Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 09, September 2022




Fahmi Al Fiqri, Farouk Imam Arrasyid, Zakky Yavani

English Language Teaching Department, State Islamic Institute of� Syekh Nurjati, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



This article examined the lesson plan's poor quality, which hinders language learning because it's only an administrative necessity. The study team set goals. Recognising and designing a lesson plan. This study used the three-stage R&D model of feasibility (need analysis), product development, and validation. Qualitative data analysis improves comprehension, comparison, and interpretation. Comparing questionnaire results led to study conclusions.The study found that students' learning styles have never been used to build effective teaching and learning tactics. Researchers use project-based, social-family, and student-centered learning. The results show that the researchers only employ 16 of the 20 characteristics to develop the lesson plan. Facilitators should also promote student-centered and project-based learning.


Keywords: Developing; Lesson Plan; R&D model; Students Centered Learning; Project Based Learning.



The lesson plan for teaching during the pandemic era, particularly in the context of the 2013 curriculum, lacks comprehensive elucidation of the readily available instructional resources. The reason for this is that lesson plans are mostly offered as unprocessed resources for educators to consult when accessing learning materials (Nurfitri, Regina, Yulian, 2020). The primary responsibility of the instructor is to meticulously establish and develop the fundamental instructional resources into a comprehensive educational product, ultimately intended for effective facilitation of teaching and learning activities. The development of a lesson plan is considered a critical component within the teaching and learning process, serving as a valuable tool for educators in providing guidance and direction. According to Apriani, Supardan, and Umami (2020), the focus of educators is shifted from the learning process to the management of administrative tasks. The likely reason for instructors' preoccupation can be attributed to their engagement in periodic classes, annual projects, and the compilation of student assessment portfolios.

When developing lesson plans for educational purposes in the contemporary era, it is imperative to incorporate elements that facilitate the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. This entails demonstrating and facilitating the learning process, delivering explicit instructions, directing individuals in conducting research, disseminating relevant information, and fostering the development of effective communication and digital literacy competencies (Arrasyid, & Istiqomah, 2021). Moreover, it is imperative for educators to meticulously consider all the intricate elements of the instructional strategies. According to Anaktototy, Que, and Lewier (2020), teachers encounter several challenges, such as formulating learning outcomes, establishing learning accomplishment indicators, and fostering critical thinking processes. The interconnectedness of these components implies that failure to achieve basic competences, maybe due to inadequate development by teachers, hinder the delivery of effective learning experiences to students.

The implementation of curriculum amendments necessitated several modifications in the development of lesson plans. The challenges associated with implementing the 2013 curriculum into the lesson plan encompass issues related to time allocation and the condition of the pupils (Amin, 2021). Many educators have primarily focused on teaching methods, instructional media, and pedagogical strategies. Therefore, the preparation of instructional plans requires careful consideration. A lesson plan is a cohesive set of lessons centered on a specific subject or topic, or a structured documentation of a teacher's contemplation of the content and objectives to be addressed in a class. However, the utilization of a lesson plan solely for administrative purposes, rather than as a pedagogical tool employed by instructors, does not align with the standards of excellence. According to Iqbal, Siddiqie, and Mazid (2021), the implementation of lesson plans in the classroom is infrequent. This entails compelling a departure from the learning implementation inside the lesson plan. Consequently, there is a disregard for the primary emphasis on learning outcomes.

As the importance of research in developing lesson plan for blended interactive teaching descriptive text at seventh graders. Research shows areas of interest to explore. These areas are including lesson plan preparation in the 21st century (Nurtanto, Kholifah, Masek, Sudira, & Samsudin, 2021; Nordgren, Kristiansson, Liljekvist, & Bergh, 2021; Raynesa Noor Emiliasari, 2019). Lesson plan design (blended learning) towards 21st century (Purwani, 2021). The other areas are interest to explore about speaking skills in describing things material, these areas are including speaking material in the 21st century (Menggo, Suastra, Budiarsa, & Padmadewi, 2019; Iman, 2017). Speaking ability and performance in the 21st century (Hughes 2009; Louma, 2004; Herbein, Golle, Tibus, Schiefer, Trautwein, & Zettler, 2018; Gil-Salom, & Benlloch-Dualde, 2016).

