Syntax Literate: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia p�ISSN: 2541-0849 e-ISSN: 2548-1398

Vol. 6, Special Issue No. 2, Desember 2021




Firdaus Noorrahman, �Akhmad Yunani, Rizali

Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



This research was conducted to determine the effect of empowerment, planning quality (KP) and apparatus performance (KA) simultaneously on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government. This research approach uses a quantitative causal method. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The population of this research is 103 people with random sampling technique and the research sample is 83 people. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis, F test and T test. The results obtained in the study indicate that the Empowerment of Apparatus (X1) on Regional Development (Y) sig 0.000 value. The sig value is smaller than the probability value of 0.05, or the value of 0.000 <0.05, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X1 has a tcount of 4.296 with t table = 2.021. So tcount> ttable can be concluded that the variable X1 has a contribution to Y. Quality Planning (X2) on Regional Development (Y) sig 0.039. The sig value is smaller than the probability value 0.05, or the value 0.016 <0.05, then H2 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X2 has a tcount of 2.590 with t table = 2.021. Apparatus Performance (X3) on Regional Development (Y) value of 0.002> 0.05, then H3 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X3 has a tcount of 3,150 with ttable = 2,021. The results of the F test F count is 16,854 with a probability value (sig) = 0,000. Value of Fcount (16,854)> Ftable (3,10), and the value of sig. smaller than the probability value of 0.05 or the value of 0.000 <0.05; then H01 is accepted. Apparatus Empowerment (X1), Planning Quality (X2) and Apparatus Performance (X3), affect regional development (Y) with R Square of 0.393 = 39.3% on Regional Development, while 64.6%. The results of the dominant test of Apparatus Empowerment (X1) are more influential on regional development (Y) in the City Government of Banjarbaru with a value of 0.303 at the sig level of 0.000. So it can be explained that if the empowerment of the apparatus is good in the regions, the development of the Banjarbaru city will be even better.


Keywords: Effect of Empowerment, Quality of Planning (KP), Apparatus Performance (KA), regional development.


Introduction �

Regional development is very important for the country because the main capital in developing a region requires quality human resources who are able to compete for the future, especially in terms of providing increased development within a region (Pike, Rodr�guez-Pose, & Tomaney, 2016). This is in line with the Decree of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Number XV / MPR / 1998 concerning the implementation of regional autonomy, it is stated that the implementation of regional autonomy is carried out by giving broad, real and accountable authority to the regions which is realized by regulating the distribution and utilization of national resources that is just and financial balance. central and regional. Based on this MPR RI decision, Law Number 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Government was born, then in 2014 it was refined most recently by Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government.

Human Resources (HR) are both important subjects and objects in regional development. But unfortunately, when viewed from the Human Development Index (HDI), the quality of Indonesian human resources is still low compared to other countries in the ASEAN Region. The low quality of human resources has resulted in various things, one of which is low productivity in work which directly or indirectly results in slow regional development in Indonesia (Kapoor & Sherif, 2012)v.

The regional development has indications of several things, namely in terms of empowering regional apartur human resources seen from the way the region provides training and training to officials in carrying out regional development, then the quality of regional planning quality and apparatus performance that need to be improved so as to provide increased regional development (Horsley, Prout, Tonts, & Ali, 2015). Regional development is inseparable from regional budgets in increasing the empowerment of these human resources.

In general, the empowerment of local government officials includes the following matters (Syahza, 2012) 1. Employee Procurement, 2. Career Development, 3. Education and Training, 4. Payroll. 5. The quality of regional planning, and 6. The performance of the apparatus itself. The allocation of these funds actually already exists in the regions in implementing the wheels of government. The budget has their respective allocations so that they can be used for regional development.

