Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 09, September 2022�������������������




Diraja Zamach Syarif1*, Nora Fitria2, Cut Faizah3, Faudi4

1,2,3,4English Education Departemen, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Email: 1*[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected], 4[email protected]



Mastery of English as a foreign language (EFL) is an important skill in today's globalized world. One important aspect of language acquisition is good writing skills. However, students learning English as a foreign language often need help developing cohesion and coherence in writing. This study aims to examine whether a simple view of writing can improve EFL students' cohesion and coherence. This study utilized a quantitative method. Data were collected using two instruments: cohesion and coherence tests and student response questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and regression tests. The results showed that a simple view of writing can improve EFL students' cohesion and coherence. Students who used a simple view of writing learning had higher cohesion and coherence scores than students who did not use a simple view of writing learning. English teachers can use this technique to help students write more coherence and cohesive texts.


Keywords: EFL, simple view writing, cohesion, coherence



In the era of globalization, characterized by fierce competition, especially in the business world, skills are increasingly becoming a major requirement for mastery of the English language. English has become a global lingua franca used in various sectors, such as business, technology, science, and international communication (Munadzszofah, 2018). The ability to communicate fluently in English provides a competitive advantage, allows wider access to information and opportunities, and opens the door to collaborating with various parties worldwide. Therefore, in the face of globalization, mastering English as a foreign language (EFL) is no longer an option but an essential need. One important aspect of language acquisition is good writing skills.

EFL means "English as a Foreign Language", which means "English as a Foreign Language." It refers to a situation where a person learns or uses English outside of their environment where English is spoken as a primary or mother tongue. English is taught and learned as a second or foreign language, not as a country's mother tongue or official language. This is often the case in countries where English is not the primary language, and individuals learn English for international communication, education, business, or travel.

Writing skills in English are indeed one of the most challenging skills. In the writing process, students need to master various components such as vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and so on. Sometimes, the teaching materials provided at school are only sometimes in accordance with the environment and the needs of students. Therefore, English teachers must be creative in creating teaching materials relevant to the student's situation and learning context. The contextual learning approach (CTL) can be a suitable method for students because CTL focuses on students' real life to make learning more meaningful (Yulia, 2017). Thus, English teachers can integrate the teaching of vocabulary, grammar and writing skills in a context that is relevant to students' daily lives. This will help students to be more engaged in the English learning-writing process and improve their understanding of the material.

However, students studying English as a foreign language often need help developing cohesion and coherence in writing.Mulyana explained that cohesion is the bond or relationship between various texts parts reflected through language elements. The concept of cohesion focuses on form relationships, meaning that text elements such as words or sentences are interrelated and form a structured whole (Sanajaya et al., 2021). Meanwhile, Tarigan explains that coherence is the orderly organization of facts, ideas, and reality in a logical sequence. It aims to create a structured flow to make the message easier to understand (Murtafi'ah, 2022).

Previous research by (Berninger et al., 2022) showed that alternating instruction improved phonological decoding and transferred to spelling in composing. Composing and combined spelling plus composing were the most effective for persuasive essay writing. Only combined spelling plus writing improved both spelling and writing. The results of this study relate to a simplified view of writing that integrates diverse traditions of instructional theory and practice. Another study by (Graham & Eslami, 2020) showed that, independently, transcription accounted for 31.22%, vocabulary 24.83%, and spoken language 15.76% of the variation in writing. Further moderator analysis was conducted to understand better the factors contributing to variation between studies. These results suggest that the Simple View of Writing components can explain writing variation in L2 writing. In similar research by (Ahmed et al., 2022) the results showed generally moderate correlations among observed/latent variables and found support for relationships among writing-specific processes. Domain-general resources (executive functioning and motivation/self-efficacy) were related to spelling directly and indirectly with writing. Domain-specific processes (handwriting, spelling, planning, editing, and revision) were related to writing. The results of this study have implications for explicit instruction on the writing process and future research on empirical models.

This research's novelty is that the simple view of the writing approach has never been implemented in X school. A simple view of writing is a writing approach that emphasizes using sentences and language structures that are clear, easy to understand, and uncomplicated. In a simple view of writing, the complexity of language is reduced to ensure that the message or information conveyed can be accessed easily by readers without facing significant obstacles. The goal is to make the text or writing easier to read, coherent, and effectively convey the message to the reader.

The aim is to make the text or writing more readable, coherent, and effective in conveying the message to the reader. This approach is often used in English learning to help students improve their writing skills. Therefore, this study aims to improve EFL students' writing skills in cohesion and coherence through simple writing displays.


Research Methods

This research uses quantitative methods. Quantitative research, according to the definition given by (Sugiyono, 2019), is a research approach rooted in the view of positivism. This method is considered a scientific method because it adheres to concrete, empirical, objective, measurable, rational, and well-structured scientific rules. The quantitative approach aims to test a previously formulated hypothesis, which is then used in research on a certain population or sample that has been determined. Data is collected through research instruments, usually in numbers or quantitative data, and statistical methods carry out data analysis. Data were collected using two instruments: cohesion and coherence tests and student response questionnaires. The population in this study were high school grade X students. The data collection technique used purposive sampling with the inclusion criteria of students who had implemented EFL learning through a simple view of writing, so 30 respondents were obtained. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and regression tests.


