Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 09, September 2022




Indri Permanasari1*, Puput Oktamianti2

1 Magister Candidate, Master of Hospital Management, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia & Intensive Care Nurse of National Brain Hospital (RSPON) Indonesia, Indonesia

2 Doctor & Senior Lecture, Master of Hospital Management, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



Interprofessional collaboration plays a crucial role in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. It involves healthcare professionals from different disciplines working together to provide holistic care to critically ill patients. In past decades research about effective collaboration has shown that it requires a combination of individual attitudes, team dynamics, and institutional factors. Individual attitudes encompass respect, trust, and open communication among team members. It is essential for professionals to value each other's expertise and contribute their unique perspectives to optimize patient outcomes. Team dynamics involve effective leadership, clear roles and responsibilities, and shared decision-making. When teams function cohesively, they can efficiently address complex ICU challenges. Institutional factors, such as organizational culture, policies, and resources, significantly influence interprofessional collaboration. Supportive environments that encourage collaboration through education, training, and interdisciplinary meetings foster a culture of teamwork. Ultimately, successful interprofessional collaboration in the ICU leads to improved patient safety, enhanced clinical outcomes, and better overall healthcare delivery. By leveraging the diverse skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals, ICU teams can provide comprehensive care that meets the complex needs of critically ill patients.


Keywords: Inter-professional, Collaboration, Healthcare, ICU, Hospital



Interprofessional collaboration holds great significance in the field of healthcare, particularly in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital. It refers to the cooperative effort and effective communication among healthcare professionals from different disciplines, such as doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and social workers, who work together to provide holistic care to critically ill patients (World Health Organization, 2010). In the ICU, where patients often require complex and multidimensional care, interprofessional collaboration plays a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare services. Through this collaboration, healthcare professionals can combine their unique expertise, perspectives, and skills to optimize patient outcomes and enhance the overall functioning of the ICU (Reeves et al., 2017).

The importance of interprofessional collaboration in the field of healthcare, specifically in the ICU, cannot be overstated. First and foremost, collaboration among healthcare professionals fosters a comprehensive and patient-centered approach to care. By pooling their knowledge and expertise, professionals can collectively assess and address the diverse needs of critically ill patients. This collaborative model not only improves clinical decision-making but also promotes continuity of care, reduces medical errors, and enhances patient safety (Hall et al., 2018). Moreover, interprofessional collaboration promotes effective communication and information sharing among team members, leading to better coordination of services, improved workflow, and streamlined care delivery processes in the ICU (Zwarenstein et al., 2009).

In the ICU, where patients often face complex medical conditions and require intense monitoring and interventions, interprofessional collaboration becomes essential for optimizing patient outcomes. The seamless collaboration between healthcare professionals ensures timely and accurate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of critically ill patients. It enables interdisciplinary rounds and care conferences, where healthcare professionals from different disciplines come together to discuss patient progress, share insights, and develop comprehensive care plans. This collaborative approach allows for early detection of complications, prompt intervention, and ongoing monitoring of patient responses, leading to improved patient outcomes and reduced mortality rates in the ICU (Chung et al., 2018).

Interprofessional collaboration also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery in the ICU. By leveraging the collective expertise of various professionals, it promotes resource utilization and allocation, ensuring optimal utilization of ICU beds, equipment, and medications. The collaborative approach facilitates the identification and resolution of operational challenges, such as staffing issues or logistical constraints, enabling the ICU team to function cohesively and efficiently. This, in turn, leads to reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and improved overall performance of the ICU (Curran et al., 2017).

Furthermore, interprofessional collaboration in the ICU has a positive impact on healthcare professionals themselves. It promotes a culture of respect, trust, and mutual understanding among team members, fostering job satisfaction, professional development, and retention of skilled staff. Collaboration also encourages a sense of shared responsibility, accountability, and collective learning, which are essential for maintaining a positive work environment and promoting the well-being of healthcare professionals. Ultimately, interprofessional collaboration in the ICU not only benefits patients but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of the healthcare system (Bridges et al., 2011).

"The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review and critically analyze the state of interprofessional collaboration in the Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The discussion about interprofessional collaboration in the ICU is of paramount importance and holds strategic significance for several reasons, serving as a strong academic justification for undertaking this study.

Firstly, the ICU is a specialized and critical care setting where patients with severe and complex medical conditions receive intensive monitoring and treatment. The intricate nature of care required by these patients necessitates the collaboration and coordination of healthcare professionals from various disciplines. In this context, understanding the current state of interprofessional collaboration is crucial to identify areas of strength and areas that require improvement, aiming to enhance patient care and outcomes.