In connection with this research is that in empowering the human resources of the apparatus is the empowerment of the human resources of the government apparatus which is related to the way the government makes the apparatus better at doing their job. Empowerment is a management effort to improve the ability or capacity of employees from the current situation or from less power to more empowered so that employees become more professional in carrying out their duties. This is in line with Saefullah's opinion that "the more empowered or the more powerful the apparatus will increase its ability to create a professional attitude in providing services to the people in the area" �(Isdayanti, Lion, & Saefulloh, 2020). The quality of the apparatus in terms of the capabilities and potentials of the apparatus must be as expected, so that the implementation of development is as expected. Knowledge and ability of government officials are good assets in carrying out development, therefore empowerment is needed so that the quality of existing apparatus can be better than before. AW Widjaja explains that empowerment he puts forward is as follows: "Empowerment is an effort to increase the capabilities and potentials that are owned. by the community, so that people can realize their identity, dignity to the fullest to survive and develop themselves independently in the economic, social, religious and cultural fields " (Isdayanti et al., 2020).

The second factor that has an influence on development is the quality of development planning. The quality or quality of development planning Tjokroamidjojo (Tjokroamidjojo, Kutanoglu, & Taylor, 2006). explains that the quality of planning is a process of systematically preparing activities that will be carried out to achieve a certain goal. Planning is a way of how to achieve the best possible goal with available resources to make it more effective and efficient. Planning is a continuous process which includes two aspects, namely planning formulation and implementation. Planning can be used to control and evaluate the course of activities, because the nature of the plan is to guide the implementation of activities (Taawoeda, 2021).

�(Argiantopo, 2014) states that the quality of development planning means the level of good or bad, the degree or quality level of a development plan, especially in the regions. The quality of development planning means that the quality is good in planning development so that it is even better and one of them is planning development in the regions. The quality of regional development planning will be better when an employee is able to carry out his obligations in implementing and directing development in the region. This relates to the ability of an apparatus to carry out tasks so that they can carry out their duties in developing regions. Then in regional development is in terms of performance of the apparatus. Apparatus performance is important for regional development because the performance of the apparatus will make development better and more directed.

The performance of the Mangkunegara apparatus in (Jayanti & Syamsir, 2019), explains that is the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. This means that the performance of the apparatus is very important in contributing to development. The performance of the apparatus is seen in article 5 of Law no. 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, the scope of public services includes goods and public services and public services as well as administrative services that are regulated in its own government regulations, this quality can be observed from the professional ability according to the field of duty that is their responsibility. the demands of the government in the future are a government that is smart, innovative and creative, and oriented to the interests of the community, and carries out obligations to meet the expectations of society. In line with that, the local government must be able to prioritize service functions, protection and community empowerment based on a clear vision.

The three factors that can have an influence on regional development are seen from the respective budgets that have been previously set because the budget will run when all of it can be implemented properly. Based on the results of the data registered for empowerment from the training as in the following table.

Table 1

Results of the Empowerment Budget and Outputs of Banjarbaru City Apparatus Officials in 2015-2020


�Budgeting of Yearly






































�� 770.289.000

�� 197.840.000









(Source: Data processed from the BKD Office of Banjarbaru City in 2020)

The results of the data obtained show that the target and output of officials who were given training were lacking because the target results were 45 people who should have been given training, but only 8 people were realized. This means that the empowerment of human resources is still not supporting the development in the area, this is seen by the Education and Training Team both technically and structurally, it is not paid much attention to the number of people who have carried out the training, which has not realized their ability to contribute to regional development. This has an impact on the lack of development either in infrastructure or socially which can provide good value to the development itself. In fact, the funds released are more than sufficient in supporting regional development, especially in terms of increasing the capacity of each employee.

The Leadership Training consists of four levels, namely Diklatpim VI, Diklatpim III, Diklatpim II, and Diklatpim I, according to the echelonization of structural positions within the government. This education and training team is designed and implemented to achieve the competency requirements of government apparatus leadership in accordance with structural positions (Article 9 PP No. 101 Year 2000).

