Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p–ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 9, No. 7, Juli 2024




Ferry Dwi Nurrochman1, Dena Adelia2, Layya Aryakhiyah3*, Dedet Erawati4

Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia1,2,3,4

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*, [email protected]4



A digital marketing strategy using humorous gimmicks can steal the company's attention because it attracts the audience's attention and can increase brand awareness of a Pocari Sweat product. Aiming to find out what marketing strategies can be used on social media and whether digital marketing strategies using humorous gimmicks can grow brand awareness of a product, this research uses a descriptive qualitative method using theory from Dentsu; in this theory, there is the AISAS model, namely (Attention, Interest, Search, Action, Share). The research results show that a marketing strategy using humorous gimmicks can provide added value to brand awareness because it has a strong appeal in the eyes of the audience and can entertain the audience. The clever gimmick content strategy used by Fadil Jaidi has proven to be an effective digital marketing strategy that impacts brand awareness of a product. From informants' responses and netizen comments on his Instagram account, the audience does not see endorsement advertising content because of the interest built through the humorous gimmick presented. The content created by Fadil Jaidi has also successfully increased the audience's buying interest, thus influencing the social media of brands or products that Fadil Jaidi collaborates with.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Brand Awareness, Gimmick Humor



Technological advances have created many ways for business people to utilize promotional tools, one of which is through the social media Instagram. However, technological advances still make it easier for business people to do promotions. The large amount of competition means that business people have to think twice about choosing influencers who can attract consumer interest. Influencer comes from the word influence, which means to influence. An influencer is someone who can help others because of their talents, this can include opinions, positions, or connections with the public (Firdani et al., 2023; Hamzah et al., 2022). Influencers are third parties that largely influence consumer purchasing decisions. The influencer's popularity and cost must be considered during the cooperation selection process. Influencers use their broad reach and credibility to introduce products to their audience and endorse them, creating exciting and relevant content. Endorsement is a form of promotional strategy using someone's tools or what is usually called an endorser to influence individuals or groups (Sari & Saraswati, 2022). Endorsements are a form of marketing communication to promote products or services to consumers. The endorsement is when a brand or company asks an influencer to create marketing content (Karimah et al., 2022).

One of the famous influencers in Indonesia is Faidil Jaidi. When collaborating, Fadil Jaidi's team chooses products based on quality and quantity to promote because this will determine the audience's buying interest.

Figure 1. Fadil Jaidi's Instagram account profile

(Source: Fadil Jaidi's Instagram)


Fadil Muhammad Jaidi, also known as Fadil Jaidi, was born on October 17, 1994, and is an influencer from Bekasi City. Fadil Jaidi is a funny, creative, friendly, and hardworking person. Currently (7/3/2024), he has 11.1 million Instagram followers with 1,260 posts and 1,270 accounts he follows. Since his first appearance on Instagram social media, Fadil Jaidi has always been in the spotlight of netizens because his endorsement content keeps netizens entertained. Fadil Jaidi called his followers on Instagram the "Ghoib Squad." Ghoib's troops play an essential role in Fadil Jaidi's content so that it quickly gets many viewers and is trending on social media (Source: Instagram @fadiljaid).

The digital marketing strategy used by Fadil Jaidi is content marketing. Content marketing is a marketing technique that creates and shares content to attract and encourage the target market to become consumers (Yusuf et al., 2024). The marketing strategy approach focuses on valuable, relevant content delivered consistently to attract attention, retain the audience, and generate the desired costs. According to research by Lestari and Erawati (2019), increasing brand competition encourages companies to use effective and efficient communication program designs to build relationships with consumers and other audiences, so integration becomes the key to brand communication (brand communication). Choosing the option to endorse influencers is a brand's way of communicating with customers and other audiences; Content Marketing can build relationships with audiences that last. Fadil Jaidi uses a social media platform, Instagram, to create content marketing. Many brands collaborate with Fadil Jaidi to promote their products. Humorous content is content created by Fadil Jaidi to promote a product. Humorous content in content marketing is currently very effective because it can attract interest from the audience. Through humorous content, brands can get positive feedback from the audience and gain brand awareness (Azzahra et al., 2024).