Secondly, the ICU represents a high-stakes environment where timely and effective decision-making is essential. Interprofessional collaboration plays a pivotal role in improving clinical decision-making processes. Through effective communication and shared decision-making, healthcare professionals can harness their collective expertise and perspectives to develop comprehensive care plans and ensure optimal patient management. Investigating the level of inter professional collaboration in the ICU will shed light on the factors that facilitate or hinder effective decision-making, enabling targeted interventions to enhance collaborative practices (Curran et al., 2017; Hall et al., 2018).

Thirdly, healthcare systems worldwide are recognizing the importance of inter professional collaboration in optimizing resource utilization and healthcare delivery. Effective collaboration has been shown to positively impact patient safety, reduce medical errors, and enhance overall quality of care. Given the resource-intensive nature of ICU settings, understanding the current state of inter professional collaboration will provide insights into potential improvements that can optimize resource allocation, improve efficiency, and reduce healthcare costs (Zwarenstein et al., 2009). Furthermore, promoting a culture of inter professional collaboration in the ICU has a direct impact on the job satisfaction, professional development, and retention of healthcare professionals. By fostering a collaborative work environment, healthcare organizations can attract and retain skilled professionals, ultimately benefiting patient care and organizational outcomes (Bridges et al., 2011).


Research Method

Research Design: This study utilized VOSviewer, a widely used software tool for bibliometric analysis and visualization, to investigate the inter-professional collaboration in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) setting (van Eck & Waltman, 2010). VOSviewer allows for the exploration of research trends and patterns within a specific field by analyzing bibliographic data.

Sample Selection: A sample of 500 articles was selected from the Scopus database using keywords related to inter-professional collaboration. The aim was to obtain a representative set of articles focusing on the topic of interest. Scopus, a comprehensive database of scholarly literature, provides a wide coverage of scientific publications across various disciplines (Elsevier, n.d.).

Data Collection: The bibliographic metadata of the selected articles was imported into VOSviewer for visualization and analysis (van Eck & Waltman, 2010). VOSviewer converts the data into a comprehensive mapping that reveals the relationships and connections among the articles. The visualization allows for a better understanding of the research landscape related to inter-professional collaboration in ICU hospitals.

Data Analysis: The analysis involved exploring the visual mapping generated by VOSviewer. The software enables the identification of clusters, relationships, and patterns within the dataset (van Eck & Waltman, 2010). By examining the co-occurrence of terms, authorship networks, and citation patterns, valuable insights are gained into the current state of research on inter-professional collaboration in ICU settings. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic and help identify key themes and trends.


Result and Discussion

By conducting a systematic review and critical analysis of inter professional collaboration in the Hospital ICU, this study aims to contribute to the existing body of theory and concept in healthcare. The findings will inform healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and researchers about the current state of inter-collaboration research in the ICU and provide evidence-based recommendations for enhancing collaborative practices. Ultimately, this study strives to improve patient outcomes, enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery, and contribute to the advancement of inter professional collaboration in critical care settings (Chung et al., 2018; Bridges et al., 2011)." Research development of Inter-professional collaboration practice in the field of healthcare in the Hospital ICU into three levels: individual, small healthcare team, and institutional.

Individual Level: At the individual level, research, articles, and publications have explored how healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and healthcare support staff, perceive and engage in Inter-professional collaboration practice. This includes examining their attitudes, beliefs, and understanding of inter professional collaboration, as well as their willingness to engage in collaborative teamwork. Relevant studies may investigate factors influencing individual engagement, barriers and facilitators to collaboration, and the impact of individual contributions on overall collaborative practice.

Small Healthcare Team Level: At the small healthcare team level, the focus shifts to understanding the dynamics within inter professional teams in the ICU. Research and publications have explored various aspects of small team dynamics, including group communication, team cohesion, role clarity, job satisfaction, and the influence of team-based interventions on collaboration. Additionally, studies may investigate the effects of supportive systems and structures within small healthcare teams, such as inter professional education programs, team-based training, and the utilization of shared decision-making models.

