Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 8, No. 11, November 2023




Lubna Anwar Sadat, Ilyu �Ainun Najie

Darussalam Gontor University

Email: [email protected]



Disabled employee placement is an increasingly important topic in the context of employment equity. The problem of imbalance or mismatch in the placement of employees with disabilities in the work environment can affect work productivity and career continuity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of appropriate placement of employees with disabilities on work productivity. This research uses quantitative methods. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to employees with disabilities in various companies in Indonesia. The population in this study were employees with disabilities in Indonesia. The sampling technique was carried out using a random sampling technique. The data collected was analyzed using simple linear regression statistical tests. The results showed that appropriate placement has a positive influence on the work productivity of employees with disabilities. Disabled employees who are placed in positions that match their abilities have higher work productivity than disabled employees who are placed in inappropriate positions. Therefore, companies need to place employees with disabilities carefully and pay attention to their abilities.


Keywords: Placement, Disabled Employees, Work Productivity



Persons with disabilities refer to individuals who experience physical, intellectual, mental, or sensory limitations for a long time, and who experience obstacles and difficulties in participating fully and effectively in interaction with other citizens based on equal rights (according to Article 1 number 1 Law 8/2016). Article 47 of Law 8/2016 outlines guidelines for employers in recruiting prospective workers with disabilities.

Based on these provisions, employers are required to conduct placement examinations to identify the interests, talents, and abilities of prospective workers, assist in the process of filling out application forms and other steps needed, provide test tools and methods tailored to the conditions of prospective workers' disabilities, provide flexibility in test times according to the conditions of prospective workers with disabilities.

Article 48 of Law 8/2016 emphasizes guidelines for employers in placing prospective workers with disabilities by providing an orientation or adaptation period at the beginning of the employment period to determine needs, including training or internships, providing a flexible work environment taking into account various disabilities without compromising work objectives, providing appropriate rest periods, arranging flexible work schedules while still meeting the stipulated working hours, Assist in the performance of duties by taking into account the special needs of workers with disabilities and providing special permission or leave for medical purposes.

The placement of employees with disabilities is very important, this is because inappropriate placement can trigger the problem of imbalance or incompatibility in the placement of employees with disabilities in the work environment can affect work productivity. Work productivity is an evaluation of the results that have been achieved (output) by considering the total resources used (input). This productivity is based on a comparison between the results that have been achieved with the efforts made by the workforce in a certain time (Mahawati et al., 2021).

Previous research by Poerwanti (2017) Examining the management of the disabled workforce to realize workplace inclusion, shows that management starts from the level of knowledge of workers with disabilities, the process of selection, development, compensation, and maintenance of employees. In addition, they identified key factors in managing different capabilities such as stakeholders, peer support, mentoring, and counseling for workers with disabilities. Barriers to managing workers with disabilities include professionalism, communication, and productivity which lead to dismissal.

Similar research by Rizqi (2022) Examining the productivity management strategy of workers with disabilities at the Gresik Regency Manpower Office, shows that the productivity management strategy of workers with disabilities carried out by the Gresik Regency Manpower Office is running quite well, judging from the presence of people with disabilities who have worked in companies or are independent entrepreneurs from programs implemented by the Gresik Regency Manpower Office.

Other research by Soni (2020) Examining the Role of Intrinsic Motivation in the Effect of Affective Commitment and Competency on Employee Performance with Disabilities, shows that there is a mediating role of intrinsic motivation in the effect of affective commitment on employee performance. It was also found that competence has a direct effect on performance without being mediated by intrinsic motivation.

The novelty of this research is from the object of research that has never been studied before, namely the effect of appropriate placement of employees with disabilities on work productivity. This research can be used to develop theories related to the work productivity of employees with disabilities. In addition, this study can provide recommendations for companies in formulating and implementing policies for the placement of employees with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of appropriate placement of employees with disabilities on work productivity.



Research Methods

This study used quantitative methods. Quantitative research methods are one type of research that relies on a particular paradigm. The quantitative approach is based on the view that researchers can intentionally influence or change the surrounding environment through various experiments (Anggito & Setiawan, 2018);(Sugiyono, 2010).

