Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 9, No. 1, Januari 2024




Putri Anisa Charisma, Risna Hayati, Rizki Fitlya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Knowledge is needed to filter social media’s information so social media users are not plunged into risky action. Therefore, reasoning skills are needed to prevent this action. One of the risky actions is promiscuity, which can lead to child-marriage. Child marriage is a serious issue, especially in West Kalimantan, as the province with the fourth highest rate of child-marriage in Indonesia. The role of parent-child communication is essential in the psychological development of adolescents in order to provide proper attention for them. Parent-child communication needs to have an understanding to find out the effect and factors of child-marriage. This study aims to explore the contribution of knowledge and parent-child communication related to child-marriage. Using a qualitative approach, this study was analyzed with qualitative descriptive design. The respondents were 10 parents with children who decided to have a child-marriage. The study indicates that parent-child communication is limited to small talk, not related to the substance of preventing child-marriage. Some parents rarely even communicate with their children. The lack of communication is due to lack of access to education from both parents and teenagers. Respondents are unaware of the impacts or risks they would experience from the decision to marry their children. This happened because most of respondents' education was only limited to elementary school and some even dropped out of school.

Keywords: child-marriage, knowledge, parent-child communication



Early marriage, namely marriage carried out by children, refers to formal or informal marriages of children under the age of 18, which rob the child of their childhood and threaten the life and health of the child (UNICEF, 2022). Early marriage is a serious problem in Indonesia, one of which is the number of cases of early marriage in West Kalimantan which is quite high. The results of the 2022 Central Statistics Agency (BPS) census, West Kalimantan ranks fourth highest out of 34 provinces in Indonesia. According to the Head of DP3KB Kubu Raya, in 2021 there will be eight pairs of early marriages between the ages of 10-14 years, and there will be 698 pairs of early marriages between the ages of 15-19 years.

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, in Article 7 paragraph 1 which states that marriage is only permitted if the man and woman have reached the age of 19 years. At this age, it is considered that the body and soul are mature enough to be able to enter into a marriage to avoid the risk of divorce, so that a quality marriage can be achieved and healthy offspring can be obtained. Early marriage can result in many risks, starting from biological and psychological aspects. Risks from biological aspects, such as lack of preparation of the female reproductive organs, can have fatal consequences if pregnant at an early age (Kurniasari et al., 2018), there is a tendency for abnormal growth in children and poor nutrition or stunting, and in the psychological aspect it can cause anxiety and stress in children (Syalis & Nurwati, 2020).

Marriage at an early age can be caused by many factors such as knowledge, education, employment, economic status, culture, promiscuity, mass media (Pohan, 2017), and parental factors (Sardi, 2016). Social media factor, in this era of digitalization, social media can have both good and bad impacts on its users. The negative impact that arises is the occurrence of behavior that is not in accordance with norms, such as accessing various things, including things related to sex and the like which results in premarital sexual behavior which is often found in the community so that early marriage can occur (Dewi et al., 2023). The low level of education, both children's and parents' education, causes a narrow mindset, not thinking about the future, so that there is minimal knowledge regarding the impacts or risks of early marriage (Muntamah et al., 2019). Factors that influence knowledge are education, age at marriage, information or mass media, social, cultural and economic, environment, experience (Budiman & Riyanto, 2013).

According to (Montazeri et al., 2016) that there are basic family factors that encourage children to marry early, namely based on the family structure, how the family system is formed, family norms, family roles, communication carried out, balance or power in the family system, and between generations.

Minimal knowledge in the family can give rise to wrong perceptions about early marriage, such as marrying at an early age can raise family honor, can solve family economic problems or as a way out of poverty for a better life, avoiding the shame of unwanted pregnancy, as a form of preventing sexual violence (Wibowo et al., 2021), there is a perception that they are physically and mentally mature for marriage(Islam et al., 2021). This is also related to the maturity of a person's personality, with knowledge a person will better filter and accept good changes, good knowledge about the risks of early marriage makes children or parents understand the prevention that can be done and have good self-control. Acceptance of this information influences adolescent behavior (Supriandi et al., 2022). The knowledge possessed by parents or mothers also has an indirect influence on children's marriages (VS et al., 2022), the knowledge that mothers have can explain children's development and the impact of early marriage (Efevbera et al., 2017). So it can be interpreted that the knowledge that parents have can be the basis for establishing good communication.

Interpersonal communication or interpersonal communication is communication that takes place between two people who have a stable and clear relationship (De Vito, 2020). Interpersonal communication is a process of exchanging meaning between one individual and another in communicating, with the aim of building the quality of relationships between individuals (Supratman & Mahadian, 2017). Interpersonal communication in social life is important to create good relationships between individuals.