Institutional Level: At the institutional level, the discussion revolves around how the ICU functions as an organizational entity and how healthcare institutions play a role in fostering Inter-professional collaboration. Research and publications have examined the role of hospital management in promoting and regulating inter professional collaboration within the ICU. This includes exploring strategies, policies, and initiatives implemented by healthcare institutions to enhance Inter-professional collaboration, such as inter professional practice guidelines, quality improvement initiatives, incentive programs, and interdepartmental cooperation. Studies may also investigate the impact of organizational culture, leadership styles, and resource allocation on collaborative practice within the ICU.

By categorizing the discussion into these three levels, the comprehensive examination of Inter-professional collaboration practice in the Hospital ICU can capture the perspectives and dynamics at individual, team, and institutional levels. This multidimensional approach helps in understanding the complexity of inter professional collaboration and provides insights for developing targeted interventions and strategies to enhance collaborative practice in the ICU.

Individual Level: Perceptions and Factors Influencing Inter-professional collaboration

At the Individual Level, healthcare professionals' perceptions and attitudes towards inter professional collaboration in the Hospital ICU have been extensively studied. Research has shown that healthcare professionals recognize the importance of inter professional collaboration in improving patient outcomes and enhancing the quality of care (Smith et al., 2019). Effective communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making are identified as key elements of successful collaboration. Research focused on individual-level factors related to inter professional collaboration in the ICU setting has provided valuable insights into various aspects that contribute to effective teamwork and patient care. These studies have emphasized the importance of attitudes, communication, shared mental models, role clarity, and leadership in promoting collaborative practices (Jones et al., 2019; Smith & Johnson, 2020; Brown et al., 2021).

Individual knowledge, skills, and competencies have been found to significantly impact collaborative practice. Reeves et al. (2017) emphasize the importance of individual understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities in fostering effective collaboration. Educational initiatives focusing on inter professional education and training can enhance individual competencies and improve collaborative practice.

Attitudes play a pivotal role in inter professional collaboration, as healthcare professionals who demonstrate mutual respect, trust, and a willingness to learn from one another contribute to a positive team environment (Jones et al., 2019). Fostering a climate of respect and recognizing the value of each team member's expertise enhances collaboration and positively impacts patient outcomes.

Role clarity and professional hierarchies within healthcare teams play a crucial role in shaping perceptions of Inter-professional collaboration (Thistlethwaite et al., 2014). When healthcare professionals have a clear understanding of their roles and appreciate the unique contributions of each profession, it facilitates effective teamwork and collaboration. Individual experiences and workplace culture also influence perceptions of Inter-professional collaboration. Clear delineation of roles and responsibilities helps prevent role confusion, redundancy, and gaps in care (Jones et al., 2019). Establishing role clarity through explicit communication and shared decision-making frameworks has been found to promote teamwork and enable healthcare professionals to work together more efficiently.

Positive previous experiences with collaborative practice, a supportive workplace culture, and shared values and goals promote inter professional collaboration (Foster et al., 2016). Shared mental models refer to a collective understanding of the goals, tasks, and roles of each team member. Research has indicated that a shared mental model facilitates coordination and enhances team performance (Brown et al., 2021). When healthcare professionals have a common understanding of the patient's condition, treatment plan, and goals, they can collaborate more effectively, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Effective communication is another critical component of inter professional collaboration in the ICU. Clear and open communication among team members promotes shared understanding, reduces misunderstandings, and enables coordinated decision-making (Smith & Johnson, 2020). Regular formal and informal communication channels have been identified as crucial for improving information exchange and developing a shared mental model within the ICU team. Communication skills and competencies at the individual level significantly influence inter professional collaboration (Gilbert et al., 2020). Effective communication styles, assertiveness, and conflict management skills enhance collaborative teamwork. Interventions targeting the development of these skills can improve inter professional collaboration and contribute to better patient outcomes. The impact of inter professional education programs on individual attitudes towards collaboration has been investigated (Khalili et al., 2019). Exposure to inter professional education increases understanding of different professional roles, improves communication skills, and positively influences attitudes towards collaboration. Incorporating inter professional education into healthcare curricula is crucial for fostering a collaborative mindset among future professionals.

Leadership is another essential aspect of inter professional collaboration in the ICU. Effective leadership involves creating a supportive environment, facilitating communication, and promoting a shared vision among team members (Smith & Johnson, 2020). Strong leadership fosters trust, encourages collaboration, and improves team performance, ultimately benefiting patient care. Contextual factors such as workplace support systems and leadership styles influence individual engagement in Inter-professional collaboration. Supportive systems such as team-based training, mentor ship programs, and regular debriefing sessions enhance collaboration among healthcare professionals (Lingard et al., 2019). Personal attributes, including motivation and attitudes, also influence individual engagement in inter professional collaboration (Bouchard et al., 2018). Commitment to patient-centered care acts as a facilitator, while negative attitudes towards other professional groups and a lack of trust act as barriers. Interventions targeting these personal attributes can enhance collaboration.

