How to cite:
Puput Asri Ramadhani, Prih febtiningsih, Siti Niah (2022) The Development Of English Learning Media
Through Powtoon To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension At Xi Grade Of Smk Negeri 1 Dayun,
(7) 9
Published by:
Ridwan Institute
Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia pISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398
September 2022
Puput Asri Ramadhani, Prih Febtiningsih, Siti Niah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Reading comprehension is the interaction between readers and the text in order
to form a meaning from the text, which is a complex process that involves word
knowledge and world knowledge. In addition, reading comprehension is one of
the most important reading skills and is required to achieve the overall goals of
the reading process. In reading comprehension, the readers’ involves much
more than responses to text. Hence, reading comprehension is a complex mental
process. stated reading necessitates a connection between learning activities,
the learner's experience, and the learner's prior knowledge in order to form the
meaning of a text. Reading comprehension is not an innate ability, nor is it an
easily facilitated skill that ends when the reader can recognize and say the
written symbols. Indeed, it is a complex process that requires mental abilities
and potentials, practice and drill, and the application of various thinking,
explanation, analysis, critique, and contrasting skills. People can gain a lot of
information and knowledge by reading in this globalization era. Reading
comprehension seems to be a skill that everyone should develop. Reading
comprehension requires three elements to exist: the reader, the text, and the
purposeful activity of reading. Furthermore, the process necessitates ongoing
practice, development, and refinement, as well as creativity and critical
Keywords: Development, English Learning Media, Powtoon, Student, Reading
The Development Of English Learning Media Through Powtoon To Improve Students
Reading Comprehension At Xi Grade Of Smk Negeri 1 Dayun
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Reading comprehension is not only read the text but also know the meaning of
the text (Mogea, 2019). According to (Michael, Ejeng, Udit, & Yunus, 2019) reading
comprehension is the level of text comprehension that focuses on the recognition of
words, which then gives rise to meaning; understanding is the ability to fully interpret
the texts. The importance of reading as a language skill should never be underestimated.
It is one of the most important ways to obtain information, particularly for educational
purposes (Al-Jarrah & Ismail, 2018). According to (Saraswati, 2021) students are
expected to master reading by achieving the competency standard and basic competency
which are established based on the curriculum 2013. Furthermore, students should
master in reading because there are many enhanced books written in English (Andrés,
2020). On the other statement by Tang et al. (2019) that Reading comprehension is
more than just reading aloud; it is reading that is established to understand the meaning
of words, sentences, and paragraphs as they are.
If a student basically reads aloud but does not understand the content of the text,
the student is failing to comprehend the passage (Tang, Asrifan, Chen, Haedar, &
Agussalim, 2019). Finding the technique or method to solve the problem is critical for
the teacher (Yenice, 2011).
In reading, most of students will encounter some unfamiliar words while reading
(Nation & Coady, 2014). This means that reading comprehension is not easy to do. This
is mentioned by (Rahayuningsih, 2020) that in fact, there are still a lot of students who
struggle with reading comprehension. (Satriani, 2018) also argue that students may get
difficulties in reading comprehension. According to (Nurjanah, 2018) (Shofi & Jannah,
2022) in reading, students commonly have problems due to a lack of vocabulary.
Students are struggle with many issues when it comes to understanding the text, such as
vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, grammatical problems, and poor
reading strategies, all of which are critical to reducing the difficulty (Wyatt, Midraj,
Ayish, Bradley, & Balfaqeeh, 2021). Students are struggle to determine the main idea
and locate specific information in the texts (Englert & Mariage, 2020). Hence, students
may have difficulty understanding reading text due to incorrect word identification and
recognition (Roembke, Hazeltine, Reed, & McMurray, 2019). Moreover, another factor
of students’ reading problems is that students have less motivation in reading. One of
the problems in reading is caused by a lack of motivation and ability to read. According
to (Dedi, 2018) motivation is a type of internal drive that pushes someone to do
activities like reading in order to achieve learning objectives. The reason why students
are less motivated is because they are feel bored with the teachers' traditional approach,
which makes them less motivated to learn to read (Rizqon, 2021). Furthermore, the use
of less innovative learning media is also a cause of reading problems. As stated by
(Widyahening, 2018) the use of learning media that is less innovative makes students
feel bored. However, it is still necessary for students to master in reading
comprehension (Dhillon, Herman, & Syafryadin, 2020).
