Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 9, No. 7, Juli 2024




Nuhan Nabila1, Ghozali Rusyid Affandi2

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, Indonesia1,2

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2



This study aims to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation in memorizing the Quran among students (santri) at Wonosalam Islamic Boarding School in Jombang. A quantitative method was employed with a sample size of 80 students. Reliability tests conducted through Cronbach's alpha yielded values of 0.842 for self-efficacy and 0.797 for achievement motivation. Descriptive analysis results indicated that the majority of students had moderate levels of self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Pearson correlation test revealed a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation (r = 0.309, p < 0.05), suggesting that higher self-efficacy corresponds to higher achievement motivation, and vice versa. These findings support the theory that self-efficacy influences achievement motivation. The implication is that enhancing the self-efficacy of students can be a strategy to boost their achievement motivation in memorizing the Quran at the Islamic Boarding School.

Keywords: self-efficacy, achievement motivation, santri



Islamic boarding schools are the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, have strong roots in the Indonesian Muslim community, in their journey they are able to maintain and maintain their sustainability and have an educational system that has a big role in strengthening faith, increasing piety, fostering noble morals, developing self-reliance in Indonesian society (Fitri & Ondeng, 2022). Some Islamic boarding schools have even been around for decades and have contributed to the development of Islam in Indonesia. Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia have a history and distinctive characteristics compared to Islamic boarding schools abroad (Putri & Rustika, 2018).

The specific aim of Islamic boarding school education is to educate students to become Muslims who are devoted to Allah, have noble character, have intelligence, skills and are physically and mentally healthy as citizens of Pancasila, making Muslim people into cadres of ulama and preachers who are sincere, steadfast and tough. , entrepreneurs in practicing Islamic history in a complete and dynamic manner, acquiring personality and strengthening the national spirit in order to grow development people who can develop themselves and be responsible for the development of the nation and state, educating personnel supporting micro and regional development, educating students so that become skilled personnel in various development sectors, especially mental-spiritual development and help improve the social welfare of environmental communities in the context of national community development efforts (Kurniyawati, 2012).

Students who study at Islamic boarding schools are usually called santri. Islamic boarding schools have their own curriculum that focuses on learning, such as the Koran, hadith fiqh, aqidah and tafsir. One of the obligations of students is to memorize the Koran. Memorizing the Koran is not an easy thing (Fortuna et al., 2022). In the memorization process, of course, the boarding school has set targets for its students in determining the number of verses or letters that must be submitted every day. The effort required is of course quite long and must be regular. In fact, if studied more deeply, not all students who enter Islamic boarding schools already have the ability to read the Koran. That's why a strong will and patience are needed in the process of memorizing the Qur'an (Amir, 2016).

The demand for memorizing the Qur'an makes students complain of dizziness, fear of not being able to memorize according to target, experience sleep disturbances and loss of concentration (Syarifah & Darmawanti, 2022). Other factors that can interfere with the memorization process are feeling lazy, problems with friends, missing home, and finding verses that are difficult to memorize (Zaini, 2020). This condition ultimately causes students' motivation to decrease. If motivation decreases for a long time and is not treated immediately, it will make students give up and leave the Islamic boarding school. The motivation possessed by students can influence their competence in memorizing the Al-Qur-an (Sholiha et al., 2023).

Achievement motivation has an important role in education, both formal and non-formal. The important role of achievement motivation, namely as a motivator, director and driving force in learning activities in this research is the activity of memorizing the Al-Qur'an. Djaali and Marjuno (in Al Hakim et al., 2021) motivation has a role as a driver for individuals to do something better than their previous achievements. McClelland (in Rahman, 2016) defines achievement motivation as a different level at which individuals have the need to try hard to achieve valuable achievements or goals.

McClelland (in Isnaini, 2022) mentions six characteristics of individuals who have high achievement motivation, namely having a high level of personal responsibility, daring to take and assume risks, having realistic goals, having a comprehensive work plan and striving to realize goals, utilizing feedback. be concrete in all activities carried out and look for opportunities to realize the plans that have been programmed. So it is hoped that students have adequate achievement motivation, but not all students have high achievement motivation. The results of interviews with ustadz and students showed that there were students who had low achievement motivation which affected the results of their memorization of the Koran. The results of the interview show various aspects of achievement motivation, aspects that are less markedSeveral things are felt by students, such as starting to feel bored, lazy, bored andtired from the process Memorizing the Al-Qur'an is not easy, it requires a long process and is quite a challenge.