Based on the research background above, the problem formulation in this research is: (1) How does Fadil Jaidi use the marketing strategy in advertising products on social media? (2) Can a digital marketing strategy using humorous gimmicks increase brand awareness of products that endorse Fadil Jaidi? (3) How does the humorous gimmick content from a Digital Marketing perspective affect the product promoted by Fadil Jaidi? This research aims to determine what marketing strategies Fadil Jaidi uses and how to grow brand awareness of a product endorsed by Fadil Jaidi.

To further support our research, it is carried outliterature study by reading articles used as references in our research, including: (1) Friana Amelia, Ibnu Wasiat and Eka Bertuah in 2022, The influence of digital marketing social media influencers on the intention to purchase fashion products in the millennial generation through online customer reviews in Instagram using quantitative methods and a digital marketing theoretical approach according to Putri and Marlien, this research has an influence on digital marketing of social media influencers; (2) Aghnia Dian Lestari, and Dedet Erawati in 2019, Word of Mouth Communications Process as Promotion Media for Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Cirebon; (3) Husna Karimah Noor Atkia and Nida Nor Apifah in 2022, The role of Fadil Jaidi's endorsement in increasing consumer purchasing decisions using qualitative methods and an endorsement theory approach according to Shindy Olivia, this research influences Fadil Jaidi's endorsement to increase consumer purchasing decisions; (4) Syahriah Sari, Syamsuddin and Syahrul in 2021, Analysis of Brand Awareness and its influence on buying decisions for Toyota Calya cars in Makassar using quantitative methods and a brand awareness theoretical approach according to Keller, this research discusses brand awareness on buying decisions; (5) Ristia Kadiasti and Mukaromah in 2022, AISAS approach in the Carousel Instagram post as a promotional strategy for the Ranggawarsita museum using qualitative methods and the AISAS theoretical approach according to Dentsu,

According to Putri and Marlien (2022), digital marketing uses the Internet and other interactive technology to create and connect information in digital transactions. Digital Marketing allows advertisers to interact directly with buyers regardless of location or time, reducing errors in communicating directly with consumers Asharudin and Dewi (2021). Digital marketing refers to the implementation of management and marketing using electronic media. Digital marketing is information technology that expands and improves traditional marketing functions in planning and implementing ideas, concepts, pricing, promotion, and sales (Ong & Hartanto, 2022; Wasiat & Bertuah, 2022).

The marketing model includes the AISAS model. According to Dentsu Kadiasti and Mukaromah (2022), AISAS is (Attention, Interest, Search, Action, Share) which prioritizes consumer attention towards a product, and then interest arises in the form of audience interest in the product information that is conveyed so that a desire arises to search for deeper information about the product. After conducting a search, consumers will make an assessment, which will ultimately lead to a decision to take purchasing action; the audience's follow-up action from the search is under the information provided, and audiences share information with other audiences, which will expand engagement (Prasanti et al., 2023).

Brand awareness is an individual's ability to perceive and remember the brand of a particular product category and is the primary dimension of brand equity, according to Keller (Juliana & Sihombing, 2019). According to Keller (Sari et al., 2021), four indicators can be used to determine how far the audience is aware of a brand: (1) Recall how far the audience can remember what brands they remember. A simple brand name that is easy to pronounce and has a precise meaning can be easily remembered by the audience; (2) Recognition, namely how much the audience knows the brand and will fall into a specific audience category; (3) Purchase, namely how much the audience will include the brand in their choices when buying other products; (4) Consumption, namely how much the audience can recognize a brand when using a competing brand.


Research methods

The research method used in this research is qualitative (Creswell, 2014). This qualitative research is descriptive and tends to use analysis, process, and meaning, which are more emphasized in this research method. So, the results of this research are descriptive analyses in the form of written or spoken words from people or observed behavior. The data collected was taken from posts from the Instagram account @fadiljaidi, which will be the subject of this research. It will be chosen randomly by looking at the number of viewers and the viewers' responses in the comments column. This research focuses on analyzing the success of the digital marketing strategy of the content created by Fadil Jaidi to reach his target audience. This research also focuses on responses and growing brand awareness of products or brands collaborating with Fadil Jaidi.