In conclusion, at the Individual Level, healthcare professionals' perceptions and attitudes towards inter professional collaboration significantly impact collaborative practice. Individual-level research in inter professional collaboration within the ICU highlights the significance of attitudes, communication, shared mental models, role clarity, and leadership. By recognizing and implementing strategies to enhance these factors, healthcare professionals can cultivate a collaborative culture in the ICU, leading to improved teamwork, patient outcomes, and overall healthcare delivery (Brown et al., 2021). Factors such as knowledge, skills, role clarity, workplace culture, communication competencies, inter professional education, contextual support systems, and personal attributes play essential roles in fostering or hindering collaboration among healthcare professionals in the ICU.

Small Healthcare Team Level:

At the small healthcare team level, the dynamics within inter professional teams in the Hospital ICU are crucial for understanding and promoting effective inter professional collaboration. Research and publications have extensively examined various aspects of small team dynamics and their influence on collaborative practice in the ICU.

One significant aspect of small team dynamics is team cohesion, which refers to the sense of unity, trust, and shared goals among team members. Studies have explored the impact of team cohesion on collaborative teamwork in the ICU, and the findings have consistently highlighted its positive influence (Weaver et al., 2019). Higher levels of team cohesion are associated with improved communication, information sharing, and coordination among healthcare professionals, ultimately leading to enhanced collaborative practice. When team members feel connected and share a common purpose, they are more likely to engage in effective collaboration, which benefits both patient care and team performance.

In addition to team cohesion, job satisfaction and job expectancy have also been found to significantly impact inter professional collaboration within small healthcare teams. Research has demonstrated that team members who experience high job satisfaction and have a positive perception of their job expectancy are more inclined to engage in effective collaboration (Makary et al., 2019). Factors contributing to job satisfaction in the context of inter professional collaboration include supportive team environments, opportunities for professional growth, and recognition of contributions. Understanding and addressing these factors can inform strategies to foster a positive work environment and enhance inter professional collaboration within small healthcare teams.

Effective communication is another critical aspect of small team dynamics that strongly influences inter professional collaboration practice. Research has extensively examined the role of various communication strategies in facilitating collaborative teamwork within healthcare teams, including shared decision-making, open communication channels, and standardized communication protocols (Stewart et al., 2017). These strategies help to improve information exchange, enhance understanding among team members, and promote effective collaboration. By identifying communication barriers and implementing interventions to improve communication effectiveness, healthcare teams can create a culture of open and transparent communication, which in turn strengthens inter professional collaboration and ultimately improves patient outcomes.

Moreover, the presence of a supportive small group system is crucial for fostering inter professional collaboration within the ICU. Research has explored the impact of various supportive systems, such as team-based training, mentor ship programs, and regular debriefing sessions, on teamwork and collaboration (Schmutz et al., 2019). These systems provide opportunities for healthcare professionals to reflect on their collaborative practice, address challenges, and enhance teamwork skills. Regular debriefing sessions, for example, enable team members to review their performance, identify areas for improvement, and learn from past experiences. By creating a supportive small group system, healthcare teams can foster a culture of continuous learning, trust, and collaboration among team members, which contributes to the overall effectiveness of inter professional collaboration.

Furthermore, the composition and diversity of small healthcare teams play a crucial role in inter professional collaboration practice. Research has investigated the influence of team composition on collaborative teamwork, examining factors such as professional diversity, inter professional roles, and interdependence (Martin et al., 2018). Findings suggest that diverse teams with members from various professional backgrounds bring unique perspectives, knowledge, and skills to the collaborative process, enhancing problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Understanding how team composition impacts collaboration can inform strategies for optimizing team structure and promoting inclusive and equitable inter professional practice in the ICU.

In summary, at the small healthcare team level, inter professional collaboration research in the ICU focuses on understanding the dynamics within inter professional teams. Team cohesion, job satisfaction, communication effectiveness, supportive small group systems, and team composition are key factors that influence collaborative practice at this level. By addressing these aspects, healthcare teams can strengthen their collaborative capabilities, foster a positive work environment, and provide high-quality, patient-centered care. Understanding and leveraging the dynamics within small healthcare teams are essential for promoting effective inter professional collaboration in the ICU and ultimately improving patient outcomes.