If this is not considered, it will have an impact on the performance of the apparatus itself. When carrying out their duties and responsibilities as well as their functions as government officials and assisting the implementation of development in the regions. This can support programs from the central government so that development in the regions is evenly distributed. Then from the results of the apparatus performance allowance as follows:






Table 2

2016-2020 City Apparatus Performance Allowance Budget


Principle Names


Th 2016

Th 2017

th 2018

th 2019

th 2020


Primary High Leadership Position /Sekda



�������� 240.000.000

��������� 241.920.000

������� 241.920.000


Primary High Leadership Position

������ 2.790.000.000



����� 3.180.600.000

��� 3.180.600.000


�Administrator Position

������ 2.700.000.000

������� 2.700.000.000


����� 3.262.329.000

��� 3.262.329.000


�Administrator Position




� ����5.221.440.000

��� 5.221.440.000


Supervisor Position

���� 12.348.000.000

���� 12.348.000.000

�� 16.464.000.000

��� 17.544.450.000

� 17.544.450.000


�Supervisor Position

������ 4.672.800.000

������� 4.672.800.000

����� 6.372.000.000

���� �




���� 26.710.800.000

���� 26.710.800.000

�� 34.416.000.000

��� 36.459.939.000

� 36.459.939.000

(Source: Data processed from the BKPP Office of Banjarbaru City in 2020)

Accoridng of the table above, it shows that the budgetary allowance for the performance of the apparatus is high and always increases from year to year. The higher the performance allowance should be able to improve the actual employee performance (Zameer, Ali, Nisar, & Amir, 2014). This lack of performance has an impact on regional development, especially in Banjarbaru. This phenomenon is seen from the low quality of public service delivery which is still weak, there are many extortion practices, no certainty, and convoluted procedures. The impact on the economic business sector includes creating a high cost economy, inhibiting investment, slowing down the flow of export-import goods, unsatisfactory public image and a bad image. In addition, the professionalism shown by government officials is also still low, as evidenced by the many KKN practices that involve officials, convoluted services to the community, living in a patron-client pattern, less creative and innovative, working based on operational guidelines and technical guidelines and perhaps still There are many other negative portraits which basically show that the professionalism of the Indonesian apparatus is still weak (Dobre, 2013).

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, in terms of quantity, the number of human resources of the apparatus (Civil Servants) (Van Ryzin, 2011) who provide services is also felt to be very minimal with a ratio of 1.9% of the total population. When compared with developed countries where in every 1000 population there are 77 civil servants, in Indonesia there are only 21 civil servants. In the regions, the ratio is even smaller, namely 4: 1000. As an illustration, it can be explained that in the Banjarbaru City Government, South Kalimantan Province, the condition of the human resources of local government officials, especially those who occupy the Primary High Leadership Position (Echelon II) consists of 31 people and 129 people who occupy the Administrator Position (Echelon III), which should it is they who act as planners, managers and implementers to improve performance in the work units of government agencies. Then for government officials who have attended leadership education and training, it is possible to be empowered to get action in planning and implementation of regional development and in fact following leadership training is not a measure for an apparatus to be placed in office.

Of the various problems discussed above, the crucial problems that occur in the Banjarbaru City Government are: The performance improvement of the apparatus has not been optimal, especially in the Banjarbaru City Government bureaucracy, which then raises questions and even doubts about the role and function of the implementation of education and training for officials whose guidance is managed by the Banjarbaru City Education and Training Personnel Agency. The delay in the realization of the autonomy mandated by Law Number 23 of 2014, is caused by the processional ability and work ethic of the apparatus in the regions, so that creativity in developing regions is difficult to implement and if it is sustainable then human resources should be the main assets to seek regional growth will tend to be the burden of the Banjarbaru City Government.

If the empowerment of human resources of the apparatus, the quality of planning and performance of the regional apparatus can be implemented and implemented properly, the regional development will be better and the impact on the region (Ismiyarto; Suwitri  Y.; Sundarso, 2015). Indirectly it will provide a good local economy and improve even better, especially for people who will feel the impact of this development and these results can provide results in the region, especially in the future, can contribute to developing areas and one of them in cities banjarbaru.



