto argues that learning
motivation is influenced by the drive and need to know, understand, and solve problems.
The drive to know refers to curiosity that drives a person to seek new information, expand
knowledge, and understand concepts that were not known before. This drive encourages
someone to be active in learning and developing an interest in a particular subject or topic.
The need to understand reflects an individual's efforts to understand material or
concepts that are studied in depth. When someone feels the need to understand and master
a knowledge or skill, their motivation to learn will increase because they feel that deep
understanding will provide benefits and personal satisfaction. In addition, the need to
solve problems is also a factor that influences learning motivation. When someone faces
challenges or problems that require solving, their motivation to learn will increase
because they realize that through learning, they can develop the skills and strategies
needed to overcome these problems. This outline shows that the drive and need to know,
understand, and solve problems have a significant influence on learning motivation. The
Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine Yudhawati
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statement underscores the importance of these factors in motivating individuals to learn
and shows their relevance to the previously mentioned research results.
In line with the results of previous studies, Nurlaeliah et al. (2021), Faizi (2018),
Dahlan (2020), Sarnoto & Romli (2019) and Salami & Ogundokun (2009), there is indeed
evidence that emotional intelligence has a significant effect on learning motivation. These
results indicate that emotional intelligence can influence learning motivation. In this
context, emotional intelligence helps individuals manage their own emotions, understand
the emotions of others, and manage interpersonal relationships well. This can help
increase learning motivation, because people with good emotional intelligence are better
able to deal with challenges and setbacks, are able to motivate themselves, and are able
to actively establish positive relationships with others who can support the learning
process. These studies provide a broader understanding of the importance of emotional
intelligence in the context of motivation to learn and provide a solid foundation for
considering emotional intelligence in efforts to increase motivation to learn.
Learning motivation is related to emotional intelligence and is an important factor
in triggering strong motivation in students to continue to progress and develop. According
to Handayani & Septhiani (2021), people who develop good emotional skills tend to be
successful in life and have strong motivation to succeed. Meanwhile, according to
Lumpkin and Achen (2018), emotional intelligence plays an important role in learning
practical skills, one of which depends on motivation. Thus, emotional intelligence
determines an individual's potential to acquire practical skills through motivation. So,
overall, emotional intelligence has a close relationship with learning motivation and plays
an important role in encouraging students to succeed and develop.
This study found that there is a positive and significant influence of emotional
intelligence on student learning motivation. These results indicate that students with high
emotional intelligence also tend to be more motivated to learn. The implication of this
research is the importance of developing emotional intelligence in an educational context,
because it can affect student learning motivation. The results of this study provide a better
understanding of the importance of paying attention to aspects of emotional intelligence
to increase student learning motivation. In the context of improving educational policy
and practice, this research can provide a basis for designing programs that support the
development of emotional intelligence and student learning motivation.
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Wistina Seneru, Sidartha Adi Gautama, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine
Yudhawati (2022)
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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
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