Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 9, No. 5, Mei 2024




Meryana Deasy Karina Sudarsono1*, Rachmat Kriyantono2, Anang Sujoko3

Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3



Ease of obtaining information within the government environment is highly recommended in order to realize good governance. Websites play an important role in becoming a new communication pattern between the government and the public which is considered easier and more appreciative. This research aims to prove how Kent and Taylor apply the principles of Dialogic Communication on the website of the Indonesian Navy's Doctrine Development, Education and Training Command (Kodiklatal). This research uses a positivistic paradigm and quantitative methods which aim to reveal scientific explanations about cause-and-effect relationships. The overall analysis results show that the implementation of the Dialogic Communication principles on the Kodiklatal website is fairly good with a total percentage of 60%. The Kodiklatal website has provided facilities for its visitors to interact with the organization. From the research results, it can be concluded that the Kodiklatal website applies the principles of Dialogic Communication well and is acceptable to the public.

Keywords: Website, Dialogic Communication, Quantitative, Kodiklatal



This study focuses on the implementation of Dialogic Communication principal in the Indonesian Navy's Doctrine Development, Education and Training Command (Kodiklatal) website. Dialogic Communication involves the theoretical guidelines in building a positive relationship between a company with the public through a website (Kent & Taylor, 1998). Deliberate implementations of the dialogic theory principals is an ideal approach for strategic communication in ensuring an organization achieves its personal goals and growth by maintaining mutually beneficial relationships through two-way symmetrical communication (Grunig et al., 1992; Kent et al., 2003). Websites can be used to establish, modify, and initiate relationships between the public and an organization.

Website is a crucial public relations tool for an organization, in this case, educational institutions. Website contains a collection of information in the form of interconnected web pages within a domain or an URL. The information presented in a website can be delivered quickly to internet visitors (Susilawati et al., 2020). In this phenomenon, websites are used as an answer to public concerns regarding the perception of closed and non-transparent bureaucracy that is not oriented towards public needs, thereby orienting towards transparent public needs. The presence of websites represents a new communication pattern between the government and the public which deemed to be more straightforward and appreciative.

The role of websites is highly essential for the millennial generation. On the other hand, the government or educational institutions, in this case Kodiklatal, also provides its own website as an information platform relating to work programs, organizational structures, and primary tasks that are published and freely accessmilible by the public. In the current era of internet and information openness, information transparency and accountability are critical, as Indonesia has entered this phase (Kriyantono, 2020). In the study conducted by Gant and Gant (2002), it is stated that governmental websites should already incorporate features that promotes information transparency and accountability to gain public trust. Implementation of a more aspirational communication ways between Kodiklatal and the public establishes information transparency as the foundation for creating a positive relationship between both parties. Therefore, the importance of the existence of an open public space is indispensable to ensure the widest availability of information regarding organizational administration. This is in line with the organization's aspirations and commitment to become a morally upright, professional, and courageous institution for maritime doctrine education and development.

This study is conducted by employing dialogic communication theory by Kent and Taylor (1998). The dialogic theory recommends that organizations to interact with the public to maintain an effective relationship (Asuman, 2021). Kent and Taylor (1998) argue that organizations can foster their relationship with the public via online through a dialogic approach. This argument is demonstrated with the utilization of their World Wide Web (WWW) site and constructing Dialogic Communication as their supporting theory. This theory has also been applied in recent years by Uysal (2018), stating that dialogic communication can facilitate organizations in demonstrating corporate social behavior observed from social issues integration into policies and practices that influences the stakeholders well-being.

Dialogic communication is used as a strategy to foster positive relationships between organizations and their targeted public (Kriyantono et al., 2023). This prompts various organizations to endeavor in applying dialogic communication principles on their websites, as exemplified by the Kodiklatal website. This research aims to prove how Kent and Taylor apply the principles of Dialogic Communication on the website of the Indonesian Navy's Doctrine Development, Education and Training Command (Kodiklatal).



This study is a quantitative study with positivistic paradigm, which views reality as a tangible entity governed by certain principles. Positivistic paradigm aims to reveal scientific explanations regarding cause-and-effect relationships. Thus, the positivistic paradigm is considered to be able to address current issues (Irwan, 2018).

This study employs the content analytical method associated to the dialogic communication theory according to Kent and Taylor (1998). This analytical method is opted due to its fundamental presentation for quantitative analysis involving pattern matching and comparison that allows the researcher to align different datasets throughout the course of the study.

In this study, there are limitations set by the researcher regarding the available features on the website as well as the content present in a 7-month period from August 2022 until February 2023.



Results and Discussion

The Kodiklatal website has been in active use since 2012 until the present as a platform for communication between the organization and the public. In the website, there are 14 submenus that requires analysis in the implementation of Dialogic Communication principles. There are five principles of Dialogic Communication that serve as indicators in this study, namely The Dialogic Loop, The Usefulness of Information, Return Visit, Ease of Interface, Conservation of Visitors. This study assesses the implementation of each principle in detail by breaking them down into sub-indicators.