The driving factors for achievement consist of internal factors and external factors. One of the internal factors in achievement motivation is self-efficacy (Prihatin et al., 2019). In conditions like this, students need to increase their self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his or her ability to carry out the actions needed to obtain the expected results as explained by Bandura (in Novrianto et al., 2019). The three dimensions of self-efficacy presented by Bandura (1997) are the level of difficulty of the task carried out by the individual, the individual's confidence in his competence in carrying out a particular task and the breadth of the individual's confidence in carrying out a particular task. Findings from research by Ulfah and Affandi (2024) indicate that there is a positive correlation between the level of self-efficacy and the learning achievement of students at SMK YPM 8 Sidoarjo. These results indicate that when self-efficacy increases, learning achievement also tends to increase, while conversely, if self-efficacy decreases, student learning achievement tends to decrease as well.

Schunk (in Rahman, 2016) suggests that self-efficacy influences individual choices in activities, efforts and developing an attitude of perseverance. Students who have good self-efficacy will maintain their motivation in memorizing the Qur'an, because they have determined the goals they will achieve. These conditions make students more able to overcome problems and challenges (Florina & Zagoto, 2019). In contrast to students who are not yet able to manage their self-efficacy, they will tend to give up easily when facing challenges. In line with Bandura's statement (in Suharsono & istiqomah, 2014). Individuals who have self-efficacy are able to take action that leads to target goals, encourage individuals to make efforts and provide strength in facing difficulties.

Previous research conducted by Prihatin et al. (2019) with the aim of finding out the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation among University X Yogyakarta students. The results show a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.01, with a correlation of 0.682. Puspitasari et al. (2021) obtained a significance result of 0.001 < 0.05, with a calculated t and t table value of 8.207 > 1.97323, meaning that there is a relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation. The difference between the research and the research to be conducted lies in the characteristics of the subjects. This research involves research subjects who are at different stages of development, and this has the potential to influence the final results of the study. Apart from that, in the context of memorizing the Qur'an, research on the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation in students has never been carried out before. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore and understand the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation of students in memorizing the Al-Qur'an at the Wonosalam Jombang Islamic Boarding School.


Research Method

This type of research uses quantitative methods. Quantitative research methods are research methods that use numbers as the data used (Abdullah, 2015). The research consists of independent variables, dependent variables and mediating variables. The quantitative approach describes data through numbers with the aim of developing mathematical models, theories and hypotheses related to the phenomena investigated by researchers. Identification of research variables are characteristics of individuals or objects that can have different values, scores, sizes for different individuals or objects (Caroline, 2019). In this research there is one independent variable and one dependent variable, namely: dependent variable Y (achievement motivation) and independent variable X (self-efficacy).

The population in the study were students at the Wonosalam Jombang Islamic Boarding School with a total of 80 students. So, the sample used in the research was 80 students using saturated sampling techniques in sampling. Saturated sampling technique is sampling using all members of the population as samples because the population members are relatively small (Abdullah, 2015).

The data collection method in the research used 2 scales, namely the self-efficacy scale and the achievement motivation scale. The self-efficacy scale used in this study uses general self-efficacy from Jerusalem and Schwarzer which has been adapted into Indonesian by Novrianto et al. (2019). The nature of this scale is unidimensional with reliability. Meanwhile, the achievement motivation scale was adapted from the concept of Hilgard and Jacksonmn (in Al Hakim et al., 2021) which consists of the driving, directing and driving aspects of individual learning activities. Motivation acts as a driving force for students to optimize their creativity and initiative in the learning process, as well as maintaining student persistence in achieving learning goals. By combining these two scales, this research aims to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and students' achievement motivation in the context of learning activities (Boone Jr, 2012). Data collection uses a questionnaire with the help of Google Form.The self-efficacy scale and achievement motivation scale used in this research were assessed with points 1-4 using the Likert scale method.

This research underwent testing of measuring instruments through validity and reliability tests. The validity test, used in this research, is the product moment validity test. Validity decisions are taken based on a sig (2-tailed) value < 0.05 and a positive Pearson Correlation, which indicates the validity of the questionnaire items. The results of the validity test using SPSS show that the self-efficacy and achievement motivation questionnaire items are all valid. Meanwhile, a reliability test was carried out using Cronbac's alpha, and the results showed a value of 0.842 for the self-efficacy item and 0.797 for the achievement motivation item. These two values ​​exceed the reliability standard (0.60), so the questionnaire in this study is considered reliable or consistent. Thus, the measuring instrument used in this research can be relied on to measure students' self-efficacy and achievement motivation.