Data was collected through questionnaires distributed to employees with disabilities in various companies in Indonesia. The population in this study is employees with disabilities in Indonesia. The sampling technique was carried out by random sampling technique so that 50 respondents were obtained. The collected data were analyzed using a simple linear regression statistical test.


Results and Discussion

Validity Test

A validity Test is used to measure the extent to which the data obtained in research can describe or reflect phenomena that occur. In other words, validity relates to the validity and accuracy of the data that occurs in the object of research with data that can be reported by researchers (Darma, 2021).


Table 1 Validity Test




Employee Placement


Employee Placement

Work Productivity


Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-2)








Work Productivity



Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-2)









Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-2)









From the information listed in Table 1, it can be seen that each instrument has a Pearson correlation value that exceeds r Table = 0.230 (N = 50). Additionally, the Significance (2-tailed) value for all correlation items is .000, which is lower than 0.05. Based on these two findings, we can conclude that all items in the statement are declared valid. Therefore, the questionnaire can be considered valid and ready for use.


Reliability Test

Reliability tests are used to measure the extent to which research instruments (e.g. questionnaires) can produce consistent and stable data if used repeatedly under the same conditions. If the reliability value (r) is greater than or equal to 0.6 then the instrument is considered reliable (Darma, 2021).


Table 2 Reliability Test



Cronbach Alpha



Employee Placement (X)





Work Productivity (Y)



In the reliability test listed in Table 2, we get a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.706. This value exceeds the mark of 0.600, which means that the questionnaire shows a high degree of consistency and reliability. Therefore, this questionnaire is worth using for future research.


Uji Regresi

Regression tests are used to see the extent of the relationship between the dependent variable (the influencing variable) and one or more independent variables (the influencing variable) (Darma, 2021).


Table 3 Linear Regression Tests



Unstandardized B

Coefficients Std. Error

Standardized Coefficient Beta










Employee Placement







Based on Table 3, the regression equation can be described as follows:

Y = α + βX + e

Y = (8.311) + 0,344X + e

From the linear regression equation above, it can be explained as follows:

The value of constant (a) in this study is 8.311, which is a positive value. The presence of this positive sign indicates a unidirectional relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. In other words, if there is no change in the independent variable, namely Disability Employee Placement (X), which means the value is 0 percent, then employee performance will remain at 8,311.

The regression coefficient for the Disability Placement variable (X) was 0.344. This value indicates a positive relationship between the Placement of Employees with Appropriate Disabilities and employee productivity. In other words, if there is a 1% increase in the Disability Placement variable, there will be a 0.344% increase in employee productivity, provided that the other variables do not change.


Coefficient of Determination Test

The Coefficient of Determination test is used to measure how far the model can explain the variation of the dependent variable (Darma, 2021).


Table 4 Test Coefficient of Determination



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate







Table 4 shows that the coefficient of determination (R Square) has a value of 0.456, which is equivalent to 45.6%. This means that the Placement of Employees with Appropriate Disabilities has an effect of 45.6% on work productivity. Meanwhile, 54.4% of other factors affecting work productivity were not described in the study.

The results showed that the placement of employees with appropriate disabilities affected work productivity. Employees with disabilities who are placed in positions that match their abilities and needs will be better able to contribute optimally to the company. This is because employees with disabilities will feel more comfortable and confident at work, so they will be more motivated to provide the best work results. Appropriate placement of employees with disabilities can be done by considering various factors, such as the type of disability, ability, and skills of the employee.

Companies also need to provide facilities and work environments that support employees with disabilities to work productively. Here are some examples of suitable placement of employees with disabilities: 1) Employees with disabilities with physical disabilities can be placed in positions that do not require much physical activity, such as administrative, graphic design, or programmer positions. 2) Employees with disabilities with intellectual disabilities may be placed in positions that require specific skills, such as technician, programmer, or artist positions. 3) Employees with disabilities with sensory disabilities may be placed in positions that do not require much interaction with others, such as administrative, graphic design, or programmer positions.