The research has presented many findings on lesson plan preparation. Currently, there exists a deficiency in the quality of lesson plan development, which hinders its effective implementation in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. According to Nurtanto, Kholifah, Masek, Sudira, and Samsudin (2021), the government made a decision in December 2014 to halt the implementation of the 2013 curriculum at schools that had already been using it for one semester year, and instead reinstate the 2006 Curriculum (KTSP).� The primary factor behind this decision may have been a systemic alteration and an escalation in teacher administrative responsibilities, leading to teachers' astonishment and perplexity regarding the formulation of lesson plans in alignment with the 2013 curriculum. Consequently, the development of lesson plans for the execution of the 2013 curriculum was deemed inadequate and unsuccessful due to insufficient preparation.� The development of lesson plans is further bolstered by the notion of a pedagogical tool that necessitates the teacher's involvement beyond the mere act of instruction.

Furthermore, educators are engrossed in meticulous lesson plan development. The government holds the belief that the implementation of the 2013 curriculum yield a substantial enhancement in the quality of education. Consequently, a number of possible enhancements and preparation measures for implementation have been investigated (Nurtanto et al., 2021). The ruling served as the basis for the nationwide adoption of the 2013 curriculum. Several modifications have been included in the 2013 curriculum, specifically pertaining to the inclusion of more adaptable and balanced content as well as the manner in which it is implemented. The objective of implementing the 2013 curriculum re-enactment is to address the increasing demand, requirements, and circumstances pertaining to educational outcomes across several societal domains.

The pivotal aspect of educational quality encompasses not alone modifications to the curriculum, but also the preparedness and comprehension of teachers about curricular content. Nevertheless, irrespective of the quality of the curriculum, its efficacy may be rendered futile if the teacher's perspective remains unaltered. Moreover, the attributes of educators as curriculum implementers are shaped by the length of their involvement in the curriculum and their strong commitment to enhancing the educational experience (Nurtanto, et al., 2021). From a practitioner's standpoint, several challenges hinder the successful implementation of the 2013 curriculum. These challenges encompass the establishment of an effective assessment framework, inadequate provision of teacher and student handbooks, insufficient mental preparedness among educators and learners, and incomplete participation of schools in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. The challenges mostly pertain to administrative planning, particularly the capacity of teachers to strategize educational programs and integrate them into comprehensive lesson plans.

In order to develop an interactive lesson plan for students, it is imperative for the teacher to possess a comprehensive awareness of their pupils' circumstances and reasoning abilities. According to Nordgren, Kristiansson, Liljekvist, and Bergh (2021), there are four essential phases that educators must be aware of when developing lesson plans. These steps include delineating clear objectives, identifying the specific information and abilities to be addressed, carefully selecting and arranging learning activities, and assessing the outcomes of the instructional process. Teachers must consider these crucial elements when creating lesson plans to ensure that the activities within the instructional cycle adequately address students' engagement in teaching and learning activities. This perspective also underscores the emphasis of the current curriculum in Indonesia on students' learning capabilities. The educational approach commonly referred to as student-centered learning, as outlined in the 2013 curriculum, is the subject of discussion.

During the initial phase of the research process, the researchers formulates a pedagogical framework that integrates both traditional classroom instruction and online learning modalities. Additionally, the researchers carefully curates educational resources in accordance with the guidelines specified in the lesson plan, ensuring their suitability for student engagement. The management of lecture content during in-person sessions pertains to the material that presented in an online format. The educational resource has been made accessible on a digital platform, allowing students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the process of creating and delivering descriptive texts, with a particular focus on describing material objects (Nordgren, et al., 2021). Subsequently, the students proceed to offer feedback in the form of remarks pertaining to the responses or questions that have been presented. The analysis of students' feedback could be addressed during subsequent in-person sessions, so providing an engaging classroom environment that has been adequately planned.

