Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2024




Ni Kadek Dian Puspitasari

Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This research aims to analyze job satisfaction as a mediating effect of training work and job stress on employee performance. The population and sample are totally 85 employees. Data collection techniques used in this study is to use a questionnaire with Likert Scale uses the model variance-based or component-based SEM, and PLS. This study showed job training has a positive and significant effect on performance employees. Work stress has a negative and insignificant effect on performance employees. Job training has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Job stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction employees. Work goals have a positive and significant effect on performance employees. Significant work mediates the effect of job training on employee performance. Significant work mediates the effect of work stress on performance.

Keywords: job satisfaction, work training, work stress, employee performance



Growth and development of a company not only determined by the high number of markets, but also influenced by various factors, one of which is the human resource factor (Lubis & Irawati, 2022; Soelaiman et al., 2022).

Performance is about how employees do work and the results achieved from that work. Low performance employees will hinder organizational goals. Klein and Kelly (2018) stated that the corporate sector experienced an increase productivity through training and development.

Adequate programs and competencies will provide training opportunities employees to be able to understand and work professionally to achieve company goals (Tanjung & Syahputra, 2020). Training is a process employee learning to be able to do work according to established standards has been determined by the company (Sinaga & Sofiyan, 2020).

Other factors that also affect performance employees are job stress. Demands that cannot be controlled by each employee will pose challenges within the employee and if cannot be overcome, employees will experience stress (Iskamto, 2022).

Job stress is a phenomenon that affects employees different, in different work contexts. The danger of stress caused by physical, emotional, and mental conditions caused by the involvement throughout situations that demand emotion. the process is ongoing gradually, accumulatively, and over time it gets worse (Iskamto, et al, 2021).

Work stress can affect employee performance when stress is not handled properly. To achieve peak performance, stress must be managed effectively, with the negative effects of stress minimized. The fact that most employees think about leave their jobs and feel that the company doesn't care about them reflects the great research that will certainly reduce employee performance. Employees with job stress tend to indicate suboptimal performance and job seeking is not well resolved.

Work goals are the satisfaction possessed by employee’s work (Prawira & Suwandana, 2019). Iwan (2018) shows that job satisfaction positive and significant effect on employee performance. With good job satisfaction from the company will improve performance employee.

CV. Tanteri Ceramics and CV. Pejaten ceramics is one of the companies that are engaged in the ceramic industry in the region Pejaten Village, Kediri, Tabanan. Based on the results of observations made the first survey, it appears that the performance of employees in the ceramic industry less than the maximum which causes a decrease in production targets. Target production also cannot be achieved in accordance with the number of sales.


Table 1. Target and Realization of Ceramic Production at CV. Tanteri Keramik Pejaten 2016 – 2020





Percentage (%)




































Source: CV. Tanteri Keramik Pejaten, Kediri, Tabanan (2020)


Table 1 can explain the decrease in the realization of ceramic production on CV. Pejaten Ceramic Tanteri, Kediri, Tabanan, with an average target over the last five years, namely 12,900 seeds and the realization of 10,050 seeds with a decreasing percentage of 77.90% every year. Likewise on CV. Pejaten ceramics, where production targets and realizations cannot be achieved achieved according to the number of sales. The following is presented data on the number of targets and realization of CV. Pejaten Ceramics for the last five years, namely from 2016-2020.


Table 2. Target and Realization of Ceramic Production at CV. Tanteri Keramik Pejaten 2016 – 2020





Percentage (%)




































Source: CV. Tanteri Keramik Pejaten, Kediri, Tabanan (2020)


Table 2 can explain the decrease in the realization of ceramic production on CV. Pejaten Ceramics, Kediri, Tabanan, with an average target of the last five years, namely 3,200 seeds and the realization of 2,509 seeds with percentage decrease of 78.40% annually. Based on data obtained on the CV. Tanteri Ceramics and CV. Pejaten ceramics can be seen that there is a decrease in the realization of ceramic production. That matter illustrates the not yet optimal performance of employees who will affect the company.

From the aspect of job training, not much training has been attended by employees on CV. Tanteri Ceramics and CV. Pejaten Ceramics. training work is usually only given to employees who have just started working by

senior. Due to the lack of training attended at training institutions in district or province makes employees less skilled in making ceramic crafts, such as the lack of a new ceramic design so that it is not can compete with other ceramic industries. In addition, many employees in the ceramics industry cannot mix ceramic raw materials with so that a lot of ceramic raw materials are wasted. Existence the right way can make employees work with the right training and according to the field.