Table 1. Operational Definition



Sub Indicator/Item


The Dialogic Loop

This principle refers to how sites can combine various features that ables the public to inquire regarding the organization and provides the opportunity for the organization to respond to those inquiries, concerns, and issues (Hinson et al., 2012).

E-mail forms

Contact information

Fostering a sense of community or interaction


Suggestion box

The Usefulness of Information


This principle showcases the ignorance of organizations on the information they share to the public, hence the information should be useful not only for the organization, but to the public as well (Kent & Taylor, 1998)


Site date

Accepting inquiries

Map and navigation


Mission statement

Operational hours


Library rules


List of e-journals


Return Visit


This principal recommends that websites must include features that makes the websites attractive to the public to gain return visitors, such as information updates, changes of issues dicussed, specialized/targeted/focused forum, new comments, online question-and-answer sessions, and online specialists to asnwer the questions (Kent & Taylor, 1998).


Links to external websites

Explicit invitation to return


Up-to-date news

Ease of the Interface

This principle stresses the importance of fast load websites that have well organized informations with easy navigation platforms by various publics (Kent dan Taylor, 1998).


Instructions on charts or information diagrams (website navigation instructions)

Search engine

Structured website layout

Conservation of Visitors

This principle recommends to create websites that are able to maintain public interest to surf the site without leaving the page (Kent dan Taylor, 1998).

Photos and videos as entertainment for the visitors

Library of information shared on social media (The information shared on social media is also shared on the website)




Contains other information unrelated to organizational matters



Source: Primary Data


After a thorough analysis of each category that represents principles of Dialogic Communication, the researcher are able to take a comprehensive view on the implementation of the principles. Consequently, the coding sheet results are presented in a frequency distribution table as follows.


Table 2. The result




Percentage (%)

The Dialogic Loop



The Usefullness of Information



Return Visit



Ease of the Interface



Conservation of Visitors






Source: Primary Data


Overall, the total implementation of the Dialogic Communication implementation percentage level was found to be 60%, with 12 of 20 sub-indicators fulfilled. In the findings analysis, a coverage ratio of above 50% for one category or indicator indicates good potential (Bilgiler & Kocaomer, 2020). 

However, this study shows that the overall implementation of the Dialogic Communication principles on the Kodiklatan website was evaluated as good with a total percentage of 60%. Although there are two principles deemed to be in the less satisfactory category, namely The Usefulness of Information (43%) and Conservation of Visitors (33%).

On the other hand, the three other principles showed good results, namely The Dialogic Loop (75%), Return Visit (66%), and Ease of Interface (100%). Therefore, it can be conculded from the study results approves the hypothesis that the Kodiklatal website implements the Dialogic Communication well and acceptable.

Based on the results of the conducted analysis, the overall implementation of Dialogic Communication principles was found to be successful and evaluated as good. However, the implementation of each principle raises attention. The analysis results showed distinct implementation of each principle. This is shown by the gap between the data percentage obtained in each principle.


1.     The Dialogic Loop

The Dialogic Loop is the principle that allows feedback from the public while also providing space for the organization to respond to the input and feedback given (Nugraha & Irwansyah, 2022). This principle emphasizes the features that enable various publics to inquire about the organization and how the website gives the organization the opprtunity to respond to the inquiries, concerns, and issues (Hinson et al., 2012).

The Kodiklatal website has provided facilities for its visitors to interact with the organization through e-mail, phone, or by direct visits to the organization’s address. However, on the website, there are no space for the public to send messages or communicate directly on the platform. Whereas in the study of dialogic communication by Kent and Taylor (1998), it is stated that the most crucial aspect in this principle is how the website provides the opportunity for the organization to directly respond to inquiries, concerns, and issues. Such communication is referred to as a dialogic loop or a communication circle between the public and the organization. The Kodiklatal website also lacks the frequently asked questions (FAQ) list that can serve to answer a number of inquiries from the public. As an alternative, the platform only provides a survey form to evaluate the organization. However, the results of the survey are not shared with the public.

Dialogic Communication is defined as a product of a two-way symmetrical communication process, that is, the communication model that does not only talk about how communication is carried out in two directions, but also acts as a means to negotiate and reach an agreement in overcoming problems. Kriyantono (2019) states that the application of a two-way or a symmetrical model can achieve a balance in the communication process. This is because of the relationship between the organization and the public is formed through negotiation and compromise. This communication model is ideal in relationships between the public relations and the mass media (Apriyani et al., 2020).