As for the family, interpersonal communication is a very important thing to do as a form of providing support, empathy, creating good values, religious values, religious practices, religious consequences (Sahertian et al., 2021) which serves to increase learning motivation in children (Hardiyanto et al., 2022), reducing feelings of anxiety (Ginting et al., 2017), emotional adjustment (Lu, et al., 2020), providing a sense of comfort and harmony in family life (Lopez & Cuarteros, 2020), so that it can be an effort to prevent children from having free sex(Rahman & Deni, 2022)which can lead to early marriage, as well as avoid other problems in the process of adolescent development. So that interpersonal communication will create a healthy physical and emotional relationship between parents and children, if the relationship is carried out continuously, especially when a problem occurs, it will create a sense of mutual trust (Triwardhani & Chaerowati, 2019). However, currently the existence of social media can be both an opportunity and a threat for its users. The opportunity in question can provide information in the form of knowledge, one of which is knowledge about early marriage which can be useful for individuals and their surroundings, which is done by filtering information well. Meanwhile, a threat that can have an impact on a person's life is reduced social interaction in real life (Silitonga, 2019). At this time, many families have lost the physical dimension, which has been taken over by the virtual dimension in the digital era, resulting in difficulties for parents to fully control the flow of information received by children and difficulties for parents to build a harmonious family communication process and maintain the dimensions. Physique (Prasanti & Limilia, 2018).

In the family, the role of parents is very influential on children because the relationship between parents and children is very fundamental in shaping children's lives during adolescence and provides considerable potential for improving the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents (Wibowo et al., 2021). The role of parents is very necessary in the psychological development of children, such as communication, attention, religious values, norms, knowledge and social issues that parents provide to children. In order to provide proper attention and provide existing life values, parents need interpersonal communication so that early marriage does not occur. Interpersonal communication carried out by parents can increase their children's knowledge which can change their children's attitudes to avoid early marriage behavior (Verawati et al., 2020). Apart from that, knowledge can also be an asset in carrying out interpersonal or interpersonal communication, so that you can use language that is easy to understand to achieve certain goals (Winbaktianur & Sutono, 2017). The characteristics of interpersonal communication according to Suranto (2011) are the presence of two-way messages, an informal atmosphere, feedback, and communication at close range. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research regarding the description of knowledge and interpersonal communication between children who marry early and parents who have children who marry early. The aim of this research is to determine the role of andcontribution of parents' knowledge and interpersonal communication to children regarding early marriage.


Research Methods

The method in this research uses a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive analysis. The subjects in this study were 10 people, consisting of 4 parents who had children who had early marriages, 6 teenagers who had early marriages in Kubu Raya. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the criteria of parents having children who were married early and teenagers who were married early.

Results and Discussion

The research results obtained regarding early marriage can be viewed from the knowledge and interpersonal communication of parents and children in Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan.


Knowledge is one of the factors related to the occurrence of early marriage and contributes 65.4% (Nurhikmah et al., 2021). The research results related to knowledge can be seen from the following factors:

a)    Education

The higher the level of education, the higher the level of knowledge possessed (Damayanti & Sofyan, 2022), the research results showed that the average subject's final education was elementary school, some even dropped out of school. Another finding in this research is that children who have a low level of education are in line with their parents' low level of education.

b)    Marriage age

The research results show that children who marry at an early age also have parents who marry at an early age too. Five (5) out of 10 subjects knew the standard age for marriage allowed in Indonesia. Article 7 paragraph 1 of Law No. 1 of 1974 states that marriage is only permitted if the man and woman reach a minimum age of 19 years. However, 1 in 10 subjects said that they got married because they wanted to try a new life. The description above can be interpreted as meaning that some subjects already know the standard age for marriage permitted by the state.

c)    Information or mass media

Social media or digital media as a source of information to increase knowledge. Apart from that, it can also have an impact on people's lives (Nur, 2021). So it requires the ability to filter this information well, so that it is not easy to just follow what is seen. The research results showed that the average subject used social media as an effort to obtain and share information. However, this information cannot be filtered properly so that whatever is seen will be simply accepted and followed, like following an unhealthy dating style.

Social media is a source of information that is easy to obtain. However, if individuals are unable to filter incoming information, they will easily follow whatever they see. In line with research (Rambe & Tampubolon, 2022)that social media has an influence of 61.4% on the incidence of early marriage. The findings in this study show that low knowledge influences individuals' understanding of the impacts of early marriage, six (6) out of 10 subjects indicated that they did not know the impacts of early marriage.

d)    Social, cultural and economic

The findings obtained were that there was an opinion that getting married at a young age had become commonplace because they saw people around them also doing the same thing. One subject even stated that if you get married at the age of 20 or over, you are considered an old maid. This is in line with research (Puspitasari et al., 2019)that marriage is based on collective group values ​​rather than personal desires and needs. Economic conditions also affect a person's knowledge, because a low economic level will have an impact on low education and knowledge. Most of the subjects have jobs as daily workers such as farmers, fishermen, construction workers and some even don't work yet. The economic correlation with early marriage often occurs in Indonesia and is even a factor in society's culture (Nabila et al., 2022).