In research written by A In research written by Ni�matun (2021) with the title "Performance of the Jambi City Manpower, Cooperatives and SMEs Office in Empowering People with Disabilities", it was found that the Manpower, Cooperatives, and SMEs Office in Jambi City has carried out various training efforts and provided social assistance for people with disabilities. However, communication between the agency and private companies regarding job vacancies is still lacking.

Thus, the work that can be carried out by people with disabilities is more in the form of self-employment. ", it was found that the Manpower, Cooperatives, and SMEs Office in Jambi City has conducted various training efforts and provided social assistance for people with disabilities. However, communication between the agency and private companies regarding job vacancies is still lacking. Thus, the work that can be carried out by people with disabilities is more in the form of self-employment.

Results of the study Rizqi (2022) show that the productivity management strategy of workers with disabilities carried out by the Gresik Regency Manpower Office is working quite well, as seen from the presence of people with disabilities who have worked in companies or are independent entrepreneurs from programs implemented by the Gresik Regency Manpower Office.

International Labour Organization (ILO) In 2013 it established regulations related to disability handling, where the placement process is a very crucial aspect. This process includes several stages before placement, namely the recruitment process consisting of preparation stages, interviews, tests, job orientation, work experience, trial stages, and finally placement. Evaluation at this placement stage is carried out based on the development of each prospective worker.

In addition, the ILO also regulates several other aspects of empowering workers with disabilities such as promotion, permanent employment guarantees, and adjustments to accessibility, adaptation, and incentives. This provision is very important to prevent discrimination. Discrimination in this case refers to attitudes that discriminate or exclude based on certain reasons that can result in a decrease in inequality, both in terms of opportunity and treatment in the workplace (Kartika, Yuniarsih, & Hadijah, n.d.).

Government Regulation instead of Law (Perppu) 2/2022 stipulates that employers or companies that employ workers with disabilities should provide protection. This protection must be adjusted to the type and level of disability possessed by the worker. This is regulated in Article 67 paragraph (1) of the Perppu. In other words, employers or companies need to ensure that workers with disabilities get the rights and protections they deserve according to their conditions.

Despite efforts by many countries, including Indonesia, to increase the participation of disabled workers, statistics show that the number of those involved in the workforce is still very small. Globally, unemployment rates for people with disabilities reach 80% to 90%, in both developed and developing countries.

In Indonesia, the participation rate of disabled workers is also still very low. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics for 2016-2019 shown in Figure 1, the labor force participation rate (TPAK) of people with disabilities for four consecutive years is still lower than that of the non-disabled labor force (Erissa & Widinarsih, 2022). Low participation of persons with disabilities in the workforce can be attributed to two types of barriers, namely internal and external barriers. External barriers come from society, government, and especially from employers. One of the significant external barriers of society is stigmatization that hinders employment access for persons with disabilities (Benoit, Jansson, Jansenberger, & Phillips, 2013).

This stigma causes society to tend to belittle and demean people with disabilities Afriany (2018), get permissive treatment from their own families Surwanti & Hindasah, (2014), and the attitude of parents who tend to protect their children excessively so that children become increasingly helpless (Kristiyanti, 2019).

Employers need to formulate strategies for managing disabled workers as an important component of work policies in general and in particular in human resource development strategies. This strategy can be integrated with worker assistance programs if available. The management of disabled workers needs to be linked to policies for the establishment of a safe and healthy work environment, which includes preventive actions in the field of occupational safety and health, risk analysis related to adjustments that need to be made, early intervention, and referral to medical or rehabilitation facilities for those with occupational disabilities. In addition, it is also important to have a mentor system to ensure new workers are well-received (ILO, 2013).



The results of the study confirmed that appropriate placement positively affects the productivity of employees with disabilities. Employees with disabilities, when placed according to their abilities, show higher levels of productivity when compared to employees with disabilities who are placed in inappropriate positions. This confirms the need for companies to place employees with disabilities carefully and pay attention to their abilities. The implementation of appropriate placement will have an impact on increasing productivity, supporting the concept of inclusion, and ensuring employees with disabilities can make maximum contributions according to their potential.



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Copyright holder:

Lubna Anwar Sadat, Ilyu �Ainun Najie (2023)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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