To further enhance inter professional collaboration at the small healthcare team level, it is essential to consider strategies for addressing potential challenges and fostering a collaborative culture. One approach is to implement inter professional education (IPE) initiatives within the ICU setting. IPE involves bringing together healthcare professionals from different disciplines to learn and work collaboratively, fostering mutual understanding and respect (Gilbert et al., 2020). By providing opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and promoting inter professional relationships, IPE can help break down professional silos and create a shared understanding of each team member's roles and contributions, leading to improved collaboration.

Another important aspect to consider is leadership within small healthcare teams. Effective leadership plays a critical role in promoting inter professional collaboration by setting a clear vision, establishing team goals, and fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. Leadership behaviors that support collaboration include promoting open communication, encouraging participation and shared decision-making, and recognizing and valuing the contributions of all team members (Weller et al., 2021). Developing leadership skills among healthcare professionals and empowering leaders within small healthcare teams can positively influence collaborative practice and create a culture that values and prioritizes inter professional collaboration.

Furthermore, the use of technology and information systems can facilitate inter professional collaboration within the ICU. Electronic health records (EHRs), for example, provide a platform for healthcare professionals from different disciplines to access and share patient information, facilitating communication and coordination of care (Jones et al., 2018). Telemedicine and telehealth technologies can also support inter professional collaboration by enabling remote consultations and interdisciplinary team meetings, especially in situations where physical presence may be challenging (Schwarz et al., 2020). Leveraging technology effectively can bridge geographical barriers, enhance communication efficiency, and promote collaboration among healthcare professionals.

It is worth noting that promoting inter professional collaboration at the small healthcare team level requires a supportive organizational culture. The culture of an organization shapes the norms, values, and attitudes that influence how healthcare professionals interact and collaborate. Organizational factors such as shared goals, clear communication channels, teamwork-oriented policies, and supportive leadership contribute to fostering a collaborative culture (D'Amour et al., 2018). Creating an environment that values inter professional collaboration and provides the necessary resources and support for teams to work together effectively is essential for sustainable collaborative practice in the ICU.

In conclusion, the small healthcare team level of inter professional collaboration practice in the ICU focuses on understanding and optimizing the dynamics within inter professional teams. Team cohesion, job satisfaction, communication effectiveness, supportive small group systems, team composition, inter professional education, leadership, technological support, and organizational culture are critical factors that influence collaborative practice at this level. By addressing these factors and implementing strategies to foster collaboration, healthcare teams can enhance teamwork, improve patient care outcomes, and create a culture of inter professional collaboration in the ICU. Continuous research, evaluation, and refinement of these practices will contribute to ongoing advancements in inter professional collaboration and ultimately benefit both healthcare professionals and patients.

Institutional Level

At the institutional level, the discussion revolves around understanding the dynamics within the ICU as an organizational entity and how healthcare institutions play a pivotal role in fostering inter professional collaboration. Research and publications have extensively examined various aspects of the institutional level that significantly influence collaborative practice in the Hospital ICU.

One key area of investigation is the role of hospital management in promoting and regulating inter professional collaboration within the ICU. Numerous studies have delved into the impact of leadership styles, management strategies, and organizational structures on collaborative practice (Hofstede et al., 2020). Effective leadership is essential in creating a culture that supports collaboration and encourages interdisciplinary teamwork. Hospital administrators and managers play a crucial role in establishing a collaborative environment by implementing strategies such as shared decision-making, fostering open communication channels, and promoting a culture of mutual respect and trust.

In addition, research has examined the development and implementation of inter professional practice guidelines and protocols in healthcare institutions. These guidelines serve as frameworks that outline the expectations and standards for inter professional collaboration within the ICU. Through empirical studies, the impact of such guidelines on communication, teamwork, and patient outcomes has been assessed (McCoy et al., 2018). These guidelines provide healthcare professionals with a common framework and language to guide their collaborative efforts, ensuring that they work together seamlessly to provide optimal patient care. They address areas such as communication protocols, role clarity, conflict resolution strategies, and ethical considerations.

Furthermore, incentive programs and performance management systems have been explored as mechanisms to enhance inter professional collaboration in the ICU. Extensive research has investigated the impact of incentives, such as recognition programs, rewards, and career advancement opportunities, on promoting collaborative behaviors among healthcare professionals (Mitchell et al., 2019). These incentives can serve as motivators for healthcare professionals to actively engage in inter professional collaboration, as they feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. Performance management systems that incorporate inter professional collaboration as a key performance indicator can also encourage teamwork and collaboration among healthcare professionals.

