Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 7, No. 09, September 2022




I Gede Ria Mahendra1*, Azhari Aziz Samudra2, Evi Satispi3, Retnowati WD Tuti4

1*,2,3,4Program Studi Magister Ilmu Administrasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

E-mail: 1*[email protected]; 2[email protected];

3[email protected]; 4[email protected]


The process of harmonization and strengthening of the draft bill is the most crucial stage in the formation of legislation. The 2019 Corona Virus Disease pandemic in Indonesia caused a socio-economic crisis. Among the challenges is the delay in the Legislative Body's big agenda in drafting laws. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. The theory used is the Balanced Scorecard Organizational Performance, with 4 perspectives: Finance, Customer, Internal Business, Learning and Growth. The results of the study describe that the performance of the Legislative Body is related to the Financial Perspective, experiencing refocusing and budget reallocation to overcome the Corona Virus-2019. From the customer perspective, in absorbing the aspirations of the community, the legislative body can only conduct public hearings, seminars, and work visits with using virtual under the rules of the DPR RI. From an Internal Business perspective, the implementation is still not optimal, because it is constrained by the Legislation Board meeting schedule with the commission meeting schedule, and attending meetings online. Furthermore, in the Learning and Growth Perspective, the leadership in the Legislative Institution is quite optimal, seen from the commitment and presence of the leadership of the Legislative Institution in carrying out their duties. The absence of laws that have been ratified, is mostly due to the political process in the formation of laws that cannot be measured quantitatively.

Keywords: Performance, Legislative Body, Balance Scorecard, Covid-19



The importance of the law in Indonesia because it provides extraordinary benefits for human civilization, including guaranteeing human rights, realizing the welfare and prosperity of society, and providing protection to all citizens, the state becomes under control, the supremacy of justice can run, maintaining the norms prevailing in society, and Indonesian society can unite in harmony even though framed in differences. Indonesia is a country of law under the 1945 Constitution in Article 1 paragraph (3) which states that "the State of Indonesia is a country of law" (Patrialis Akbar, 2010), so with these provisions, it will not be separated from laws and regulations, the existence of a legislative institution in Indonesia, namely the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) which has three functions, namely the legislative function, the budget function, supervisory function. WHO has designated COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) or also known as a public health emergency that is troubling the world (Putra, ZA, & Bimo, 2020). The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia caused a socio-economic crisis whose impact was felt by all levels of society. One of the challenges that are not light in the midst of efforts to deal with the spread of COVID-19 is the big agenda of the Legislature (Legislative Body�s) in drafting the Law.

However, there are still problems in completing the process of harmonizing, rounding, and strengthening the conception of the bill that is not under the targeted time, because there is no meeting point between the proposer of the bill and the Legislative Body and also the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The smoothness of the harmonizing process in the Covid-19 pandemic situation is very important because it will affect the set time targets and discussions at the next stage. This certainly has an impact on the level of public confidence in the performance of the legislative body because the achievement of the legislative results is one of the community's assessments of the success of the House of Representatives as a whole which has played a role in the achievement of the National Legislation Program. Based on the description above, it is felt necessary to conduct research on the Performance Analysis of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020 � 2021.

Based on the problems that have been formulated, the Formulation of the Problem of this study is how is the Description of the Performance of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021? What are the Supporting Factors and Obstacles to the Performance of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021? How is the Achievement of the Performance of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021 in the Analysis with balanced scorecard performance theory? The purpose of this study is to Analyze the Performance Picture of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021, Analyze supporting factors and obstacles to the performance of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021, Analyzing the Performance Achievements of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021 in an Analysis with Balanced Scorecard Performance Theory. The Urgency of Research: theoretically: The research results are the application of the Balanced Scorecard Organizational Performance Theory (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). In practical terms: The results of this study can provide input to the Secretariat of the Legislative Body of the DPR RI.


Research Methods

This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach to analysis. This research was conducted at the Legislative Body�s of the DPR RI by taking research time from November 2021 to February 2022.

The observations made in this study are passive participation observations by observing, and recording various events that are considered research data. Observation is carried out by observing the process of preparing the National Legislation Program, Priority National Legislation Program, harmonizing, rounding, and strengthening the conception of the Draft Law in the Covid-19 pandemic situation.

Interviews were conducted in-depth interviews which were conducted to explore deeper information in the Covid-19 pandemic situation on the preparation of the National Legislation Program and the Priority National Legislation Program, harmonizing, rounding, and strengthening the conception of the Draft Law, supporting factors, and inhibiting the Performance of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020 � 2021.