Based on these problems the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Effect of Job Training and Job Stress on Employee Performance”



1.   Effect of training on employee     performance

Job training is one of the things that is needed company and is one of the important things for progress the company. Kelvin (2017), Tiyaningsih (2018) showed that work training has a positive and significant effect on training performance employee.

H1: Job training has a positive and significant effect on performance employees

2.   Effect of work pressure on employee performance

According to Robbins (2017) work stress and performance are two things

that influence and influence each other. Level low to moderate stress has a good impact on performance. The results of Steven and Vira (2020), Deasy (2020) show that job stress significant negative effect on employee performance.

H2: Work stress has a negative effect on employee performance

3.   The effect of training on employee job satisfaction

Training for employees is a process teach certain knowledge and skills and attitudes so that employees able and able to carry out responsibilities with the better, according to the standard. Supatmi (2018), Alfian (2020), Chumo (2015), Joseph (2021) concluded that training work has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.

H3: Job training has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction

4.   The effect of job stress on employee job satisfaction

Stress is a condition that affects emotions,

thought processes and conditions of a person. Too much stress can a person's threat to face environmental conditions. Work goals are employee views that are pleasing or dissatisfied with their work. The feeling will see from a positive attitude towards work, and everything encountered in the work environment. Redita (2019), Aryanta (2019), Putri

(2020) concludes that

Job stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction employee.

H4: Work stress has a negative and significant effect on satisfaction employee work.

5.   Effect of job satisfaction on employee performance

Employee performance is said to be good, if job satisfaction is felt by employees is also getting better. In other words, the performance of employees who good job satisfaction for employees. Iwan (2018), Risky (2018), Samuel (2020) conclude that job satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.

H5: job satisfaction has positive and significant effect on employee performance

6.   The role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of job training on employee performance

Job satisfaction acts as a mediating relationship job training with employee performance. Setiawan (2021) and Adrian (2018) concluded that training influenced job satisfaction, job satisfaction affects employee performance, and job satisfaction can mediate training on employee performance.

7.   The role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of job stress on employee performance

Job satisfaction will affect employee performance. Employees who Satisfied is an effective worker and performs well, then work stress very influential on employee performance. work stress affects the physical condition and behavior of employees so that they tend to reduce employee performance. It is suspected that job satisfaction plays a role as a mediating relationship between job stress and employee performance. Prawira (2019), Sansa (2018) conclude that Job satisfaction has a positive and significant direct effect mediate work stress on employee performance.

H7: work has a role in mediating work stress on employee performance


Research Method

This research is quantitative research with correlation approach. Variables in this study consists of the independent variable

(X) job training and job stress, variable (Y2) employee performance and intervening variable (Y1) employee satisfaction.

The population is 46 employees of CV. Tanteri Ceramics and 37 employees of CV. Pejaten Ceramics, totally 85 employees. Respondents were determined by the saturated sample method where all plants are used as research samples. Data collection techniques used in this study is to use a questionnaire with Likert Scale.

This study uses data analysis methods in the form of descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Inferential analysis in this study uses the model variance-based or component-based Structural Equation Model (SEM), known as Partial Least Square (PLS).


Result and Discussion

1.   Validity and Reliability Testing Validity Testing

a.    All job training variable statement items has a correlation coefficient value > 0.30, so that all questions used to measure the work stress variable declared valid.

b.   All work stress variable statement items has a correlation coefficient value > 0.30, so that all questions used to measure the work stress variable declared valid.

c.    All job satisfaction variable statement items have a correlation coefficient value > 0.30, so that all questions used to measure the variable job satisfaction declared valid.

d.   All performance variable statement items employees have a correlation coefficient value > 0.30, so all questions used to measure employee performance variables declared valid.


Reliability Testing

The results of testing the reliability of research variables shows where the Cronbach alpha. coefficient each variable shows a value greater than 0.60 then it can be it is said that all variables that make up the research model are reliable.