The implementation of the 2013 curriculum within the educational system requires strict respect to the standards specified in Minister of National Education Regulation Number 103 of the year 2013. The recommendations presented herein comprise a multitude of components that function as a comprehensive framework for educators in the development of a lesson plan aligned with the 2013 curriculum. The components encompassed within this framework consist of primary competencies (KI), fundamental competencies, indicators, objectives, instructional materials, teaching methodologies, assessments, and educational resources. In order to enhance the development of a comprehensive lesson plan, educators ought to consider the subsequent phases: evaluating the curriculum, identifying suitable educational resources, establishing the intended learning outcomes, formulating captivating instructional activities, devising efficient assessment methods, allocating appropriate time for each element, and selecting appropriate learning materials. The paper titled "Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum" is provided as an attachment, in accordance with Minister of National Education Regulation Number 81a Year 2013.

Consequently, it can be inferred that there exist multiple sequential measures that educators need to undertake in order to formulate an optimal instructional framework. A comprehensive preparation can aid in mitigating the challenges associated with preparing a lesson plan. According to Raynesa Noor Emiliasari (2019), after educators have formulated their instructional strategies, it is highly probable that they implement them throughout the teaching process. Nevertheless, the execution of the lesson plan devised by the educators was not flawlessly executed throughout the educational endeavor. The lesson plan paradigm is undergoing continuous evolution as we enter the twenty-first century. The blended learning paradigm, which incorporates a combination of online and face-to-face instructional approaches, is a prominent educational framework used in contemporary lesson plans (Purwani, 2021), p.113). The implementation of this lesson plan design in an integrated manner is expected to increase the learning experience of new students. The materials are organized based on the classification of academic outcomes and consist of structured learning sequences that align with the designated lesson plan.

The significance of English speaking proficiency has grown in prominence among recent graduates, as it enables them to effectively navigate professional environments, address communication challenges in their personal lives, and cultivate gratifying interpersonal and collaborative abilities with individuals from diverse backgrounds (Menggo, Suastra, Budiarsa, & Padmadewi, 2019). Moreover, in light of the growing significance of English as a means of global communication, the instruction of oral proficiency has gained heightened importance within the realm of English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) education (Iman, 2017). The instruction of oral communication abilities has significant importance as a considerable proportion of students aspire to learn English with the aim of effectively engaging in English conversations. As said before, the significance of English communication abilities requires the utilization of supplementary speaking material. Educators are anticipated to possess the ability to generate instructional resources that foster a favorable mindset among students towards the acquisition and utilization of the English language. The construction of speaking materials is a valuable tool for comprehending the framework as a form of visual representation, illustrating the various obstacles within a certain field and thus reflecting the specific requirements of learners.

The proficiency in oral communication serves as a vital indicator of a learner's achievement in acquiring a new language. The activity involves an individual engaging in verbal communication to effectively transmit information or ideas to a group of individuals. The aforementioned capability is predominantly characterized by its interactive nature and occurs in real-time. According to Hughes (2009), the analysis of speaking is considered to be the most challenging talent to assess effectively. It is noteworthy that individuals' speaking abilities are likely to enhance progressively due to their perpetual exposure to novel lexical forms, commonly referred to as slang. Consequently, when doing the study, the assessment of speaking skill poses challenges and complexities. This phenomenon is further supported by other scholars who argue that the assessment of an interlocutor's and a candidate's speaking proficiency typically occurs in real-time within the context of a face-to-face conversation (Louma, 2004). This implies that the assessment of speaking skills is limited to evaluating specific speech attributes, including fluency, accuracy, and pronunciation.