To obtain the validity of the data, the researcher combined three qualitative method data sources: field observations, interviews, and literature studies. Field observations were conducted through online interviews with followers and non-followers of the Instagram account @fadiljaidi with questions related to our research. After getting the observation results, researchers still needed supporting data for our research, so an online interview was conducted with Nursyifa Azzahro as F&B business marketing (food and beverage) and Hanifan Muttaqien as Head of Marketing for JNE Cirebon regarding Fadil Jaidi's marketing strategy style.


Results and Discussion

Research result

   Based on the results of the research observations, Instagram is still the social media platform used and is of interest to research informants. After conducting research, it was discovered that the average frequency of informants' use of social media was 3-4 hours a day. From the results of observations, if the informant finds endorsement content for a product that is still unknown, then the informant will find out about the product. The informant bought items recommended by Influencers in the social media content of Instagram accounts because they were interested in the product's value, how the influencer's endorsement was delivered or the content delivered by the influencer, and the affordable price. The gender of the informants from our research is women and men aged 21-25 years. Informants mainly use Instagram social media to fill their free time, see the latest information, and communicate with other people.

Of the 4 informants, 2 followed Fadil Jaidi's Instagram account, and the others did not. The informant knows Fadil Jaidi from the content he creates on social media, one of which is through the Instagram application. As someone who does not follow Fadil Jaidi, Ade Rizki Ramdani believes that the content created by Fadil Jaidi is exciting and entertaining. Ade chose to watch the content created by Fadil Jaidi until the end of the video because he was interested, but after seeing the content created by Ade, he did not search to buy the promoted items. Eminent. From the perspective of a female informant who does not follow Fadil Jaidi, Euis Dwi Lestari believes that the content created by Fadil Jaidi has an exciting, funny, and always creative way of delivering it, then searches for the product being promoted but does not buy the product.

Furthermore, one of the informants who follows Fadil Jaidi's Instagram account is Nisa Anisa Pujianti. Nisa has been a follower of Fadil Jaidi for more than six months. According to Nisa, the content created by Fadil Jaidi is very interesting, so Nisa chose to watch the content until the end of the video and, after that, did a search for the product promoted by Fadil Jaidi; Nisa's following action was gripping. To buy the product. Furthermore, the male informant named Nu'man Mubarak also follows Fadil Jaidi's Instagram account. Nu'man Mubarak has only been a follower of Fadil Jaidi for less than three months. Nu'man saw the content that Fadil Jaidi created because the content was interesting, and Nu'man also did it. Search for products promoted by Fadil Jaidi.

After the researchers conducted field observations, in order to obtain more supportive research results, the following are the results of the interview according to Nursyifa Azzahro and Hanifan Muttaqien, namely that the effectiveness of a person's endorsement in a marketing strategy depends on various factors, including target market, brand image and match between brand awareness. Fadil Jaidi, as an endorser, has provided added value to brand awareness so that he has a strong appeal in the eyes of the audience with his humorous gimmick style. Products that have collaborated with Fadil Jaidi benefit from the value of popularity, credibility, or conformity with the values ​​and lifestyle identified with the brand. Considering that Fadil Jaidi's endorsement style is by the brand image and the values ​​he wants to convey to the audience.

If the endorsement style is inconsistent with the brand or causes controversy, then Fadil Jaidi's marketing strategy will be less effective or even detrimental. However, Fadil Jaidi consistently used his endorsement style well. It is essential to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the overall marketing strategy, including endorsement style, through performance analysis and feedback from the target audience and market. Fadil Jaidi routinely adds new colors to each of his endorsement styles. Of course, all of this is done with regular evaluations carried out by Fadil Jaidi's team behind the scenes. So, the endorsement style that Fadil Jaidi has carried out is presented uniquely and interestingly. Hence, it not only increases brand awareness and sales but also provides entertainment to the watching audience. The endorsement style is under the marketing strategy commonly used by professionals.