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Based on the observations conducted on January 17th, 2023, in the XI Technical
Light Machine (TKRO) class at SMK Negeri 1 Dayun, it was found that the school
implements the Curriculum 2013. The primary learning media used by the teacher were
monotonous such as; whiteboards and textbooks (Aisyah & Haryudin, 2020). To engage
the students before the lesson, the teacher make a guessing game as a brain refreshment
activity. After doing that, the teacher proceeded to explain the material on the
whiteboard. Throughout the lesson, they are several students were not attention to the
teacher's explanations. Some students were playing with their cellphones, while others
are making fun with their friends.
Moreover, the teacher said that students had lack of motivation to study English,
which subsequently affected their level of focus during lessons (Lei & Medwell, 2021).
However, the teacher said that students particularly enjoy engaging with videos, games,
and quizzes as part of their learning activity. The teacher had previously experimented
with the media and witnessed positive student engagement. Furthermore, the teacher
expressed difficulty in consistently innovating and incorporating various learning media
into the lessons because the teacher is busy on her schedule of the other activity beside
as a teacher. As a result, the teacher using a general teaching approach in learning
activity. After doing the interview with the teacher, the researcher interview 11 out of
the 16 students of XII TKRO. The students said English is difficult. Students also
mentioned that reading and writing as particularly difficult due to lack of vocabulary
and lack of motivation in learning. Furthermore, students said that reading is a boring
Referring to problems above, it is necessary for the teachers to think about what
learning methods they will use to improve their students reading comprehension.
English teachers are expected to develop an appropriate learning strategy to improve
reading comprehension (Haerazi, Prayati, & Vikasari, 2019).Hence, the teachers can
boost their students’ learning motivation by developing some learning methods (Lin &
Tsai, 2021). (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019) stated that learning activities will run smoothly
when students have the motivation to learn. The use of learning methods can not stand
alone because the media is also required as a tool to convey materials for the students.
According to Mellisa et al. (2023) the use of learning media can improve the
effectiveness of the learning process. Reading comprehension can be improved using
technology, and in fact, there are many sources of media that can be applied by teachers
in teaching reading (Napratilora, Lisa, & Bangsawan, 2020)
In addition to learning media, the use of media as a learning methods is not a
new thing in this era of globalization as it is today (Rahmatullah & Ghufron, 2021).
Teachers can use media to process, capture, and convey information from a student to
another so that students can easily understand the message (Laksana, 2017) Sukardi et
al., 2020). According to (Lestari, Suranata, & Bayu, 2022) learning process will become
more interesting and less monotonous by using learning media; students can also be
directly involved in using the media, making students more active and the classroom
atmosphere more enjoyable. Basically, the use of the media in the process of teaching
The Development Of English Learning Media Through Powtoon To Improve Students
Reading Comprehension At Xi Grade Of Smk Negeri 1 Dayun
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and learning English will attract students’ motivation and attention (Sinaga &
Oktaviani, 2020). (Erya & Pustika, 2021) also expressed that the students are interested
in something digital, online, and unique.
Referring to the background previously described, the researcher is interested to
develop English learning media to make new innovation of learning media and
hopefully can improve students reading comprehension. In this development, the
researcher will focus on analytical exposition text material, in accordance with the
syllabus. Also the researcher will provide animation video to improve students’ reading
comprehension through Powtoon. One of audio-visual media that recently and more
often used as learning media is Powtoon animation video (Deliviana, 2017). Powtoon
application is one type of technology media that can be used to make new innovation of
English learning media. As mentioned by (Ridha Yoni Astika, Anggoro, & Andriani,
2019) Powtoon has advantages in terms of animation features, there are handwritten
animations, cartoons, transition effects, and the ease of use of the timeline. In line with
that statement, a similar study has been done by Ningsih (2021) she used the Powtoon
application to teach recount text. The results demonstrated that using Powtoon in the
classroom can create an improved atmosphere, increase student motivation and
independence, and increase teacher creativity. (Pada, 2021) conducted a study which
used an experimental design in determining the impact of using Powtoon to the students'
motivation. According to the study findings, using Powtoon has a necessary impact on
increasing student motivation.
Based on explanation and the results of obeservation above, the researcher is
interested conduct the research entitled "The Development of English Learning Media
Through Powtoon To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension At XI Grade of SMK
Negeri 1 Dayun”.
Research Methodology
This research conducted by R&D (research and development) method.