In the contemporary era, the field of higher education emphasizes the cultivation of active learning among students (Gilsalom & Benlloch-dualde, 2016). One of the key indicators used to assess students' level of engagement is their proficiency in oral communication skills. The researchers asserts that possessing proficient speaking skills is advantageous for students majoring in English. English has become pervasive in various domains of human existence in contemporary times. It is employed in instructional materials, such as user manuals for products, guidebooks for electronic devices, quizzes on social media platforms, and academic content for students majoring in English (Herbein, Golle, Tibus, Schiefer, Trautwein, & Zettler, 2018). English is widely recognized as the official language of the scientific and educational communities everywhere. Within the Indonesian society, a prevailing stereotype exists wherein individuals are deemed proficient in the English language only based on their ability to speak it fluently or possess exceptional pronunciation skills. Moreover, mastering speaking skill is important in learning foreign language, yet to master the skill is not that simple. Often times, students� difficulty begin from deciding what to speak. Prior to produce utterences, students are strugling to decide a content to adreess when speaking and to negotiate when intereacting (Yavani, & Anani,. 2018). The acquisition of advanced English speaking skills is a common aspiration among university students, as the capacity to effectively communicate in a foreign language is regarded as a significant indicator of language proficiency.

Based on the aforementioned matter, the researchers ultimately resolved to conclude the issue and refrain from reiterating the previously examined matter. Researchers also anticipate that the meticulous and precise implementation of lesson plans would enhance interactivity in the classroom, hence fostering a vibrant learning environment. Researchers also design lesson plans procedures that include blended learning approaches in order to ensure that students obtain high-quality and comprehensive education. The term "comprehensive" refers to the equitable distribution of learning opportunities, hence minimizing any challenges that students may encounter throughout the teaching, learning, and evaluation processes.

There is a lack of scholarly literature that explicitly addresses the primary area of educational necessity in the 21st century, where academics aim to extensively address the disparity and commonalities within existing studies. Initially, it has been posited by various sources that science and technology education can assist students in cultivating 21st-century competencies as a means to address challenges. When considering the integration of the educational process and cultural variances, it becomes evident that the effectiveness of a lesson plan can serve as both a facilitator and a challenge. Regrettably, the previous investigation solely examined the utilization of online learning as a means to effectively include learners across different grade levels. Contrarily, this research holds significant importance and serves as a compelling topic for discussion, as indicated by its current imperative.


Research Method

This research used a research and development model (R&D) as its methodology. The focus of this research itself is multimethod, and it takes an interpretative and naturalistic approach to the subject matter that it investigates. This indicates that the researcher investigate the occurrences that take place in the natural environment in order to make sense of, or interpret, the phenomena in terms of the meanings that people attribute to individuals. Research and development, also known as R&D, is a model of product development in which the findings of research are used to design new products and procedures, which are then scientifically field-tested, evaluated, and synthesized until they meet certain criteria of effectiveness, quality, or a comparable standard (Gall, Borg & Gall, 2003). Research and development, also known as R&D, is a model of product development in which the findings of research are used to design new products and procedures.

The authors utilize the research and development approach to investigate the most effective method of teaching English to seventh-grade students in the 21st century. Specifically, they focus on developing a lesson plan for blended interactive teaching of descriptive texts. This research aims to identify the appropriate instructional strategies that cater to the needs of both teachers and students. The resulting product is a lesson plan designed for seventh-grade students, which integrates blended and interactive teaching techniques. Furthermore, Gall, Borg, and Gall (2003) put out a framework consisting of ten sequential processes for the implementation of research and development methodologies. Please refer to the figure presented below:

The first type of development research is research that focuses on designing and evaluating a particular product or program with the goal of gaining an overview of the development process and studying the conditions that support program implementation. Nonetheless, due to the need and context of the research, some educational researcher modified the ten steps into simpler steps during implementation as researchers adapt in only three steps because there are two types of development research. The second type of development research is research that focuses on developing and implementing a solution to a problem. Second, a significant portion of the research was dedicated to an analysis of the prior development program. According to Richey and Nelson (1996), the second type of study is conducted with the intention of acquiring an understanding of efficient design and evaluation techniques.