Application of AISAS model theory

Based on the AISAS theory, marketing strategy starts with (attention), attracting the audience's or potential buyers' attention. The attention in question is when the public learns about the products promoted by Fadil Jaidi on Instagram. From the many endorsement advertisements on Instagram, Fadil Jaidi must be able to make the products he promotes known to the public. Endorsing Fadil Jaidi is a good step a brand can take to market its products. The target market that Fadil Jaidi can reach is comprehensive, including adults and even teenagers. Fadil Jaidi has 11.1 million followers, which means that attention will be obtained if the product chooses to endorse Fadil Jaidi.

Figure 2. Product Content

(Source: Fadil Jaidi's Instagram)


The image above is one of the content with a humorous gimmick from the Pocari Sweat product promoted by Fadil Jaidi on Instagram. So far, the video has 1,225,464 likes and 15,743 comments. This data also shows the Attention received from endorsing Fadil Jaidi.


Figure 3. Likes and comments

(Source: Fadil Jaidi's Instagram)

Figure 4. Netizen comments

(Source: Fadil Jaidi's Instagram)

Figure 5. Netizen comments

(Source: Instagram Pocari Sweat)


The image above shows some of the comments the researcher made. In the comments on the ad post, Fadil Jaidi's audience was very entertained; in fact, it is rare for an audience to be very interested in endorsement content. After seeing the endorsement content, the audience feels interested in buying this product because the endorsement advertisement attracts the audience's attention, so the audience reacts and comments on the @pocariid Instagram account. The audience searches for the product because the comments on the @pocariid Instagram account are filled with Fadil Jaidi's followers interested in buying the product. Then, the audience will take action to buy the product and provide a review of the product. Not only that, this advertisement was also well received by the audience and became a widely discussed topic and trending on social media; many audiences also posted and (shared) Fadil Jaidi's endorsement advertisement. So, from the research results that have been researched, it is proven that it is under the AISAS theory, and the content created by Fadil Jaidi has so far been successful in increasing the audience's buying interest, thus growing social media brands or products that collaborate with Fadil Jaidi.

The increase in Brand Awareness from Fadil Jaidi's digital marketing strategy can be seen through informants interviewed by researchers who said they carried out searches and even bought products promoted by Fadil Jaidi. With this strategy, informants, on their initiative, conducted searches to find out about the products promoted by Fadil Jaidi and even shared product endorsement content without being asked. This is through informants and the response to comments in the Pocari Sweat endorsement content created by Fadil Jaidi. This shows that they want to buy and are interested in seeing the advertisements created by Fadil Jaidi.



The strategy used by Fadil Jaidi in promoting a product is to create endorsement content with a humorous gimmick inserted into it. The humorous gimmick content used by Fadil Jaidi is effective for brands that endorse Fadil. This can be seen from the informants' responses, who stated that every time they see Fadil Jaidi's content, they are interested in seeing it until it ends. Generally, when making endorsements, influencers usually use fierce verbal communication so that the message or information conveyed can be more clearly understood by the audience who sees it. However, this celebrity named Fadil Jaidi creates endorsement content using a humorous gimmick. What differentiates Fadil Jaidi from other influencers who use humorous gimmicks is how Fadil interacts with Pak Muh (Fadil's father) and often the funny costume gimmick brought by Fadil and his father when creating endorsement content. By creating marketing content containing humorous gimmicks, Fadil can make the audience feel like they do not see endorsement ads because of the interest built through the humor conveyed in the content he creates. Fadil's content has so far been successful in increasing brand awareness and also increasing his audience's buying interest. This strategy implemented by Fadil effectively anticipates viewers getting all the endorsement content created by Fadil Jaidi.





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Copyright holder:

Ferry Dwi Nurrochman, Dena Adelia, Layya Aryakhiyah, Dedet Erawati (2024)


First publication right:

Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia


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