According to (Sandiyanti, 2018) Research and Development is a research method that
produces products and tests the effectiveness of these products. Research &
Development is research that begins with research and then continues with development
(Gusti Astika, 2020). This research is used to develop English learning media based on
powtoon as a teaching method of reading comprehension for class XI vocational high
school. The researcher will develop English learning media through Powtoon with audio
visual type namely animation video to improve reading comprehension.
In this development research, the researcher will use the ADDIE model as a
design that is considered appropriate to use in this research (Ab Latif & Nor, 2020). The
ADDIE model was developed by (Molenda, 2003). The ADDIE model is chosen
because it correlates with the problems underlying this research; there is curriculum
analysis, students and teacher problems analysis, and consideration of student
characteristics and existing conditions. Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluate are the five steps of the ADDIE model research (Cahyadi, 2019).
Puput Asri Ramadhani, Prih febtiningsih, Siti Niah
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Research Setting
The research is being conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Dayun, which is located on
Permai Sawit Village in Dayun District, Riau, Indonesia. This research will conducted
on Agustus 2023 in first semester of academic year 2023/2024.
Research Subject
The population for this research to develop English learning media is XI grade
students at SMK Negeri 1 Dayun. There are 5 classes of eleventh grade students at
SMK Negeri 1 Dayun, with each class consisting of 25 to 30 students. The sample
corresponds to the XI technical light vehicle class. The total number of students in the
sample for this research was 26, and there are only male students in this class.
Therefore, the selection of the XI technical light vehicle class as the sample for
this research was based on several considerations. The observation results indicated that
this particular class faced challenges in their learning activities due to a lack of
innovative learning media. Recognizing this issue, it became crucial to target this
specific class in order to address and explore potential solutions for improving their
learning experience.
Research and Development Procedure
The procedure for development learning media with ADDIE model are:
The first steps in ADDIE model is analyze. In this step, the researcher will do
observation and interviews to know students problems, needs and how the learning
activities in the classroom. This is conducted to determine what the students need to
improve their reading comprehension. Furthermore, the results of those analyses can
help the researcher find the most suitable learning media for the students.
For the second step, the researcher starts to design the learning media after
analyses the students problems and condition in the classroom (Fahreza, Sumilat,
Anggraheni, Wayansari, & Leonard, 2022). The design step consist of media designed
in the form of animated video or known as audio visual media. The researcher uses a
syllabus as a guide for learning material to design a learning media. The design of
learning media will consist of analytical exposition material and the duration of the
animated video will be 7-10 minutes. The video animation learning media also comes
with several creation of interesting filters and sound using the Powtoon.
At this point, the design of learning media must be revised and validated by the
experts. The data gathered by experts through the use of validation instruments will be
analyzed to determine whether the media are good and appropriate for the students. As a
result, the product will be revised once more. This revision will not be completed until
the product has been approved by the experts. The team of experts consists of two
experts; one material expert and one media expert.
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Product trials are conducted during the implementation stage. It means that the
product has been approved for the students.
This represents the end of the steps. Post test will be taken at this step to
recognize the effectiveness of development products and research. The results of the
evaluation are used to provide feedback to the user model/ method.
Data Collection Method
In this research, the following types of data collection methods were used in this
a. Observation.
Observation was assist in monitoring the learning process in the classroom. The
goal of observation is to find out how the process of learning activities, find out the
learning method, and the learning media that used.
b. Interview.
The interview was conducted with a teacher who teaches English lessons and the
students of XI TKRO. The interview was to know what the students problems and
needs, as well as what the teacher's problem in the process of learning activity.
c. Questionnaire.
Questionnaire are using to measure the media and material are valid to be use for
this research. The questionnaire will be given to the material expert and media
d. Reading Comprehension Test (Pre-test and Post test)
The students were assessed by the pretest scores, which will be compared to post
test score and determine there are any improvements in their reading
There are four instruments that are used in this research:
1. Media Expert Validation Instrument,
2. Material Expert Validation Instrument,
3. Reading Comprehension Test,
4. Documentation.
Data Collection Procedure
1. Pre-test.
The pre-test was carried out before the research began to see the differences
obtained after the learning media had been developed.
2. Post test.
The post test is carried out after the media developed is suitable for use. The results
of the post test will be compared with the pre test to see whether the developed
media is successful in improving students' reading comprehension
Data Analysis Technique
To develop the English learning media, the data is collect by using a interview,
questionnaire and reading comprehension text.
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1. Observation
The primary objective of observation is to ascertain the dynamics of learning
activities, identify the teaching methodologies employed, and explore the learning
resources utilized.