The objective of the researcher is to ensure that the ten steps that Gall, Borg, and Gall outlined in this part are as simple and straightforward to comprehend as is humanly possible. The process of simplification starts with Gall, Borg, and Gall's (2013) article in Emzir (2013), which limits small-scale research, including restricting the processes of study. In addition to this, Emzir underlined that the simplification was carried out due to the time and expense restrictions that are usually encountered by researcher. A preliminary study (need analysis), product development, and product validation have been done in pedagogical material research. for students and teachers (Febriana, 2016). In research and development, the researchers finally simplified the steps, reducing them from ten steps (Borg & Gall, 1983) to three stages, namely: a preliminary study (need analysis), product development, and product validation. The following stages of development research are given and discussed below:

1.    Preliminary Study Through Critical Literature Review and Need Analysis

The primary objective of needs analysis is to conduct a thorough assessment of the issue at hand, with the intention of identifying pertinent information and suitable strategies for problem resolution. The researcher conducted a needs analysis which is also as an instrument by gathering data using the methods of critical literature review, interviews, and questionnaire with English teachers in the junior high school education department (Zainil, Fauzan, & Lufri, 2020). This proposal suggests that schools should engage in interviews with teachers and administer questionnaires to gather information regarding the challenges faced in developing lesson plans for the 21st century. Additionally, researcher should perform a comprehensive literature review to identify suitable indicators for evaluating lesson plans in the context of the 21st century.

2.    Product Development

The process of creating the preliminary version of a lesson plan for blended interactive instruction in descriptive text for seventh-grade students. The design of a lesson plan encompasses various components, including the establishment of the subject's identity, the development of indicators and learning objectives, the provision of learning materials, the selection of appropriate learning approaches and models, the implementation of learning activities, the utilization of relevant learning resources, and the evaluation of learning outcomes (Zainil, Fauzan, & Lufri, 2020). Subsequently, a sequential progression ensues involving the meticulous stages of development and validation, which are undertaken by esteemed professionals in the field.

3.    Expert Validation Phase

This study focuses on the evaluation of instruments used to assess the feasibility of designing and implementing a lesson plan for blended interactive teaching in the context of seventh-grade education. The instruments employed in this research include an initial product assessment, an initial validation conducted by expert teachers, and a final validation conducted through expert judgment. These instruments are utilized to develop a lesson plan specifically tailored for blended interactive teaching in seventh-grade classrooms. The researcher in question, namely Richey and Nelson, Borg and Gall, Emzir, and Febriana, propose a method that involves conducting research using only three steps.

The process can be modified to be more concise and straightforward, resulting in a reduction to three steps. The research development process encompasses many key procedures. Firstly, a preparatory phase is conducted, involving an extensive review of relevant literature and a thorough analysis of the identified needs. Secondly, the process moves on to product development planning and designing, where the necessary measures are taken to outline and create the desired product. Finally, validation steps are implemented, which involve seeking validation from either validators or expert judgments to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the developed product.

4.    Research Subjects/Population and Sample

Data sources are defined as products, persons, or objects that supply the necessary information for researcher to complete their studies. The data sources functions as a noun when used in a sentence. The successful execution of this research and development endeavor necessitated the exploitation of many data sources to acquire the relevant information. The ability to access a data source is necessary in order to acquire information.� The ultimate decision regarding this line of action was determined by the author:

  1. The initial sources of object data were obtained from printed resources and electronic publications, such as scholarly journals and books, pertaining to the literature on lesson plans, blended learning, descriptive text, and the unique attributes of seventh-grade pupils.
  2. The data obtained from persons who participate in an interview, survey, or questionnaire is sometimes referred to as subject data. The participants in this study were students in their seventh year of secondary school in Cirebon. The objective of this study was to gain a more profound understanding of the obligations that English teachers and students are expected to meet, both presently and in the foreseeable future.

The information was obtained by first conducting in-depth interviews with junior high school English students and teachers, followed by doing an in-depth review of the relevant literature that was published in reputable academic publications. In addition to that, the information was retrieved from various websites on the internet. These two methods were used in conjunction with one another to collect the data. In addition, questionnaires were utilized at various points over the course of this examination as a research strategy. The plethora of separate plans were consolidated into a single comprehensive strategy.