Concept and Theory

In this study, performance theory was chosen using the Balanced Scorecard Organizational Performance Theory (Kaplan & Norton, 1996) in Indomedia Pustaka (2020: 51) with 4 perspectives: Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Business Perspective, and Learning and Growth Perspective, namely:

1.      Financial Perspective

������� The financial perspective is one of the things that require adjustments to the public sector. This is because the goal of government institutions as the public sector is not the maximum financial results but the balance of budget accountability through services to interested parties (Garperzs, 2005). The financial perspective on the public sector looks at how effective and efficient financial management is carried out to achieve a clear impact by paying attention to existing resources following community expectations (Noven, 2003). This perspective has an important role in financing public sector activities, in government institutions financial performance in one period will determine the planning and budget in the following year period. Related to organizational performance in the Legislative Body�s of House of Representatives (called, Legislative Body�s of the DPR RI), the measurement of its financial perspective concerns how the budget from the center can be managed properly by the Legislative Body�s DPR RI in the preparation or harmonization of the bill.

2.      Customer Perspective

This perspective is used to see how the value of the organization is in the eyes of the community and see the community's assessment of the services that have been provided. In the public sector, what must be considered in the public interest and satisfaction it serves so that it can build an effective performance measure (Niven, 2002). Gasperz (2005) mentioned that the main focus of this perspective is society and certain groups (interest groups).


3.      Internal Business Perspective

In general Kaplan and Norton (1996:96) divide three principles of business processes, namely:

a.       The innovation process is the process of researching products/services that are by customer wishes. This process encourages organizations to carry out research, design, and development processes to produce new products/services. In terms of the preparation of a bill in the Legislative Body�s DPR-RI, the preparation or harmonization of the bill should be following the needs of conditions in the community.

b.      The production process is the process of creating, and marketing until customers use the product/service. In this process, it is more encouraged to produce superior products/services. If related to the process of drafting the bill, the Legislative Body�s of the DPR RI creates laws and socializes law products to the public.

c.       The after-sales service process is to start the customer buying and using our product/service, for example handling and guiding the use of the product/service correctly until the customer is satisfied, giving and handling every complaint patiently. Encourage organizations to stay in touch with customers and provide services once the product is in the hands of the customer. The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia continues to carry out its supervisory function in terms of the implementation of the laws that have been prepared.


4.      Learning and Growth Perspective

This perspective focuses on human abilities. Key benchmarks for assessing manager performance are employee satisfaction, employee retention, and employee productivity. Organizations are encouraged to prepare possible resources to achieve the best results (Kaplan, 2000).


Results and Discussion

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced all government institutions to be able to adapt to various policies that are expected to reduce the rate of transmission and growth of positive cases of Covid-19. As a result of the social restraint or lockdown policy in several countries, the legislative process in the DPR RI also had an impact. Developments in the preparation, harmonization, and formation of laws in the Legislature require changes during a pandemic. The House of Representatives as a legislative institution is a key institution in the political development of modern countries. Under Law Number 17 of 2014 concerning the People's Consultative Assembly, the General Representative Council, the Regional Representative Council, and the Regional People's Representative Council as well as the Regulation of the House of Representatives Number 2014 regarding the Dpr Code of Conduct, a Legislative Body is established by the DPR.

Source. Secretariat of the Legislative Body of the DPR RI, 2021.


��������� The 2020 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) plans to complete the discussion of 37 bills, of which until September 17, 2020, they have been completed and approved into law as many as 8 bills, of which 7 bills are included in the category of open cumulative bills. Furthermore, the 2021 Priority Prolegnas plans to complete the discussion of 37 bills, of which until October 18, 2021. They have been completed and approved into 7 bills, of which 5 bills are included in the open cumulative bill category. If based on the Session Year, the performance of the DPR-RI legislative body in the 2020�2021 session year shows a decrease compared to the 2019�2020 session year. In the 2019�2020 Session Year, 22 bills were completed, out of 50 bills in the 2019 Prolegnas. However, when measured by the Annual Priority Prolegnas, this result has not significant following the expected target. 
��������� In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the performance picture of the DPR RI Legislative Body is different from before the outbreak of the pandemic. The process of drafting, and harmonizing the bill during the Pandemic period went smoothly, it's just that all meetings with stakeholders were virtual. Legislative Body�s members follow the flexible flow of meetings because they can join meetings anywhere virtually. To maintain and comply with health protocols, member attendance is regulated and limited to physical attendance of only 25%. There are two dimensions of meeting governance in Legislative Body�s that have changed as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic, namely from the Legislative Body�s organization side, there has been a change from originally carried out in a normal way to adapting to new habits during the pandemic or also known as the new normal. In terms of the Legislative Body�s work system, there are two options, namely working from home or work from home and continuing to work in the office or work from an office by implementing the provisions of the health protocol.