2. Interview
The interview aimed to understand the challenges and requirements of the students,
along with identifying the issues encountered by the teacher during the learning
3. Questionaire
The questionaire analysis technique was used descriptively, with data obtained
from a questionaire by a media expert and a material expert in the form of
qualitative data that would be converted into quantitative data or likert scale. The
results of this questionaire data will be obtained from a Likert Scale assessment
question, whereas qualitative data will be obtained from an assessment based on the
validators' criticism and suggestions.
Result And Discussion
This study aims to produce interactive learning media products using Powtoon
media with the aim of increasing students' reading comprehension (Kafah, Nulhakim, &
Pamungkas, 2020). This media can be used on smartphones or tablet devices. Thus, this
research includes development research (Development and Research).
This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Dayum permai Villager, Siak and
16 students were selected to use media Powtoon. In this study, a pre-test and post-test in
the form of a reading comprehension test was done to determine the level of students'
reading comprehension.
Media Validation and Material Validation data.
a. Media Validation Result
Validation by media experts aims to determine the suitability of the media being
developed. This validation was carried out by one of the media expert validators. This
test was carried out using a Likert scale with a score of 4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2 =
Fair, and 1 = Not Good.
The Development Of English Learning Media Through Powtoon To Improve Students
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Table 1
Result Media of Validation Step I
Ketepatan penggunaan jenis huruf
Ketepatan penggunaan ukuran huruf
Kesesuaian warna huruf dan background
Keterbacaan tulisan
Kejelasan materi dalam video
Ketepatan pemilihan background
Penggunaan animasi video
Penggunaan icon animasi
Kesesuaian tata letak Teks
Kemudahan mengakses media
Kemampuan media untuk menambah pengetahuan siswa
Kemampuan media untuk mendorong siswa dalam belajar sendiri
Based on table 1 above, it can be seen that the results of stage 1 validation by
media experts obtained a percentage of the eligibility component of 93,75% with "very
good" criteria. From stage 1 media analysis data, the overall feasibility of the
assessment in the form of a quality percentage with the following results:
P = 45 X 100% = 93,75
According to media experts, this Android-based interactive learning media is
included in the "good and requires revision" category. In this case, the researcher needs
a slight revision according to the advice of media experts, as follows:
Table 2
Consistency of sound power
needs to be considered
The example need to be
The tips section doesn't match
between the writing and the
Puput Asri Ramadhani, Prih febtiningsih, Siti Niah
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Table 3
Result Media of Validation Step II
Ketepatan penggunaan jenis huruf
Ketepatan penggunaan ukuran huruf
Kesesuaian warna huruf dan background
Keterbacaan tulisan
Kejelasan materi dalam video
Ketepatan pemilihan background
Penggunaan animasi video
Penggunaan icon animasi
Kesesuaian tata letak Teks
Kemudahan mengakses media
Kemampuan media untuk menambah pengetahuan siswa
Kemampuan media untuk mendorong siswa dalam belajar sendiri
Based on the objectives of this development research, it can be seen that the
development of learning through powtoon media to improve reading comprehension of
students of XI SMK 1 Negeri Dayum was carried out using the ADDIE development
model, which consists of several stages, namely analysis, design, development
(development), implementation (implementation), and evaluation (evaluation).
Researchers carry out activities including needs analysis. The first stage in the
process is analyzing the problems and needs of students by making observations. Based
on the results of observations, it is known that students have difficulty writing answers
to questions given by educators because they are confused about how to write sentences
from these answers..
Based on the results and discussion on learning media through powtoon
research, the following results are obtained:
Learning media through powtoon media can help make learning fun for students.
Learning media through powtoon learning media is declared suitable for use in learning
based on the results of material expert validation with a percentage value of 93.18% and
media expert validation of 95.83%.
Media learning through powtoon received effective criteria in the effectiveness test
conducted by class X1 students of SMK Negeri 1 Dayum. By carrying out pretests and
The Development Of English Learning Media Through Powtoon To Improve Students
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In order for there to be an increase in the development of this Android-based
interactive learning medium, the authors suggest related parties, including the
For students, they can use learning media through Powtoon as a means of independent
For teachers, it is hoped that they can find ways to make lessons interesting by using
learning media that pay attention to and interest in student learning so that student
learning outcomes can increase.
For future researchers, it is suggested that this learning medium through powtoon be
further developed so that it can be used as a means for learning Siwa's reading
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Copyright holder:
Puput Asri Ramadhani, Prih febtiningsih, M. Pd, Siti Niah, M.pd
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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
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