The research will be conducted with a quantitative explanatory approach which will explain the influence of the empowerment of government apparatus human resources through the quality of planning and apparatus performance on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government (Dymond, 2013). In order for data analysis to be reliable, quantitative techniques will be complemented by qualitative analysis techniques that utilize observations and in-depth interviews with several sources (respondents) as well as the results of previous research. The population in this study were 103 research respondents, namely 82 Administrator officials who had attended the III Education and Training Center and 21 Pimpingan Tinggi Pratama officials who had participated in the II Education and Training Center in the Banjarbaru City Government Environment. So the population of this study amounted to 103 people who were used as respondents of this study. The technique of taking random research samples. Then obtained from the results of the research sample were 82 people who were used as research samples.

The data analysis technique used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with the F test known as the simultaneous test or the Model test / Anova test, which is a test to see how all the independent variables influence the dependent variable together. Or to test whether the regression model we make is good / significant or not good / non-significant (Sugiyono, 2017). The t test is used to determine whether in the regression model the independent variable partially influences the dependent variable significantly. In this study the t test is used to test the truth of hypothesis 1,2 and hypothesis 3. Then the Dominant Test with the terms of the dominant test if the t test results reach the value above 1.669 to find out what variables from the dimensions there is an effect of human resource empowerment, planning quality, and apparatus performance on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government, a correlation analysis is used, namely the Pearson orrelation. Pearson correlation is used if the data sample is more than 82 (large sample) and is normal (meets parametric assumptions). This correlation test aims to examine the relationship between two or more variables that do not show a functional relationship (related but not necessarily causal).


Research Result

The results of research from the research tests that have been carried out in this study can be seen as follows:

1.   Berganda Multiple Linear Regression Test Results

Based on the results of the Multiple Linear Regression test as presented in the table below:

Table 3� Results of Multiple Linear Regression Test.



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Pemberdayaan Aparatur (X1)






Kualitas Perencanaan (X2)






Kinerja Aparatur (X3)






a. Dependent Variable: Pembagunan Daerah (Y)

(Source: SPSS Data Version 24)

The results of the multiple linear regression equation seen from the table above can be obtained by the regression formula as follows:

Y = α + b1X1 +, b2X2 + b3X3 + e

Then it can be described from the results of the formula, namely

Y = (13.458) + 0.303X1 + 0.177 X2 + 0.148 X3 + e

The interpretation of the above regressions is as follows:

a.     Constant (a) This means that if all independent variables have a value of zero (0) then the value of the dependent variable (Beta) is 13.458.

b.     Empowerment of Apparatus (X1) against Beta of Regional Development (Y). The value of the apparatus empowerment coefficient for variable X1 is 0.303. This implies that every one-unit increase in Apparatus Empowerment, all Competency indicators that are related to the Level of Knowledge, Skills, - Behavior, and - Professional, Clear Authority which includes Making Decisions, Implementing Programs, - Analyzing / providing problem solving, Carrying out tasks in a manner effective, - Discipline, - Give advice. Clear employee responsibilities which include - Carrying out duties according to their main duties, and - Giving jobs to subordinates as partners. Leadership which includes the need for leadership guidance in building a joint commitment and how much motivation is given by the leadership, the Regional Development Beta (Y) variable of the Gross Domestic Product, Education and Health indicators will increase by 0.303 assuming that the other independent variables of the regression model are permanent.

c.     Planning Quality (X2) on Regional Development beta (Y). The coefficient value for variable X2 is 0.117 and is positive, this indicates that the quality of planning has a relationship. This implies that each increase in Planning Quality with the Role and Function indicators, Planning Process, Management Quality, one unit, the Regional Development Beta (Y) variable of the Gross Domestic Product, Education and Health indicators will increase by 0.177 assuming that the independent variables another of the regression models is fixed.

d.     Apparatus Performance (X3) on Beta of Regional Development (Y). The standardized apparatus performance coefficient value for the X3 variable is 0.148 and is positive, this indicates that the apparatus performance has a relationship. This implies that any increase in Apparatus Performance from performance indicators that is carried out is related to the existence of performance in accordance with the main tasks and functions, performance is influenced by the availability of facilities and infrastructure, the need for a work assignment. Work time includes proportional and professional working time, the need for determining work time based on SOP, the need to determine work time based on work urgency and priority, one unit, the Regional Development Beta variable (Y) from the indicators of Gross Domestic Product, Education and Health will be good at 0.148 assuming that the other independent variables of the regression model are constant.