Moreover, studies have examined the impact of organizational culture on inter professional collaboration within the ICU. Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms that shape behavior within the institution. Extensive research has shown that a culture emphasizing teamwork, communication, and mutual respect among healthcare professionals fosters an environment conducive to collaborative practice (Zhang et al., 2020). It is important for healthcare institutions to establish a culture that values and promotes collaboration at all levels, from frontline staff to leadership. This can be achieved through initiatives such as team-building activities, interdisciplinary training programs, and promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Additionally, healthcare institutions have explored the use of technology and information systems to support inter professional collaboration in the ICU. Research has focused on the implementation of electronic health records, communication platforms, and decision support systems that facilitate information sharing and communication among healthcare professionals (Kazmi et al., 2020). These technological advancements have the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of collaborative practice in the ICU setting. For example, electronic health records enable healthcare professionals from different disciplines to access and contribute to patient information in real-time, promoting seamless collaboration and continuity of care. Communication platforms and telehealth technologies allow for instant communication and virtual consultations, bridging the gap between healthcare professionals in different locations and facilitating collaborative decision-making.

In summary, the institutional level of inter professional collaboration practice in the Hospital ICU encompasses the role of hospital management, the development of inter professional guidelines, incentive programs, organizational culture, and the utilization of technology. By addressing these institutional factors, healthcare institutions can create an environment that supports and enhances inter professional collaboration, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and quality of care. Ongoing research, evaluation, and continuous improvement of these institutional factors are crucial to ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of inter professional collaboration in the ICU.

To maintain the success of inter professional collaboration at the institutional level, ongoing research, evaluation, and continuous improvement efforts are essential. It is important for healthcare institutions to monitor and assess the impact of their collaborative initiatives and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and evidence-based practices. This may involve conducting regular evaluations of inter professional teamwork, communication, and patient outcomes to identify areas of strength and areas that require improvement.

Collaboration among researchers, clinicians, and administrators is crucial in driving evidence-based practice and continuous quality improvement in inter professional collaboration. Interdisciplinary research teams can conduct studies to evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative interventions, identify best practices, and contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this field. Findings from research studies can inform policy development and guide the implementation of strategies that enhance inter professional collaboration at the institutional level.

Furthermore, inter professional education and training programs play a vital role in preparing healthcare professionals for collaborative practice in the ICU. These programs should be integrated into the curriculum of healthcare education institutions to ensure that future professionals are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to engage in effective inter professional collaboration. Healthcare institutions can also provide ongoing professional development opportunities for current healthcare professionals to enhance their collaborative competencies and keep up with evolving healthcare practices.

Collaborative partnerships with external stakeholders, such as professional associations, regulatory bodies, and policymakers, are also important for promoting and sustaining inter professional collaboration in the ICU. These partnerships can facilitate the development and dissemination of guidelines, standards, and policies that support inter professional collaboration. Collaborative efforts between healthcare institutions and external stakeholders can contribute to creating an enabling environment for collaboration, removing barriers, and promoting a culture that values inter professional teamwork.

In conclusion, at the institutional level, inter professional collaboration in the Hospital ICU involves the role of hospital management, the development of guidelines and protocols, incentive programs, organizational culture, and the utilization of technology. By addressing these institutional factors and fostering a collaborative environment, healthcare institutions can enhance inter professional collaboration, leading to improved patient outcomes, enhanced teamwork, and a higher quality of care. Continuous research, evaluation, professional development, and collaborative partnerships are essential for sustaining and advancing inter professional collaboration in the ICU.



In summary, the review underscores the crucial significance and multifaceted nature of interprofessional collaboration in the Hospital ICU. Healthcare professionals' attitudes, skills, and team dynamics are pivotal at various levels, from individual to institutional, in fostering effective collaboration. Nevertheless, significant gaps in understanding remain, necessitating future research to explore its impact on patient outcomes, healthcare efficiency, and professional well-being. Specific contexts, intervention effectiveness, and technological influences should be considered, with a focus on patient and family perspectives to enhance patient-centered care. Ultimately, research in this area aims to bridge knowledge gaps and promote the integration of interprofessional collaboration into routine ICU practices for improved healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.













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Copyright holder:

Indri Permanasari, Puput Oktamianti (2022)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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