2.  Descriptive Analysis

a.   Descriptive Analysis of Job Training (X1)

Average score of seven job training indicator is 3.58 which is in the range of 3.41-4.20 which means good, this means job training has done very well. Indicators that have the highest average score is that participants have high learning motivation (X1.3) which is equal to 3.95, the indicator that gets the lowest response from respondents are the right place of training (X1.7)

b.   Descriptive Analysis of Work Stress (X2)

Average score of six indicator, which is

3.52 which is in the range of 3.41 – 4.20 which means high, this means that the employees who are respondents in this study have high work stress at work. The indicator that has the highest average score is interpersonal conflict with the leader or work group (X2.4) which is equal to 3.60. While the indicator that received the lowest response of the respondents is too low remuneration of 3.39 (X2.5).

c.   Descriptive Analysis of Job Satisfaction (Y1)

Average score of the five satisfaction indicators work is 3.58 which is in the range of 3.41 – 4.20 which means good, this means that employee job satisfaction is good. The indicator that has the highest average score is promotion (Y1.3) which is equal to 3.75 this gives an assessment meaning for Job promotion is an important factor to increase job satisfaction employee. While the indicators that get the lowest response from respondents is wages of 3.38 (Y.1.2).

d.  Descriptive Analysis of Employee Performance (Y2)

The average score of the 4 performance indicators employees, which is 3.60 which is in the range of 3.41 4.20 which means good, this means that the performance of employees is good. The indicator that has the highest average score is responsible responsibility (Y2.2) which is 3.62 and indicator of initiative (Y2.4). While the indicator which received the lowest response from respondents was discipline (Y.1.3) of 3.55 this means that it is necessary to improve discipline in work.




3.  Inferential Analysis

a.  Convergen Validity

Table 3. Outer Loading

Table  Description automatically generated


Indicator of participants having high learning motivation (X1.3) is an indicator strongest in the job training variable (X1) because it has an outer loading value the largest is 0.909. Indicator pressure and leadership attitudes that are less fair and reasonable (X2.2) are indicators strongest in the work stress variable (X2) because it has the highest outer loading value big 0.925. monitoring indicator (Y1.1) is the strongest indicator in the work stress variable because it has an external value load at most 0.877. responsibility indicator (Y2.2) is the strongest indicator in the employee performance variable (Y2) because it has the largest outer loading value is 0.877.


b.  Discriminant Validity


Table 4. Cross Loading

Table  Description automatically generated

Loading factor X.1.1 (training goal) (X1) is 0.815 which is higher than the loading factor with the construct others, namely work stress (-0.071), job satisfaction (0.273) and employee performance (0.488). Results Based on those obtained, it can be stated that the indicators used in this study have good discriminant validity in compiling their respective variables.


c.   Composite Reliability dan Cronbach Alpha mark

Composite reliability of all research variables > 0.6. This result shows that each variable has met the reliability of the composite, so all variables have a high level of reliability. Test reliability with a composite of reliability over love with using Cronbach's alpha value. A variable can be declared reliable or fulfills cronbach alpha if it has a cronbach alpha value > 0.6. With these results can indicate that each research variable has met the requirements of the Cronbach alpha value, so it can be said that overall, the variables have a high level of reliability.

4.   Path Analysis and Hypothesis Testing

Path analysis and hypothesis testing are expected if Ho is rejected or sign value <

0.05 (or t statistic value > 1.96) with a significant level of 0.05).


Table 5. Path Analysis

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Table 6. Hypothesis Testing

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Effect of training on employee performance (H1)

The value of the coefficient of the training path work with employee performance is equal to 0.586 with a significance below 5% which is indicated by the t-statistical value of 9.221 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.96. positive value of job training positive and significant effect on employee performance. This result gives the meaning that the better or the more often employees are given work will be able to improve the performance of the training employees. Work training is one of the things that companies need and is one of the one is not important for the   progress   of the company. In implementation of the training the company can use experience and knowledge of the field. Work training is a means for employees to be able to learn and improve skills that are useful for employees in perform duties in the company.The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Kelvin (2017), Muhammad (2018), Salini (2015), Tiyaningsih (2018) and Juliana (2017) who concludes that job training has an effect positive and significant impact on employee performance.


Effect of work stress on employee performance (H2)

The value of the work stress coefficient with employee performance is -0.159 with a significance below 5% which indicated by the t-statistic value of 1.856 which is smaller than the t-table value of 1.96. Positive path value that works stress has a negative effect and not significant to employee performance. This result gives meaning that the higher the work stress, then employee performance will decrease. Generally, perform better and quickly when a little stress is felt. However, when the stress experienced by high-ranking employees with task demands that cannot be met, then will result in low performance. Stress intensity can continue to the highest level if not noticed, in the long term moderate stress levels will continue to high stress levels result in decreased performance.The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Vira (2020), Anisa (2017), Ekromi (2019), Annah (2019) and Deasy (2020), who concludes that work stress has a negative effect on performance employee.