As a final step, the researcher transcribed the significant segments of the interview recordings and subsequently analyzed the acquired data. The findings were then presented and interpreted using a semi-structured transcription approach. In instances where the transcription fails to provide a complete representation of the interviewees' statements. The main focus of the respondents' answers to the questions was recorded in a transcribed format (Nashruddin, 2020). This process involves organizing the responses based on certain criteria, such as semi-transcription, in order to identify similar phrases, detect incorrect or irrelevant patterns, analyze the connections between answer texts, and identify commonalities or differences. In order to enhance the readability and comprehensibility of the respondents' answers, it is imperative to ensure that the results are presented in a clear and accessible manner.


Results and Discussion

Each article was scrutinized to adapt the first primary point that is about lesson plan for blended interactive teaching. About twenty characteristics have been collected from seven different references. (Wilga M. Rivers, 1988; Sharpen, 2006; Minister of National Education Regulation Number 41 Year 2007; Munir, 2013; Husamah, 2014; Majid, A., 2014; Lalima, D., & Dangwal, K. L. 2017). With giving detailed explanations on each aspect in three dimensions (content, pedagogy, learning process). See the following table below:


Table 1

Aspects in 3 dimensions






Applying a multi-way communication pattern

Concern learners differences

Be relevant and cohesive

Apply information of technology and communication

Teachers are well versed with both the modes

Diverse role of teacher



Give freedom to students in determining the topic of the learning process

Encourage students to be active participants

Students get face to face interaction as well they interact in virtual space

Students get full experience in using new technology

Students get training in different life skills

All round development of personality is targeted

Students get wide exposure and new perspectives of the course content

Student constructs knowledge rather than just consuming it


Learning Method

Teachers act as facilitators, resource persons, and democratic class managers

Provide an interactive process

online learning

customized learning

competency based learning

Give feedback and follow-up such as develop draft program of positive feedback


Some characteristics that can be adapted from the description of about 20 characteristics the researchers only use 16 characteristics according to the requirements of the lesson plan product creation, therefore the researchers decides to employ the Characteristics, which are as follows: First, the researchers use a multi-way communication pattern and give students freedom in determining the topic of the learning process. Second, the researchers encourage students to be active participants as a guarantee for the success of the learning process. Finally, the researchers can provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the material through the use of a variety of different learning tools.

In addition, in order to improve the student-centered learning approach as well as the project-based learning approach, it is necessary for students to demonstrate the characteristics of a constructor of knowledge rather than merely a consumer of that knowledge. It is also necessary for teachers to act as facilitators, resource persons, and democratic class managers, in addition to providing an interactive process. Both of these improvements can be made in order to improve the quality of the learning experience for students. Last but not least, the researcher decided to go with customized learning, competency-based learning, giving feedback and follow-up, and developing a draft program of positive feedback in order to determine social family learning methods, determine learning indicators, and also develop the assessment process of the product development that is currently the subject of research.

The subsequent data provided is derived from the results of a student questionnaire, which is not utilized as the primary dataset. Instead, this data is solely employed to ascertain the appropriate lesson plan that aligns with the students' learning styles. In the context of developing a lesson plan, it is imperative to ascertain the learning style of each student, as they possess distinct learning characteristics. The focus of this research lies in identifying a representative sample. There are a total of eight students in the group, consisting of four boys and four girls. The distribution of questionnaires was place in a face-to-face manner within the classroom setting. A total of eight questionnaires were distributed, and all of them were successfully processed. This study focuses on three distinct learning styles observed among students, namely visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The data gathering procedures employed in this study were qualitative in nature, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these learning styles. The outcomes of the survey dissemination are visually represented in the chart provided underneath.