Data analysis uses the Asumi test and hypothesis testing uses the correlation test with the product moment Pearson correlation test. Assumption testing is carried out as a condition for conducting hypothesis testing. The assumption test aims to determine the distribution of data and the consistency of scale items. The assumption tests carried out in this research are the normality test and the linearity test. The normality test is used to determine whether the data population is normally distributed or not (Caroline, 2019). The normality test is carried out to determine whether the data population is normally or not normally distributed. Data can be said to be normal if the significance is greater than 5% or 0.05. The normality test in this study used the Kolomogrov-Semirnov statistical test with Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 23.0 for Windows.


Results and Discussion

Descriptive Analysis

The descriptive statistical test results for the variables of self-efficacy and achievement motivation contained 23 questions. The calculation results in descriptive statistics can be explained in the following table:


Table 1. Statistical Test of Self-Efficacy


Data Processing Results







Standard Deviation










Minimum Value


Maximum Value



Table 1 displays the results of statistical tests related to self-efficacy, which include a mean of 29.91, a median of 30.00, and a mode of 30, indicating that most of the data is centered around the value 30. The standard deviation of 4.509 illustrates how far the data is spread from the average value, while the variance of 20,334 gives an idea of ​​the level of variation in the dataset. Skewness of 0.118 indicates a data distribution that tends to be symmetrical, while kurtosis of -0.103 indicates a distribution that is slightly flatter than a normal distribution. The data range from a minimum value of 20 to a maximum of 40 reflects a significant spread of values.


Table 2. Categorization of Self-Efficacy

Categorization Norms




X < 25




25.5 ≤ X < 33.5




X > 34








Table 2 provides a categorization of research subjects' self-efficacy based on certain norms. From the categorization results, it can be seen that the majority of subjects' self-efficacy fell into the medium category, with a total of 51 students and a percentage of 63.7%. For the low category (X < 25), there are 11 santri with a percentage of 13.8%, while the high category (X > 34) includes 18 santri with a percentage of 22.5%. Thus, it can be concluded that the majority of research subjects have a level of self-efficacy that is in the medium category, providing an overview of their perceptions and beliefs about their abilities in facing tasks or challenges.


Table 3. Statistical Test of Achievement Motivation


Data Processing Results







Standard Deviation










Minimum Value


Maximum Value



Table 3 describes the results of statistical tests related to achievement motivation, displaying various statistical parameters that provide an overview of the characteristics of the data. The average (mean) achievement motivation in this sample reached 62.73, with a median of 62, and a mode of 58. A standard deviation of 8.050 and a variance of 64.809 gives an indication of the extent to which the data is spread out from the mean value, while a positive skewness of 0.409 indicates there is little skew the data to the right. A curtorsis of -0.424 indicates that the data distribution is slightly flatter than a normal distribution. The data range from a minimum value of 46 to a maximum of 80 reflects significant variation in values.





Table 4. Categorization of Self-Efficacy

Categorization Norms




X < 54



16.3 %

54.5 ≤ X < 69.5




X > 70








Based on table 4 categorization, it is known that the achievement motivation of the subjects in this study is in the medium category, namely 52 students with a percentage of 65. Table 4 provides a categorization of research subjects' self-efficacy based on certain norms. The results of this categorization show that the majority of research subjects have a level of self-efficacy that can be categorized as moderate, with a total of 52 students and a percentage of 65%. For the low self-efficacy category (X < 54), there are 13 students with a percentage of 16.3%, while the high category (X > 70) includes 15 students with a percentage of 18.8%. Thus, it can be concluded that the majority of research subjects have a level of self-efficacy that is in the medium category, providing an overview of their perceptions and beliefs about their abilities in facing tasks or challenges.


Normality test

The normality test in this study used Kolomogrov-Semirnov on the unstandardized residual value for the similarity of the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation. The results showed that the Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value was 0.200 > 0.05. So in accordance with the basis for decision making in the Kolomogrov-Semirnov normality test, it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed.


Table 5. Normality Test




Normal Parameters




Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Different









Statistical Tests



Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)




Linearity Test

The deviation from linearity results show a value of 0.790 > 0.05, meaning that there is a significant linear relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation.


Table 6. Linearity Test


Sig value



Achievement motivation








Hypothesis testing

Table 7. Bivariate Pearson Correlation Test Results




Achievement motivation


Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)







Achievement motivation

Pearson Correlation




Sig. (2-tailed)












Based on table 5, it is known that the Sig (2-tailed) value between self-efficacy and achievement motivation is 0.005 <0.05, meaning that there is a significant correlation or relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation. A positive value on the Pearson correlation shows a positive direction of relationship, if self-efficacy increases then achievement motivation also increases, and vice versa if self-efficacy decreases then achievement motivation also decreases.