2.   T test Result

The t test is used to determine whether the independent variables partially have significant or not significant effect on the dependent variable. The degree of significance used is 0.05. If the significant value is less than the degree of confidence, then we accept the alternative hypothesis, which states that an independent variable partially affects the dependent variable




Table 4 test results



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Pemberdayaan Aparatur (X1)






Kualitas Perencanaan (X2)






Kinerja Aparatur (X3)






a. Dependent Variable: Pembagunan Daerah (Y)

(Source: SPSS Data Version 24)

The results of the t count can be described as follows

a.   Apparatus Empowerment (X1) on Regional Development (Y). It can be seen in the Coefficients column for model 1 there is a sig value of 0.000. The sig value is smaller than the probability value of 0.05, or the value of 0.000 <0.05, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X1 has a tcount of 4.296 with t table = 2.021. So tcount> ttable can be concluded that variable X1 has a contribution to Y. A positive t value indicates that variable X1 has a direct relationship with Y. So it can be concluded that Apparatus Empowerment has a significant effect on Beta, namely Regional Development (Y).

b.   Planning Quality (X2) on Regional Development (Y). It can be seen in the Coefficients column for model 1 there is a sig value of 0.039. The sig value is smaller than the probability value 0.05, or the value 0.016 <0.05, then H2 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X2 has a tcount of 2.590 with t table = 2.021. So tcount> ttable can be concluded that the variable X2 has a contribution to Y. A positive t value indicates that X2 has a parallel relationship with Y.So it can be concluded that the Quality of Planning (X2) has a significant effect on Beta, namely Regional Development (Y).

c.   Apparatus Performance (X3) on Regional Development (Y). It can be seen that the sig value for Apparatus Performance (X3) is 0.002. The sig value is greater than the probability value of 0.05, or the value of 0.002> 0.05, so H3 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X3 has a tcount of 3,150 with ttable = 2,021. So tcount <ttable can be concluded that the variable X3 has a contribution to Y. A positive t value indicates that X3 has a direct relationship with Y. So it can be concluded that Apparatus Performance (X3) has a significant effect on Beta, namely Regional Development (Y).

3.   Test Results F

The F test is used to determine whether the independent variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The degree of confidence used is 0.05. If the calculated F value is greater than the F value according to the table, then the alternative hypothesis, which states that all independent variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable. Then it can be seen in the following table :


Table 5 F Test Results



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Pembagunan Daerah (Y)

b. Predictors: (Constant), Kinerja Aparatur (X3), Pemberdayaan Aparatur (X1), Kualitas Perencanaan (X2)

(Source: SPSS Data Version 24)

So based on the table above, it can be explained that the simultaneous testing of X1, X2, and X3 against Y: From the table, the Fcount value is 16,854 with a probability value (sig) = 0,000. Value of Fcount (16,854)> Ftable (3,10), and the value of sig. smaller than the probability value of 0.05 or the value of 0.000 <0.05; then H01 is accepted, it means that together (simultaneously) Apparatus Empowerment (X1), Planning Quality (X2) and Apparatus Performance (X3), affect beta, namely regional development (Y). Ho was rejected and Ha accepted.

The result of the coefficient of determination (R�) of the value of the coefficient of determination is used to determine how much the relationship between several variables in a clearer sense. The coefficient of determination will explain how much change or variation in a variable can be explained by changes or variations in other variables (Santosa & Ashari, 2005: 125). The ability of independent variables to contribute to fixed variables in percentage units. The value of this coefficient is between 0 and 1, if the result is closer to 0, it means that the ability of the independent variables to explain the variation of the variable is very limited. But if the results are close to number 1, it means that the independent variables provide almost all the information needed to predict the variation in the dependent variable.