The findings of the study revealed that the students' learning preferences predominantly aligned with visual and kinesthetic styles. This conclusion was drawn based on the analysis of responses obtained from a closed questionnaire administered to a sample of eight junior high school students. The questionnaire was designed in accordance with the specific characteristics of the researchers's product development project. To enhance comprehension, the researchers are systematically review each sentence in the questionnaire. The findings derived from the descriptive text on developing a lesson plan for blended interactive teaching indicate that, based on a series of twenty inquiries posed to the teacher, all of them converge on the essential requirements and considerations that must be incorporated into the final iteration of the researchers's lesson plan product. In order to facilitate future recommendations of this instructional resource to educators, it is imperative to enhance their understanding of the various elements encompassed within a lesson plan. Subsequently, educators can experience enhanced convenience in locating instances of lesson plans that are well-suited for interactive learning, wherein the integration of a student-centered pedagogical approach is combined with the generation of outcomes derived from the implementation of project-based learning frameworks.

Regarding the disparities identified by the researcher between the outcomes derived from the student questionnaires, teacher interviews, and statements from prior studies, it was observed that previous research on the development of lesson plans or learning approaches had not addressed the utilization of student learning styles as a framework for formulating suitable lesson plans for students. This phenomenon can be attributed to the little emphasis in prior studies on the developmental aspects of learning styles exhibited by pupils. The identified gap in current research is the absence of lesson plan products that encompass not only blended and interactive learning, but also the comprehensive application of various instructional methods aimed at enhancing the quality of student learning. Future researcher intend to address this gap by incorporating methods such as project-based learning, social family learning, and student-centered learning. The researchers afterwards include this into the lesson plan they are currently formulating.


To facilitate the development of a product, the researcher conducted a literature review and needs analysis process, which involved interviewing teachers. The purpose of these interviews was to gather information for the development of a lesson plan aimed at implementing blended interactive teaching techniques for seventh-grade students. The objective of this subpoint was to create a product. The comprehensive lesson plan should be organized according to the results of the error analysis for each individual component. The concepts of identity, core competency, fundamental competence, indicator, objective, materials, instructional style, media, sources, learning activities, assessment, and learning activities are all integral components within the realm of education. These elements play a crucial role in shaping the academic experience and facilitating effective teaching and learning processes.

In addition, the information that was gathered through the interview with the instructor includes an analysis in addition to the conclusions that were drawn from the forms of the interviews. Researchers are aware, on the basis of the data obtained from research activities carried out for two times to the English teacher, that in the process of making lesson plans, the teacher must pay attention to the requirements that have been produced and written in government rules. This is because the researchers are aware of the data gained from the research activities that were carried out for two times to the English teacher. The English instructor participated in both of these exercises, for a total of two times.

This development primarily emphasizes the utilization of blended and interactive methodologies. However, in order to effectively implement this development, researchers must also integrate additional approaches that can enhance the caliber of learning and render it more engaging and less monotonous. Furthermore, alongside the use of 21st century technologies, Project Based Learning emerges as an alternative pedagogical approach that may be utilized in tandem with blended learning. Project Based Learning (PjBL) is an educational approach wherein students engage in collaborative projects to cultivate their knowledge and skills through active participation in learning activities. The collaborative learning approach is a pedagogical strategy employed to enhance student engagement in educational tasks beyond the confines of the classroom. This entails granting kids the opportunity to engage in teaching and learning endeavors in the comfort of their homes, alongside their parents. The teacher assigns straightforward assignments to children in order to foster increased engagement in managing familial relationships inside the home environment.

To effectively implement a student-centered learning system, educators must acquire a comprehensive understanding of the unique learning styles and life experiences of each student. The reason for this phenomenon is that children demonstrate diverse interests, talents, and abilities, hence requiring a customized approach to their educational needs. Teaching is commonly understood as the act of imparting knowledge and facilitating the learning process for students. The aforementioned description underscores the active engagement of students in the process of acquiring knowledge, while concurrently acknowledging the supportive function of teachers in facilitating this process by providing guidance and considering the unique attributes of each student.