The calculation results show that the self-efficacy of students memorizing the Al-Qur'an is in the medium category, namely 51 students with a percentage of 63.7%. This result is different from Puspitasari et al. (2021) where self-efficacy for public high school students is in the high category, amounting to 83.6%. The calculation results show that the achievement motivation of students who memorize the Al-Qur'an is in the medium category, namely 52 students with a percentage of 65%. This result is different from Puspitasari et al. (2021) where the achievement motivation of state high school students is in the high category at 79.8%. Differences in category levels could be caused by differences in the characteristics of students in public schools and santri.

The results of the hypothesis test show that there is a positive relationship between self-efficacy and the achievement motivation of students who memorize the Al-Qur'an. The results of this study are in accordance with the research results Prihatin et al. (2019) There is a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Also in line with research by Puspitasari et al. (2021) there is a relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Zaini's (2020) research shows that self-efficacy has a significant influence on motivation to memorize the Al-Qur'an.

Bandura (Novrianto et al., 2019) said that self-efficacy influences the way individuals think, feel, motivate themselves and behave. Students in memorizing the Al-Quran need confidence in themselves that they are able to overcome disturbances in the memorization process. Students who are able to overcome distractions during the memorization process will be successful in developing self-efficacy abilities. Rustica (in Rahmi, 2019) states that one aspect of life that is influenced by self-efficacy is achievement.

Students who have good self-efficacy will be able to develop achievement motivation within themselves. Students will be able to resolve challenges or disturbances encountered when memorizing the Qur'an (Afriani et al., 2022). Individuals who have confidence in themselves will be able to solve problems, face unpleasant situations and solve problems (Affandi et al., 2022). If all students have good self-efficacy abilities, it will be easy for them to achieve the target of memorizing the Al-Qur'an.

Santrock (Azwar, 1996) explains that teenagers' ability to adapt to academics and pressure from the environment is determined by motivation and psychology. Islamic boarding school students in Wonosalam Jombang are able to make this adaptation. The proof is that the level of self-efficacy and achievement motivation of students is in the medium category.

The limitations of this research involve several aspects that need to be considered. The use of quantitative methods in this research may result in an inability to explore and understand the context in depth. Quantitative methods tend to focus on numbers and statistics, while qualitative aspects that might enrich understanding of the phenomenon of achievement motivation in memorizing the Qur'an may be underrepresented. In addition, this research only involved students at the Wonosalam Jombang Islamic Boarding School, so the generalization of the research results may be limited to that group. Various factors such as cultural background, religion, and educational environment can influence research results. Therefore, caution is warranted in generalizing these findings to the broader population. Furthermore, although this research tested instruments measuring self-efficacy and achievement motivation, there is still the possibility that other factors that were not measured precisely could influence the results. Additional variables that may have an important impact on achievement motivation could be areas for further research.



Based on the results of research at the Wonosalam Jombang Islamic Boarding School, the level of self-efficacy and achievement motivation of students who memorize the Al-Qur'an tends to be in the medium category. The average self-efficacy value reached 29.91, with 63.7% of students falling into the moderate self-efficacy category. Achievement motivation has an average of 62.73, with the majority of students (65%) also in the medium category. Hypothesis testing shows that there is a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation, in accordance with Bandura's theory which states that self-efficacy influences motivation. These results are consistent with previous research that supports a positive relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Therefore, increasing self-efficacy is considered a key factor in increasing students' achievement motivation, which can be achieved by setting a target for memorizing the Qur'an as part of an individual development program.

Suggestions for future research are to focus on a deeper understanding of additional factors that can influence the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement motivation in students who memorize the Al-Qur'an. Research is recommended to consider psychosocial, environmental, or social support factors that have the potential to increase self-efficacy and achievement motivation. The integration of a qualitative approach is also recommended to provide more in-depth and contextual insight into the experiences of students in memorizing the Qur'an. Practical suggestions include improving educational approaches by paying attention to aspects of self-efficacy and achievement motivation. Ustaz and Islamic boarding school managers are expected to involve students in activities that support the development of self-efficacy, provide responsibility, recognize achievements, and provide positive support in facing challenges. Students' motivation can be increased by providing a deep understanding of the purpose of memorizing the Qur'an and its positive impact on daily life.





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Copyright holder:

Nuhan Nabila, Ghozali Rusyid Affandi (2024)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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