Table 4 Determination Test Results

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Kinerja Aparatur (X3), Pemberdayaan Aparatur (X1), Kualitas Perencanaan (X2)

(Source: SPSS Data Version 24)

Based on the table "Model Summary" it can be concluded that Apparatus Empowerment (X1), Planning Quality (X2) and Apparatus Performance (X3), have an effect on regional development (Y) with R Square of 0.393 = 39.3% on Regional Development, while 64, 6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. So it can be concluded that the ability of the independent variables in explaining the variation of the variables is very limited and there needs to be further research which gives an impact on regional development (Y).


4.   Dominant Test Results

The dominant test results from this study can be seen that from the following results



Table 5 dominant test results






Pemberdayaan Aparatur (X1)




Kualitas Perencanaan (X2)




Kinerja Aparatur (X3)



(Source: SPSS Data Version 24)

Based on the results of the study, it shows that the beta value obtained is that Apparatus Empowerment (X1) is more influential on regional development (Y) in the City Government of Banjarbaru with a value of 0.303 with a sig level of 0.000. So it can be explained that if the empowerment of the apparatus is good in the regions, the development of the Banjarbaru city will be even better.



Based on the results of the study shows that the influence of the Empowerment of Human Resources (X) on Regional Development (Y) in the Municipal Government of Banjarbaru. Then it can be described as follows:

1.   The effect of empowerment of the apparatus on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government.

The result of the research is that there is a sig value of 0,000. The sig value is smaller than the probability value of 0.05, or the value of 0.000 <0.05, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X1 has a tcount of 4.296 with t table = 2.021. So tcount> ttable can be concluded that variable X1 has a contribution to Y. A positive t value indicates that variable X1 has a direct relationship with Y. So it can be concluded that Apparatus Empowerment has a significant effect on Beta, namely Regional Development (Y).

The influence of the empowerment of the apparatus is important so that it can have an impact on the orderly development in the City of Banjarbaru to be more advanced both from infrastructure development and development of its own human resources. The smooth running of government and the implementation of national development depends on the perfection of the state apparatus. Civil servants are the state apparatus, so when we talk about the position of civil servants in the Republic of Indonesia, we are talking about the position of the state apparatus in general. In the position of the state apparatus as a tool to carry out development, it is necessary to have employees who are truly capable, efficient, of high quality, and aware of their responsibilities as servants of the state and servants of the community. Civil servants have a decisive role, namely as thinkers, implementers, planners and controllers of development.

According to Sedarmayanti (2010: 75) the concept of empowerment shows two trends, namely: 1. Empowerment emphasizes the process of giving or transferring some power, strength, or ability to society, organizations, or individuals to become more empowered. This process is often referred to as the primary tendency of the meaning of empowerment. 2. Emphasizes the process of stimulating, encouraging, and motivating individuals to have the ability or resources to determine what their life choices are. According to Makmur (2007: 120-121) the purpose or meaning of this empowerment includes: 1. Creating independence and confidence in organizational members, government, and community members. Self-confidence and independence in facing various obstacles or challenges in life can give birth to the strength and resilience to hang hopes on other parties. 2. Being agile and proactive, human empowerment creates agility and has the driving force to be proactive in seeking activities that can be more profitable. 3. Having knowledge and skills, knowledge is a source of skills in carrying out an activity whose results are more profitable. 4. Compliance and awareness, human life is always governed by a provision of life that needs to be obeyed and only to create order and harmony, both in carrying out activities and in social relationships. Obedience and awareness of norms as the fundamentals of social life, organization and so on are very appropriate and mosaic therapies in an effort to increase empowerment, both for oneself and for others. Based on the above definition, empowerment must be able to create independence and confidence in the abilities of each apparatus.

Efforts to empower government officials must be increased in order to achieve organizational / governmental goals. Empowerment carried out on the apparatus will ultimately increase better work performance. To improve work performance, it is necessary to increase human resources as workers through empowerment efforts. In this regard, an apparatus needs to be empowered. Based on the existence of empowerment of government officials, the possibility of work performance increases or vice versa, there is empowerment but work performance remains or even decreases.