During the current pandemic, the Legislation Agency has various obstacles such as delay in ratification of the Prolegnas, problems at the drafting stage due to the unavailability of Academic Manuscripts, Submission of bills from the government, and readiness in joint discussions in the Legislative Body�s DPR RI, priorities and allocation of meeting time for Legislative Body�s members who have not been focused on the field of legislation due to a large number of agendas of defense members, the substance of the bill that has not been unanimous and has not been harmonious with various existing laws and regulations, The proposer cancels or withdraws his proposed bill from Legislative Body�s, the discussion of the bill in the Legislative Body�s DPR RI often has differences of opinion on the substance of the bill, work visits of members of the Legislative Body�s DPR RI that cannot be carried out due to the increasing pandemic situation and many areas that will be visited in the red zone. During the pandemic as for the first supporting factors for the use of technology during the pandemic that support Legislative Body�s performance, and encourage the acceleration of mainstreaming flexible working arrangements (FWA). Both the willingness of the leadership and members to take time, in terms to carry out the duties and functions of members of the legislative body during a pandemic, always prioritize the duties that have been arranged under the Duties of the Legislative Body (based on Law Number 2 of 2018 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 17 of 2014). The third increase in the number of Legislative Body�s members to 80 members is an innovation to accelerate quorum fulfillment and the completion of the bill. The four health of Legislative Body�s members, Legislative Body�s experts, and the Legislative Body�s secretariat always have a schedule for always screening tests facilitated by the Secretary General of the DPR RI.

When viewed from the Balanced Scorecard theory, it can be analyzed from four perspectives. The financial perspective of refocusing and budget reallocation to overcome Covid-19 also has an impact on the process of harmonization, discussion, and rounding of bills in the Legislative Body of the DPR RI. Customer perspectives in absorbing the aspirations of the community, the legislature conducts in the form of Public Hearing Meetings, seminars, similar activities, and work visits either physically or virtually under the rules of the DPR RI. The Internal Business Perspective of discipline has been applied in the Legislature, it's just that the application is still not optimal because it is constrained by the schedule of meetings of the Legislature with the schedule of commission meetings, it all depends on the commitment and seriousness of members to still be able to attend meetings both physically and online. Creative ideas in supporting the performance of the Legislature have been maximized, as evidenced by innovations in the form of adequate regulations and technology. Perspectives on Learning and Growth of leadership in the Legislature are quite optimal in terms of the commitment and presence of the leadership of the Legislature in every implementation of their duties to support the performance of the Legislature. Human resources in terms of science in their respective fields are quite adequate.

Conclusions and Suggestions

From the discussion of the results of the study, conclusions can be drawn related to the Performance Analysis of the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 � 2021, that:

When viewed from the Balanced Scorecard theory, it can be analyzed from four perspectives. The financial perspective of refocusing and budget reallocation to overcome Covid-19 also has an impact on the process of harmonization, discussion, and rounding of bills in the Legislative Body of the DPR RI. Customer perspectives in absorbing the aspirations of the community, the legislative body conducts in the form of Public Hearing Meetings (RDPU), seminars, similar activities, and work visits either physically or virtually after the code of conduct of the DPR RI. The internal business perspective of discipline has been applied in the Legislative Body, it's just that the application is still not optimally carried out because sometimes it is constrained by the schedule of meetings of the Legislature with the schedule of commission meetings, Creative ideas in supporting the performance of the Legislative Body have been maximized, this is evidenced by innovations in the form of adequate regulations and technology. The perspective of learning and leadership growth in the Legislature is a quite optimal judging from the commitment and presence of the leadership of the Legislature in every implementation of their duties.

Suggestion several things can be done to further optimize Legislative Body�s's performance, namely by overcoming various obstacles ranging from adding experts to be more adequate in meeting the workload in Legislative Body�s, creating clear programs and schedules to complete work, and placing members according to their capacity, By overcoming these various obstacles, it is hoped that Legislative Body�s can optimize its performance so that the output or output of the work results can be of higher quality. It is hoped that further research will use the Balanced Scorecard Organizational Performance Theory (Kaplan & Norton, 1996) with 4 perspectives: Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Business Perspective, and Learning and Growth Perspective.













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