Sidartha Adi Gautama, Wistina Seneru, Widiyanto, Ayu Andriyaningsih, Ine Yudhawati
Syntax Literate, Vol. 8, No. 08, Agustus 2023 5823
globalisation, communication can be done without being limited by time and space.
Various social information even religious information is easily accessible in seconds.
This proves the great influence of communication. Effendi in (Purba, 2020) suggests that
there are several communication processes, both primary and secondary.
Persuasive communication according to (Alam et al., 2022) is a social interaction
with the aim of influencing the attitudes, opinions, and behaviour of others through
communication activities, both verbally and nonverbally. Persuasive communication
where a person (communicator) conveys stimuli (usually with verbal symbols) to
influence, change the views, attitudes and behaviour of other people / groups of people
(communicants) by persuading (Amin, 2023). persuasive communication is a symbolic
process where the communicator tries to convince someone to change their behaviour
through the transmission of messages conveyed by the communicator (Warren et al.,
2019). Communication is supported by human efforts to be able to adapt to their
environment in society so that humans can live in a peaceful atmosphere and the human
desire to maintain their existence in a society (Díaz et al., 2015). This shows that
communication cannot be separated from the lives of mankind both individually and as
members of the national community, especially the Indonesian State which has a
diversity of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and languages in each different province. The
purpose of persuasive communication is to influence audience attitudes, audience
opinions, and audience behaviour that can change opinions, related to cognitive aspects,
which are related to aspects of beliefs, ideas and concepts. This process of change in the
audience is related to his thoughts. He becomes aware that his opinion is wrong, and
needs to be corrected. So in this case, his intellect is increased. Changing attitudes, related
to the affective aspect. The affective aspect includes the emotional life of the audience.
So, the purpose of persuasive communication in this context is to move the heart, cause
certain feelings, like, and agree with the ideas put forward (Geertz, 2013).
Knapp and Vangelisti quoted by Alo Liliweri (Sikumbang et al., 2019) in his book
Basics of Intercultural Communication there are several things that conclude that people
have to communicate, therefore people have to talk; 1) People talk about their
relationships at work, how they are involved, how they need to express their energy; 2)
People talk about commitment in relation to the relationship. Commitment is the initial
condition of a relationship; 3) People talk about relationships as engagement, engaging
together quantitatively and qualitatively in conversation, dialogue, sharing experiences;
4) People talk about relationships in terms of manipulation, e.g. how to keep an eye on
each other. 5) People talk about relationships in terms of considering and paying
attention. Based on the above opinion, it can be synthesised that communication is the
basis of every human interaction. Interactions carried out by humans are both interactions
through individuals and with many people or communication in public. This is because
communication is an action that is a dynamic activity and takes place reciprocally and
continuously between communicators and communicants in giving influence and impact
in life. There are several factors that can cause students to not believe in themselves,