Public relations serves a crucial role in the realm of persuasive, effective, and efficient communication in the field of information and communication with the ultimate goal of fostering harmonious relationships, positive images, and favorable reputations (Kriyantono & Anggraini, 2020). The primary objective of public relations is the public as it is widely acknowledged that a company's activities have an impact on public activities and vice versa. (Kriyantono & Sa’diyah, 2018).

In Kriyantono's (2014) study, it is stated that Public Relations should have direct communication access to dominant groups. The Kodiklatal website provides a communication opportunity with organizations, but not through the website itself. It can be concluded that although the indicator value is above 50%, which is 75%, the implementation is still suboptimal and has not yet achieved the goal of the dialogic loop on the organization's website. To achieve a good dialogic loop, the organization must develop features in their website that facilitate direct dialogue between the public and the organization, such as comment columns or chat rooms within the website.

2.     The Usefulness of Information

This principle explains that an organization’s website should be able to provide informations, ranging between the organization’s fundamental to additional infomations needed by the public. This principle offers the foundation to the existence of a dialogic relationship because the public relies on the organization’s website to provide beneficial and reliable information (Kent & Taylor, 1998). Based on the analysis, this principle falls into an indicator with limited implementation.

Within this principle, the sub-indicators that are absent in the Kodiklatal website are maps and directions, as well as operating hours. Within this principle, a sub indicator that cannot be found in Kodiklatal is maps and directions, as well as operating hours. The website contains submenus for the library and e-learning, but during the researcher's attempt to access this menu, the outcome was unsuccessful. With an analysis score below 50% and the absence of several features the Kodiklatal website, this indicates that the implementation of the principle The Usefulness of Information has not yet reached optimal levels.

3.     Return Visit

This principle associates with the ability of a website to introduce new features that will captivate the public interest and encourage them to revisit (Putri & Afrilia, 2023). The digital media should be designed in a way that attracts the public’s attention, prompting them to return to the organization’s digital platform. This can be achieved by continuously presenting regularly updated information, staying current with emerging issues, providing specific discussion forums, facilitating online question-and-answer sessions, and delivering experts to answer audience questions online. Updating information in an easy way for public relations practitioners to create conditions for dialogic relationships (Kent & Taylor, 1998).

In this principle, the most dominant sub-indicator is information updates. The regular rhythm of news updates becomes a strong factor in this principle. The Kodiklatal websire frequently uploads news, a step that serves as a means to encourage visitors to revisit the website. The presented updates provide freshness each time the public visits the organization's website. Additionally, the Kodiklatal website features an automated linking function that indirectly encourages visitors to return to the Kodiklatal website after exploring other pages.

4.     Ease of Interface

The Ease of Interface principle states that a website should be well-organized and hierarchical (Kent & Taylor, 1998). This will provide convenience for the visitors in finding the information they are seeking. This principle emphasizes the importance of a website's layout that facilitates visitors in locating the needed information. One of the crucial aspect is presenting an information chart as a guide for website visitors. Most websites have a main menu section containing an information chart that aids visitors in navigation and finding the information they need. The analysis results indicate that the Kodiklatal website has a clear and detailed information chart.

The organization of information on the Kodiklatal website is a crucial factor in maintaining a structured layout. The organization of a website plays a significant role for visitors in comprehending its content. The Kodiklatal website is considered to have a well-structured layout, featuring selected menus positioned at the top of the homepage for easy access in navigating through submenus. Additionally, the website presents an appealing design on the home page.

5.     Conservation of Visitors

This principle emphasizes the idea that a website should not only function to entertain the visitors but also should engage the public in prolonged exploration of the site. Kent and Taylor (1998) also highlights the importance of carefully placing links to other pages so that visitors do not get lost within a page and do not return to the original website. Websites should be crafted with diversity so that visitors feel they can discover a variety of things on the site.

The implementation of the Conservation of Visitors principle is still considered lacking as it receives a score below 50%. However, based on the researcher’s analysis, the website overall has a collection of photos that can serve as a source of information and entertainment for its visitors. Similarly, various types of information available in the website are all related to the organization. Unfortunately, it is unfortunate that the website does not include the content and information’s from its social media accounts. Furthermore, the limited number of photos and the monotonous layout could be the factors leading the visitors to move to other websites in seeking of the information they need.



         Some principles have been implemented very well, but others have been implemented the principles applied are less than optimal. Based on the data findings, the Kodiklatal website applies the Ease of Interface principle very well, according to the analysis results it shows that the website has intuitive ease of use of digital media that everyone can benefit from. This is different from the principle of Conservation of Visitors which is implemented can be called the least optimal, this does not mean it supports two-way communication on the website, but rather the appearance of the website is less attractive. That's possible concluded that the Kodiklatal website has the main purpose as a means of sharing information to the public and trying to make visitors interested in exploring the Kodiklatal website.





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Copyright holder:

Meryana Deasy Karina Sudarsono, Rachmat Kriyantono, Anang Sujoko (2024)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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