Result and Discussion

Descriptive Test

Descriptive tests analyze data by summarizing, organizing, and describing basic data characteristics, such as mean, median, mode, and data distribution (Mishra et al., 2019).







Table 1

Descriptive Test


In table 1, the lowest value of simple, a simple view of writing is obtained with a minimum value of 23 and a maximum value of 30 with a mean of 28.133 and a standard deviation of 1.502. At the same time, the cohesion variable has a minimum value of 23 and a maximum value of 30, with a mean of 27.900 and a standard deviation of 1.729. At the same time, the coherence variable has a minimum value of 14 and a maximum value of 20, with a mean of 18.233 and a standard deviation of 1.774.

Validity Test

A validity test is used to evaluate the extent to which a measuring instrument or measurement instrument measures what it is intended to measure. The validity test measures the instrument's accuracy in measuring certain variables (S�r�c� & Maslakci, 2020).


Table 2

Validity Test

Based on the data in table 2, it can be seen that all instruments have a pearson correlation value greater than r Table = 0.361 (N = 30) and the Sig value. (2-tailed) correlation for all items .000 is smaller than 0.05 so it can be concluded that all statement items are declared valid, so the questionnaire is declared valid for use.

Reliability Test

Reliability test measures the extent to which an instrument or measuring instrument can produce consistent and reliable results if repeated use. Reliability measures the stability or accuracy of the instrument (S�r�c� & Maslakci, 2020).


Table 3

Reliability Test

Based on the reliability test in table 3, the Cronbach Alpha value is 0.803, which is greater than 0.600, so the questionnaire is declared to have good consistency and reliability for further research.

Regression Test

Regression tests are used to understand the relationship between two or more variables. Regression tests can help identify the effect of one variable on another and are used to make predictions (Lou et al., 2019).


Table 4

Regression Test Cohesion


Based on table 4, the regression test results obtained a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 which Simple Writing Display has a positive and significant effect on EFL Students' Cohesion.



Table 5

Regression Test Coherence


Based on table 5, the regression test results obtained a significance value of 0.002 < 0.05 which Simple Writing Display has a positive and significant effect on EFL Students' Coherence.



Simple Simple view of writing Affects EFL Students' Cohesion

The results show that a simple view of writing can improve EFL students' cohesion.The simple view of writing significantly affects EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students' cohesion. Cohesion, which refers to how the relationships between sentences and parts of a text make the text appear organized and closely related, is an important element in developing students' writing skills. Several important things happen when EFL students are taught to use simple writing. First, using clear, structured sentences helps students avoid complex and ambiguous sentences. This is very important because students often need help understanding and producing complex sentences in a foreign language. Secondly, the proper use of conjunctions allows students to link their ideas well, thus maintaining a consistent flow of thoughts in their writing. Thirdly, the wise use of repetition in simple writing helps students detail and reinforce their main ideas, improving cohesion in the text. In addition, simple writing promotes a clear understanding of text structure, including introduction, development of ideas, and conclusion. This helps students plan betterlan and structure their writing, which in turn has a positive impact on cohesion. Finally, using correct grammar in simple writing is important in avoiding errors that can undermine cohesion in students' texts. By teaching EFL students to write with simple displays, we help them develop better writing skills and produce more cohesive writing in English as a foreign language.

Simple view of writing Affects EFL Students' Coherence

The results show that a simple view of writing can improve EFL students' coherence. The simple view of writing significantly impacts the coherence of EFL students or students learning English as a foreign language. This is supported by the findings in this study, which show that using simpler and easier-to-understand language in learning materials can improve coherence in students' understanding. The results of this study indicate that when information is presented clearly, students tend to understand better the material being taught. This is a significant result in foreign language learning, where a strong understanding of text cohesion is essential. Therefore, emphasising a simple view of writing can be an effective strategy in improving EFL students' coherence ability in understanding and interpreting texts in English.

The simple view of writing techniques has proven effective in helping students improve their writing skills. English teachers can use this technique to guide students in writing more coherent and cohesive texts. By simplifying the sentences, structure, and presentation of material in the text, students find it easier to organize their thoughts and connect ideas logically. The results of this study suggest that this approach can be a valuable tool in improving student's writing ability in English, thus facilitating better understanding and communication.


The simple view of writing has been proven to be an effective method for improving cohesion and coherence in EFL students' writing. The results showed that students who took part in learning by using the simple view of writing technique had significantly higher cohesion and coherence scores than students who did not follow this method. Thus, this approach provides strong evidence that the simple view of writing can help students develop more coherent and cohesive writing skills in English. English teachers can utilize this technique as an effective tool to improve student's writing skills, which is an important skill in the acquisition of English as a foreign language.




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Copyright holder:

Diraja Zamach Syarif, Nora Fitria, Cut Faizah, Faudi (2022)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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