Effect of training on job satisfaction (H3)

The value of the coefficient of the training path work with job satisfaction of 0.361 with a significance below 5% which is indicated by the t-statistical value of 4.176 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.96 positive value of job training positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Training for employees is a process of teaching certain knowledge and skills and attitudes so that employees are skilled and able to carry out their responsibilities create well, according to the standard. The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Supatmi (2018), Alfian (2020), Chumo (2015), Joseph (2021) and Astrid (2018), concludes that job training has a positive and significant to job satisfaction.


Effect of job stress on job satisfaction (H4)

The value of the work stress path coefficient with job satisfaction is -0.362 with a significance below 5% which means indicated by the t- statistical value of 5.479 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.96. Positive path value that works stress has a negative effect and significant to job satisfaction. Too much stress can a person's threat to face environmental conditions. Work goals are employee views that are pleasing or dissatisfied with their work. The feeling will see from a positive attitude towards work, and everything encountered in the work environment. The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Redita (2019), Aryanta (2019, Kurnia Putri (2020) and Muhhamad (2019) concluded   that   work   stress   has   a negative and significant effect on employee job satisfaction.


Effect of job satisfaction on employee performance (H5)

The value of job satisfaction with employee performance is 0.305 with a significance below 5% which indicated by the t-statistic value of 3.683 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.96 positive path value that job satisfaction has an effect positive and significant on employee performance. Employee performance is said to be good, if job satisfaction is felt by employees is also getting better. In other words, the performance of employees who good job satisfaction for employees. Job satisfaction in a company is needed to boost employee performance.The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Iwan (2018), Suhroji (2019), Risky (2018), Abdul (2019), Indrawati (2017) and Samuel (2020) who concluded that job satisfaction has positive and significant influence on employee performance.


The role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of job training on employee performance (H6)

The value of job training, satisfaction work with employee performance of 0.110 with a significance below 5% which is indicated by the t-statistic value of 3,038 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.96. Positive path value for job satisfaction significantly mediates the effect of job training on employee performance. If employees have understood and mastered their own work processes then will create job satisfaction, so that performance will also increase because they will be easier and more confident in completing profession. So, it can be said that job satisfaction is mediating the relationship between job training and employee performance. The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Setiawan (2001) and Adrian (2018) who concluded that satisfaction work can mediate training on employee performance.


The role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of job stress on performance employee (H7)

The value of work stress, job satisfaction with employee performance of -0.110 with a significance below 5% which is indicated by the t-statistic value of 2.809 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.96 positive value obtained from significant job satisfaction mediate the effect of job stress on employee performance. Job stress is a seriousproblems related to job satisfaction. this is work will affect employee performance. Work stress affects physical condition and behavior of employees so that they tend to reduce employee performance. Then can job satisfaction play a role as a mediation of the relationship between job stress and employee performance. The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Prawira (2019) and Sansa (2018) which concluded that satisfaction work has a positive and significant direct influence mediate work stress on employee performance.


The results of the SEM-PLS Inner Model in the image presentation are as follows:

Chart, diagram, schematic, bubble chart  Description automatically generated

Figure 2. Complete Model of PLS SEM Analysis Results

Mediation Specific Test

Table 7. Mediation Test

Table  Description automatically generated


Influence mediation test work on employee performance by mediating job satisfaction get a P value of 0.003 which means that there is a significant mediation. Based on these results, it can be said that job satisfaction is significant mediate on the effect of job training on employee performance. Besides that, also obtained mediation test of the effect of work stress on employee performance with mediation of job satisfaction obtained a P value of 0.005 which means significant.



Based on the results, the conclusion can be drawn are; (1) job training has a positive and significant effect on performance employees. This result gives the meaning that the better or the more frequent employees. The training provided will be able to improve employee performance, (2) work stress has a negative and insignificant effect on performance employees. This result gives the meaning that the higher the work stress the employee performance will be decrease, (3) job training has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This result gives the meaning that job training is often held for employees, then employee job satisfaction will increase, (4) job stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction employees. This result gives the meaning that the higher the work stress, then employee job satisfaction will decrease, (5) work goals have a positive and significant effect on performance employees. This result gives the meaning that increasing employee job satisfaction will be able to improve employee performance, (6) significant work mediates the effect of job training on employee performance, and (7) significant work mediates the effect of work stress on performance.





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Ni Kadek Dian Puspitasari (2024)


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Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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