e)    Environment

The findings obtained show that environmental influences have an impact on the occurrence of early marriage, such as the average circle of friends dating and some getting pregnant before marriage, which leads to early marriage. A bad environment can have an impact on promiscuity so that knowledge can control individuals to think before behaving or acting. In line with researchPaezal et al., 2020)that there is an influence on the level of knowledge about promiscuity in teenagers and there is a positive change in attitudes about promiscuity in teenagers. Apart from that, research was carried out (Limoy, 2017) also revealed that the knowledge that teenagers obtain from friends or from the internet allows teenagers to misunderstand everything related to premarital sexual behavior. So it is important to improve the quality of formal and non-formal education as an effort to increase knowledge to behave and act in making decisions about getting married and to be able to choose a good social environment (Wawan & Dewi, 2011).

f)     Experience

Parents share their personal experiences with their children, especially those related to marriage. Based on the research results, it was found that parents who had children who married early also had the same experience. The existence of knowledge as a source for individuals to be able to interpret every life experience they experience.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the knowledge possessed by the subject is only at the knowing level, but in terms of understanding and applying it in everyday life, the subject does not do so. The higher the level of education will be in line with the higher level of knowledge possessed. Strengthened by research conducted by Peni et al., (2023) that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of teenagers and the incidence of early marriage, to reduce marriage at an early age it is better to improve the quality of education. The knowledge an individual has can contribute to the decision to marry. Several factors such as education, age at marriage, and information or mass media, socio-cultural and economic, environment and experience have an influence on the occurrence of early marriage.


Interpersonal Communication

a)    Feedback

The research results showed that 6 out of 10 subjects still communicated quite frequently between children and parents. However, the communication carried out is still limited to ordinary communication, does not show forms of interpersonal communication such as feedback, exchanging ideas with each other. In line with the research conducted (Junaidin & Hartono, 2020)states that parental interpersonal communication in the form of self-confidence, supportiveness and an open attitude has a good impact on children's cognitive development such as perception, memory, thoughts, symbols, reasoning and problem solving. Apart from that, a lack of interpersonal communication between parents can increase juvenile delinquency (Rini, 2020), this is also related to the occurrence of early marriage which is caused by several factors, one of which is premarital pregnancy.

b)    Two-Way Messaging

Interpersonal communication requires the role of both parties to exchange information, so more attention is needed to be able to understand the information conveyed. The results of the research carried out showed that parents and children showed less attention when communicating, such as playing with gadgets when talking to parents and not looking at the person they were talking to because they were doing other activities. In line with research (Rahmi et al., 2021)that the influence of gadgets also triggers communication barriers.

c)    Non-Formal Atmosphere

Emotional situations or feelings are also an obstacle in the communication process. The findings obtained were that when communication took place, it was not uncommon for them to show uncomfortable situations such as angry emotions and use high intonation when speaking. This makes it uncomfortable when exchanging information. An unstable emotional state can cause the quality of communication to decline (Kustanti, 2020). Meanwhile, parental actions function to control, monitor and provide support which can then be perceived positively or negatively by children, which is influenced by the way parents communicate (Lestari, 2018).

d)    Communication is at close range

One thing that needs to be considered in establishing a good relationship between parents and children is communication. Communication is the main key in building and fostering harmonious relationships within the family (Lestari, 2018). Based on the research results, it was found that communication between parents and children was limited to normal daily communication, such as when the child had a problem, when he wanted to ask his parents for money, and there were even parents who communicated with their children when the children only went home. This can mean that parents and children do not show a commitment to continuing to communicate even though they are close or far away, communication is only carried out as necessary. In line with the research conducted(Pratiwi & Lestari, 2017)that there are communication qualities related to long distance and short distance. One important factor that needs to be considered in a relationship is communication. Good and quality communication can help improve relationships, while poor communication will actually disrupt the relationship.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that to improve harmonious relationships within the family, good interpersonal communication is needed. Parents and children must commit themselves to continuing to establish good and quality communication, such as providing feedback in communication, messages conveyed can be received both ways, creating a comfortable atmosphere in communication, and can improve the quality of communication between parents and children whether far or near. Because good and quality communication can create harmonious relationships within the family (parents and children) and foster good relationships.



Knowledge and Interpersonal Communication contribute to the occurrence of early marriage, especially in Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. A low level of education is in line with low knowledge, which has an impact on the ability to filter information on social media. This also influences the level of understanding of socio-cultural values, the environment and life experiences.

Knowledge as a basis for communication. Interpersonal communication is communication carried out to share or exchange information, with two-way feedback, paying attention to a comfortable atmosphere when speaking, and showing commitment to continue communicating even though the distance is close or far. In this way, quality communication can be created, thereby reducing the rate of early marriage.

Therefore, to establish good interpersonal communication between parents and children, it is necessary to increase knowledge, because with increasing knowledge it is hoped that individuals will be able to filter the information they receive. So this has an impact on the decision to get married. Increasing knowledge can be done by improving the quality of education.




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Putri Anisa Charisma, Risna Hayati, Rizki Fitlya (2024)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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