The empowerment of the apparatus is important because no matter how good the human resources are, it will not necessarily make the human resources work properly. If the habitat in which they work does not support the emergence of good behavior, the results of human resource development will disappear. Therefore, the arrangement of other aspects such as a flexible organizational structure, a work performance appraisal system, a career development system and compensation that refers to competencies will ultimately have an impact on development in an area.

So it can be concluded that from the results of this study that the empowerment of these officials can make the development in the Banjarbaru city area even better and more well-directed.

2.   The Effect of Planning Quality on Regional Development in the Municipal Government of Banjarbaru.

The results showed that there is an influence of the quality of development planning on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government. It is a sig value of 0.039. The sig value is smaller than the probability value of 0.05, or the value of 0.016 <0.05, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X2 has a tcount of 2.590 with t table = 2.021. So tcount> ttable can be concluded that the variable X2 has a contribution to Y. A positive t value indicates that X2 has a parallel relationship with Y.So it can be concluded that the Quality of Planning (X2) has a significant effect on Beta, namely Regional Development (Y).

Based on the results of this study, it is from the research that the quality of planning is important for all parties, especially for officials in carrying out their duties in an area. This relates to the way an apparatus carries out good planning in developing a region so that it can lead to equitable development both in cities and villages in the area.

Therefore, the influence of the quality of planning carried out by the apparatus is very important because it can have an impact on regional development, especially in the City of Banjarbaru.

3.   The effect of the performance of the apparatus on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government.

The results showed that the performance of the apparatus had an effect on regional development in the Municipal Government of Banjarbaru with the result that the sig value for Apparatus Performance (X3) was 0.002. The sig value is greater than the probability value of 0.05, or the value of 0.002> 0.05, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable X3 has a tcount of 3,150 with ttable = 2,021. So tcount <ttable can be concluded that the variable X3 has a contribution to Y. A positive t value indicates that X3 has a direct relationship with Y. So it can be concluded that Apparatus Performance (X3) has a significant effect on Beta, namely Regional Development (Y). The results of this study indicate that the performance of the apparatus in carrying out their duties is inseparable from the ability of employees to understand and interpret their duties in carrying out development in the City of Banjarbaru. The performance of these officials can be seen in terms of their ability to carry out work, then seen from the length of time they have carried out the work and how to assess or evaluate the work they have done in measuring the success of the development. According to the opinion of Robbins (2006: 4) defines the ability (ability) is the capacity of an individual to do various tasks in a job. Individuals with high levels of ability tend to complete job tasks well and quickly. Furthermore, Winardi (2002) describes the ability on the other hand, related to one's competence. competence contains two meanings, namely the first areas of knowledge and skills that can be obtained through the learning process (education, training, experience). These skills include conceptual knowledge (honesty and expertise), and a large number of generic work activities such as setting goals, making plans, giving presentations / presentations etc. Second, competences which are temperaments, motives or traits that are deeply embedded in a person such as self-confidence, resistance to pressure / tension, desire to excel, and so on.


4.   The effect of apparatus empowerment, planning quality and apparatus performance on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government.

Based on the results of the study that of the 3 variables the F test results indicate an influence with the simultaneous test results X1, X2, and X3 on Y: From the table, the Fcount value is 16.854 with a probability value (sig) = 0.000. Value of Fcount (16,854)> Ftable (3,10), and the value of sig. smaller than the probability value of 0.05 or the value of 0.000 <0.05; then H01 is accepted, it means that together (simultaneously) Apparatus Empowerment (X1), Planning Quality (X2) and Apparatus Performance (X3), affect beta, namely regional development (Y). rejected and H.

Apparatus Empowerment (X1), Planning Quality (X2) and Apparatus Performance (X3), influence regional development (Y) with R Square of 0.393 = 39.3% on Regional Development. The results showed that this variable still had an effect, although it was still less than 50%. However, the effect of these three variables still contributes significantly to regional development. One of them that has more influence is the empowerment of the apparatus themselves in carrying out their duties in increasing development in the City of Banjarbaru.