As from the teachers needs and every literature mentioned, the utilization of media in educational settings, particularly in language instruction for learners, is of significant importance. This is supported by three fundamental principles: efficacy, practicality, and appropriateness (Andini, Budiyono, & Fitriana, 2018). This is why the media plays a critical role in facilitating teaching and learning activities that employ a blended learning model. Media serves as a means to enhance the ease of learning by including various applications or websites that are relevant to the subject matter being taught. In the process of developing this product, researchers employed several media and technologies to enhance the learning experience. Moreover, the utilization of multimedia by the instructor significantly enhances the efficacy of the blended learning approach. When initiating learning activities, researchers often incorporate a form or image sourced from the Wordwall website, which they have personally produced..

Teaching activities can be categorized into three distinct levels. Initially, the implementation of pre-teaching is undertaken with the purpose of enhancing student motivation and directing their focus towards active participation in the learning process. The initial stages of the teaching-learning process involve the transmission of apperception and motivation to students, which might be subject to interpretation. Secondly, the concept of whilst-teaching refers to the systematic process of imparting knowledge and skills to individuals in order to attain a fundamental level of proficiency. This process has three distinct phases: exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. The exploration phase encompasses the introduction of stimuli, the organization of students, and the arrangement of relevant material. Subsequently, the elaboration phase involves the preparation and delivery of a product, which further reinforces the learning experience. Finally, the confirmation phase serves to validate and solidify the acquired knowledge and skills.

Exploration refers to the active engagement of students in the pursuit of information, whereas confirmation is the affirmation of students' assignments or projects after the completion of exploration and elaboration phases, typically through the provision of feedback or reflection. Ultimately, the process of post-teaching entails several activities such as summarizing the lesson, administering assessments and engaging in reflective practices, evaluating student performance, delivering constructive feedback, and afterwards ensuring continued support and communication with students. Lastly, the assessment is carried out to evaluate the academic performance of pupils. The assessment instruments employed are aligned with the indicators of competency accomplishment and the Standard of Assessment. It can be inferred that the utilization of rubrics is necessary for the implementation of assessments.

Both development processes include an expert validation step, which yields data indicating a noteworthy degree of acceptance for the development of a lesson plan that incorporates blended learning to teach descriptive text material. The score of 83.4, as determined through calculations, serves to confirm the high quality of the product, as it corresponds to a grade of "very good" in an objective manner. The evaluation conducted by experts on the incorporation of a blended learning strategy in this lesson plan suggests that it effectively enhances students' learning experiences in understanding and refining their abilities to create descriptive writings. The aforementioned studies demonstrate the congruence between instructional design and learning objectives, indicating its wide-ranging applicability within the realm of contemporary education.



The researcher developed a lesson plan for blended interactive teaching of descriptive text for seventh-grade students, focusing on the features that were examined during the preparation of the lesson plan. The lesson plan was developed by incorporating 16 distinct characteristics, with the aim of determining the elements that manifest in the lesson plan of the blended interactive teaching product. Teachers are required to work towards achieving the objectives of this research.The current learning strategy has undergone significant transformations, particularly in terms of the learning model and its methodology, which are continuously advancing.

In order to enhance the implementation of learning in the classroom, it is imperative to employ the interactive blended learning approach. Blended learning, a pedagogical approach that combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning, offers distinct advantages in the realm of education, namely in terms of enhancing learning effectiveness and providing flexibility. The enhancement of students' linguistic proficiencies has a significant influence on the efficacy and adaptability of blended and interactive instructional approaches. Given the aforementioned problems, the objective of this study is to ascertain the characteristics that manifest in the lesson plan of the blended interactive teaching product.

In conclusion, the expert validation of the lesson plan's development, which utilizes a blended learning approach to teach descriptive text material, yielded highly favorable outcomes. The substantial score of 83.4, accompanied by a "very good" rating, underscores the exceptional quality of the product. The experts' evaluation revealed the effective incorporation of blended learning strategies, resulting in an enhanced learning experience for students as they grasp the intricacies of composing descriptive texts. This validation highlights the seamless alignment between instructional design and educational objectives, while also showcasing the versatility and potential applicability of the approach in contemporary educational settings.







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Copyright holder:

Fahmi Al Fiqri, Farouk Imam Arrasyid, Zakky Yavani (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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