The empowerment of the apparatus in carrying out their duties must be able to see from the way they do this work so that they can determine the direction of development in the future so that it can be carried out properly. Then from the quality of planning seen from development planning is very important. Kuncoro (2004) expressed his opinion that development planning is a plan that aims to improve the use of various public resources available for the benefit of society as a whole. Through planning, it is hoped that efficient and effective development activities can provide optimal results in utilizing available resources and developing existing potentials. So it can be concluded that development planning is an activity carried out rationally which results in a policy or policies that can be used as a guideline for development to be carried out.

Then the effect of the performance of the apparatus is seen from the ability of the apparatus. The ability in question is the capacity of a person to carry out his duties and work by utilizing all the potential that exists in him according to the objectives. The variable of the ability of the apparatus is observed from several dimensions and indicators as follows: Technical skills indicators are mastering knowledge of methods, processes, procedures and techniques for carrying out special activities, the ability to utilize and utilize the facilities, equipment needed to support specific activities, human skills indicators. is the ability to understand human behavior and the process of cooperation, the ability to understand the hearts, attitudes and motives of others, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively, the ability to create effective, cooperative, practical, capable cooperation who can behave in an acceptable and acceptable manner. Conceptual skills, indicators are the ability to think rationally, be proficient in various kinds of conceptions, able to analyze various events and be able to understand various tendencies, able to anticipate orders, be able to recognize and understand various kinds of social problems.

So from the results of these studies that development will run well in the City of Banjarbaru when the empowerment of the apparatus, the quality of planning and performance of the apparatus is considered so that it can support development and can evenly builders in the city of Banjarbaru.

5.   The dominant factor influencing regional development from the aspect of empowerment, planning quality and apparatus performance in the Municipal Government of Banjarbaru.

The results showed that the dominant factors that have an influence on development in Banjarbaru City are the results of the research showing that the beta value obtained is that Apparatus Empowerment (X1) is more influential on Regional Development (Y) in the City Government of Banjarbaru with a value of 0.303 sig level, namely 0,000. So it can be explained that if the empowerment of the apparatus is good in the regions, the development of the Banjarbaru city will be even better.

This means that the dominant factor influencing regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government is the empowerment of the apparatus. This is related to the Empowerment of Government Apparatus Human Resources (X1), namely in terms of apparatus competence in carrying out the tasks that have been assigned to them and also regional leaders as the highest person can provide clear authority to each apparatus in implementing regional development. Clear employee responsibilities can have an impact on the development of the area, and leadership that can provide good results in implementing development so that they can carry out implementation in development, especially in the City of Banjarbaru.


Conclusion ���

Based on the results of the study indicate that: There is an effect of civil servant empowerment on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government. There is an influence of the quality of planning on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government. There is an influence of the performance of the apparatus on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government. There is an effect of empowerment, planning quality and apparatus performance on regional development in the Banjarbaru City Government. The dominant factor influencing regional development is from the aspect of apartment empowerment in the Banjarbaru City Government. So from the results of this study it can be suggested that the highest leaders in the City of Banjarbaru can pay attention to the empowerment of the apparatus that needs to be done is to increase the competence related to the level of knowledge, skills, good behavior in carrying out tasks, and professionals in carrying out the assigned task. And besides that it increases good work discipline and gives jobs to subordinates as partners. The regional head should be able to provide more motivation and clear work to the officials in increasing development in the city of Banjarbaru. Empowerment must be seen that it is followed by good supervision by going directly to the field without having their knowledge of the implementation of work in carrying out development in the City of Banjarbaru. There is a need for training and education in the form of how to understand properly with skills in accounting so that they can calculate the GDP. For government officials, they can carry out their work well by providing good responsibility and mandate that by doing a good job, people who accept development will feel comfortable and feel cared for by the government both from infrastructure and other developments. For the people of Banjarbaru city, they can provide more evaluation of the performance of the apparatus in carrying out work.



















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Firdaus Noorrahman,� Akhmad Yunani, Rizali (2021)


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